When the words fell, the figure in the cell raised his head, and then rushed forward suddenly, causing the thick chains behind him to collide and make a loud noise.

“Boy, do you dare to repeat what you just said to me again!” Xiliu’s voice was dull and very cold, and the murderous aura accumulated over the years was released at the same time, separated from the prison, launching a spiritual attack, destroying Mu Yang’s mind, making him pay for the words he said, and become dementia!

Hiliu was fond of killing, and many of the people he killed were prisoners with countless lives.

This is an executioner who takes pleasure in slaughtering executioners!

Therefore, he created his incomparably terrifying murderous aura, surpassing the vast majority of prisoners in the infinite hell of Advance City.

The murderous aura rushed towards him, but Mu Yang was indifferent.

“Hiliu, do you want to die?!”

Sengoku drank angrily.

“Shut up Xiliu, your killing intent cannot be controlled, you are a waste, otherwise you would not be the chief warden of the big prison, but you would be detained here!” Magellan’s body also emitted dark purple venom, and behind it, a poisonous dragon with three heads was born, with a hideous face, and the dragon’s mouth was filled with poisonous gas, but it did not escape.

“Magellan, you can control the toxins in your body?”

Hiliu spoke, his attention was drawn to the past, and he found that Magellan’s current state was different from the past.

“This matter, don’t worry about it, take care of yourself, don’t be dominated by the killing intent in your body, just become a complete madman, otherwise no one can save you.” Magellan snorted coldly.

Although it is not directly acknowledged, it has been tacitly acknowledged in the words.

At this time, in the cells in all directions, there were prisoners dragging chains, emerging outward, curious snooping. The side effects of Magellan’s poisonous fruit are famous in the entire Advance City, except for some real novices, prisoners who have no understanding of the world, and the vast majority of prisoners know!

“I don’t believe it, the side effects of eating the Devil Fruit, is there a way to change it?” There were prisoners who questioned.

I took a breath of air, and then was surprised to find that there was indeed no smell mixed with poisonous gas.

I couldn’t help but muttered in my heart: “Strange thing.” ”

“Oh, Magellan, you are willing to be a dog, I am too lazy to pay attention to you.”

At this time, Hiliu spoke again, his attention only stayed on Magellan’s body for a moment, and then ignored the existence of the Warring States, in the eerie mockery, on the road to death: “Little ghost, go back, this is not where you should come, if Lao Tzu goes out, little ghost, believe it or not, don’t do it, I stand here, I can let you fart and urinate!” ”

Although Mu Yang had just shot and killed a prisoner, in Magellan’s opinion, the man’s hands and feet were handcuffed by Hailou Shi, and he had no ability to resist, and killing him was not commendable.

“Idiot, you have been locked up in a cell for too long, and you don’t know the name of the adult, so you dare to speak wildly!”

Magellan was angrily scolding, mocking, had already given a chance, he directly moved, and the three-headed poisonous dragon behind him extended out.

Sengoku did not speak, on the side, accumulating strength, preparing to mend the knife at the moment when the poisonous dragon blasted out, using the six styles of mysteries, hitting a shock wave and killing Shiryu!

“Open the cell and let him out.”

“Old man, I see what you mean, okay, Magellan, let him out and give him freedom.” Sengoku sneered.

Doesn’t it mean to let the old man fart urine, stupid things, immediately bad luck, but take this opportunity to shock the prisoners of infinite hell, it’s not bad!

Magellan’s mind moved, he withdrew the poisonous dragon, took out the key, and under the envious eyes of many prisoners, opened the cell door, and then went in and opened the iron chain tied to Hiliu’s body.

In the infinite hell, a howl suddenly sounded.

Seeing with their own eyes that someone was released from the infinite hell and gained freedom, other prisoners suddenly turned into hungry wolves, coveting this piece of fat called freedom, desperately fighting for it!

The eyes are green!

“I’m not convinced, a Why, the person who said that sentence is not me!! ”

“Open my cell door too, Lao Tzu can also do it, a little devil who has not dried up, Lao Tzu standing in front of him, can also scare him into urine!”

“Little ghost, come on, come to grandpa, I’ll let you experience the taste of death!”

In the end, some prisoners directly cursed at Mu Yang, frantically provoking, trying to get his attention, and then they could also be free, leave the cell, and then escape directly from the Advance City!

“Well, since they all want to live in a different place, Magellan, fulfill their wishes.” Mu Yang spoke without any fluctuation in his expression.

When someone sees this scene, they must think that he is crazy, these are prisoners who have committed heinous crimes, and now they want to release them all in one go? When these people go out, the whole world class is in chaos!

However, now the vast majority of people in the world will sympathize with these prisoners when they see this scene, and in the cell where the news is closed, they have no idea who they are about to face and what kind of achievements they have not long ago.

“Old man, really release it?”


“Well, alas…” Sengoku sighed, but it was these prisoners who were worried, the old man’s killing intent had been decided, this was a thorough purge of the infinite hell!

Cells are about to be empty!

While Magellan was holding the key and releasing the prisoners in the other cells, Hiliu had already broken free from the shackles and rushed out, his sword was not confiscated, and it was still in the cell, but he was usually limited by the chain and had no chance to get it.

“Die!!” At this time, Xiliu held the sword in his hand, and the murderous aura was raised another notch.

did not stand still as said in the words, relying on momentum to make Mu Yang submit, Xiliu is very cruel, and holding the idea that the lion fighting rabbit also uses all his strength, coming up is an all-out killing move, because he is afraid that the Warring States will make a move and interfere in the middle, so when he comes up, he must kill with one blow, send out a thunderous blow, and leave no way to live!


Then, Xi Liu’s heart was shocked, and he saw that the Warring States not only did not stop it, but deliberately retreated, and that smile was very mocking.

“Pretend to be a ghost, I don’t believe that this kind of milky little ghost will be some peerless master!!”

Xiliu let out a low sigh, came to Mu Yang, and raised his sword to slash down.

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