My Special Ability is Perfect Replication

Chapter 223: This is the earth? It is alien

South Pole.

As the only two special locations on the earth, the South Pole pole is in darkness for half of the year without day.

This is the polar night!

It's June, and Antarctica happens to be winter, and it's also polar night.

When Ling Jiu and his party rushed to the South Pole, they saw an abandoned scientific research station.

"Before 2020, there were many such scientific research stations in Antarctica, but 20 years later, almost all scientific research stations were abandoned!"

Niu Ben looked at the research station covered in snow and slowly said: "Finally, high-level humans discovered a wormhole leading to Mars in Antarctica, and built the Antarctic Ice City! The Antarctic Ice City has also become the only building still in use in Antarctica. !"

"Look there!"

A reserve camp student pointed in a direction and exclaimed. Everyone looked around and saw a hole appeared behind the scientific research station.

"Come and see!"

It was indeed a hole, an ice hole that was straight down, in a standard circle, and about 3 meters in diameter.

It's too standard, it's like being scalded directly on the ice with a hot red iron rod.

"Looking at the ice cave, it should have been drilled by some kind of thermal equipment!"

"Is it possible for a person with an ice system to do it?"

"Yes! But it can't be so round!"

"No matter how it came, the wormhole should be below, right? Go down!"


Everyone jumped into the ice cave.

Dive all the way, dived for about a quarter of an hour, and finally came to the bottom of the ice cave, into a huge underground.

A white sphere is suspended in mid-air, which is exactly a wormhole.

"Who will go in first?"

Looking at the wormhole quietly suspended in mid-air, the students looked at each other, and most students were afraid to enter first.

After all, the opposite is an S-class planet, who dares to set foot in easily?

"A bunch of soft eggs!"

A student sneered, looked at the students with disdain, and stepped out into the wormhole.

"It's procrastination!"

"Damn! I was actually despised by this guy!"

"Despise it, despise it, after all, they are the first in the standings, and they are indeed stronger than us!"


With Draginbi taking the lead, the students entered the wormhole one after another, Ling Jiu, Bai Ya and others also followed, and then came to a strange planet.

What catches the eye is the lush vegetation, intricate vines and tall and straight towering trees.

The magic is that no matter the tree, shrubs or weeds, they are almost exactly the same as the plants on the earth, and they are carved out of a mold.

"Why are these plants so similar to the plants on earth?"

Ling Jiu looked at the surrounding plants, "Obviously they are two completely different planets, why are they producing almost the same plants?"

The environment determines organisms. As long as there is a slight gap in the environment, it will have an extremely huge impact on the organisms living in the environment.

It is impossible for two identical planets to exist in the universe, and it is naturally impossible to breed identical creatures.

This is absolute!

But the plants of this planet...

Ling Jiu suddenly understood why the reserve camp had to go to war and send all the students here to look for that intelligent race.

The plants are the same, will the intelligent race be the same? If it's the same, doesn't it mean that this planet also gave birth to people like the earth?

"Sister, probe the atmosphere!"

Niu Ben turned and said to his sister Niu Miao.

"Already probed, brother!"

Niu Miao replied: "Nitrogen 77%, oxygen 21%, argon 0.9%, water 0.25%, carbon dioxide 0.032%, others..."

Hearing Niu Miao's answer, Niu Ben was stunned: "Why is the composition of this atmosphere exactly the same as the earth?"

"It's exactly the same!"

Niu Miao focused his head.


Ling Jiu and Bai Ya ignored a glance, and they both saw consternation in each other's eyes.

An alien planet actually has the same atmospheric composition as the earth? how did you do that?

"It's unbelievable, but it seems to be true!"

Niu Ben shook his head in shock, and then remembered something again: "Does this mean that we can take off the venom suit?"

"try not to!"

Niu Miao hurriedly stopped: "Even if the environment and atmospheric composition of the two planets are similar, there will be a certain gap in the end!"

"And this small gap may give birth to deadly things, such as viruses or something, we'd better wear venom suits!"

"For safety's sake, wear it!"

Ling Jiu also said, in fact, with his strong physique, he can completely ignore the virus bred on this planet or the unfavorable factors to the human body.

However, just in case, wear it. After all, the venom suit doesn't feel any burden on the body.

They think so, but some people don't think so. Others have discovered that the atmosphere of this planet is almost the same as that of the earth, so many people try to take off the venom suit.

"You can breathe!"

"Yes, there is no problem at all!"

"real or fake?"

‘What are you doing? "

"Then I will try..."

Seeing this scene, many students took off their venom suits one after another, and in the end only a few people such as Ling Jiu were still wearing them.

"It's like going back to Earth!"

"Yes, I've been on Mars for too long, and suddenly I came here, and it feels no different from Earth!"

"It's not..."

The students were discussing with excitement. 678

At this moment, there was a sharp neigh in the distance, like thunder in the clear sky, and everyone fell silent.

