My Star Teacher

Chapter 669: [Responsibilities of 1 father]

When Yiguang got out of the car to deal with the crash, Yiyi and Liu Chiyan did not come down, but they also saw the incident in the car.

When Ye Guang returned to the car and drove home again, Yiyi looked at Ye Guang and asked, "Yue Guang, why do you have to make him lose money?"

Ye Guang glanced at Yiyi from the rearview mirror and said, "You want to ask why I didn't let him lose money from the older brother, but this person made him want to lose money?"

Yiyi nodded.

Luminous thought for a while and said, "Although I don't want to teach you that, but Yiyi, I must tell you that there is a difference between people, and not everyone is worthy of our kindness."

Yiyi thought for a while and said, "But haven't you taught me to treat everyone kindly, to treat the world kindly?"

Luminous suddenly did not know how to follow Yiyi.

This matter may not be asked by any adult, as it is clear in black and white, clear and thorough, no need to say more.

But Yiyi is different. She is still a child. She is now growing up in her own worldview. She has not been able to look at and consider issues like an adult.

Luminous thought about it and then said, "It is right to treat everyone with kindness and kindness, but if you treat someone kindly and he does not treat you kindly, then you do n’t need to be kind Treating him with kindness does not mean that we can let others be bullied. Being kind to others is not the same as being bullied by others. "

"Like the little brother in front of the hot pot restaurant, he hit our car, but I don't want him to lose money. This is kindness."

"And just that guy, he also hit my car, but he wanted me to keep him from losing money, which is bullying."

"It's actually very simple. Kindness is up to you. It's how you want to be."

"And bullying is what he wants you to do."

"You want to think about it, that's the difference."

Luminous finished, and Yiyi glanced through the rearview mirror.

Yiyi thought for a second, nodded, and said, "It's like I have a pack of snacks, and I give them to other children. This is kind, but I have n’t given them any food yet. They came to grab it. This is bullying, right? "

"Uh ..." Ye Guang smiled. "Almost."

There is nothing wrong with this metaphor of Yiyi.

Liu Chiyan leaned on the window of the car, listening to the two discussing the topic of kindness, without interruption, but always with a smile, watching Yeguang and Yiyi.

To be honest, Liu Chiyan always felt that although Yeguang and Yiyi had no blood relationship, Yeguang did a good job in the role of father.

He loves Yiyi, but never indulges Yiyi and teaches Yiyi well.

The two have been married for more than two years, and Yiyi has been living with them for more than two years. Liu Chiyan asked herself. In the past two years, she has taken good care of Yiyi's life, but in terms of teaching Yiyi She hasn't done too much, far less than Luminous.

For a long time, it has been luminous, educating Yiyi.

A child of Yiyi's age, besides being too edible and obsessed with eating, she has almost no other problems. Of course, it is not a problem to eat.

Liu Chiyan remembered that Yiyi hadn't known what it was like before Luminous.

At that time, Yiyi was lonely, even a little inferior, and was always noisy. Although she was kind, she could not feel much of the innocence of her age children except her looks.

At that time, Yiyi was very strong, but she was not happy.

However, after Yiyi and Yeguang had been in contact for a long time, Liu Chiyan found that everything was different.

She could feel that Yiyi's originally clouded heart became clearer and clearer, and she became like today, with sunshine and blue sky, blue as blue, and cloudless.

Now Yiyi can be so innocent and lovely, kind and sensible, I have to say that Yeguang has a lot of credit.

Luminous is actually very little, or never, directly educated Yiyi when she was not at home, tell her what is right and what is wrong, and tell her what should be done and what should not be done.

If he wants to teach Yiyi something, or there is a certain truth, there will always be something or an opportunity as a guide.

For example, Yeguang and Liu Chiyan once took Yiyi to go shopping. At a junction, because there were no vehicles to go from side to side, a large group of people rushed across the street with red lights.

Yiyi was dragging Yeguang and Liu Chiyan at the time and wanted to follow the crowd, but Yeguang held her back. When almost everyone crossed the road with the crowd at the red light, Yeguang and Liu Chiyan were holding them. Yiyi stubbornly waited for the red light for more than half a minute.

And afterwards, Yeguang educated Yiyi and told him that no matter what other people do, you need to abide by the rules and follow the traffic rules.

In fact, if it is placed in the usual time and Yiyi is not around, Luminous asks himself, he may not wait for the red light alone, it is likely that he will be one of the people crossing the road with the crowd .

But if Yiyi is by his side, Ye Guang will never do such a bad example, because he knows exactly how his words and actions will affect Yiyi.

Parents are the best teachers of their children ~ ~ Lead by example, it is Yeguang who puts himself in the role of Yiyi's father, feels that he should do it, and do his best, as a father.

In addition, in daily life, Luminous also seizes some opportunities and gives some positive and positive guidance to Yiyi.

For example, there was a time when I was out shopping and waiting for the traffic light, there was a mother beside the Yeguang family with a boy about the same size as Yiyi.

Under the scorching sun, a sanitation worker across the road was sweating and cleaning up garbage.

The mother accused the sanitation worker of telling her child, "If you don't study hard, the future will be the same as him."

At that time, Yiyi heard it, and turned her head to look at the mother.

Ye Guang touched Yiyi's hair at that time, and then pointed to the sanitation worker, and said to Yiyi, "If you study hard, you will be able to create a better world for him."

Luminous sound was not loud at that time, but it was enough for the mother and her child around to hear it.

The little boy also turned to look at Luminous, and then looked at his mother.

The mother also turned her head to look at Luminous, and frowned slightly, then touched her child's head and said, "Listen to uncle."

The little boy smiled and nodded. "Um."

Sometimes proper guidance is extremely important for children.

In fact, the core of the two is the same, both are to teach children to study hard.

However, the former may allow children to grow up and get off the grassroots.

The latter can benefit society and change the world ~ ~ Need to find the latest chapters by yourself? You're out, WeChat pays attention to the public account: excellent reading literature or suduwx beauty editor to help you find books! Really read the book, sister!

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