My son Yang Jian has the qualities of an emperor

Chapter 236 Li Jing and his wife come to visit

The early morning light shines through the window lattice and onto the bluestone slabs of the courtyard, bringing a touch of warmth.

Yang Ling and his wife Yunhua cuddled each other on such a peaceful and pure morning, enjoying the rare quiet time.

Soon, Yunhua pushed Yang Ling gently and said softly: "Get up, go prepare breakfast for the children."

Yang Ling nodded, looked at Yun Hua and smiled, then stood up and walked to the kitchen.

In the kitchen, the pots and pans were arranged in an orderly manner. Yang Ling skillfully lit the fire and washed the vegetables. After a while, a table of delicious breakfast was ready.

He made fragrant rice porridge, fried a few eggs, and some freshly picked spiritual fruits.

Later, Yang Ling quietly came to his son Yang Jian's room and saw him sitting cross-legged on the bed, his eyes closed and motionless. He had obviously stayed up all night, concentrating on meditation and practice.

Yang Ling called softly: "Jian'er, breakfast is ready. Eat something first before continuing."

Yang Jian slowly opened his eyes and showed a tired but satisfied smile. He knew that his cultivation level had improved again.

He stood up, stretched, and followed his father to the restaurant.

As for her daughter, she was still immersed in sleep. Yang Ling walked into her room and looked at the little figure curled up in the bed, and couldn't help but smile fondly. He shook her gently and said softly: "Xiao Chan'er, get up. Dad picked the spiritual fruit you like to eat."

The daughter rubbed her sleepy eyes, muttered a few words, slowly got up, and followed Yang Ling to the restaurant.

The family sat together and enjoyed breakfast happily.

Just when they were eating happily, there was a knock on the door. Yang Ling put down the bowl and chopsticks, got up and opened the door.

Outside the door was Jiang Ziya with a serious look on his face.

"Senior brother, I have something important to tell you."

There was a hint of urgency in Jiang Ziya's voice.

Yang Ling nodded, invited Jiang Ziya into the room, and then asked, "What happened?"

Jiang Ziya entered the house, glanced at the family who were dining, and then said in a deep voice: "Wen Zhong left angrily yesterday. He threatened to lead an army to fight back to Chaoge. It seems that the matter is more serious than expected."

Hearing the news, Yang Ling frowned, realizing the seriousness of the situation.

He turned to look at his wife and children, a trace of determination flashed in his eyes: "It seems that we must be prepared."

Yunhua and the children also felt the tension in the atmosphere. They looked at each other and knew in their hearts that a storm was coming.

Yang Ling pondered for a moment, a flash of determination flashed in his eyes, and he said to Jiang Ziya: "The matter has come to this, we can no longer hold anything back.

From now on, there will no longer be any restrictions on the money and food of Yang's company, and Bi Gan will be fully supported. At the same time, Bigan is asked to step up his efforts to build an army, which must be capable of self-protection. "

Jiang Ziya nodded, but then he showed a hint of embarrassment: "Senior Brother Yang, most of the military generals in the court now obey orders from Grand Master Wen, and King Wu Cheng fled to Xiqi. We really lack people to lead the troops. "

Yang Ling's eyes were firm, he knew this was a thorny problem, but they had to find a solution: "I know this difficulty, but we can't sit still and wait for death.

Li Jing and his wife from Chentangguan, Zhang Kui and his wife from Mianchi County, and Kong Xuan from Sanshanguan are all capable of taking on this important task. "

After Jiang Ziya heard this, a trace of surprise appeared in his eyes, and then he turned to affirmation: "Li Jing is extremely witty, Zhang Kui is brave and invincible, and Kong Xuan is even more powerful. If we can get their help, they can indeed bring a glimmer of hope to our business."

Yang Ling nodded, with a satisfied smile on his face: "Then it's settled. Send someone to contact them immediately and inform them of our decision. Time is tight and we must act as soon as possible."

Jiang Ziya knew the urgency of the situation, so he immediately stood up and left without saying anything more: "I'll make arrangements right away."

Seeing Jiang Ziya's back disappear outside the door, Yang Ling turned back to the dining table. His wife and children all looked at him.

Yang Ling gently touched her son's head, smiled at Yunhua and her daughter and said, "Don't worry, everything will be fine."

Yunhua looked at her husband deeply, her eyes full of trust and support: "No matter what happens, we will be with you."

Jiang Ziya hurriedly walked through the winding palace corridors and went straight to the main hall.

Bigan had been waiting there for a long time, with a hint of anxiety on his face. When he saw Jiang Ziya, he immediately came up to him.

"Ziya, you're here." There was a hint of relief in Bigan's voice.

