
The chill flashed, and suddenly stopped!

Then Hiryu’s expression twitched, and he saw that the sword that was split with all his strength was actually blocked by the other party by holding the blade with two fingers.

“There is no armed color domineering, it stands to reason that this little ghost’s hand has been cut off by me.” Xi Liu thought in his heart with uncertainty, in doubt, although the sword he held in his hand was not a supreme fast knife, it had a trace of evil nature that no big fast knife had, and holding the sword in his hand could stimulate the user’s killing intent to the greatest extent, enter a state of rage, and improve combat effectiveness.

However, the reality is different from what he thought, it is too easy, the other party only uses two fingers, he broke his own sword, firmly clamped, and could not pull out the sword.

“Is that the only way you go?” Mu Yang released his fingers.

“Immediately, you’ll pay for what you say!!”

Shiryu’s body stumbled slightly, glanced at the sword in his hand, and felt deeply ashamed in his cold threat, and felt like he was slapped on his face, hot and painful.

This contemptuous tone completely angered him!

“I’m going to cut you into countless segments, and no one can save you!”

Hiliu swung his sword, the blade was pitch black, wrapped in a layer of armed color domineering, and I saw that in the corridor of the entire infinite hell, the sword qi was like rain, splashing wildly.

This is the most proud move of Hiliu, it is the kendo that he concentrates on cultivating, the so-called rain no hiryu, this rain, not only describes his sword qi as dense as rain, dense and wide, but also refers to the enemy attacked by this move, will be strangled by the sword qi, the whole body is instantly wounded, blood is like rain, and the appearance of death is very miserable.

Rain no Hiru, there is another name, Blood Rain no Hiru!

“It’s a pity, that sword made him and ruined him.” Sengoku sighed.

This should be Yu no Kiru’s last move!

He is too ruthless, too vicious, cutting off his last retreat!

“Is this the kendo you’re proud of?”

The sword light in front of him was intertwined, and Xiliu’s figure had blurred, but Mu Yang spoke, and his expression still did not change.

Xiliu paused, and then sneered viciously, Tian lips, threatening in a gloomy tone, looking at his indifferent expression, very unhappy, “Next, I will aim for the heart, soon you will be able to experience the taste of ten thousand swords piercing the heart, at that time, I want to see if you can still put on this posture!” ”

The attack is at hand!

Xi Liu exerted his strength, and the sword qi suddenly became dense again, justifying his kendo!

However, in the face of Xiliu’s attack, Mu Yang just raised a finger very casually, using the finger as a sword, and constantly slashed.

“Just by looking at it, you can see through the kendo, and I don’t know where to show off.”

While speaking, Mu Yang shook his head slightly, the speed of his hand directing the movement, accelerating, and a dense sword qi like rain was also formed in front of him, and even more so than Xiliu, like a storm that swept everything and pushed everything, violently and savagely devoured Xiliu’s sword qi, there was nothing left, all of it was annihilated in the air, leaving no trace!


The sword qi engulfed the stunned Hiliu.

The body, all parts and positions are rushing blood, being cut by countless sword qi like knives, first the outermost layer of skin, and then the blood vessels…

“Aaaaaa Xiliu howled, couldn’t bear it, this is his usual way of killing others, intoxicated by this kind of screaming, but never dreamed that today it would be his turn to bear it!

And, for one point, Hiryu could not believe it until he died.

The sword qi dissipated, he used the sword in his hand as a crutch, supporting his body, covered in blood, the floor under his feet was dyed red, but he still spoke in a hoarse voice: “I don’t believe it, I don’t believe that someone can copy a stronger kendo than me by looking at my moves, and the whole world, even the so-called world’s number one sword hero Hawkeye can’t do this!” ”

Mu Yang shook his head and did not answer.

Too narrow-minded!

Speaking of which, or is it bound by the name of the world’s number one swordsman, a single eagle eye can represent the ultimate limit of kendo?

“Pathetic, die.”

After Mu Yang finished speaking, and pointed down, Xi Liu in the attack just now, has been severely damaged, lost too much blood, has no strength in his hands and feet, naturally cannot dodge the oncoming attack, with doubts and unwillingness, fell to the ground and died.

At this time, the prisoners in the other cells were released, howling excitedly, laughing wildly, and celebrating loudly, like a group of demons dancing, stirring up the entire infinite hell, and the scene was very chaotic.


“Magellan, Warring States, are you crazy this time, you actually dare to release Lao Tzu!” There are prisoners taunting, using abilities and then destroying walls, looking for escape routes.

“Hey, did you see it, Yu Zhixi is dead, in a short time, I haven’t even noticed the battle process!” However, some people noticed the dead Hiryu, and couldn’t help but feel a shock in their hearts, Hiryu’s strength, among his own people, can be ranked, but now he is dead, full of blood, like after a thousand cuts of torture, the picture is too bloody.

However, no one paid attention to him, and now taking advantage of the large number of people and the chaos of the scene, escaping first is the key.

Some of these prisoners have been imprisoned for decades, their psychology is almost perverted, the hope of freedom is imminent, how can they be in the mood to care about anything else?

“Hehe, Magellan, are you sure you don’t care, Uncle Ben is going out now!”

One of the prisoners yelled, found a way out, and then did not forget to turn back to provoke.


Magellan was calm, and after releasing the prisoners, he stood aside and quietly watched them perform, without interfering in the slightest.


At this time, Mu Yang’s body moved.

Six shaved out, blinked to the prisoner who was laughing arrogantly, and then raised a hand, thunder and fire flowed in his palm, and slapped it down.


Shoot directly to death!

Before the expression on the prisoner’s face could transform, he was slapped out, with a burning smell coming from his body, and the clothes on his back were melted, revealing charred skin.

A move shocked the audience, and then Mu Yang blew a breath, extinguished the thunder and fire light that was beating in his palm, and said lightly: “Didn’t you say to strike at me?” Since you don’t come, I will find you instead, the process is a little troublesome, but the end is the same. ”

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