Chaoge City, this ancient city that was once extremely prosperous and full of merchants, is now surrounded by the army led by Wen Zhong.

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Outside the city wall is a huge army, like a dark cloud pressing down on the city, surrounding the entire city. The residents in the city once lived a comfortable life, but now they can only spend every day in fear.

On the city wall, the defenders of Chaoge City patrolled nervously, their eyes revealing determination and uneasiness.

The soldiers' faces were engraved with mottled dust and traces of war, and the spears and shields in their hands shone coldly in the sun.

On the battlements, the archers held their bows and arrows tightly, and the arrows were like the sickle of the god of death, ready to reap the lives of the invading enemies at any time.

Outside the city, the enemy's tents were endless, and the bonfires swayed in the night wind, like countless flickering eyes, peeping at everything on the city wall.

The war horses paced restlessly in the camp, and the occasional neighing echoed in the night sky, adding a bit of tension.

The enemy soldiers were standing, sitting, or sharpening their knives, preparing for the upcoming battle.

The two armies faced each other, and the atmosphere on the battlefield was tense and heavy.

The flag of Chaoge City fluttered in the wind, and the enemy's flag was also fluttering not far away. The flags of the two sides intertwined in the air, seeming to foreshadow the upcoming conflict.

The sound of war drums rumbled, like a horn before the war, and every drumbeat made the soldiers' heartbeats accelerate.

At the junction of the two armies, there was an empty battlefield. It used to be a field where farmers cultivated, but now it has become a place for fighting.

The soil was stained red with blood, and the dead grass was trampled into mud. The hoof prints of war horses and the footsteps of soldiers interweave a picture of war on this land.

As the sun rises, the commanders of the two armies begin to mobilize their forces and deploy their troops.

The army of Chaoge City relies on the city walls and arranges a strict defensive formation. Archers, spearmen, and shieldmen are stacked up to form an indestructible line of defense.

The enemy army uses cavalry as the vanguard, followed by infantry, ready to launch a charge.

The battle is about to begin, and the residents of Chaoge City pray silently in the city, hoping that their guardians can resist the invasion of foreign enemies.

The soldiers on the city wall hold their weapons tightly, ready to meet the upcoming life-and-death contest. The air is filled with tension and anxiety, but also with determination and courage.

With an order, the enemy cavalry began to charge, and the sound of horse hooves roared like thunder, shaking the earth.

The archers of Chaoge City immediately released arrows, and the rain of arrows streaked across the sky like meteors, shooting at the enemy. The enemy's cavalry fell in the rain of arrows, but more cavalry still marched forward bravely.

The battle horn has been blown, and the soldiers of the two armies fought on the battlefield. The sound of swords clashing, the neighing of horses, and the shouts of soldiers intertwined to form a symphony of war.

Although the soldiers of Chaoge City were few in number, they relied on the advantage of the city wall to stubbornly resist the enemy's attack.

As the battle progressed, more and more blood was on the city wall, and the corpses under the city wall piled up higher and higher.

Although the soldiers of Chaoge City were brave, their advantages were gradually weakened under the heavy pressure of the enemy. However, they did not give up. They knew that as long as the city wall did not fall, Chaoge City would have hope.

The battle lasted for a whole day until night fell, when the enemy temporarily retreated.

The soldiers of Chaoge City were exhausted, but there was still an unyielding light in their eyes.

This battle was just the beginning of the defense of Chaoge City. In the days to come, they will face more challenges.

The night was as dark as ink, and the stars were sparse. Zhang Guifang walked into the general's tent with heavy steps. The candlelight in the tent flickered, and the light and shadow intertwined. Grand Tutor Wen Zhong sat in front of the table, staring at the person who came in with a sharp gaze like lightning.

"Grand Tutor, in today's battle, although our army failed to break through Chaoge City, we have destroyed several enemy fortifications and killed two enemy generals." Zhang Guifang's voice was steady, but his words could not hide his fatigue.

Wen Zhong frowned, brushed off the battle map on the table, and said in a deep voice: "What about the losses?"

