My son Yang Jian has the qualities of an emperor

Chapter 237: Chaoge Defense Battle

The cold wind was as sharp as a knife, and the sky was gray, as if even the sun had lost its temperature. The earth was covered with thick white snow, and the trees were covered with ice crystals, and the rivers were frozen into long dragons of ice.

In this vast land, life seemed so fragile that only the most tenacious creatures could survive in this desolate land.

The mountains in the distance were covered with white snow, as if they were the loneliest watchers between heaven and earth.

The earth was covered with a thick layer of white snow, and the end was unclear. The occasional exposed rocks were like frozen wounds, silently telling the harshness of nature.

In such an environment, all life seemed fragile and small. The animals had already hidden in caves to avoid the biting cold.

The people in the village huddled in simple houses, relying on stoves and heavy clothes to resist the cold.

But the outside world is desolate and dead silent, with only the whistling of the wind and the occasional cracking of ice breaking the heavy silence.

At the foot of the mountain, an ancient city stands alone, and the mottled traces on the city wall bear witness to the vicissitudes it has experienced.

Surrounding the city is a desolate plain, with withered grass swaying in the cold wind, and occasionally a few wild wolves can be seen wandering in the distance, their eyes flashing a faint green light in the snow.

On this barren land, a brutal siege is about to take place.

The siege army came from afar, their footsteps were heavy and firm, and the neighing of war horses echoed in the air.

The faces of the soldiers were deeply wrinkled by the wind and frost, and their eyes flashed with the desire for victory and fearlessness of death.

With an order, the siege began.

The siege soldiers carried ladders and pushed battering rams, braved the rain of arrows and stones, and charged towards the city wall.

The defenders on the city wall were not to be outdone. They fought back with bows and arrows, stones and boiling oil, and each attack was accompanied by screams and blood and flesh flying.

The soldiers who attacked the city rushed to the city wall again and again, regardless of life and death. Their bodies were pierced by arrows and smashed by stones, but their will was as hard as the ice and snow in the north.

The defenders on the city wall held on in the severe cold, their hands were frozen red, but their hearts were hot. They knew that once the city wall was breached, their families and their homes would face destruction. Therefore, they would protect this land at all costs.

However, the cruelty of war will not change because of personal will.

As time went on, the defenders on the city wall began to feel tired, while the soldiers who attacked the city were like a tide.

Finally, with a loud bang, a gap was opened in the city wall by a battering ram, and the soldiers who attacked the city poured into the city like a flood.

The battle in the city was even more tragic, the streets became battlefields, the houses became fortresses, and every corner was full of blood and death. Soldiers engaged in hand-to-hand combat in the narrow streets, and every swing of the sword was a battle of life and death. Houses were engulfed in flames, and residents struggled in the sea of ​​fire. Their screams and cries echoed in the night sky, which was heartbreaking.

The battle lasted for several days until the last defender fell and the soldiers who attacked the city declared victory. But the price of this victory was heavy. The walls were filled with corpses, the blood dyed the snow red, and even the air was filled with the smell of death.

The soldiers rushed into the ruined general's mansion like wolves and tigers. The beams collapsed, the rubble was everywhere, and it was a mess.

Yuan Futong, the general who was once so powerful on the battlefield, was now in a mess. He hid in a secret room and tried desperately to resist. But in the end, he was pulled out of the dark by the soldiers, tied up, and dragged out of the mansion like a lamb to be slaughtered.

Outside the city, Wen Zhong rode the legendary black unicorn, looking majestic, and the four generals of the Mo family following behind him were even more murderous, each of them was a warrior with outstanding military exploits.

When Yuan Futong was escorted to Wen Zhong, his decadent figure formed a sharp contrast with his former heroic appearance.

Wen Zhong's eyes were full of disdain and anger, and his voice was like the north wind in the cold winter, piercing the bones: "Yuan Futong, you were once a pillar of the court, why did you betray the country and cause this unnecessary bloodshed?"

