My Special Ability is Perfect Replication

Chapter 224: Super acid, overlord alien

From breaking out of the chest to growing into an adult, it took less than ten minutes for the Thorn Dragon Alien to grow. This growth rate is simply unparalleled!

At least, no one in the room has seen such a creature!



"There are such creatures in the world!"

Everyone was shocked.


The alien's forefoot of the thorn dragon stepped on the corpse of the thorn dragon, and he raised a sharp roar to the sky, seeming to announce its birth.

Everyone was taken aback by its voice, and many people were a little bit irritated: "What is it called? Funeral!"

One person appeared not far away from the Thorn Dragon Alien, and a lightning strike slashed it fiercely on the long and narrow spindle-shaped brain crown of the Thorn Dragon Alien.


The hard shell of the fusiform crown was split instantly, and a green liquid like orange juice spurted out suddenly and splashed on the man's arm.

"What is the scariest creature in the world? It's not a second move by me!"

This person looked at the thorn dragon alien, which was staggered to the ground, with his mouth turned up, and his face was mocking with disdain, as if he was mocking what Ling Jiu had just said.


However, as soon as his voice fell, he screamed bitterly.

Everyone looked at it in amazement, and saw the green blood falling on this man's arm crazily corroding this man's arm.

A few blinks of an eye corroded the flesh and blood outside, and then the bones. In the end, even the bones were completely corroded.


Seeing this, other students couldn't help but breathe in air, and their eyes were flooded with something called horror.

"This blood... is actually strong acid!"

"I have never seen such a terrible acid!"


"It's terrible, if it falls on the body, it won't completely corrode people? Damn! Thinking about it makes your scalp numb!"

"Save...Save me! Save me!"

Looking at the man again, only half of his left arm remained, and there was still a lot of acid remaining at the fracture, which was corroding upwards. If he did not stop him, he would lose not only a left arm, but also his life.


At the moment of the moment, a silver light flashed, cutting off the remaining half of the man's left arm, cutting it off all at once, and half of the left arm fell to the ground, which was quickly corroded into a pool of liquid. . .

"Brother Ling, you just said that this creature is the scariest creature in the world. I still don't believe it, but now... I believe it!"

Niu Ben swallowed his saliva: "Its blood is really terrible, if it gets a drop...I shudder just thinking about it!"

"I'm not referring to this!"

Ling Jiu's eyes were deep: "Although its blood is terrifying, the most terrifying thing about them is that they are always better than their host in combat power!"

Niu Ben was taken aback: "Combat power? Its combat power is very average!"

"That's because the host is average!"

Ling Jiu shook his head: "Forget it! Since there are such creatures on this planet, there must be more and stronger ones, you will always see them!"

The combat effectiveness of this thorn dragon is really average, which is comparable to that of Tier 6 fierce beasts. Where can the aliens that parasitize it be so strong?

Comparable to the seventh-tier fierce beast, it is naturally unable to resist the attack of an eighth-level ability person!

Does this show that the alien is not strong?

Of course not!

The strongest alien is never the body, but the ability to inherit the host's excellent genes, which means that its combat effectiveness is always the host +1!

Therefore, once the alien arrives on a planet with very rich and powerful species, the consequences are hard to imagine!

"Let's go, keep exploring!"

Ling Jiu greeted him and left with Bai Ya. Niu Ben and Niu Miao looked at each other and followed Ling Jiu's footsteps.

They thought it was just a probing operation, so they didn't plan to form a team, and now they don't want to form a team. The alien creatures are too terrifying.

Ling Jiu didn't say anything about it, just form a team.

The four set off on the road and moved forward for a while, but suddenly there was a fierce fight in the jungle not far away, and the four chased them.

Then, I saw a fierce scene:

Both sides of the battle are "dinosaurs", one resembling a triceratops, with sharp long horns, and a stout body, but it is obviously larger than the triceratops.

Its body length is more than 50 meters, and its height is close to 20 meters. Its three long horns alone are more than ten meters long. The tip is bright and shimmering with cold light.

Its opponent is a creature resembling a Tyrannosaurus rex, with a fierce head, sharp fangs, a body length of more than 90 meters and a height of 30 meters.

The huge and ferocious head alone is over ten meters long, and each fang is as sharp as a blade.


This tyrannosaurus was obviously hunting the triceratops, and it continued to attack, but it repeatedly broke the halberd in front of the sharp horns of the triceratops.

Although the attack method of the Triceratops is single, it has sharp horns and enough terrifying power. Once it is hit by its long horns, even the Tyrannosaurus will have to hate it.

However, the Tyrannosaurus rex is a Tyrannosaurus rex after all. It finally seized an opportunity with its flexible positioning and bit the neck of the Triceratops with one bite.

Then, there were crazy bites.

The sharp fangs were like a file, cutting the triceratops' neck frantically.

The huge pain irritated the Triceratops. It constantly reversed its direction and wanted to give the Tyrannosaurus a corner, but the Tyrannosaurus was not stupid. It kept moving flexibly, avoiding and biting.

Not surprisingly, the Tyrannosaurus rex won the battle. It snapped the triceratops' neck and killed it.

