My Star Teacher

Chapter 250: [Weare felling tired]

Xin Lan is the easiest to carry Sapphire.

Xin Lan has a pair of long legs. Several small sandbag obstacles have no effect on her at all. The two are very relaxed. They have reached the end of the line and they have not spilled much water in the Sapphire basin. Completed the game.

After Sapphire and Xin Lan reached the end, they held hands and laughed and jumped, very happy.

Sapphire also made a strange look at the camera, stood upright, raised his orchid fingers with his hands, and paralyzed from the chest to the outside, "Perfect ~"

This weird look makes people laugh, except for luminous.

Luminous is dumbfounded. This action is actually this action. Well, history always has amazing looks. The world's perfect action in the dream is the emperor blue, which gradually imitates Venus. One of the unique signs of Zulan, I did not expect that the sapphire in this world actually made this action himself.

Xu Chen and Wanhua arrived for the second time. They did a good job. There was no trouble along the way. The cooperation was very tacit, but the water also spilled out. Pour the water into the meter. The two people mission completed.

Followed by Liu Chiyan and Yeguang, because the two fell down at the obstacle of the last three-story sandbags, they were a bit behind Xu Chen and Wanhua who had been going hand in hand with them.

Moreover, the water in the luminous basin was almost sprayed. When poured into the meter, the height was only a few milliliters, which was not much less than that of Sapphire and Xu Chen.

He Xing and Hua Indus also walked harder. After the first fall, the two fell on the third obstacle. After finally reaching the end, He Xing poured water into the meter.

One, two, three ...

Everyone burst into laughter, He Xing was regarded as busy in work, not right, it should be said that Huawutong was tired, and in the end, their water was sprinkled clean.

He Xing yelled in the sky, venting the sullenness in his heart, but he still did not forget to comfort Hua Indus.

Yeguang and others also applauded, "Yes, you are already great, your grades are not important."

There is only Liu Tianwang Li Feifei and Zhong Jing Luoyu.

Li Feifei took Liu Tianwang's back very steadily and carefully, he had already walked more than half the distance and passed the second obstacle.

And Luo Yu was carrying a heavy Zhong Jing just before reaching the first obstacle. The height of a sandbag was not high, but Luo Yuyi just could n’t get over. There was no way. Zhong Jing on her back was too heavy for her. It is difficult to walk normally even if you raise your leg and step.

"Luo Yu come on!"

"Come on!"

"Luo Yu is so good!"

"You are the best, come on!"

Several couples who had reached the end shouted at Luo Yu, cheering for her.

Encouraged by everyone, Luo Yu also erupted into a famine, and finally a difficult step, crossed the first obstacle sandbag.

The guests at the end applauded her.

Just as Luo Yu was about to move on, Zhong Jing came down from his back. Luo Yu was tired, but he looked back at Zhong Jing in amazement and said, "Why do you come down, come, come up, we have plenty of water And hope. "

Zhong Jing held a pot of "cracks" and poured out all the water in the pot. "Oh, no water."

Luo Yu froze, and then turned pale, "What are you doing, you have come here."

Zhong Jing embraced her slightly and said, "Let ’s not go. You are already great. You have proved yourself to everyone. To be honest, you can carry me so far away with such a small person. I was taken aback. The results were unimportant. Don't be too reluctant, too hard. "

Luo Yu thought for a while, and said, "Then we can't compare?"

Zhong Jing nodded, "No comparison." Then, Zhong Jing turned to Lao Shan and the crew members and shouted, "Director, we give up."


Several other teams applauded.

"Luo Yu, good job."

"Zhong Jing, very good man!"

The second part is over.

Wang Tian was the last group to reach the end, and Zhong Jing gave up.

The group of Liu Tianwang can be regarded as the later one, and the water in his basin was hardly spilled out. When it was poured into the meter, the group of Liu Tianwang had the most water.

King Liu Tianyang was able to be complacent, "Haha, see what it is, what's the use of running first, there is something to be the king, this is called catching up later!"

In the end, the game ended with Liu Tianwang coming first, Sapphire second, and Xu Chen third. The three groups also got their own clues.

Next, starting from Xu Chen's third place, according to the clues obtained, the three winning groups exchanged the true feelings of the other teams.

Xu Chen first exchanged the orange color of He Xing with the true love water of his blue bottle cap.

Later, Sapphire exchanged luminous red with her purple.

King Liu Tian exchanged the red that Sapphire exchanged from Luminous with his green.

At the end of this session, Liu Tianwang, as the team leader, summed up his speech in the camera.

Liu Tianwang, "We are a team and a big family. In this big group, our brothers and sisters are loving each other. Today Luo Yu showed us his strong and unyielding side. Luo Yu is really great, Zhong Jing ’s approach today is also very good. Although you finally gave up the game today, you have the respect of all of us and everyone applauded. ”

Everyone applauded.

Liu Tianwang continued, "Whether it's in our show or in real life, the truth is actually the same. Everyone cares if you go far, whether you fly high or not, but there is only one He cares if you fly so tired, this kind of person is your family. The brothers and sisters of our running group are the family that loves each other! "Talking ~ ~ Liu Tianwang came forward Step forward and shouted, "earefamily!"

The crowd applauded and applauded loudly.

Luminous stunned again, another striking similarity. The running man in the dream world, the captain Deng Chao shouted this slogan in an accidental situation. Of course, he shouted "eare felling tired." Because Deng Chao The English pronunciation is not very standard, so it caused a burst of laughter at the time, but this sentence has also become a signature slogan of a running man.

Now, Liu Xuecheng, as the captain of the running men in this world, also shouted this slogan, plus the action of Sapphire 'perfect' before, it really surprised Ye Guang.

History is always surprisingly similar.

King Liu, "Come, let's shout the slogan together." Liu Tianwang gathered everyone and wanted to end the game with a slogan, "One, two, three!"

"Run! Brothers!" The crowd shouted.

"Eare felling tired!" Ye Guang alone.

"Hahaha." Everyone laughed and shouted ‘Run, brother. ’Slogan, Ye Guang shouted‘ eare logging tired ’in the crowd. ’

Ye Guang also reacted, touching his nose, smiling a little awkwardly, he had just been thinking about Liu Tianwang shouting ‘earefamily. ’Slogan, and when Liu Tianwang gathered everyone to shout slogans, he thought it was the subconsciously, so after Liu Tianwang one or two or three, he blurted out a sentence of‘ eare felling tired ’.

This is embarrassing.

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