My Star Teacher

Chapter 529: [Simultaneous interpreter Ye Guang]

The meeting officially started.

The members of the translation team are all ready to go.

The meeting is China's home stadium. The first speaker is our country's boss.

Chinese translated into English, there is nothing luminous about this job.

The grandma spoke for a while, and then delegations from various countries spoke one after another.

Ye Yeguang also started his simultaneous interpretation work in the translation team.

The first foreign speaker to speak is Portuguese.

Ye Yeguang listened to each sentence and translated it very accurately, and even added a tone of imitation.

Although I did the simultaneous interpretation work for the first time, but it is also quite the same, and it is exactly the same as those professional interpreters.

Luminous memory is good, coupled with language proficiency, doing this job, like a fish, and not rusty, just like training for many years.

Portuguese is still a relatively widely used language. The translation of such a language as Luminous did not surprise any members of the translation team.

I ca n’t translate it, that ’s an accident.

结束 A foreign spokesman finished his speech, and then another spokesman spoke, this time in Hindi.

Similarly, Yeguang translated this language into Chinese very accurately, and it was also transmitted to the headset of the Chinese delegation who held the meeting below.

Third, Italian.

Fourth, Ukrainian.

Fifth, Punjabi.

夜 When Yeguang translates the fifth language, some people find it strange.

I was surprised that the members of the translation team were not the members of the translation team. They all knew about Ye Guang's ability. Ye Guang had only translated into five languages. It was not surprising to them. Some of them could do it.

I find it strange that the members of the Chinese delegation are attending the meeting below.

what happened? How does it feel like the voice of the interpreter in your ears is all by yourself? Those foreign speakers who spoke just now were all translated by the same person?

Everyone just feels a little weird at the moment. No one thinks about it too much. It's not too rare to know five languages. It may just happen that the translators who spoke the languages ​​of the foreign speakers before.


Over time.

At the venue, more and more members of the Chinese delegation listened to the familiar and familiar voice in the earphones, from strange, slowly to surprise, and then to incredible.







One after the other, the conference has now progressed, and there have been more than a dozen languages ​​in the afternoon venue.

But the voice of the translator is always that!

Participants of the Chinese delegation can say that there is one who is counted, almost all of them are big brothers, but now, these big brothers are all surprised by a translator who only hears his voice and does not see him , Admire the translator now.

I was also curious, who is this translator? How many languages ​​does he speak? Where is his limit?

A big guy, as the meeting progressed, Ye Guang translated more and more languages, and his level of surprise became higher and higher. In the end, he couldn't help but said to a big guy around him, "Did you notice?" Then, the big guy also pointed to the earphones hanging on his ears.

大 The big guy asked nodded, "Well, talent!"

The grandpa nodded in agreement, and whispered, "It's not just talent, it's like a cow!"

I can't compare with ordinary people. In ordinary people's eyes, this is a cow comparison.

I was surprised not only by a small number of members of the Chinese delegation, but also by almost all members of the Chinese delegation who wore earphones and listened to Luminous Translation.

A big guy sitting on the left beside Dad Liu, this big guy has a higher weight than Dad Liu, looked back at the translation office on the second floor, and then looked at Dad Liu and whispered, "Yes Is that kid in your family? "

Da Liuliu was all alone, "It's him."

The old man nodded and glanced at the translation office on the second floor. "Good guy, it's a personal talent."

Tamariu's father smiled slightly and waved his hand gently.

The grandpa smiled, "Gong Liu, you have high demands. I think this child is very good."

Tamariu's father smiled at the big brother, but he didn't answer. He listened carefully to the content of the meeting.

From this moment on, there is a smile on Dad Liu ’s face, if he does n’t know why, Dad Liu is inexplicably in a good mood.

The afternoon meeting lasted until almost five o'clock.

The whole meeting, from the beginning to the end, aside from the intermission time, Ye Guang stayed in the position of total frequency translator.

Only one person completed the work of translating all foreign languages ​​in the afternoon session. During the period, thirty-two different languages ​​were involved.

The members of the translation team had some adoration for Ye Guang. After witnessing Ye Guang ’s deep language skills, one by one, they were almost turning into Ye Guang ’s little fan girl.

After the meeting, all the members of the translation team came round towards Luminous, and there was a warm applause in the room.

Seeing it, really seeing it, it's an eye-opener!

语言 Even if you look at the world, this language ability is unmatched.

After the meeting, Ye Guang went to the translation team to sue the individual, and then left in a hurry.

He will also go to meet with Liu Dad, and what secret meeting will be there, Dad Liu needs him to be an interpreter for the Chinese side. This is also the main purpose of Ye Guang to attend this meeting. Previously, it was only a guest appearance.

夜 Nocturne, the front foot just went out, the back foot, and within two minutes, several domestic media reporters rushed to the translation office.

They are here to find Luminous. The reporters also brought headsets for interpretation during the meeting, and naturally they also heard Luminous's full Chinese translation.

Originally, they wanted to come up before the meeting was over, but the translation office was forbidden to enter when the meeting was going on. Therefore, as soon as the meeting was over, several reporters rushed up and wanted to interview Luguang.

Yes, they know that Luminary is upstairs. Luminous is proficient in dozens of languages. It is not a secret. Many people who know Luminous know dozens of foreign languages ​​are shocked and guess that it is Luminous. After all, the sound is so similar.

Coincidentally, the reporters left Yeguang step by step, and the reporters were a little disappointed, but they couldn't come here for nothing, and instead interviewed the members of the translation team.

Many people think that simultaneous translation is no different from ordinary translation, but it is not.

Ordinary translator. The way of working is that after the speaker has finished speaking, set aside time for translators to translate. Then the speaker spoke again, the translator turned it over, and so on.

Simultaneous interpretation is more difficult. Simultaneous translation is a translation activity that translates one language into another without interrupting the speaker. That is, when others are speaking, the translation is slow. The last few shots are also speaking, but what is spoken is indeed another language, the difficulty of which is evident.

Let's put it this way, but simultaneous interpretation is the highest state of translation ~ ~ Simultaneous interpretation is a partial profession, and it is difficult to train professional interpreters who can handle such large-scale international conferences.

China is a country with vast natural resources and abundant talents, but after so many years of dubbing, such professional interpreters have only hundreds of people, which can be described as very scarce.

Training is difficult, professional requirements are extremely high, and the industry is partial. Many people know translation, but they do not know simultaneous translation. This is an important reason for the scarcity of personnel in this industry.

This reporter's intensive interview with the interpreters and the subsequent exposure of Ye Guang's amazing interpretations at the conference made the interpreter profession a public eye and attracted many young people. People are engaged in this industry.

Big waves scour the sand.

In the following years, the number of professional simultaneous interpreters in China increased from hundreds to thousands, ranking the highest in the world.

人 These men, men, women, and children all have a common idol. This idol is known as a myth in the translation industry.

This person is luminous.

I can even say that it was because of this accidental incident, because Ye Guang did an interpreter at the same time, and because of Ye Guang's popularity and influence, he inadvertently led to the rapid development of an industry.

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