Afterwards, the Tyrannosaurus rex was ready to have a full meal, at this moment... the sudden change occurred!

"Tick—" 120



A burst of water dripping on the leaves sounded, and there was a black creature with a body of more than 100 meters long and a huge spindle-shaped brain crown coming out of the woods.

Liquid dripped from its mouth, and its long tail wagged at will.

"That kind of creature again!"

At the first sight of this product, the three of Niu Ben recognized it, and they couldn't help changing their color slightly: "However, it looks different from the one just now!"

"It's really different!"

Ling Jiu nodded.

This abnormal shape is walking upright on the hind feet, and the head is larger and hideous, and the teeth are sharper than the ordinary abnormal shape.

If you look carefully, it is not difficult to find that it is a bit similar to the Tyrannosaurus not far away, it is probably a Tyrannosaurus alien!

No one knows if it is specific, let's call it the Tyrannosaurus Alien!

The Alien Tyrannosaurus slowly approached, and such provocative behavior made the Tyrannosaurus that had just won a threat. The triceratops was its food, and it did not allow anyone to get involved.

As a result, the Tyrannosaurus rex opened his blood basin and opened his mouth with an earth-shattering roar.

The billowing sound wave exploded like a muffled thunder, rippling circles in the void.

This is a warning!

The Tyrannosaurus is warning the alien in front of him, let it roll away!

It is a pity that the Tyrannosaurus rex alien was not moved at all. It flicked the long tail behind it, and leaned forward with graceful steps.


This kind of behavior is tantamount to an attack. How could the Tyrannosaurus stand it? It opened its blood basin and bit into it, and launched an attack brazenly.

"call out--"

In the face of the attack, the Tyrannosaurus Alien dodges lightly, and at the same time, the long tail volleys behind him and stabs the Tyrannosaurus' hind legs.


Like a steel needle piercing tofu, the long tail instantly penetrated the hind legs of the Tyrannosaurus rex.

The Tyrannosaurus screamed, the huge body smashed to one side, and then hit the ground severely, making a loud bang.

Tyrannosaurus rex has only two legs. As long as one leg is injured, it is completely useless. No matter how amazing its bite force is, it will only end with death.

"Second kill!"

Ling Jiu murmured: "The Tyrannosaurus rex alien is facing the Tyrannosaurus, it turned out to be a spike!"


After wounding the Tyrannosaurus rex, one foot of the Tyrannosaurus alien stepped on the body of the Tyrannosaurus, and roared fiercely, as if to vent his emotions.

Then, it bit the injured Tyrannosaurus rex and slowly dragged it away.

Upon seeing this, Niu Ben quickly asked, "Brother Ling, he is leaving, what shall we do?"

"Don't worry, follow up!"

Ling Jiu slowly said: "No accident, we should have a big discovery!"

"it is good!"

The three nodded repeatedly.

Ever since.

The four followed carefully behind the Tyrannosaurus Alien, fearing that they would be discovered by the Tyrannosaurus Alien, Ling Jiu hid the three of them in the ocean of space.

The dragged Tyrannosaurus rex alien was very painful, and the huge wound on his leg kept bleeding.

Being dragged all the way, blood shed all the way, the Tyrannosaurus tried to get up again and again, but ended in failure.

Half an hour later, it was dragged into a huge cave.

This cave is a bit weird, in an inverted V shape, wide at the bottom and narrow at the top. It's dark and dull inside, but it's hard to see what's in it, but a burst of mist continues to emerge from the cave, exuding an unpleasant smell.

"Everyone, if we expect it to be good, we should have found the alien lair!"

Ling Jiu stared at the cave with scorching eyes: "What's in the lair, we still need to check it out! But if the prediction is good, there should be a big discovery! You are waiting here, I will go in and see!"

"You go alone? How can this work!"

Bai Ya frowned and said, "It's too dangerous!"

"Yes, brother Ling!"

Niu Ben also said: "The alien that led us just now is almost comparable to the Tier 9 Beast King, and it is already very dangerous!"

"Not to mention, this is a den of aliens. There must be hidden and powerful aliens. How can we rest assured that you will go in alone?"

"Don't worry! I have space power..."

Ling Jiuzheng spoke, but Bai Ya's eyes were rolled: "Have you forgotten about the planets of hell? Your space powers are not so good!"


Ling Jiu smiled bitterly: "Then don't enter the lair, just draw the alien out to see!" Ling Jiu jumped to the front of the cave, and then stepped on the ground.

The earth shook violently, and even the cave was shaking violently.

This behavior was undoubtedly a provocation. After a while, there was movement in the cave, and the aliens filed out like wasps.

In the blink of an eye, twenty or thirty heads appeared.

These dozens of aliens are not big, they have short and powerful bodies, sharp front claws, and long tails. The body length is generally only 20 meters, and the body length is only 67 meters.

After they ran out, they surrounded Ling Jiu directly, and then looked at Ling Jiu hideously, with saliva flowing in their mouths.

"What kind of alien is this?"

Ling Jiu looked at the twenty or thirty aliens that surrounded him, and moved his muscles and bones a bit: "Forget it, whatever aliens you are..."

"600 times gravity!"

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