My skills are all based on editing

Chapter 78: I just want to ask you if it is exciting


Lin Taixu was glared at by Murong Wushuang, but he didn't care at all and smiled happily.

In his previous life, he was an otaku who dreamed of a rich woman who could see through my strength, take off my disguise, and walk into my heart.

It's a pity that he didn't wait until death.

But it doesn’t matter, the regrets from the past life must be made up for in this life.

Although Murong Wushuang has no money now, she is beautiful.

Having such a beautiful girl pay for him, ahem, even though he gave the money to her, it is undoubtedly a bit of comfort.

You see, a man's happiness is actually quite simple sometimes.

The doctor also said that I have a poor appetite and should eat soft rice.

But, who should I look for to eat this soft meal?

Everyone present couldn't help but look at Lin Taixu with envy and hatred. Damn it, he is indeed handsome and can do whatever he wants.

You see, even if he is a loser, there are angel-like beauties willing to support him and make him a pretty girl.

Wait, it seems that this is not the point. The point is why she calls you Master.

Ever since the Famous Master Hall was established in Fengyun Continent, there have been strict regulations regarding the title Master.

In private, whomever you like to call your master, then call him your master.

However, in public, if the other person is not a real famous teacher and you call him Master, it is a taboo thing.

To put it bluntly, that is disrespectful to the famous teacher.

To put it bluntly, it is disrespectful to Emperor Fengyun, and it will make you lose your head.

In fact, it is not impossible for the Nine Clans to be implicated.

“May I ask the young master’s name?”

Du Lengfeng cupped his hands and said to Lin Taixu, his attitude was many times more sincere than before.

As soon as he finished speaking, Dong Jiba, Shi Zhenxiang and others looked at Lin Taixu in a dignified manner, fearing that Lin Taixu would jump out and say, "I am not talented, but I am a famous teacher."

Then, they will live to the end.

"I'm Lin Taixu."

Lin Taixu said lightly.

"Lin Taixu?"

Du Lengfeng and others couldn't help but tilt their heads, thinking carefully about whether the three words Lin Taixu were on the list of famous teachers.

"Don't think about it, my master is a genuine one-star famous teacher."

"Sanlitun on the eastern outskirts of the mansion."

Wang Luoyi stood up and said proudly.

"Lin Taixu"

"Sanlitun in the eastern suburbs?"

"Damn, useless famous teacher Lin Taixu?"

Lin Taixu and the others were not familiar with him, and Sanlitun in the eastern suburbs was not too familiar either.

But adding the two together makes a bit of an impression.

If the word "waste" is added to it, eleven out of ten people in Qingfeng City will know about it.

Suddenly, a series of crackling sounds were heard, and those who had been clamoring for Lin Taixu to pay compensation for mental damages were all so frightened that their legs weakened and they collapsed to the ground in unison.

Dong Jiba and Shi Zhenxiang were so frightened that they rolled their eyes and fell straight down.

It's so exciting.

They actually pretended to be a famous teacher.

I'm just asking you whether it's irritating or not.

"I have met the famous master."

Du Lengfeng quickly took a step back, knelt down on one knee, and saluted Lin Taixu. At this time, he felt extremely happy in his heart. Fortunately, he was smart and didn't take action at the slightest disagreement.

If she really takes action, I'm afraid the young lady won't be able to save herself.

Thinking about it, Du Lengfeng couldn't help but sweat all over his body.

For the first time, I praise myself for my stability.

"No gift."

Lin Taixu raised his hand and said, with a trace of surprise in his eyes.

According to the unspoken rules of the New Moon Kingdom, except for the famous master's disciples and famous master's guards, who need to bow to the famous master when they see him, the rest only need to bow and salute.

Du Lengfeng is neither a famous teacher guard nor his disciple, but he still salutes him. Can he not be surprised?

"See Master Master."

"See Master Master."

"See Master Master."

Seeing Du Lengfeng salute, everyone in the hall also woke up from a dream. They quickly got up and knelt down to Lin Taixu in a similar manner, hoping to win Lin Taixu's favor and let bygones be bygones.

Lin Taixu glanced at everyone indifferently and said nothing.

He is a vengeful person.

Do you think you can get rid of the things that offended you in this way?


Sorry, this matter is not over yet.

"Xiao Lan, just charge half of Master Lin's silver coins."

Du Lengfeng stood up and immediately said to the maid.

"Yes, Guanshi Du."

The maid responded immediately, glanced at Lin Taixu silently, and secretly rejoiced in her heart. Fortunately, she had strictly followed the rules of Zuixianju just now, and did not ridicule Lin Taixu openly or implicitly. Otherwise, the consequences would be unimaginable.

"No, let's pay the full amount. Otherwise, your Hundred-fold Building will have another name, called Fifty-fold Building."

Lin Taixu laughed and said, he doesn't like money, money is just a number to him.

Naturally, I wouldn’t want to take advantage of this.

"Haha, Master Lin, this is not my intention, but my young lady's intention."

"My lady has stipulated that as long as a famous teacher enters Zuixianju, all purchases will be 50% off."

Du Lengfeng laughed and said, although he is the steward of Zuixianju and the person with the highest status, he does not have such outrageous authority at half discount.


"Then thank you very much, Miss."

Lin Taixu smiled faintly, and did not refuse immediately, and agreed, nodding to Murong Wushuang.

Immediately, Murong Wushuang took out 500,000 silver coins from the storage ring and gave them to the maid Xiaolan, and then returned to Lin Taixu.

"Master Master, they..."

Du Lengfeng looked at the people in the hall who were kneeling on the ground, and asked curiously. Xiaolan immediately walked to Du Lengfeng and whispered in his ear that after Du Lengfeng left, everyone joined forces to force Lin Taixu.

"How dare you threaten the master?"

"Do you want to die?"

Suddenly, Du Lengfeng was furious, looking at everyone in the hall coldly, murderous.

A group of idiots, fortunately they did not cause any harm to Lin Taixu, otherwise, they would be doomed, and I, the manager of Zuixianju, would also be to blame.

Even, it would implicate the overall situation of my lady.

It is simply a crime that cannot be forgiven even if I die a hundred times.

"Manager Du, please spare me."

"Master Master, please spare me."

All of a sudden, everyone in the hall was frightened and begged for mercy.

Du Lengfeng and the others couldn't afford to offend him. Lin Taixu was a one-star master, and although he was a waste, they couldn't afford to offend him either.

"Manager Du, calm down. As the saying goes, ignorance is not a crime. Although they offended me, they are not guilty of death."

Lin Taixu said with a smile.

"Master Master is right. I wonder how Master Master will deal with them?"

Du Lengfeng looked at Lin Taixu and said after hearing this.

Lin Taixu thought for a moment and said, "A so-called master teacher should educate the world and win people over with virtue."

"Although they offended me, as the saying goes, no one is without fault."

"Why not just confiscate them as a light punishment."

"Are you willing?"

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