Jiang Ziya nodded and went directly to the topic: "Bigan, Senior Brother Yang has asked me to convey something to you. He has decided to fully support you. The money and food of Yang's company will be provided without limit. At the same time, he suggested that you step up the formation of the army in order to Be prepared for the unexpected.

In addition, he also proposed to summon Mr. and Mrs. Li Jing of Chentangguan County and Mr. and Mrs. Zhang Kui of Mianchi County..."

When Bigan heard this, a hint of surprise flashed in his eyes, and he immediately became firm: "Okay, I understand. Yang Ling's move is really for the sake of Dashang."

He immediately summoned his followers and ordered: "Go and draw up an edict immediately and summon Li Jing and his wife, Zhang Kui and his wife, and Kong Xuan to the court to obey your orders."

After taking the order, Bigan turned to Jiang Ziya and said: "Ziya, I know you don't want to get involved in government affairs, but now the great merchants are in a precarious situation, and your wisdom and strength are indispensable to us. I implore you once again to serve as an official in the court and help me.”

Jiang Ziya was silent for a moment. He looked out the window. The sky in Chaoge was gloomy, and a storm seemed to be brewing. He took a deep breath and turned to face Bigan, his eyes full of determination: "Bigan, I promise you, I am willing to go out for Dashang."

After Bi Gan heard this, he held Jiang Ziya's hand excitedly: "That's great, Ziya, your joining will definitely give us hope of victory."

He immediately announced in a loud voice: "Preach my will, make Jiang Ziya the superior doctor, and give him a seat to listen to the government."

The edict was quickly drafted, and Bigan personally stamped it with a big seal. His followers quickly set off to convey the imperial order to various places.

Jiang Ziya and Bigan stood side by side, looking at the departing envoy, knowing in their hearts that this was a contest concerning the fate of Dashang, and they must unite to usher in the dawn.

As the morning light began to shine, the outline of Chentangguan gradually became clearer under the faintly bright sky.

This ancient city gate, after years of baptism, still stands on the eastern horizon, welcoming a new day.

On the city wall, the mottled stone bricks glow with a faint golden luster under the sunlight, as if telling a thousand-year story.

The city gate slowly opened, and the first ray of sunlight penetrated the gap in the city gate and sprinkled on the streets paved with bluestone slabs.

On both sides of the street, ancient shops gradually came to life. The wooden doors and windows were pushed open one by one, making a creaking sound, breaking the tranquility of the night. The vendors began to get busy, preparing for the day's business. The sounds of hawking, talking, laughing, and the clatter of pots and pans intertwined into an early morning symphony.

In such a vibrant morning, Nezha's figure is particularly eye-catching.

He wears the iconic red bellyband, has hot wheels on his feet, holds a fire-tipped gun, and has short black hair fluttering in the morning breeze. Nezha always has a mischievous smile on his face, and his eyes sparkle with curiosity about the world and a desire for adventure.

Nezha plays in the streets, and his appearance always causes a commotion. From time to time, he controlled the Hot Wheels to rotate under his feet, bringing up bursts of flames and dust...

His movements are agile, like a naughty little monkey, and elusive.

Under the morning light, every corner of Chentangguan looks particularly beautiful. The sun shines on the ancient buildings, giving them a golden glow.

The flowers and plants on the street look more colorful under the moisture of morning dew.

Nezha shuttled among the crowd, his figure like a red lightning, bringing infinite vitality to Chentangguan in this early morning.

Sometimes he chases and fights with the children, sometimes he stops to watch the performances of street performers, and sometimes he pokes his head curiously in front of the vendors' stalls.

As the sun gradually rises, Chentangguan gradually becomes lively under the morning light.

The shouts of vendors became louder and the footsteps of pedestrians became more hurried.

Nezha's naughty behavior finally caused trouble. His mischief on the street caused many vendors' goods to be overturned, and even several pedestrians were accidentally knocked down by him. The messy scene made everyone around them frown, and comments arose one after another.

After hearing the news, Mrs. Li rushed to the scene. When she saw this scene, her face suddenly darkened. She bowed to everyone and said apologetically: "I'm really sorry. It was all caused by my naughty Nezha. I will be responsible for compensation. Please calm down."

Later, Mrs. Li asked the accompanying housekeeper to take out her money bag and compensate the affected vendors and pedestrians one by one. She caught Nezha who was about to slip away and said sternly: "Follow me home!"

Nezha muttered unconvincedly, but under Mrs. Li's firm gaze, he could only follow back obediently.

