My Star Teacher

Chapter 668: [Flat criminal youth? 】

Going home, this home didn't go well.

There were a lot of cars this evening. Luminous slowly followed the traffic flow and slowly drove towards the home. He stopped at a traffic light and waited for the red light.

There was a sudden bang, and the body shook slightly.


Luminous understood that he was hit again.

Huh? Why add another?

Luguang hurriedly got out of the car and saw that a pothole was knocked out of the roadside body.

The perpetrator was riding an electric car and was also a flat-headed youth.

Luminous was a little speechless.

what is it today? Is this a fateful young man or an electric car?

Poor little car, after a while, I was hit twice.

"Are you okay?" Ye Guang asked the flat-headed young man who was still riding on the electric car.

"It's okay." The flat-headed youth replied, then said, "Can I go?"

Hey, hit a car and wanted to leave without an apology?

Luminous was a little more speechless. Think about the flat-headed young man who scraped his car before. I didn't feel it before. Now I want to come, the young man is almost shining with light!

There is a gap between people.

Luminous leaning his hips, pointing to the pothole on the car, he asked, "What can I do about this?"

The flat-headed youth said with a guilty conscience, "I didn't mean it."

Luminous said, "I know you didn't mean it, I asked you what to do?"

"I ..." The flat-headed youth, "Anyway you are so rich, you don't want me to lose it."

Oh, this logic is so simple!

Luminous was originally speechless. When he heard this, he was stunned and said, "This is a motorway. What do you squeeze into the motorway with a battery car?"

Flatheaded youth: "I'm in a hurry."

Luminous, "You can't take a motorized lane in a hurry, how dangerous is it? Is there a non-motorized lane?" Luminous pointed to the non-motorized lane next to it.

Some flat-headed youths were speechless, and then suddenly said, "You are a big star, so rich, what do you care about so much? When you hit it, what do you think? So many people see Then, don't you think it's shameful? "

It seems that this flat-headed youth knows Luminous.

At this time, passersby on both sides of the street came around. After watching the excitement and seeing that the party was luminous, many people held their mobile phones and started taking pictures.

Ye Guang shrugged and said, "What can be shameful about this? No matter how rich I am, you can't hit my car. Just leave without saying anything?"

The flat-headed youth seemed a little angry and shouted at Ye Guang, "You are bullying!"

Luminous aura, "Why am I bullying me? Friends, you're afraid you haven't figured it out, you're the perpetrator, I'm the victim."

Flathead youth, "What do you want?"

Luminous, "I don't want anything, but you have to give me a statement."

The flat-headed young man looked at Luminous Eye with bitterness, gritted his teeth, and said, "If you want me to lose money, it's impossible!"

Luminous, "You hit my car, shouldn't you take responsibility? The non-motorized vehicle is in a motorized lane and I'm still waiting for a traffic light. This is your full responsibility."

Flat-headed youth, "If you are so rich, do you have to care about me like that?"

Luminous, "It's not a question of whether I have money."

"Anyway, I have no money to pay, and I do n’t even pay for it. I do n’t think you are such a benevolent person!" The flat-headed young man said indignantly.

The passers-by who were watching began to point her at this time.

"Who is this?"

"The quality is too low. He hit the night teacher's car without an apology, and it was as if the night teacher owed him."

"That's right, and it's still a violation of traffic rules, this kind of rogue should be caught in."

"How can there be such a person, it is so shameless."

There was a lot of discussion among the people, and everyone stood very unanimously on the side of Luminous.

Listening to some gossip of others, the flat-headed young man couldn't hold his face, and shouted to the crowd shyly and indignantly, "What a lot of gossip!"

Speaking, the flat-headed young man looked at Yeguang again, and said, "Unfortunately, I bought a movie ticket some time ago and went to the cinema to support your movie. I didn't expect you to be such a person. What a bad thing to do, just use this movie ticket Money feeds the dogs! Grass mud horse. "

Ye Guang's face was cold, and he stared at the flat-headed young man, and said with anger, "You don't care about your mouth, I don't mind managing it for you."

Others heard the words, and others began to say.

"Mister Ye, pump him!"

"Yes! Teacher Ye draws this girl!"

"It's so irritating, Teacher Ye, if you are afraid of bad influence, you say hello, I'll punch him for you!"

Listening to these words, the flat-headed youth was also angry, shouting at a young girl who just spoke, "You try to say another word, believe it or not, I'll kill you!"

"Then you believe that labor and capital killed you."

As soon as the flat-headed youth spoke, the night light drank a word, and hurried forward, holding the flat-headed youth, and lifted him directly into the air.

The flat-headed young man's feet were kicking wildly in the air, shouting hurriedly, "Put me down, let me down."

Yeguang did put him down. Yeguang did n’t have much patience anymore and continued to accompany him. Han Han said with a smile on his face, "You know me, I do n’t have a good temper, and when I hit someone, I did n’t have any. It ’s important. ”Yeguang paused, then said,“ I do n’t talk nonsense with you. If you do n’t want to lie back, lose money. ”

The flat-headed young man gritted his teeth and looked at Luminous, but he did not dare to continue to fight against Luminous stalemate on the spot.

Ye Guang's fighting power is basically known to everyone who knows him. If he fights with him, there will be no surprises.

Finally, the flat-headed youth reluctantly took out his wallet.

Ye Guang also politely pulled the wallet out of the flat-headed young man, and then took out all the cash in it, not even a dime for a dime, and took it out as much as possible.

However, there is not much money in this flat-headed youth wallet, which adds up to more than 700 yuan.

"I can go!" Heard the young man holding an empty wallet and said.

Ye Guang glanced at him and said, "This money is not enough."

Flathead youth, "What else do you want?"

Luminous pointed to his electric car, "People can go, this car stays."

"You ..." The flat-headed young man gritted his teeth. "You're ruthless!"

Having said that, the flat-headed young man crowded the crowd and fled away in a dreadful brisk walk.

The onlookers also booed at him.

"Mr. Ye did a good job!"

"Mr. Ye, you should do this to such people."

"Teacher Ye is still too kind. How can such a person just let him go?"

"This man is so shameless ~ ~ I hit Mr. Ye's car. I'm sorry from beginning to end."

"That is, he thinks the world is his father, and he has to get used to him?"

"If it were my son, he wouldn't be able to live so big, no! I would have been shot directly on the wall!"


The crowd burst into laughter.

Yeguang smiled and greeted the onlookers, then walked towards a scavenger old man who was not far away and was looking here.

"Old man, this money is for you, it's not early, let's go home early."

The old man quickly refused, "No, no, I can't ask for this money."

Ye Guang shoved the money directly into the old man's hands and said, "It's okay, you can take it away. This money is not mine. You can buy something to eat."

After speaking, Luminous walked away.

The old man burst into tears, looked at Ye Guang, and murmured, "Good man, good man."

The onlookers also applauded.

After giving the money to the elderly, Ye Guang pushed the electric car left by the flat-headed youth to the side of the road, and then asked the crowd, "Excuse me, is there a store nearby? Help me make a traffic police call Let the traffic police stop the electric vehicle that violated the regulations. I have to go home. I can't wait that long. "

Immediately, a big sister stood up and said, "Teacher Ye, leave this to me, rest assured, Teacher Night, you go back quickly."

Ye Guang smiled, nodded, and gave the key to the older sister, "That's troublesome, older sister."

It's finally over.

Ye Guang drove the car, brought Liu Chiyan and Yiyi, and finally returned home without any accidents ~ ~ Still looking for the latest chapter? You're out, WeChat pays attention to the public account: excellent reading literature or suduwx beauty editor to help you find books! Really read the book, sister!

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