"Our army suffered heavy losses, especially the cavalry. Several unsuccessful charges, more than half of them were killed or wounded." Zhang Guifang's face was solemn. He knew that this was not what the Grand Tutor wanted.


Wen Zhong slammed the table and stood up angrily, "Although Chaoge City is solid, it is not a copper wall. Why did our army come to this?"

Zhang Guifang lowered his head, knowing that the Grand Tutor's anger was not directed at him, but at the unfavorable progress of the war. He raised his head, his eyes firm: "Tomorrow, I am willing to go out in person and challenge the enemy generals, first break their spirit, and then concentrate our forces to break through the city gate."

Wen Zhong's anger seemed to be slightly calmed by these words. He looked at Zhang Guifang, as if to measure his determination and ability.

After a moment, the Grand Master smiled: "Good! Zhang Guifang! Tomorrow, I will personally support you and see how you defeat the enemy!"

Zhang Guifang's heart was lifted. He knew that this was the Grand Master's trust and expectation for him, but also a kind of pressure. He bowed deeply: "Grand Master, rest assured, I will live up to your trust and swear to wipe out the enemies of Chaoge City!"

The atmosphere in the general's tent became heated because of this. Wen Zhong sat down again, pointed to the battle map on the table, and began to discuss the tactical arrangements for the next day with Zhang Guifang.

It was late at night, and the lights in the general's tent were still bright. The shadows of the two stretched on the tent wall, as if telling of the upcoming fierce battle.

And inside and outside Chaoge City, countless soldiers were resting or on guard under the stars, waiting for the arrival of dawn and the horn of a new day of battle.

The next day, as the sun rose, golden light filled the battlefield, and the world seemed to be immersed in a heavy atmosphere.

Zhang Guifang stood in front of the formation and ordered the soldiers to beat the war drums. The sound was like morning bells and evening drums, echoing in everyone's heart.

On the city wall, Kong Xuan's eyes were firm, and he ordered the elite troops led by Zhang Kui and his wife to go out of the city to fight.

Zhang Kui and Gao Lanying were wearing armor and looked heroic. The soldiers they led poured out from the city gate like a torrent and quickly formed a formation outside the city.

Zhang Guifang stood upright and stood upright as he patted his horse. He shouted loudly, shaking the whole country: "You betrayed the imperial court and colluded with the traitors. Today is the day when you will perish!"

In the opposite formation, Zhang Kui rides a one-horned black smoke beast. This horse is as black as ink, except for the single horn on its forehead that is dazzlingly white.

Gao Lanying followed closely behind, and she reminded Zhang Kui: "Husband, be careful, this person studied under the master Jie Jiao, it is a big deal, don't be careless."

Zhang Kui nodded to express his understanding. He was holding a long-handled knife, and the blade was cold and gleaming. Zhang Guifang was holding a mortar and pestle gun, and the tip of the gun shone coldly in the sun.

The two faced each other in the center of the battlefield. Zhang Kui said in a deep voice: "Zhang Guifang, you traitor still dares to bark here. Today I, Zhang Kui, will do something good for the people!"

Zhang Guifang sneered: "Zhang Kui, you are the regicide traitor. Today I will do justice to God and behead you!"

Immediately, the two men each raised their weapons. For a moment, the war horses neighed, swords and guns exchanged, and the battle officially broke out.

Zhang Kui's long-handled sword is like a violent storm, with every blow being extremely powerful, while Zhang Guifang's mortar and pestle spear is as agile as a dragon sailing out of the sea, and every point of the spear is deadly.

The two of them went back and forth on the battlefield, and it was a wonderful scene between offense and defense.

The surrounding soldiers were also attracted by this fierce battle. They stopped fighting and watched the duel between the two masters intently.

The light of the sword flashed and the shadow of the spear was like a dragon. The battle between the two became more intense in the morning light. The dust was flying and the fighting spirit was high.

The sounds of swords clashing echoed on the battlefield, and the battle between Zhang Guifang and Zhang Kui became more intense. Every attack is full of power and killing intent. Both sides are looking for each other's flaws, hoping to kill them with one blow.