Back home, Nezha continued to complain, so Mrs. Li tried to persuade her: "Nezha, although you are talented, you can't always act recklessly. Your behavior will not only cause trouble to others, but also cause trouble to others." Our family has a bad reputation. You have to remember that you have to be responsible."

Nezha lowered his head. Although he felt unwilling to do so, he knew that what his mother said was right.

At this time, Li Jing was sitting at his desk with a frown on his face, holding a letter. When Mrs. Li saw her husband's appearance, she quickly stepped forward and asked, "Brother Jing, what's wrong with you?"

Li Jing looked up at his wife and handed her a letter: "The new king of the court has issued an edict, ordering us and my wife to go to the court and obey his orders."

Mrs. Li took the letter and asked curiously: "Why are we summoned suddenly? Is there something important going on in the court?"

Li Jing shook his head, with a hint of worry in his eyes: "I don't know, the reason is not stated in the edict. But judging from the urgency of the edict, I'm afraid the situation at Chaoge is not good."

Mrs. Li frowned and felt a little uneasy in her heart: "Then what should we do now?"

Li Jing stood up with a firm gaze: "Since the imperial court has called us, we, as generals, must be loyal to the country. We must set off immediately to Chaoge."

Mrs. Li nodded and expressed her support: "I'm going to prepare my luggage."

Nezha listened on the sidelines, with a glimmer of excitement in his eyes. For this adventurous boy, this unknown call is undoubtedly a new challenge. He was eager to try and couldn't wait to see what happened to Chaoge.

Li Jing and his wife got busy preparing supplies for the long journey. The atmosphere at home becomes tense and busy as everyone prepares for the upcoming journey. Nezha's heart was filled with expectations and curiosity about the future.

After half a month of journey, Li Jing and his wife took Nezha to Chaoge first.

They did not go directly to the palace, but visited Yang's house first.

Yang Ling was naturally enthusiastic about their arrival. He went out to greet them personally and invited them into the house with a smile on his face.

"You have worked hard all the way. Please come in." Yang Ling's voice was full of sincere concern.

Li Jing smiled slightly and expressed his gratitude, but when he heard that Yang Ling arranged for them to live in the next yard, he declined a little awkwardly: "Brother Yang, we dare not disturb you, let's find an inn to settle down."

However, Nezha was already attracted by the grandeur of this mansion. He happily agreed, holding Li Jing's hand and excitedly saying: "Dad, let's live here, it's so fun here!"

Li Jing looked at his son's expectant face helplessly, and finally nodded in agreement.

He knew that his son had a kind of admiration for Yang Ling after the last lesson, and naturally would not miss this opportunity.

Seeing this, Yang Ling quickly arranged for the servants to lead them to settle down in the next yard. Although the courtyard is not as luxurious as the main courtyard, it is also well-equipped, elegant and quiet, and quite elegant.

After settling in, Li Jing and his wife were invited to Yang Ling's study. Yang Ling personally made tea for them, and the atmosphere was warm and friendly.

"In fact, I recommended you to come to Chaoge this time." Yang Ling said straight to the point.

When Li Jing and his wife heard this, their doubts immediately dissipated. They knew Yang Ling's character very well and knew that he would not involve them for no reason.

"Brother Yang, what do you mean?" Li Jing asked.

Yang Ling looked solemn: "The situation in Chaoge is turbulent now. Although Bi Gan wants to turn the tide, his strength is weak. You and your wife are famous. If you can help him, you will definitely be able to stabilize people's hearts."

Li Jing and his wife looked at each other, and their eyes showed determination. They knew that this was a struggle related to the fate of the country, and they could not stand idly by.

"Since Brother Yang values ​​us so much, we should do our best." Li Jing said solemnly.

Nezha listened on the side. Although he didn't know much about the world of adults, he could feel its importance.

As night fell, the lights in Yang's house gradually lit up. Li Jing and his wife had dinner with Yang Ling's family and had a good chat.

When the night breeze brought a cool breath, Li Jing and his wife, accompanied by Yang Ling, strolled on the path in the house. Although they had a lot of thoughts in their hearts, they also felt a rare tranquility.

Nezha's eyes turned around the table for a few times and finally fell on Yang Jian. He had heard about Yang Jian's deeds and was already full of curiosity about this handsome young man.

Especially after hearing about Yang Jian's talent in cultivation, Nezha was even more itchy and wanted to test his strength.

Yang Jian's eyes also fell on Nezha, and a spark of competition flashed in their eyes.

After dinner, Yang Jian, as usual, prepared to go to the Shanhe Wanlitu to practice.

Seeing this, Nezha immediately followed him, and said mischievously as he walked: "I heard that you are very good at cultivation. I wonder if you can teach me?"