Yuan Futong raised his head, although he was imprisoned, his eyes were still firm and full of resentment.

He loudly retorted: "King Zhou was incompetent and shameless, and the people were living in misery. I, Yuan, raised an army to resist for the sake of the people and to comply with the will of heaven!"

Wen Zhong frowned, and his anger was like a blazing beacon fire that could not be suppressed. He held a long sword, flashing with cold light, and angrily shouted: "You keep saying that you are pleading for the people, but you are willing to let countless lives fall into the flames of war. Your so-called will of heaven is just an excuse!"

Yuan Futong's eyes were wide open, and he was about to argue again, but Wen Zhong no longer gave him any chance. He swung his sword and slashed it down. A cold light cut through the air, and Yuan Futong's head rolled into the dust, and blood gushed out like a spring.

At this moment, all the anger and resistance dissipated in the wind and snow along with his breath of life.

Wen Zhong sheathed his sword. There was no joy on his face, only deep fatigue and sadness.

He rode on the black unicorn, his eyes were like ice, and he scanned the devastated city. He took a deep breath of cold air, and then gave an order: "Pass my military order, return to the court!"

His voice was transmitted in the cold wind. Although the soldiers were tired, they were refreshed after hearing the order to return to the court.

They quickly reorganized the team, packed up their equipment, and prepared to set off.

Then, Wen Zhong announced loudly: "Bigan was deceived and used by others, plotting evil, killing the king and rebelling. We will return to Chaoge to clear the court and return a wise king to the court!"

The four generals looked solemn when they heard this. They knew that the war was far from over and the real opponent was still in Chaoge, waiting for their challenge.

The 400,000-strong army, with the remaining power of victory, slowly snaked out of the city like a giant dragon and moved forward towards Chaoge at a high speed.

No one dared to stop the city gates along the way, but just watched this mighty army from afar, feeling uneasy.

When the news reached Chaoge, Bigan's face turned pale when he heard that Wen Zhong had returned to the court.

He originally thought that the city could hold on and delay time, but he never thought that Wen Zhong would quell the rebellion so quickly.

Bigan knew in his heart that his conspiracy had been exposed. Once Wen Zhong returned to Chaoge, the Shang Dynasty would face huge turmoil again, and the end would be unimaginable.

He immediately summoned Jiang Ziya, hoping to find a ray of hope from this wise man.

Jiang Ziya staggered to Bigan, looked at Bigan's panicked face, and sighed: "Why are you so panicked? Now you are the king of Shang, and Wen Zhong is responsible for the rebellion!"

Bigan held Jiang Ziya's hand tightly, and his voice trembled: "Sir, what should I do? Wen Zhong is powerful, I..."

Jiang Ziya closed his eyes and thought for a moment, then slowly said: "There is only one way to go now..."

Jiang Ziya's eyes flashed a trace of deepness, and he whispered: "Your Majesty, the situation is urgent now, and we must take measures to stabilize people's hearts. You might as well issue an edict to publicly praise Wen Zhong's achievements, and at the same time order him to leave the army to garrison in place and report to the capital. This can not only show your magnanimity, but also temporarily stabilize the situation."

There was a hint of hesitation in Bigan's eyes, and he said worriedly: "Mr. Jiang, I am worried that Wen Zhong may not He is powerful now, if he doesn't obey, what should we do? "

Jiang Ziya shook his head gently and answered firmly: "If Wen Zhong doesn't obey, then he is openly rebelling, and Your Majesty can mobilize the army to suppress the rebellion. In this way, everyone in the world will understand that he was the first to disobey the king's order. "

Bigan clenched his hands, and the worry on his face did not diminish at all: "But this will probably cause greater turmoil. The world has just been pacified and will be involved in war again. The people are suffering. "

Jiang Ziya sighed slightly, and his eyes revealed a sense of helplessness: "This is a helpless move, Your Majesty. There is no peaceful solution to the current situation. We can only do our best to preserve the foundation of Da Shang. "

Bigan was silent for a moment, and finally made up his mind. He took a deep breath and ordered people to quickly draft an edict and convey it to Wen Zhong as quickly as possible.