In the distance, Wen Zhong was riding Mo Qilin, watching the battle from a high position. Mo Qilin's four hooves stirred the wind, and its black scales shone with a mysterious luster in the sunlight.

Wen Zhong's eyes were as cold as ice, and his eyes were firmly fixed on the two generals on the battlefield, as if he wanted to see through their every move.

On the city wall, Kong Xuan was also watching the battlefield nervously.

His hands were tightly gripping the stone stacks of the city wall, his knuckles turning white from excessive exertion. He knew that the outcome of this battle was very important.

If defeated, the morale of one's own side will definitely plummet. If the enemy takes the opportunity to attack the city, it is very likely that they will not be able to defend it.

And once you win, you can take the opportunity to cover up the kill and repel the enemy as much as possible before the opponent can stabilize their position.

At this time, in the center of the battlefield, the battle between Zhang Guifang and Zhang Kui had reached a fever pitch.

Zhang Kui's long-handled sword brought up a gust of wind every time he swung it, while Zhang Guifang's mortar and pestle spear drew sharp trajectories in the air. The two men's attack and defense transitions were so fast that the onlookers were dizzy.

Suddenly, Zhang Guifang shouted loudly, and the sound contained powerful internal force, which made the air around him tremble. Zhang Kui felt like there was thunder in his ears, and he felt dizzy for a moment.

Taking advantage of this opportunity, Zhang Guifang suddenly accelerated his offensive, and a series of shots were so fierce that it became increasingly difficult for Zhang Kui to parry.

Just when Zhang Kui had not fully recovered from the deafening state, Zhang Guifang shouted again: "How long will it take before Zhang Kui falls?"

The one-horned black smoke beast neighed in horror, and Zhang Kui was caught off guard. He fell off the horse uncontrollably and fell hard to the ground, causing dust to fly.

When the surrounding soldiers saw this, they all exclaimed.

The hearts of the soldiers in Chaoge City sank, but the morale of the enemy troops surrounding the city was greatly boosted.

When Wen Zhong saw this scene, a trace of pride flashed in his eyes, while Kong Xuan clenched his fists, worry and anger flashing in his eyes.

"The art of calling a horse by name?"

When Li Jing saw this, he couldn't help but frown.

Kong Xuan glanced at him, and the latter quickly explained: "This is a soul-seizing spell, specifically targeting the soul. You can cast it as long as you know the opponent's name. It is most vicious when used on the battlefield."

On the battlefield, Zhang Guifang rushed over on horseback, aiming the mortar and pestle gun at Zhang Kui who fell to the ground, hoping to take the opportunity to kill him.

Just when Zhang Guifang's pestle spear was about to hit Zhang Kui, a dazzling light burst out from the red gourd in Gao Lanying's hand.

The forty-nine Sun God Needles were like arrows that came off the string, overwhelmingly attacking Zhang Guifang, instantly filling the space around him with dazzling golden light.

Zhang Guifang suddenly felt a strong sting. He instinctively closed his eyes and the gun in his hand stagnated.

The originally fatal blow lost its direction due to the loss of sight, and pierced the ground, stirring up a cloud of dust.

Taking advantage of this opportunity, Zhang Kui quickly came to his senses. He knew that he could not confront Zhang Guifang head-on on the ground, so he rolled violently, and his whole body seemed to melt into the earth and disappeared.

Zhang Guifang opened his eyes and saw the golden light gradually dissipating, while Zhang Kui's figure had disappeared.

He was startled, knowing that the other party had used the earth escape technique.

"Humph, want to ambush underground? Not so easy!" Zhang Guifang said in his heart, but he was extremely panicked.

He hurriedly moved his body, looking around, and at the same time alert for any unusual movements on the ground.

However, Zhang Kui was like a ghost, shuttling quickly underground, constantly changing his position, making it impossible for Zhang Guifang to capture his specific position.

On the battlefield, the soldiers were shocked to see this scene. The soldiers of Chaoge City cheered for Zhang Kui's wit, while the enemy looked at each other, not knowing what to do.