Yang Jian looked back at Nezha and smiled slightly: "Cultivation is not something that can be taught in a few words, but if you want to compete, I don't mind."

When Nezha heard the word "compete", he immediately became energetic, and a glimmer of excitement flashed in his eyes: "Then let's compete!"

The two came to the map of mountains and rivers, and Nezha eagerly proposed to compete with Yang Jian. Yang Jian glanced at his father Yang Ling, as if asking for his opinion.

Yang Ling smiled and nodded, his tone gentle but with a bit of seriousness: "You can compete, but be careful and don't hurt the harmony."

Nezha responded carelessly: "Don't worry, Uncle Yang, I will hold back!"

Yang Jian smiled slightly, didn't say much, just nodded lightly. He knew Nezha's character, and understood that this competition was a rare experience for both parties.

The two men stood still, and Nezha took the lead in wielding the Fire Spear, and rushed towards Yang Jian like an arrow from a string.

Yang Jian's expression remained unchanged, and the sword in his hand danced like a living thing, easily blocking Nezha's attack.

Nezha was unwilling to be defeated. He circulated the spiritual power in his body, and the flames under the wind and fire wheel became more blazing, and the offensive became more fierce.

Each of his attacks was like a storm, trying to break Yang Jian's defense.

Nezha's eyes flashed with a challenging light. He retracted the Fire Spear in his hand, and the Qiankun Circle and Hun Tian Ling behind him appeared in his control in an instant like a divine beast that obeyed the call.

The Qiankun Circle rotated in the air, making a sonorous sound, and the Hun Tian Ling was like a spirit snake, wriggling in search of prey.

Facing Nezha's all-out effort, Yang Jian was not in a hurry. He closed his eyes, took a deep breath, and used the Nine Revolutions Yuan Gong in his body.

A powerful aura suddenly emerged from his body, like an immovable mountain, standing firmly in place.

Nezha shouted loudly, and the Qiankun Circle rushed towards Yang Jian like a meteor breaking through the sky with unparalleled power.

The Hun Tian Ling was not to be outdone, and turned into a golden light, trying to tie Yang Jian tightly. However, at this critical moment, Yang Jian opened his eyes, and a gleam of light flashed in his eyes.

He stretched out his hand and grabbed the flying Qiankun Circle with his bare hands in full view of everyone. The powerful force instantly stopped the rotation of the Qiankun Circle.

At the same time, the Hun Tian Ling had quickly wrapped around his body, trying to restrain him. But Yang Jian's body shook, and a powerful momentum burst out. The Hun Tian Ling could not be tightened, but was pulled by his power and could not move.

Nezha was surprised and excited when he saw this scene. He knew that he had met a real opponent. He was unwilling to give up, and waved the Fire Spear again, turning into a red light, and stabbed Yang Jian fiercely.

Yang Jian remained calm in the face of Nezha's attack.

He waved his arms, and the restraint of the Hun Tian Ling was instantly stretched open. He shook his body and appeared in front of Nezha. In Nezha's surprised eyes, Yang Jian grabbed the tip of the Fire Spear, and the spear body trembled because of the huge power.

The two confronted each other like this. Nezha tried to break free, but found that Yang Jian's power was like an abyss, unfathomable.

His Fire Spear was in Yang Jian's hand, and he couldn't move at all.

Finally, Nezha reluctantly relaxed the strength in his hand. He knew that he had really lost to Yang Jian today.

He looked up at Yang Jian, his eyes full of seriousness: "Yang Jian, you are really amazing, I surrender!"

Yang Jian smiled and let go of his hand, returned the Fire Spear to Nezha, and said in a calm tone: "Nezha, you are also very good. In the future, we can learn from each other and make progress together."

The two smiled at each other. This competition not only did not cause any grudges between them, but made their friendship even deeper.

Just as Nezha and Yang Jian praised each other and were ready to compete again, Yang Chan came quietly. With a hint of helplessness and a naive smile between her eyebrows, she whispered: "You only know how to fight and kill. Really, can't you learn to grow flowers and grass from me?"

Nezha and Yang Jian were stunned when they heard Yang Chan's words, and then they smiled awkwardly at the same time.

The two knew that their love for fighting far exceeded their interest in gardening, but it was difficult to directly refuse Yang Chan's proposal.

"Xiao Chan, you also know us..." Nezha was about to explain, but was pulled by Yang Jian, who shook his head slightly, signaling Nezha not to say more.

Yang Jian hurriedly smiled and said to Yang Chan: "Sister, we are talking about speculative things. I will definitely learn from you someday."

Yang Chan's eyes flashed a playful light. She knew the temper of the two teenagers and said no more. She just snorted softly and turned away.