At this time, everyone remembered that this is a super dangerous S-class planet!

"The voice came from over there!"

Someone pointed in one direction and said.

"Why... go and take a look!"

The students jumped into the air and leaned over there.

"We will pass too!"

Ling Jiu also followed.

A few minutes later, everyone came to the place where the sound came from. The surrounding trees broke and weeds flied, leaving obvious traces of fighting.

And on the ground... lies a dead beast.

The body is more than 50 meters long, and the body is slightly sturdy, with a turtle shell on its back, a bit like a tortoise, but the turtle shell is covered with thorn-like protrusions.

To say that it is a tortoise is more like a dinosaur that has been extinct for tens of millions of years-Bramblesaurus!

Yes, Thorn Dragon!

This fierce beast looks like a thorn dragon!

In other words, it itself is a thorn dragon magnified ten times!

"It looks so much like a thorn dragon, is this a dinosaur planet?"

Niu Ben whispered softly.

Dinosaurs are long-extinct creatures, at least on Earth. Even after the rise of beasts, many reptiles have undergone ancestral evolution under the stimulation of genetic abilities, but none of them have evolved into dinosaurs.

For example, the Komodo dragon, although everyone calls it a dragon, it is a lizard that has been magnified dozens of times, not a real dinosaur.

Therefore, seeing the beast resembling the thorn dragon here, everyone is unavoidable.

"How did it die?"

Someone wondered.

"Could it be other beasts on this planet?" Someone was surprised.

"This is an S-class planet, everyone should proceed carefully!" someone reminded.


While everyone was talking about it, the corpse of the "Thorn Dragon" lying quietly shook, to be precise, its stomach moved.

Immediately afterwards, the thorn dragon's belly shook more and more violently, as if something was beating its belly.


All the students looked stunned.

The next moment, in full view, the Thorn Dragon's belly suddenly burst open, and a **** thing came out of it.

This thing looked like a snake, it was covered with blood, and the surface of the body was covered with all kinds of small barbs. When it came out, it threw up and roared, and its sound was sharp and harsh, making it uncomfortable to listen to.

"What the **** is this?"

"No... I don't know!"

"This thing..."

Looking at the abdomen of the thorn dragon, most of the body was protruding from it, Ling Jiu suddenly felt a bit cold in his back:

"Isn't this kind of creature in front of you? No! That thing is just a creature in the movie, how could it appear in reality?"

What did Ling Jiu think of?

He thought of Alien!

Yes, it was the kind of creature in the alien series, and that kind of creature left Ling Jiu's impression too deep!

It's not just how strong the Alien is. On the individual strength alone, Ling Jiu believes that the Alien in all Alien movies is not an opponent of the students present!

That is for sure!

But what made Ling Jiu's back chill was a terrifying ability of the alien: the ability to absorb the host's dominant gene to evolve!

To put it simply, the stronger the host of the parasite, the stronger the alien shape it produces. This is the most terrifying!

We must know that there are an astonishing number of beasts living on the earth now. Once these beasts are parasitized by aliens, it is impossible to imagine how powerful creatures they will be.

"Let me see what this thing is!"

Thinking like this in his heart, Ling Jiu used the copy ability to detect the creature's ability information for the first time.

Name: unknown

Race: Alien

Abilities: Super body (awakened), DNA recombination (awakened), DNA plunder (awakened), super adaptation (awakened)

"Alien! What an alien!"

Ling Jiu whispered, "What's so special, it's really such a dog thing!"

"Ling Jiu, do you know this creature?"

Niu Ben asked quickly after hearing this.

Bai Ya and Niu Miao also looked at Ling Jiu, with curiosity in their eyes.


Ling Jiu's face was ugly: "This is a very terrifying creature, more terrifying than any creature we know so far! You must be careful!"

"Terrorist than any creature?"

The three of Niu Ben looked at each other.

"Ling Jiu, are you alarmist?"

A student's voice sounded, and he also heard Ling Jiu's words.

"Is it alarmist, UU reading, you will see it soon!"

Ling Jiu took a deep breath. At this moment, the chestbreaker alien who had just broken open the body of the thorn dragon completely crawled out of the body of the thorn dragon.

What shocked everyone happened:

Those with broken **** grow in the wind, growing at a speed visible to the naked eye, growing limbs, tails, exoskeleton...

In just a few minutes, a head with a body length of more than 60 meters, a fusiform crown, a black body, a hard exoskeleton all over the body, and a special shape like a sharp tail...appeared.

But unlike the alien form in Ling Jiu's impression, it obviously inherited the characteristics of its host Thorn Dragon, with a stronger trunk and walking on all fours.

Another point is that it also has a thick tortoise shell on its back, and its tail is not sharp, knife-shaped, but hammer-shaped with spikes.

The Thorn Dragon Alien... is officially born!

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