The edict was quickly passed on, and the entire Chaoge City, inside and outside, was nervously waiting for Wen Zhong's response.

On the distant battlefield, Wen Zhong received the imperial edict. He unfolded the heavy imperial edict, his eyes swept over every word, but his expression was as calm as ice.

His fingers tapped the saddle of his mount lightly, as if he was thinking about something. The four generals of the Mo family stood quietly behind him, waiting for his order.

Finally, Wen Zhong raised his head and looked firmly in the direction of Chaoge in the distance. His voice spread among the army: "Pass on my military order and continue to move forward."

The four generals looked at each other when they heard this, but no one questioned it. They knew that Wen Zhong's decision had never been wrong.

When Bigan heard the news that Wen Zhong disobeyed the imperial edict, his face became even paler. He knew what it meant.

At this juncture, he could no longer hesitate and immediately summoned Jiang Ziya.

Jiang Ziya looked at Bigan's anxious eyes and said in a deep voice: "Your Majesty, the situation is critical now. We must act immediately. Quickly gather the army and gather all the city guards around Chaoge to build a defense line to stop Wen Zhong's attack."

Bigan took a deep breath, and a trace of determination flashed in his eyes: "It can only be done this way. But there are many generals in Chaoge, who should I appoint as the marshal?"

Jiang Ziya's eyes were like torches, and he slowly said: "Kong Xuan is brave, has great magical powers and is deeply loved by the army. You might as well appoint him as the marshal. Li Jing and his wife and Zhang Kui and his wife are all generals with outstanding military exploits. They can be deputy generals to assist Kong Xuan."

Bigan heard this, and a trace of surprise flashed in his eyes. He didn't expect Jiang Ziya to recommend these generals. Although they are young, they are indeed fierce generals in Chaoge. Bigan readily agreed to Jiang Ziya's suggestion.

Then, Bigan ordered to urgently summon Kong Xuan, Li Jing and his wife, and Zhang Kui and his wife to the palace for discussion. They arrived soon and stood in front of Bigan with a solemn face.

Bigan looked at them and said firmly: "Kong Xuan, Chaoge is in danger now. I order you to be the marshal and lead the army of Chaoge to resist Wen Zhong's attack. Li Jing, Zhang Kui, you and your wife will be deputy generals to assist Kong Xuan."

Kong Xuan and others listened to the order, showing a firm look on their faces, and responded in unison: "We will not let down your majesty's trust and swear to defend Chaoge to the death!"

Bigan nodded, revealing a trace of comfort in his eyes. He knew that this war was related to the survival of the Shang Dynasty, and he could not slack off in the slightest.

Kong Xuan and others immediately made preparations, mobilized troops and horses, strengthened the city defense, and sent out scouts to closely monitor the movements of Wen Zhong's army.

In Chaoge City, for a while, the drums of war thundered and the horns blew. Soldiers shuttled in and out of the city, and the soldiers were nervous and ready to welcome the upcoming battle.

In the distance, Wen Zhong's army was marching towards Chaoge. Their steps were firm, and their eyes were full of the light of decisive battle.

Kong Xuan stood on the city wall, looking at the soldiers under the city with a sharp gaze. His face was full of seriousness, and the command knife in his hand was waved from time to time, issuing a series of orders. The soldiers were busy carrying stones, boiling oil and arrows, and everything was going on in an orderly manner. On the city wall, the archers and stone throwers were in place, and everyone's eyes were shining with the light of decisive battle.

Li Jing and his wife and Zhang Kui and his wife were also busy on the city wall. They checked the defense measures everywhere to ensure that there were no omissions. Suddenly, Li Jing stepped forward and said to Kong Xuan: "Marshal, I have a plan that may be able to slow down the enemy's offensive."

Kong Xuan turned around and frowned: "Oh? What plan?"

