My Star Teacher

Chapter 244: [I'm very serious]

The audience was amused and leaned forward and laughed, and the various interactions and abuses of the guests in the show made them happy and laughed. How could there have been a variety show where the stars had been so miserable. Today is really the first time.

When seeing Ye Guang besieged by the guests, it was another dense laugh.

"Deserve it! It's true to be self-sustaining, who made you design such abusive links."

"But ... I like it, this kind of link will not be less in the future!"

"Although I feel bad for our goddess Liu, I still want to see it. After it's over, I'm a fake fan."


The next series of game sessions also made the audience burst into laughter. The game session in which Luminous dived in the catapult chair revealed a lot of surprises to the audience.

Luminous still has this kind of operation? Long insight.

However, the front part is only an appetizer. The really exciting part is the part that tears the brand name behind, especially when Zhong Jing led Sapphire and Mu Huang to attack other groups, it made the audience look straightforward.

Luminous, as well as Liu Tianwang and Zhong Jing when the three men tore their nameplates, some of the fight scenes that you came and went to, have pushed the atmosphere of the show to the top.

In the end, Liu Tianwang won the final victory. After the entire program was broadcast, many viewers were still interested.

"Ah? No more?"

"It's gone, I just watched it for a while. Alas, it's ten o'clock."

Happy times always pass quickly.

At the end of the show, there was a warm applause from the projection room where Luminous and the staff of the show group were located.

Many employees are already talking about great success, congratulations and the like.

Luminous, on the contrary, was humble. "The show just aired. I don't know how the ratings are yet. We have to wait for tomorrow's TV ratings."

Wei Haijun said, "Don't wait, our show must be hot! If it doesn't, I will eat my camera."

"Hahaha." Everyone laughed.

Luminous, "Okay, the show is over and the time is not too late. Let ’s go. Go back to rest early. There is work to be done tomorrow. I hope everyone will make persistent efforts to do better!"

The crowd gradually dispersed.

The next day, Luminous was awakened by the phone.

"Little night, good news! Good news!"

The caller was Zhang Zhi, deputy director of Beijing Satellite TV, probably because he was in a better mood, and the name of Luminous became familiar.

Luminous rubbed his sleepy eyes, and before he talked, Zhang Zhi on the other side of the phone said impatiently, "The ratings have come out! 1.43! 1.43! We have become! It has become the first in the country, hahaha, first! "

Zhang Zhi was very excited. The performance of the running man really surprised him. He had watched the video of the show before it was broadcast. At that time, he felt very good, but before the show was broadcast, no one would dare to guarantee that the ratings would be There is geometry, and even if the program can be welcomed by the audience, but this is the first issue, word of mouth and popularity have not yet risen, actually the ratings have directly topped the national throne!

The ratings are as high as 1.43. This is the result that Zhang Zhi did n’t dare to think about before looking for Ye Guang to do the show. And this is just the beginning. This is the first issue. The ratings must still rise, 1.43 is definitely not the end, 1.5, 1.6, or even 1.7 is not impossible! As for how many, Zhang Zhi dare not think about it.

Ye Guang heard Zhang Zhi's words clearly and sat up from the bed. "Chairperson Zhang, congratulations, congratulations."

Zhang Zhi laughed, "Tongxi, Tongxi! Xiaoye, thanks to you, I really did not read the wrong person, Xiaoye, the show relies on you, do it well, tell me if you have any difficulties! Let's talk about this show! With this achievement, we must definitely take care of it on TV stations, as long as we can help, we will definitely not let go. "

Yeguang smiled and said, "Thank you, Director Zhang, there is no difficulty at the moment. If there are any difficulties, I will definitely not be kind to you."

Zhang Zhi, "Haha, okay, Xiao Ye, don't spit out a chapter director, listen to the students, if you don't dislike it, call me a brother."

Luminous smiled, "How can you be disgusted, this is my pleasure, thank you Brother Zhang."

The two spoke a few words and hung up.

The person next to Luminous twisted a bit and sat up, "Congratulations."

Yes, last night Liu Chiyan stayed in the luminous room again. When the luminous phone rang, he also woken Liu Chiyan. Zhang Zhi and Yeguang talked about Liu Chiyan because they did n’t press the extension. The sound key, so Zhang Zhi did not hear exactly what Liu Chiyan said, but through the dialogue between Luminous and Zhang Zhi, Liu Chiyan had already guessed.

Liu Chiyan yawned, and leaned a little lazily against Lu Guang, resting his head on his shoulder, and asked, "What is the specific rating?"

Luminous, "1.43."

Liu Chi smoked, and asked again, "How much?"

"1.43, it's okay."

"Ah ~" Liu Chiyan yelled, then turned over and rode on Luminous, pecked several times on his face and mouth, "Haha, 1.43, great! Husband you are great!"

Ye Guang looked at Liu Chiyan with amusement and said, "It's so exciting, don't you just be 1.43, look at you."

Liu Chiyan's excitement has not passed yet, "What's wrong is 1.43, but it's 1.43! Do you know the ratings of domestic variety shows? Except for the strongest voice ~ ~ is 1.38 maintained by Happy Base Camp The highest ratings record, we are 1.43, this is a record breaking, the first in the country! "

Luminous lightly patted somewhere in Liu Chiyan's extremely flexible place, "Well, I know." There was not much excitement in the tone, which was very bland.

Liu Chiyan looked at Luminous, "I know you are not happy?"

Luminous smiled, "I'm not upset, I'm quite happy."

Liu Chiyan, "I can't see it."

Luminous, "I don't need to write on my face when I'm happy. I secretly enjoy it, and ..." Luminous paused.

Liu Chiyan asked quickly, "And what?"

Luminous, "1.43, it's not what I expected."

Liu Chiyan looked at Luminous. "What is your expectation?"

Luminous thought about it, and said a number that he thought was still relatively conservative, "... at least, the ratings are 2."

Liu Chi Yan froze. Thinking of what Ye Guang said when he talked about the contract with Zhang Zhi at that time, Ye Guang seemed to have said how much the ratings would be, but he was not bragging!

Liu Chiyan, "Are you serious?"

Luminous yelled, "I have been very serious, but you do not believe it."

That morning.

The first day ratings of Run Brothers also shocked a lot of people in and out of the industry. The TV industry was in an uproar, and the major variety shows were stunned.

Finally, has the joyful base camp that dominated the variety show for a long time also been pulled down?

Many variety artists don't know if it should be sad or happy.

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