My Special Ability is Perfect Replication

Chapter 239: Transfiguration ability, delay aging

   Leoux controlled the Leoux and left, Ling Jiu and Bai Ya stayed at Baidong 2.

   When the two came to the surface of the planet, they saw an endless forest, a mist of water, and a river in between.

   The whole planet is like a fairyland, surrounded by clouds and mist, and beautiful; it is like a barbaric era, full of infiltrating beast roars and roars everywhere.

   "Honey, this planet is dangerous, we must be careful!"

   Ling Jiu reminded: "Stellar life abounds, and if you are not careful, you will fall into a dead end, so don't be careless!"

"I see!"

   Bai Ya nodded repeatedly.

   "Let's go, go to the ground!"

   The two flew through the forest towards the ground, only to descend for a while before reaching the ground.

   These plants are incredibly tall, and roughly estimated to be thousands of meters high, and incredibly thick. What are towering trees?

   This is the real towering tree!

   There are also clumps of shrubs, two or three meters high weeds, and a thick layer of dead branches and leaves on the ground, which can trap people like traps.

   To tell the truth, there was no place to stay, but it was difficult for Ling Jiu, so he went down on fire and easily burned a place to stay.

   then released the airship.

   Finally, start practicing.

   In order to improve the efficiency of cultivation, Ling Jiu and Bai Ya both created replicas, Ling Jiu created 10 replicas, and Bai Ya created 3.

   After breaking through the ninth level, the number of copies Bai Ya can make has increased to 6, and 3 have been placed on Mars, and now only 3 can be made.

   The two sit in the airship, continuously ingesting the dark biological energy in the air...

   Time is passing slowly.

   10 days passed in a blink of an eye.

   Ling Jiu opened his eyes, and a ray of light flashed in his eyes. With the rich dark biological energy and the consumption of a dark psionic crystal, he finally broke through the eighth level and became an eighth-level supernatural power.

   "Eighth-level abilities, the control of abilities is more superb, the field of abilities has become very powerful, and the range has reached 5 kilometers!"

   "The most important thing is that in the field of supernatural powers, supernatural powers can be elemental, gathered to form a form, scattered to form an element!"

   Ling Jiu's heart moved, and his whole person instantly turned into a fire man, and then the fire man became a water man, a wooden man, a native man, a metal man...

   You can switch between the five elements at will, without any blockage, and it is incredibly smooth!

   Finally, Ling Jiu returned to his original form.

   "There is also a field buff bonus, which has also been increased from 10 times to 20 times!"

   "On the basis of ability cultivation alone, my current strength is also very impressive!"

   "It's a pity, the gap with star life is still too big!"

   "Keep on practicing!"

   "However, before continuing to practice, I have to copy the next ability. The copy ability can be copied again!"

   Thinking of this, Ling Jiu slowly got up and saw that Bai Ya was still burying his head in cultivating. He didn't bother him, and quietly got out of the airship by himself.

   Looking at the lush forest, Ling Jiu silently calculated:

"Leaux said that although this planet has not bred intelligent races, the lives it bred are very dangerous. Star life is everywhere, and galaxy life is also a lot! Think about it... there should be no shortage of powerful abilities. Right?"

   Thinking like this in his heart, Ling Jiu took out the life detector, "Huh? In this direction, 5 kilometers away from me, there is a Tier 9 fierce beast!"

   "Come and see!"

   The distance of 5 kilometers is really not enough. Ling Jiu is now an eighth-level ability, and the range of the power field is 5 kilometers.

   So it was just a teleport, he came 5 kilometers away and saw the Tier 9 fierce beast.

   This fierce beast is shaped like a cheetah, with well-proportioned lines and exquisite muscles, but its body is like cast metal, full of metallic texture.

   is like a metal cheetah again.

   is really amazing!

  Ling Jiu hides in the ocean of space, and investigates the power information of this beast from the air:

  Name: Unknown

   Race: Shadow Leopard

   Abilities: Metallization (awakened, can be copied), Nether flash (awakened, can be copied), super body (awakened, can be copied)

   "What kind of power is Ghost Flash?"

   Ling Jiu frowned slightly.

   This is the first time he has heard of this power, so he feels a bit strange. In order to figure out the ghost flash, it is necessary to move his hands and feet.

Thinking of this, Ling Jiu appeared. You Ying Leopard's sense of smell was very sensitive. He found Ling Jiu's trace for the first time. A pair of icy eyes staring at Ling Jiu coldly, bursting into his throat. The low roar, the warning is self-evident.

   Ling Jiu ignored the opponent's warning and directly punched it.


   The shadow leopard kicked the ground, and instantly jumped high, gently avoiding Ling Jiu's attack.

   The next moment, it suddenly disappeared in place, and when it reappeared, it still reached Ling Jiu and grabbed Ling Jiu with its sharp claws.

   "This is teleport?"

   Ling Jiu raised his brows, but his hands were not slow.

   "Shen Luo Tianzheng!"

   A terrifying repulsive force burst out from him, and it instantly acted on the shadow leopard, and the shadow leopard was shot out.

   Youying Leopard didn't believe in evil, and jumped up again. . .