Li Jing whispered: "We can dig trenches outside the city and set traps to block the enemy's cavalry charge. At the same time, we can set up ambushes behind the trenches and wait for them to get into trouble and annihilate them in one fell swoop."

After hearing this, Kong Xuan's face sank. He said unhappily: "Now that the enemy is about to arrive, you propose to divide the troops to set traps? Isn't this disrupting the formation?"

Li Jing and his wife looked at each other, and Zhang Kui also spoke in support: "Marshal, General Li's plan is very good. If it succeeds, it will indeed greatly weaken the enemy's spirit."

Kong Xuan's face became even gloomier, and he said angrily: "Nonsense! Now we need manpower inside and outside the city, but you propose such a reckless plan. What's your intention?"

Just then, a cavalry galloped over and shouted: "Marshal, Doctor Jiang is here!"

Kong Xuan was startled, and then turned around to go down to the city to greet him.

Seeing Jiang Ziya, Kong Xuan stepped forward, "Doctor Jiang."

Jiang Ziya waved his hand, indicating that there was no need for courtesy, and went straight to the point: "General Kong, how is the city defense?"

Kong Xuan answered confidently: "Everything is ready, just wait for the enemy to arrive, and we will make them return empty-handed."

Li Jing and Zhang Kui and his wife also stepped forward to report: "Marshal, we have set up many traps outside the city, and the trenches have been dug. If the enemy is not careful, there will be chaos."

Jiang Ziya nodded, but his eyes turned to Yang Ling, as if waiting for his opinion. Yang Ling nodded slightly, but a trace of doubt flashed in his eyes.

Although Kong Xuan's words were tall and mighty, Yang Ling always felt that his aura was somewhat inconsistent with the Kong Xuan in his memory.

The Kong Xuan in his memory was a master with great magical powers, the legendary son of Yuan Feng, and a top master.

Did he find the wrong person?

Yang Ling thought to himself and decided to keep quiet and observe before making a judgment.

Jiang Ziya seemed to notice Yang Ling's abnormality, but he did not say much, just continued to ask: "General Li, are you sure about the strategy you proposed?"

Li Jing answered confidently: "Doctor Jiang, we have simulated battlefield situations many times. As long as the enemy falls into the trap, our ambush troops can immediately attack and annihilate them."

Jiang Ziya pondered for a moment, then turned to Kong Xuan: "Kong Xuan, what do you think of this plan?"

Kong Xuan's face was slightly unhappy, but he still answered with a stiff upper lip: "Since General Li is confident, then I will naturally support it with all my strength."

Yang Ling looked at Kong Xuan's expression and felt even more strange.

Although there was no obvious opposition in Kong Xuan's words, the slight displeasure seemed to reveal his dissatisfaction with this strategy.

Jiang Ziya did not delve into it, but just reminded: "Everyone, the situation is urgent now, we must unite as one and resist the enemy together. Kong Xuan, you are the commander of this defense, you must work closely with General Li and General Zhang."

Kong Xuan nodded, but the fire in his eyes was hard to hide.

Yang Ling saw Kong Xuan's reaction, and his heart was full of doubts. He quietly used the Yuanshen sound transmission technique to communicate with Li Jing, hoping to get some clues from him.

"The marshal seems to be dissatisfied with your strategy today, is there any hidden truth?" Yang Ling asked directly.

Li Jing's eyes flickered slightly, and he replied in a low voice: "Brother Yang, to be honest, we did have some minor frictions with Kong Xuan. He always kept a reserved attitude towards the strategies we proposed, and seemed to be afraid of us."

Yang Ling frowned, which was very different from his impression of Kong Xuan.

He felt that a master with great magical powers like Kong Xuan should not be so fussy about these trivial matters, and his current appearance was really puzzling.

Soon, Yang Ling found an opportunity to be alone with Kong Xuan. He pretended to be relaxed and used words to test his views on the Phoenix Clan, trying to find clues from the other party's response.