Suddenly, the ground burst open, and Zhang Kui rushed out from the ground like a yellowish-brown lightning, with the long-handled knife in his hand carrying rolling mud and sharp blade wind, and rushed straight to Zhang Guifang.

Zhang Guifang was startled by the sudden attack. He quickly waved his gun to parry, but he was already in a panic.

Zhang Kui's knife momentum was as dense as a rainstorm, and each knife carried an extremely heavy force, forcing Zhang Guifang to retreat continuously.

In the underground chase, Zhang Kui had found Zhang Guifang's flaw. His attack became more and more fierce, and every swing of the knife made Zhang Guifang fall into a hard fight.

Finally, under a fierce attack, Zhang Guifang finally couldn't hold on, staggered, and was forced to retreat.

Zhang Kui took advantage of the victory and rushed out of the ground, like a beast unearthed, and launched a crazy attack on Zhang Guifang.

Under his violent attack, Zhang Guifang had to defend desperately, and for a while he was at a disadvantage.

On the battlefield, the soldiers' fight was temporarily stopped because of the contest between the two generals, and everyone's eyes were focused on this life-and-death duel.

Wen Zhong frowned in the distance. He didn't expect Zhang Guifang to be suppressed to such an extent by Zhang Kui.

"Mo Liqing!" Wen Zhong's voice was like a bell, spreading throughout the battlefield.

Mo Liqing, the leader of the four generals of the Mo family, was shocked, stood up, and walked like the wind. The Qingfeng sword in his hand flashed with a strange light, and the talismans on the sword seemed to come alive, emitting a heart-pounding power.

"Earth, water, fire, and wind."

These are the four talismans on the sword. As Mo Liqing murmured these four words, the talismans on the sword seemed to be activated and began to emit different lights.

This sword was a magical weapon condensed by Mo Liqing after years of practice, absorbing the four elements of earth, water, fire, and wind between heaven and earth.

Its power is extraordinary.

Especially the black wind talisman on the sword. Once it is activated, thousands of spears will be swept in the wind, and everything will become nothingness wherever it passes.

Zhang Kui was attacking Zhang Guifang fiercely, and he seemed to be sure of victory, but he did not expect Mo Liqing to intervene.

Mo Liqing suddenly took a step forward and came to the center of the battlefield in an instant. His appearance was like a huge rock thrown into a lake, which immediately caused a huge wave.

He gently waved the Qingfeng sword in his hand, and a gust of black wind suddenly rolled up where the tip of the sword pointed. The spears in the wind were like ghost fire in the dark night, flashing the light of death.

Zhang Kui only felt a strong wind coming, and his long-handled sword seemed extremely fragile in the black wind, almost being blown away.

He was shocked and knew that the opponent's sword was extraordinary. He quickly put away the sword to protect himself, but the black wind seemed to have life, and it bypassed the blade and rushed straight to his limbs.

Zhang Kui had to turn over and retreat, but he felt that the air around him seemed to solidify, and his movements became abnormally slow.

A trace of coldness flashed in Mo Liqing's eyes, and his Qingfeng sword was swung again. This time, his target was directly aimed at Zhang Kui.

"Retreat!" Mo Liqing shouted in a low voice. Wherever the sword passed, the black wind became more violent, and the spears were dense like rain, almost drowning Zhang Kui.

Zhang Kui felt a huge pressure, he knew that if he didn't retreat, he would really die here. He gritted his teeth, performed the earth escape technique, and his body instantly sank into the ground, avoiding this fatal blow.

Although Mo Liqing's attack did not hit Zhang Kui, it successfully forced him back, giving Zhang Guifang a chance to breathe.

The soldiers on the battlefield were shocked by Mo Liqing's strength when they saw this scene. A trace of despair surged in the hearts of the soldiers in Chaoge City, while the morale of the enemy was greatly boosted.

With the help of Mo Liqing, Zhang Guifang regained his footing. He glanced at Mo Liqing, and a trace of gratitude flashed in his eyes.

Wen Zhong's brows relaxed slightly.

Mo Liqing stood in the center of the battlefield, his Qingfeng sword flashing cold light in the sun, and the soldiers around him all felt a chill.

