My Star Teacher

Chapter 249: [Distressed Luo Yu for 3 seconds]

After some hard searching.

The guests also had some hardships, mainly because the weather is hot today, and it ’s okay when indoors, but when outdoors, it ’s really hard to run around against the sun. Fortunately, everyone ’s unremitting efforts finally Du successively found the staff with the true love water, and the six group members who successfully got the true love water came to the lobby of the first floor of the resort building to gather.

Each group held a bottle of so-called true love water. After everyone arrived, Sheshan spoke.

"Congratulations, you found it ..."

"Wait!" She was interrupted by Liu Tianwang before she finished speaking, "Director, I have a question, don't you say good truth water? But the packaging of this truth water is too hasty, why? Are you using a fruit drink bottle? The label hasn't been removed. "

Everyone laughed.

Liu Tianwang is playing a hard advertisement in disguise.

Zhong Jing also had a question, "Director, didn't you say there was only one bottle of true love? Why did we get each of them, a total of six bottles?"

Laoshan, "This is what I'm going to tell you. Of the six bottles you got, only one is the true love water. Look carefully. Everyone you got the true water bottle cap. The colors are different, so you need to compete in the game next, get clues that can identify the true love, the team that got the clues, you can exchange the true love with any team according to the ranking, and explain the next game, Only the top three can get clues. "

The second game session begins.

This game environment is a part of a game that is against human competition.

The venue is a large lawn in the resort, and the track is ready.

Laoshan, "This link is running against your partner. The team that won the first three places can get clues about true love."

Hearing the rules of the game, Zhong Jing yelled first, "Haha, we have won this game!" Zhong Jing and Luo Yu gave a high five.

Zhong Jing is the strongest man in the men's team, and Luo Yu, his partner, is the youngest of the female guests this time, so he feels that this pair has a huge advantage.

Sapphire was unwilling. "Director, this is not fair!" Sapphire is the smallest, and this kind of competition that depends on physical strength is the biggest disadvantage.

Sheshan continued, "I have n’t finished. In this competition, the male guests are carrying female guests, but the female guests are carrying male guests. Also, the male guests must have a basin of water in their hands. The water is not spilled. After reaching the end, the top three pairs with the most water left in the basin win. "


The crowd pointed at Zhong Jing and Luo Yu and laughed.

Zhong Jing was dumbfounded.

Luo Yu looked at Zhong Jing up and down, and seemed to be thinking whether her small body could carry Zhong Jing back.

Sapphire was happy. Suddenly there was a big flip in the form. As a female guest, Xin Lan should be the best body among female guests. She is said to be brought by Taekwondo Black, and Sapphire is the smallest, and Sin Lan carries him back. No problem at all.

The track is not a horse, but some sandbags are placed as obstacles. There are three obstacles in total. The first obstacle has only one sandbag, which is not high, which is equivalent to the previous stairs. The second and third obstacles increase in order. With a sandbag, the third obstacle is quite high and needs to be crossed.

The whistle sounded.

At the beginning of the game, the six couples were very sluggish, and the male guest slumped on the back of the female guest with water in their hands.

Interesting places appeared.

Sapphire is the easiest one. Xin Lan did not have much effort to carry Sapphire back, and his steps were very stable, and he took the lead.

Luminous and Liu Chiyan, followed by Xu Chen and Wanhua.

Liu Chiyan is not small, and his strength is not bad. It is not difficult to carry luminous light. Wanhua is similar to Xu Chen's group.

Hua Indus also carried He Xing back, but He Xing's physique was heavy after all, Hua Indus back was very strenuous, walking east and west, crooked, walking a few steps, He Xing because of the unbalanced center of gravity, half of the water The head of the flowering parasol was compared.

Flower Indus face was aggressive, then one could not lose his heart, the center of gravity was crooked, and the two of them carrying He Xing fell to the ground together.

The group of Liu Tianwang Li Feifei and Zhong Jing Luoyu are still starting points.

Liu Tianwang's group hasn't set off yet not because Li Feifei can't afford to bear him, but because Liu Tianwang pointed at Zhong Jing and Luo Yu and kept laughing, Zhong Jing and Luo Yu's current status was poked. The smile of Liu Tianwang made him laugh so much that he couldn't stand up straight.

Li Feifei jumped quickly, "Hurry up, they're all halfway!"

"Ha ha ha." Liu Tianwang covered his stomach. "Ha ha ha, no, you make me laugh for a while, ha ha ha, so funny."

The scenes of Zhong Jing and Luo Yu at this time were really funny.

Luo Yu is relatively short, which is a bit worse than Sapphire. It is estimated to be about one meter six, very petite, but Zhong Jing, a one-eight-eight-six-year-old man.

Zhong Jingqu was standing behind Luo Yu with his legs on his back. Luo Yu squatted down with both hands to wrap around Zhong Jing's legs, which made her breast-feeding, but her face became red, but she didn't give Zhong Jing Carrying it up ~ ~ Zhong Jing looks helpless and looks unlovable.

In this picture, Liu Tianwang's laughing point was inexplicably poked, making him laugh with tears, and even put the game aside.

The obstacles on the track are not easy to cross, the female guests have little strength, and they carry individuals on their backs. When crossing obstacles, it is easy to cause the center of gravity to be uncoordinated. When Liu Chiyan and Yeguang cross the third obstacle, they are not at the center of gravity. Steady, the two fell into a ball, and Yeguang lifted Liu Chi Yan and moved on, but the water in the basin was almost sprayed, only a small part.

King Liu Tian and Li Feifei also set off, but they have been delayed for a long time, and it may be difficult to catch up.

King Liu Tian was carried by Li Feifei, with a basin in his hand, and Li Feifei was constantly told in his mouth, "Be careful, be careful, we are not in a hurry, we are not in a hurry, we are no longer able to catch up, and the water of Yeguang and He Xing has spilled A lot, we keep our center of gravity steady, and we won by water transport. "

The other group, Zhong Jing and Luo Yu.

Luo Yu used the power of famine and finally succeeded in carrying Zhong Jing back up. The backing is actually a bit tricky. It depends on the focus of the people on the back. At first, Luo Yu didn't master the skills and wanted to rely on his hands. Zhong Jing backed up, how could he move back. In the back, Zhong Jing first lay on her half, letting her back bear most of the weight, and Luo Yu backed up Zhong Jing.

However, the back is backed up, but Luo Yu seems to be carrying a mountain on his back, and the brewing ravioli goes very slowly.

Well, distressed Luo Yu for three seconds.

Then laughed for half a minute, hahaha.

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