However, Kong Xuan seemed to know very little about the Phoenix Clan, and his words were evasive, which made Yang Ling more convinced that the Kong Xuan in front of him was not the son of the Yuanfeng he knew.

Yang Ling's eyes flashed a sharp light, and he deliberately mentioned some ancient events, trying to detect the abnormality from the other party's reaction.

Kong Xuan's expression gradually became unnatural, and he seemed to have noticed Yang Ling's temptation. A trace of vigilance flashed in his eyes, and then he stood up and said to the guards outside: "Everyone go out, I have something important to discuss with Yang Ling alone."

The guards withdrew, and only Yang Ling and Kong Xuan were left in the tent.

Kong Xuan turned around and looked directly at Yang Ling, with a hint of coldness in his tone: "Yang Ling, you seem to have some doubts about me?"

Yang Ling's heart trembled, but his face remained calm: "What do you mean by that?"

Kong Xuan's eyes flashed with a hint of complexity. He was silent for a moment, and finally spoke: "Yang Ling, you have a sharp eye. I have to admit that I did hide something from everyone."

Yang Ling stared at Kong Xuan, trying to read the truth from his expression.

Kong Xuan took a deep breath, seemed to have made up his mind, and slowly said: "I... I am not the real Kong Xuan."

Yang Ling was shocked. He did not expect Kong Xuan to be so frank, but what did he mean?

Kong Xuan looked at Yang Ling's shocked expression and continued: "I am just one of his clones. In order to stabilize the morale of the army, I have been pretending to be him until today."

Yang Ling nodded. This answer was in line with his cognition.

He looked at Kong Xuan deeply and said slowly: "In this case, what else can we say?"

Kong Xuan smiled bitterly. He knew that once his secret was exposed, the situation would be even more unfavorable.

But he also knew that Yang Ling was not a person who would easily reveal secrets, so he decided to confess everything.

Kong Xuan's voice trembled slightly, but he tried his best to stay calm: "My original body is in seclusion and training. He will only appear at the most critical moment. Now, although my clone has limited power, I will do my best."

Yang Ling looked at Kong Xuan, and a hint of understanding flashed in his eyes.

He knew that the power of the clone was limited after all. Kong Xuan's move was undoubtedly to protect the overall situation, but also to take huge risks.

"I understand," Yang Ling nodded, with a hint of solemnity in his tone, "In this case, you should listen more to the opinions of Li Jing and his wife and Zhang Kui and his wife. They are all experienced generals with unique insights into war."

Kong Xuan's eyes flashed with gratitude, he knew that Yang Ling's words were true.

He bowed deeply to express his gratitude: "Thank you for your advice, I will humbly accept their suggestions and plan defense together."

Then, Kong Xuan looked at Yang Ling curiously, with inquiry in his eyes: "However, Brother Yang, I have always been curious about your origins. You seem to know a lot of things. Are you also a disciple of a certain sect?"

Yang Ling smiled slightly, and he did not hide: "I am a disciple of the Human Sect."

Hearing this, Kong Xuan couldn't help but open his eyes wide in surprise: "The Human Sect? That is the orthodox sect of the Xuanmen, the Taoist tradition of the saints! Daoyou, you are actually a disciple of the saint of the Human Sect, which is really surprising."

Yang Ling gently waved his hand, indicating that Kong Xuan didn't need to be too surprised: "The world is so big that there are all kinds of things. Although the Human Sect is low-key, it also has its own mission. It is also a kind of fate to be able to fight side by side with General Kong today."

Kong Xuan nodded. Although he still had many doubts in his heart, he also knew that now was not the time to ask questions. He knew that the situation was urgent and he had to focus all his attention on the upcoming battle.

The two smiled at each other, and there seemed to be a tacit understanding between them.

They knew that in this dangerous war, only unity could hope to resist the strong enemy.

Then, Kong Xuan and Yang Ling walked out of the tent together and re-entered the intense pre-war preparations.

Kong Xuan began to listen to the suggestions of Li Jing and his wife and Zhang Kui and his wife more humbly, and worked with them to refine the tactical layout. Yang Ling quietly observed and provided them with his own insights.