As Yang Chan's figure gradually went away, Nezha and Yang Jian looked at each other, smiled knowingly, and quietly slipped away to continue their competition.

The night was as dark as ink, and the figures of the two in the moonlight were very long. Nezha was full of curiosity about Yang Jian's magic and magical powers, and he couldn't wait to see it.

"Yang Jian, what happened to that move you made just now? Why do I feel that your strength has suddenly become much stronger?" Nezha asked.

Yang Jian smiled slightly, with a hint of mystery in his eyes: "That is the Nine Revolutions Yuan Gong I practiced. It can not only strengthen the body, but also change into thousands of forms."

Nezha's eyes lit up when he heard it, and he said eagerly: "Then can you show me now?"

Yang Jian nodded, and then began to circulate the Yuan Gong in his body. He saw a faint light emanating from his whole body, and then his figure began to blur. In a few breaths, he turned into a vigorous eagle and flew high.

Nezha was stunned. He wanted to keep up with Yang Jian's speed, but found that he could not catch up.

He could only look up from the ground and sighed: "Yang Jian, you are too powerful, I give up!"

The eagle turned by Yang Jian circled in the air for several circles, then slowly landed, and his figure changed back to its original appearance again.

He said to Nezha: "The road of cultivation is endless, and I only know a little bit. Nezha, you also have your strengths. Let's learn from each other and make progress together."

After hearing this, Nezha felt a sense of admiration in his heart. He knew that he had learned a lot today. This competition made him admire Yang Jian even more, and he was full of expectations for his own cultivation.

The two stood side by side in the moonlight, and they secretly vowed in their hearts to practice their cultivation to a higher level.

In the distance, Li Jing and his wife quietly watched Nezha and Yang Jian's competition, and both of them showed a gratified smile on their faces.

Yin Shiniang sighed softly: "Brother Yang's children are all outstanding. It would be great if Nezha could be half as steady as them."

Li Jing gently stroked his wife's shoulders and looked at the two teenagers in front of him gently: "Nezha is also growing up. Every child has his own characteristics. We must believe in him."

Just then, Yang Ling came leisurely. He saw the eyes of Li Jing and his wife and knew that they were paying attention to the children, so he smiled and said: "Nezha is also a good child. He has changed a lot since the last time we met, and his temperament has improved a lot."

Li Jing heard this and nodded with a smile: " Thanks to Brother Yang's teaching, Nezha has changed today, and Brother Yang has made an indelible contribution. "

Yang Ling waved his hand and said modestly: "You're welcome, Nezha is smart and has his own strengths.

By the way, Brother Li, where are your eldest son and son now?"

Li Jing said: "Jin Zha and Mu Zha are both practicing with Wenshu and Puxian, two golden immortals of the Chan Sect. They have extraordinary talents since childhood, and Shi Niang and I also hope that they can achieve something in the immortal way."

Yang Ling nodded and reminded: "Now that the King of Wu in Xiqi has raised an army, it is said that the Chan Sect Golden Immortal is supporting him behind the scenes.

If Jin Zha and Mu Zha go into battle with their master, they may inevitably be involved in this dispute. Then you father and son may meet on the battlefield. "

Li Jing frowned when he heard this. Although he knew that the catastrophe of becoming a god was inevitable, he did not expect that even his sons would be involved in it: "They are immortal cultivators, why should they interfere in the affairs of mortals?"

Yang Ling sighed, with a hint of helplessness in his tone: "The catastrophe of becoming a god is no small matter. Although the Golden Immortal of the Chan religion has a high level of cultivation, he cannot escape the catastrophe.

If they want to survive the calamity, they must have disciples to protect them from the calamity. This is also one of the reasons why they accept disciples! "

After hearing this, Li Jing felt mixed emotions in his heart. He knew very well the cruelty of the Great Tribulation of the Gods, but as a father, he naturally did not want his sons to be involved in it.

Yang Ling patted Li Jing's shoulder and comforted him: "You don't have to worry too much. Jin Zha and Muzha must have extraordinary achievements under the two golden immortals. Although the natural disaster is dangerous, it is also an opportunity for them to grow."

Li Jing took a deep breath and nodded: "I understand. Anyway, thank you Brother Yang for reminding me."

At this time, Yin Shiniang also came over and heard their conversation, with a look of worry on her face.

Li Jing said with some shame, "If I had known this, I should have listened to my wife and not let Jin Zha and Mu Zha be taken to practice by the two golden immortals who explained the teaching!"

"Alas!" Yin Shiniang comforted: "It's not your fault. Who would have thought that they would hide such thoughts!"

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