My Star Teacher

Chapter 245: [Running Man's Network Play Right]

morning. * With * dream * small * said. Lā

The major media also reported on the fact that the ratings of the brothers have been set to a new high, and they have won the top spot in the variety show.

Various stations, Weibo, and news platforms are full of news about running men.

"Domestic Variety Hits a New High"

"Beijing TV breaks years of deadlock"

"Running Brothers' ratings are sky-high"

"A Variety Myth Written by a Night Spectrum"

Headline news like this went viral on the network, and indirectly filled the popularity of running men with high-concentration fuel.

Countless people who do n’t know about running men, or those who have n’t seen it, are almost obsessed with seeing these news.

For a while, the audience who had expectations for the running man increased a lot, and many viewers wanted to find the video of the show running last night to see what kind of show would cause such a big response. On Weibo It's all crazy, the top ten on Weibo's popularity list, actually the first, second and third are all topics about running men.

The words of Weibo friends also scratched the hearts of viewers who had not watched the show.

"Hahaha, I laughed and dreamed last night, so funny."

"I just want to say that I feel bad for the guests, except for Luminous!"

"Yueguang is so bad, it's naked torture, it's not covered at all."

"It's the first time I've seen such a show. Stars are fighting me, haha, it's so good."

"The impression of the goddess Liu in my mind has changed dramatically. I thought she was a goddess, but I didn't expect her to be a woman!"

"Sapphire is so funny, why didn't I find it?"


There are countless comments in this topic on Weibo's topic about running men, which has led many friends to search for running man's show videos and want to see what happened.

However, to their disappointment, they did not see a video of a running man! There is no broadcast on the platform! No news from any network video platform!

How could it not? This is simply not in line with common sense. Generally speaking, aren't variety shows broadcast on the next day? Why didn't this run leave the brother?

Audience fees are picked up. Countless viewers are on Weibo Beijing Satellite TV, Liu Chi Yan, Luminous, and want to ask what it is.

But the three parties did not respond.

Run Brothers is not yet on the network platform. Yeguang and Beijing Satellite TV have not sold the rights to run Brother Brothers Network.

Of course, it is not that they cannot sell, but that they are not selling.

At the beginning, the running man wanted to produce. Immediately, many network video platforms contacted Beijing Satellite TV, and he wanted to buy the running rights of the running brother, and the price was not low. After all, this program was joined by Liu Xuecheng and Liu Chiyan. Well, no matter how there are these two pressure stations, the program will not be worse, so these network video platforms also give full sincerity.

However, Beijing Satellite TV and Yeguangye did not agree, and they did not even talk.

This idea was also given by Yeguang. After listening to the quotations from various major video platforms at the beginning, Beijing Satellite TV was actually already tempted. They asked Yeguang and Liu Chiyan to discuss the network broadcasting rights.

After Ye Guang learned the news, he refused without thinking, and also tried to discourage Zhang Zhi so that he would not sell it.

Zhang Zhi also wondered, why not buy it? Don't make money? Isn't this silly?

Ye Guang gave a reason, "Chairman Zhang, our program has not yet been broadcast. The prices given by major stations are just their estimated prices. If it is a general program, the price is indeed not low, but we This show, but there is Tianhou Tianhou sitting in the town, and it is a rare large investment of 100 million yuan, large production, if sold at this price, wouldn't pork sell for cabbage? "

Zhang Zhi thought about it, and hesitated a little bit. The prices of major stations really made him tempted. "But sooner or later, the price is not low anymore, and we don't know what the final results of our show will be, If you decide the price is low, you can talk about it again. "

Yeguang waved his hand and said, "Don't worry about the director of the achievement chapter. Let's not talk about this first. I'll ask you. What's the price they are offering now compared to the quote of the network broadcasting right of Happy Base?"

Zhang Zhi, "That can't be compared. The happy base camp is the first in the country, and the price must be high."

Luminous, "That's not it, my goal is not just a happy base camp."

Zhang Zhihuan thought for a long time before he said, "Really so confident?"

Luminous, "That's of course, Chief Zhang, do you think that they are willing to let these stand out at a higher price than buying the broadcasting rights of Happy Base Camp? Take a step back and let them come out at the same price as Happy Camp Are they willing? "

Zhang Zhi shook his head, the program has not yet been broadcast, and the ratings are unknown. It is impossible to have such a high price unless the brain is kicked by the donkey.

However, what Ye Guang is talking about now must be based on the premise that the show is really hot, otherwise everything is empty talk. Zhang Zhi doesn't really want to take risks. In case the show is not like what Lu Guang said, but Tepid ~ ~ Although it is not worried about selling, but the price is definitely not selling at a high price. Now the prices of major stations are already very high, otherwise Zhang Zhi Those who have seen the strong winds and waves will not take things lightly.

Yeguang also knew that Zhang Zhi was vacillating in his heart, and continued to persuade him, "Captain Zhang, since you are looking for me to do the show, then you should trust me. I am the one who knows my own program best, and I have my own plan for this program It is estimated that our program has already made a fortune in advertising costs. No matter what, the program will not lose money anyway. Even if the program goes wrong, the broadcast rights will not be sold at the end. Just make a little less, but if the show is on fire, the price it can sell will double or even several times. "

Luminous paused and continued, "According to you, the highest bid now is only 38 million. It is said that the price of 80 million is more than double the price of Happy Base Camp, so this price is not really It ’s high. Moreover, if the program is yellow, the ratings are not ideal, but there are signs of Liu Tianhou and Liu Xuecheng in it. No matter how bad it is, the copyright will be 10 to 20 million. Is it okay? The difference is only 20 million. And if our show is really hot, we will pull the happy base camp off. At this time, the network broadcast right is at least flush with the happy base camp? Is it at least 8,000? Ten million or more, eighty million and thirty-eight million, a difference of forty-two million. With twenty million blogs, one forty-four million or more, wouldn't the chief accountant count? "

So Zhang Zhi was moved.

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