The defense of Chaoge City was more stringent, and everyone was making final preparations for the upcoming battle.

Half a month passed in a flash, and the tense atmosphere inside and outside Chaoge City reached its peak.

Finally, one morning, on the plain outside Chaoge City, dust was flying, and Wen Zhong's army was like a black torrent, surging to the city.

In the army formation with fluttering flags, a general in a luxurious battle robe rode on a horse, holding a long spear, with a sharp gaze. It was Zhang Guifang, the vanguard under Wen Zhong's tent.

On the city wall, Kong Xuan was wearing armor and holding a spear, staring at the enemy troops below the city with lightning eyes.

At this time, an armored messenger rode to the city and read aloud: "Bigan killed the king and usurped the throne. His crime should be punished! Today, we are here to punish the traitors by the will of heaven. I hope everyone in the city can distinguish right from wrong and quickly open the city to surrender to avoid the suffering of war."

The messenger's voice echoed in the empty battlefield, trying to shake the determination of the soldiers and people in Chaoge City.

Kong Xuan was furious after hearing this. He walked to the forefront of the city and pointed at Wen Zhong's army below the city. His voice was like a bell: "Wen Zhong, you are the thief who is acting against heaven! His Majesty Bigan is benevolent and has won the hearts of the people. He is the true king of the Shang Dynasty!

You traitors dare to confuse right and wrong. You are so stupid!"

His voice was like a drum, echoing over Chaoge City, stirring up thousands of waves. The soldiers and civilians in the city were greatly encouraged by Kong Xuan's words, and they shouted "Your Majesty" to express their support and loyalty to Bi Gan.

Under the city, Zhang Guifang heard Kong Xuan's angry rebuke, his face suddenly turned pale, and he was furious.

He held a long spear, pointed at Chaoge City, and ordered sternly: "What a Kong Xuan, how dare you be so rude! Generals, listen to my order, attack the city!"

With the sound of the horn, Wen Zhong's army began to attack Chaoge City fiercely.

Under the city, siege equipment such as ladders, battering rams, and catapults were put into battle, while the defenders on the city wall resisted with arrows, boiling oil and boulders.

Kong Xuan commanded on the top of the city, his voice echoed on the battlefield, inspiring every soldier defending the city: "Don't be afraid! Your Majesty Bi Gan is here, Chaoge City is indestructible!"

"Archers are ready, stone throwers are on standby!"

With Kong Xuan's order, the defense of Chaoge City began to operate. The archers drew their longbows and aimed at the enemy's siege equipment; the slingers operated the catapults, ready to throw huge stones at the enemy.

The siege ladders of Wen Zhong's army were erected like a forest, and the soldiers swarmed up to climb the city wall. But the defenders of Chaoge City were not afraid. Boiling oil and rolling stones poured down one after another, burning and shooting down the enemy soldiers climbing on the ladders.

Li Jing and his wife and Zhang Kui and his wife commanded their respective forces and launched a fierce confrontation with the enemy. The trenches and traps outside the city also played an effect. Wen Zhong's cavalry fell into chaos during the charge and was ambushed.

Yang Ling quietly observed the changes on the battlefield from above. He knew that this battle would be a protracted war, but as long as Chaoge was defended, there was still hope of victory.

As the battle continued, the casualties on both sides continued to increase, but the morale of Chaoge City became more and more firm. Although Kong Xuan's clone had limited power, his command remained calm in the face of danger, winning the trust and admiration of the soldiers.

Li Jing and his wife, as well as Zhang Kui and his wife, were also very skilled in military operations and had amazing military prowess. They led their soldiers to firmly resist the first wave of attacks by the vanguard officer Zhang Guifang.

The battle lasted from early morning to dusk. Seeing that it was difficult to make any progress, Zhang Guifang could only order a retreat.

With the sound of the horn, the wounded soldiers withdrew from the battlefield in disgrace...

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