My Special Ability is Perfect Replication

Chapter 240: Copy again, grant the ability


   The gorilla roared and slammed on the ground, and the ground instantly cracked.

   With this force, the gorilla leaped high, then swung an iron fist larger than a bus, and slammed it at Ling Jiu.

   With this punch, even a large mountain could explode, but in the face of this blow, Ling Jiu sank his waist and immediately greeted him with a punch.

   "Better than strength... I am not afraid of you!"


   The fists of both sides slammed together, as if Mars hit the earth. With a thunderous explosion, the violent shock wave spread in all directions centered on the two.

   Where the shock wave passes, bushes, weeds, and big trees are all turned into powder.

  Looking at the two instigators who caused all this, they moved backwards almost at the same time, Ling Jiu backed 20 meters, and the gorilla backed seven or eight meters.

  Who is strong and weak, seems to be superior and inferior?

   Ling Jiu is not angry but happy, so resisting? Okay, just use you as a sandbag!

   "Come again!"

   Ling Jiu smiled and threw out again.


   The gorilla beat his chest with an iron fist and came up.

   "Boom boom boom——"

A fierce collision unfolded, and the surrounding forests were completely filled with mold. Where Ling Jiu and the gorillas pass, whether it is bushes, weeds, or towering trees, they are either shattered into powder or broken. collapse.

   Passed all the way, a mess.

   Bai Ya flew out of the airship and saw such a scene. She quickly received the airship and chased it in the direction of the fight.






   The gorilla roared, raised his fist and smashed it over again. I don't know how many times it hit Ling Jiu, and every time it had the upper hand.

   But what made it puzzled was that Ling Jiu was able to take its attack every time, and instead of being injured, he became more brave as he fought.

   This is completely different from other fierce beasts in the forest, which makes the gorilla very angry, and launches more and more fierce attacks.

   "Good job!"

   Ling Jiu showed excitement, did not evade, and brazenly greeted him. After colliding in turns, his physical strength was exhausted.

   But Ling Jiu could clearly feel that the huge vitality hoarded in the body was constantly being consumed, and the cells were frantically absorbing the excess vitality.




   Consume again.

   Throughout the process, Ling Jiu's body increased at a speed visible to the naked eye.

   For this alone, this battle is worth it.

   "Come again!"


   "Come again!"

   Ling Jiu is like a humanoid machine, attacking tirelessly.

   He is not afraid of consumption, injury, or death...Even if he is hit by a gorilla again and again, even if he faces danger several times, he is still not afraid of death.

   Unknowingly, the form on the battlefield has quietly changed.

  'S initial fall into the wind gradually became evenly matched, and when the battle lasted for half an hour, it went from being evenly matched to gaining the upper hand.

The difference is that:

   This time it is no longer the gorilla who has the upper hand, but Ling Jiu!


   There was another violent impact, and the gorilla was smashed and flew 20 or 30 meters away. This situation made the gorilla even more violent.

   It casually grabbed a big tree in front of it, and then stroked it with his hand. The branches and leaves on the trunk were immediately wiped clean.

   In the next second, the gorilla held a thick tree trunk, like a grandson who had rounded a golden hoop, and slammed it at Ling Jiu.

   "Do monkeys like to play sticks?"

   Ling Jiu smiled, flipped his palm, and the Amisus saber appeared in his hand. The saber rose against the storm and grew to 50 meters in the blink of an eye.

   Ling Jiu was holding a war knife and greeted the trunk that had been smashed down. With a click, the sharp war knife cut across the trunk and blasted the trunk in two.


   The gorilla was taken aback for a while, looked at the stick in his hand, and then at the sword in Ling Jiu's hand. It seemed that he didn't expect the sword to be so sharp.

   "Come again!"

   Ling Jiu wouldn't be polite with it, he used his saber to chop and chop. At the end of the chop, the tree trunk in the hands of the gorilla was cut directly into a wooden pier.

   Ling Jiu put away the saber when he saw it, then raised his fist again and threw it out.

   He just wants to head to head!

   "Boom boom boom——"

  The battle started again.

   In a blink of an eye, another few hours passed, and the white hole in the sky was still emitting light, and the dark night was not in the slightest.

   The gorilla was very tired, and the color of prayer flashed in his eyes. Under the high-intensity battle, it was exhausted and could not hold on.

   "For the sake of your fought with me, I will spare your life today!"

   Ling Jiu wiped the sweat from his head, and instead of attacking, he waved his hand to signal that the gorilla could leave.


   The gorilla was amnesty, and left as if it had fled. It was exhausted!

   "Honey, are you all right?"

   Bai Ya hurriedly greeted her.

   "Not only is it okay, it's pretty good!"

   Ling Jiu stretched his arms: "I feel very comfortable all over now, just like steaming in a sauna. I feel comfortable throughout my body!"

   "It's all right!"

   Bai Ya breathed a sigh of relief, then said again: "What did you just go out for, why didn't I see you when I woke up?"