He shouted, his voice like thunder, spreading throughout the battlefield: "Who dares to fight me?"

On the city wall, Kong Xuan's eyes were like lightning, sweeping across his generals, and asked in a deep voice: "Who is willing to fight?"

There was a hint of urgency in his voice. After all, Mo Liqing's strength was extraordinary, and there were not many people who could fight him.

Li Jing was wearing armor and holding a spear. He was upright and his eyes were firm. He stepped forward without hesitation: "Marshal, I am willing to go."

His voice was full of confidence, as if he had seen the dawn of victory.

Yin Shiniang stood beside Li Jing, her eyes revealed a hint of worry, but she knew Li Jing's strength, and knew that the current battle situation needed a strong man to take action.

She whispered to Li Jing: "You have to be careful, I will support you in the back."

Li Jing nodded, rode on a horse, held a spear in hand, galloped down from the city wall, and rushed towards Mo Liqing in the center of the battlefield.

Mo Liqing saw someone accepting the challenge, and a sneer appeared on the corner of his mouth, and a hint of fighting spirit flashed in his eyes.

He stood firmly in place, waiting for Li Jing's arrival.

The two horses approached quickly on the battlefield, and Li Jing's spear and Mo Liqing's Qingfeng sword were about to collide in the center of the battlefield.

Li Jing's spear was like a dragon out of the sea, piercing Mo Liqing's chest. Mo Liqing waved his sword, and the sword light was like water, flowing unsteadily, easily blocking Li Jing's attack.

The two horses passed by each other, and in an instant they confronted each other again.

Li Jing's eyes were cold. He knew that Mo Liqing's strength should not be underestimated, and he had to concentrate on every fight.

His horse hooves galloped, and the spear stabbed out again. This time his attack was more fierce, and the tip of the spear brought a whistling wind sound.

Mo Liqing was not afraid of Li Jing's attack. His sword danced in the air like a dragon, and the talisman on the tip of the sword emitted a dazzling light.

The two fought more and more fiercely on the battlefield. Every attack and defense made the surrounding soldiers hold their breath and concentrate. They knew that the result of this battle would directly affect the entire battle situation.

Yin Shiniang stood on the city wall, her eyes fixed on the battlefield, and the magic weapon in her hand was ready to take action at any time to provide support for Li Jing.

The war horses galloped, the weapons clashed, and the battle between Li Jing and Mo Liqing was like two meteors passing through the sky, shining brightly and shocking.

On the tip of Mo Liqing's sword, the flame talisman suddenly lit up, and a hot breath spread rapidly in the battlefield.

He swung his sword and slashed, and it seemed that there was a golden snake in the air wrapped with flames, attacking Li Jing.

In an instant, black smoke rose all over the ground, and flames shot out in the smoke. The flames were like red-hot iron chains, penetrating every hole and unblocked.

The soldiers retreated one after another to avoid being engulfed by the raging flames.

However, facing this purgatory-like attack, Li Jing's expression remained unchanged. He muttered something, and the spear in his hand suddenly emitted circles of cool light.

This was one of the five elements magics he was best at - the Fire-Proofing Art.

As Li Jing cast his spells, the flames around him seemed to have encountered a natural enemy and retreated one after another, and even the black smoke approaching him formed a hole around him.

The flames and smoke seemed to be isolated by an invisible force and could not invade him at all.

Seeing this, Mo Liqing's eyes flashed with a hint of surprise, but soon turned into a sneer.

He knew that a single flame attack could not threaten Li Jing, so the wind and flame talisman began to flicker on the tip of his sword.

A more violent wind began to rage on the battlefield, mixed with sharp wind blades, like countless swords flying in the air, dust flying and stones shattering wherever it went.

Seeing this, Li Jing knew that resisting such a storm head-on would be tantamount to seeking death, so he immediately changed his strategy.

He silently chanted a spell and thrust his spear into the ground. His body seemed to be integrated into the earth and quickly drilled into the ground, avoiding the attack of this wave of strong winds with the help of earth escape technique.