   The next result is self-evident. When Ling Jiu deliberately released the water, a close battle started.

   A few minutes later, Ling Jiu finally figured out the skill of Nether Blink, which was indeed a teleport, but the limitations of this teleport were very large.

   Because Nether Flash can only teleport forward, and cannot teleport in all directions without restrictions like his teleport.

   After clarifying, Ling Jiu felt dull, and swallowed the shadow leopard in one bite, then took out the life detector and looked for the second beast.

   "This direction!"

   "There is a Tier 10 fierce beast 7 kilometers away!"


   Two consecutive teleports, Ling Jiu saw this Tier 10 fierce beast.

   This is a huge crimson snake, more than a hundred meters long, and covered with giant scales with red metallic luster.

   It is an exaggeration that a red sarcoma grows on the top of its head, which is bloated and evil, which looks like a cockscomb.

   "Is this a cockscomb snake?"

   Ling Jiu explored its abilities.

  Name: Unknown

   Race: Red Flame Cockscomb

   Abilities: Ultrasound (awakened, can be copied), super speed (awakened, can be copied), super poisonous (awakened, can be copied)

   "Garbage ability!"

   Ling Jiu shook his head slightly, and a teleport appeared in front of the Red Flame Cockscomb, blasted the opponent's head with a punch, and then swallowed it.

   "There is the first Tier 9 fierce beast 3 kilometers away!"


   Just like that, Ling Jiu moved around, looking for suitable abilities.

   As Leoux said, the fierce beasts on this planet are indeed very powerful, and the seventh and eighth-order fierce beasts are the lowest end of the food chain.

   Moreover, every beast has at least two housekeeping skills!

   However, there is no ability to enter Ling Jiu's eyes.

   One day passed in a blink of an eye, and Ling Jiu planned to find a similar ability to copy. At this time, he encountered another monster.

   This is a mysterious monster, the detector can detect it, but Ling Jiu can't.

   After working for a long time, Ling Jiu found out that it turned into a bush, hiding quietly under his eyelids, no wonder he couldn't find it.

  Name: Unknown

   Race: Mud Beast

   Abilities: Super metamorphosis (awakened, can be copied), super poisonous (awakened, can be copied), anti-aging (awakened, can be copied)

   "Super deformed?"

   Ling Jiu's eyes lit up slightly: "This is a good ability, but I don't know which one is stronger than the Devil's transformation ability?"

   "It also has the ability to delay aging, which is also a good ability. Presumably Bai Ya, Ling'er and Mom will like this ability very much!"

   "First copy the deformation ability, and then copy to delay aging!"

   Upon thinking of this, Ling Jiu decisively replicated his ability to deform. After a painful ordeal, Ling Jiu merged his ability to deform.

   After a simple study, Ling Jiu figured out the true principle of deformation.

   It turns out that the mud beast can change its own cell and tissue structure at will, so that it can change into any object, including size, strength, iris, skin, sound...

   can be called a real kaleidoscope!

   But this ability is not omnipotent!

   No matter how you change, you can’t change the mass of your body, and the greater the gap between the changed object and the body, the more difficult it will be to deform.

   Once the changed object is too far away from itself, it may even cause its own death.

   "Exaggerated ability, but there are limitations!"

   Ling Jiu nodded slightly: "However, it is normal if there are limitations. How can there be a truly perfect ability!"


   Ling Jiu looked at a bush in the distance, and then felt a drastic change in his body. A few seconds later, he became the bush.

   Ling Jiu looked at himself, then at the bushes, they were exactly the same, and there was no difference.


   Ling Jiu praised, and then continued to try.


   Ling Jiu became Bai Ya again, bulging forward and backward, his body is perfect, and Bai Ya is almost carved out of the same mold.


   This time, Ling Jiu became Leoux again.


   Ling Jiu is like a naughty child who has gotten his beloved toy, and he keeps trying.

   When watching "Journey to the West" in his previous life, Ling Jiu was very envious of Sun Monkey's 72 changes. He simply changed whatever he wanted to change.

just now.

   This wish has finally come true!

   "Lao Tzu has more than 72 It is changeable, you can change whatever you want, one word: awesome!"

   It was almost time to play, Ling Jiucai left a space mark on this mud beast, and then left.

   Unexpectedly, when he returned to the airship, the scene before him made Ling Jiu furious.

   One hundred meters tall, the whole body is covered with hard scale armor, and the metallic "gorilla" is playing with the airship.

   An airship the size of a bus is in its hand, like a small toy, constantly being kneaded.

   If it weren’t for the constant star airship, it was incredibly sturdy, how could the airship be able to withstand such a big toy?

   "Go away!"

   Ling Jiu let out a cold snort, and in the blink of an eye he became a 50-meter tall man, teleported to appear in front of the "gorilla", and kicked it hard.


   The gorilla didn't expect Ling Jiu to suddenly kill, and was caught off guard, he was kicked out by Ling Jiu, and he broke several towering trees one after another before it came to a stop.

   Then, it glared at Ling Jiu with eyes that were bigger than a taxi. There was a tyrannical and bloodthirsty color flashing in his eyes, and he opened his mouth and roared.



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