   "Sorry, I went out to copy the ability!" Ling Jiu said embarrassedly: "Isn't it seven days, I can copy other abilities again!"


   Bai Ya nodded understandingly.

   "Honey, I'm hungry!"

   Ling Jiu touched his stomach.

"I'm hungry too!"

   The two returned to the airship, and then ordered the smart robot to cook. After a while, the fragrant food was on the table.

   After eating, the two went back to bed and did some wonderful things, then fell asleep, and woke up a few hours later.

   Ling Jiu didn't rush to practice, but sank his mind into the world inside his body.

   He discovered that the whale-like galaxy life that had swallowed in before was still not digested, even only some of the epidermis was burned, and most of the main body was...intact.

   The blazing flame burned for so many days... How can it be!

   "Galactic life is galactic life after all, even if it is just a corpse, it is not something I can easily digest now!"

   Ling Jiu sighed, then ignored it and continued to practice.


   A steady stream of dark creatures can swept in from all directions, poured into the body, and finally all merged into the pubic area and was swallowed by the rotating nebula.

   The genetic power core is still spinning at high speed, swallowing the surrounding nebula, and massive amounts of dark creatures can be swallowed every moment.

   For this speed, Ling Jiu still felt very slow, so he sent a dark creature energy crystal into the body world.


   The raging flames burned the dark creature energy crystals, and the dark creature energy crystals were decomposed into pure dark creature energy at a speed visible to the naked eye.

   These dark creatures poured into the body again and were swallowed by the genetic power core.

   both absorb the dark biological energy in the air.

   and absorbed the dark creature energy crystal.

   Two-pronged approach, Ling Jiu's cultivation speed has reached an unprecedented level, which is simply a duck-filling improvement.

   Time passed quietly, and another 10 days passed in a blink of an eye.

   On this day, Ling Jiu stopped practicing again.

   "A dark creature energy crystal has been absorbed, but it is still some distance from the 9th level. It seems that a dark creature energy crystal needs to be consumed!"

   Ling Jiu murmured secretly, then got up and stretched.

   Bai Ya was still immersed in hard work, Ling Jiu did not disturb her, sensing the spatial imprint left on the mud beast, and quietly disappeared into the airship.

   "Copy the anti-aging ability!"

   The replication is successful, is it integrated?




   Anti-aging is an amazing ability!

   The reason why people age is because the telomere length of cell chromosomes is fixed.

   Every time a cell divides, the telomere is shortened by one point, the cell keeps dividing, and the telomere keeps shortening, and finally it is completely consumed.

  Once the telomeres are exhausted, the cells will no longer divide, and people will naturally age and die.

  The water of life on the earth is an efficient nutrient, which can replenish consumed telomeres and increase the number of cell divisions, thereby delaying aging and extending life.

   Because of this, a piece of water of life can extend life span by 30 years.

The principle of    delaying aging is similar to the mechanism of life water, which is to lengthen the telomeres at the ends of chromosomes.

   But unlike the water of life, the anti-aging ability is not an efficient nutrient, it gives the chromosome telomeres a...regeneration function.

What does    mean?

This means that:

   With the ability to delay aging, chromosomal telomeres can be continuously regenerated.

   Such an old age, even if the cells continue to divide, the chromosomal telomeres will continue to regenerate, which greatly prolongs the number of cell divisions, which in turn delays aging and prolongs life.

   To put it simply, the water of life and the anti-aging ability are the difference between medicine and ability, which can be visually understood as the difference between giving a person to fish and giving a person to fish.

  The water of life is like giving you a few catties of dyed telomeres, so you can live a few more years!

  The ability to delay senescence is like giving you the ability to make chromosome telomeres. You can continuously regenerate chromosome telomeres, thereby extending your lifespan.

   Which one is better?

   is of course the ability to delay aging!

   "I just don't know how long this ability can delay life?"

   Ling Jiu murmured, returned to the airship, and then woke up Bai Ya: "My dear, do you want to stay young forever?"

   "Youth stay forever?"

   Bai Ya was stunned: "My dear, what are you talking about?"

   "I ask you, do you want to stay young forever?"

   Ling Jiu smiled and said Bai Ya was confused, but still said: "Of course I do. As a woman, who doesn't want to stay young and be young and beautiful?"

   "Just think about it!"

  Ling Jiu activated the third natal ability of his newly awakened recently-empowering ability, giving Bai Ya the ability to delay aging.


   Bai Ya snorted, her face changed.

   "Honey, I just gave you a new ability!"

   Ling Jiu explained: "It will be very painful to integrate new abilities, you bear it!"


   Although Bai Ya wondered why Ling Jiu was able to give her the ability, at this time, she could no longer care about her doubts, because... it was really painful.


   "My dear, forbearance!"

   Ling Jiu held Bai Ya's hand tightly and cheered her on. As the owner of the copy ability, he was too aware of the pain of fusion.

   Fortunately, the pain came quickly, and it went quickly. After ten minutes, it finally passed, Bai Ya's face was a little pale.

   "Dear... honey, what is going on?"

"Is such that……"


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