On the ground, Mo Liqing's storm was raging, but there was a trace of uneasiness in his eyes. He knew that Li Jing's earth escape technique was extremely profound, and once he hid underground, it would be difficult to catch his whereabouts.

The soldiers on the battlefield witnessed all this, and they were all shocked by Li Jing's wit and Mo Liqing's strength.

The generals of both sides showed their respective skills in this high-intensity duel, making this battle not only a contest of force, but also a contest of wisdom and strategy.

On the city wall, Yin Shiniang held the magic weapon tightly, her eyes full of concern. She knew that although Li Jing had temporarily avoided Mo Liqing's attack at this moment, the battle was far from over, and the next one would be a more intense contest.

At the other end of the battlefield, a trace of fear flashed in Wen Zhong's eyes. He knew that Li Jing was not an easy person to deal with. The result of this battle would have a significant impact on the entire war situation.

Seeing that the battle situation was in a stalemate, Wen Zhong's eyes flashed with a trace of determination. He nodded gently, signaling Mo Lihai beside him to help.

Mo Lihai was tall, dressed in green, with a jade pipa on his back. The four strings on the pipa represented the four elements of 'earth, water, fire, and wind', which were the results of his many years of practice.

He walked forward slowly, holding the pipa in his hand, and gently plucked the strings.

As the strings vibrated, waves of strange sound waves rippled on the battlefield, and the devil's sound penetrated his ears and went straight into his heart.

The sound waves shook the air like a substance, and even the ground seemed to be shaking.

Li Jing felt the invasion of this sound wave underground, and his expression suddenly changed.

He originally thought that he could use the earth escape technique to avoid Mo Liqing's attack, but he didn't expect that Mo Lihai's pipa music could penetrate the soil and disturb his mind.

The sound of the pipa was like a sharp blade, piercing his mind, making him feel so painful that he couldn't concentrate, and the difficulty of maintaining the earth escape technique suddenly increased.

He could only endure the pain, drill out of the soil, and reappear on the ground.

Seeing this, Mo Liqing raised a sneer at the corner of his mouth, and swung the Qingfeng sword in his hand again, the sword light flashed, and the tip of the sword carried a violent force, directly taking Li Jing's head.

At this critical moment, Yin Shi Niang saw Li Jing in danger and hurriedly shouted: "Draw out the sheath!"

The flying sword behind her instantly unsheathed, turned into streams of light, and shot towards Mo Liqing.

The flying swords were extremely fast, each of them contained powerful magic power, and they went straight to Mo Liqing. Although Mo Liqing was powerful, he had to put away his sword to deal with the sudden attack of the flying sword.

His Qingfeng sword danced in the air, and the sword light was like a mirror, reflecting the light of the flying sword.

But Yin Shiniang's flying sword seemed to have its own will. It turned flexibly in the air, bypassed Mo Liqing's sword light, and continued to attack him.

Mo Liqing frowned, and he had to devote more attention to resisting these flying swords, which gave Li Jing precious breathing time.

Li Jing adjusted his breathing and suppressed the pain in his heart. He knew that this battle was far from over, and he needed to stay in the best condition to deal with the more intense battles to come.

The atmosphere on the battlefield became more tense, and the soldiers' eyes moved back and forth between Li Jing and Mo Liqing, and they were all waiting for the outbreak of the next confrontation.

On the battlefield, the sound of Mo Lihai's pipa still echoed, but Li Jing was ready. He took a deep breath, fixed his eyes firmly on Mo Liqing and Mo Lihai, ready to face the next round of challenges.

On the city wall, Kong Xuan's eyes flashed with admiration.

He was very satisfied with the performance of Li Jing and Yin Shiniang.

With Li Jing and his wife, Chaoge City will be more indestructible.

Zhang Kui and his wife on the side also praised them secretly, and they already recognized the strength of Li Jing and his wife in their hearts.

Wen Zhong sat on the Mo Qilin, looking at the situation on the battlefield with a serious expression.

The four generals of the Mo family were his capable generals, and now he couldn't win after sending two of them in a row, which really surprised and shocked him.

He had heard of this Li Jing couple before, but he never thought they were so powerful.

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