My Strength Does Not Allow Me to Low-key

Chapter 1147: 1 glory is all glory, 1 loss is all loss

This is the election and the benefits of being elected!

If this happens in other countries, it must have been verbally criticized by the U.S. media and scolded by the ancestors of the eighteenth generation.

Then several other cousins ​​in the United States would gather together and mock them.

After the final comparison, people only expressed hypocrisy. ,

Seeing that this situation will never happen in our country, our country is the beacon of the world.

But Xiao Feng, who knows the truth, never pretended to be a U.S. native. He even sneered at what the U.S. native said.

The people in the United States are really brainwashed too seriously...

Anyway, after investigating the experience of the leader, he had to sigh that this guy is really too difficult to figure out.

You say he is a business genius, but he can do everything in a casino.

But if you say he is an idiot, but even though they have smashed the casino, he finally came back to life.

If he was able to rise and fall in the mall several times, and finally survived, I have to say that he is a strange person.

And the series of sorrows behind the master is even more amazing.

For example, after he took office, the tax reduction policy implemented seems to be fair and friendly to everyone.

But in fact, through investigations, everyone will find that the taxes he cuts are actually taxes that the rich should pay.

The total amount of tax he cuts, in fact, accounts for 80% of the taxes that the wealthy should pay.

Then he used a series of methods, such as diplomacy, and allowing allies to increase military expenditures, reducing the living space of foreign companies in the United States, and so on.

The U.S. stock market has been maintained at a high level, ensuring the prosperity of U.S. finance.

In this way, although his views and methods of governance are disliked by many bigwigs.

But because he was able to bring real benefits to the big bosses, the big bosses had to endure it, so that he could continue in the position of chief.

Such a technique is actually very clever.

Moreover, he also used stately tax cuts to give his own family business an annual tax cut of 30 million U.S. dollars.

This is only part of the disclosure, and the undisclosed part, it is not known how many.

Xiao Feng recommended that Pompeo use this most direct method to ease the tension between them with the leader.

In fact, it is the most appetite for the leader. Look at the previous companies and various federations, and finally achieved their goals through this method.

And Pompeo, who got the tips and tricks from Xiao Feng, finally left happily.

Xiao Feng's reminder allowed him to find a way to ease the relationship with the chief.

And Xiao Feng also promised to help him, and was found out by the inner ghost who reported the incident behind his back.

Only after finding the two inner ghosts, can he formulate a counterattack method based on the content of the two inner ghosts like the donkey senator who informed them.

At this time, it was Xiao Feng's turn to have a headache.

Pompey was sent away, he sat in the dining room and asked Helen to pour himself a glass of wine.

Then I lit a cigarette for myself, and quietly enjoyed the cigarette after the meal.

To be honest, he really did not expect that this trip to the United States would become like this.

Originally, he was rushing to acquire Voegelin, to connect with a large U.S. pharmaceutical company, and by the way to open the U.S. pharmaceutical market.

How can I think that this time I was delayed in the United States for such a long time, and so many changes occurred during this period.

It seems that the United States is really not a peaceful world, there are really too many evil wolves here.

Whenever your business is so bright, you will be targeted.

Then people who covet your property will flock to you. They ostensibly give you financing, venture capital, and investment banking names.

In fact, the ultimate goal is to get a share of your business.

If it is really in China, Xiao Feng can completely ignore them.

Because his company has a complete industrial chain and is not short of money, it is also deeply rooted in his hometown.

He doesn't want to go public, and others can't help him, but the situation in the United States is completely different.

In the United States, he is a foreigner, and the evil wolves here are much stronger than those he encountered in China.

These evil wolves are all famous families in the world. They have been operating in the United States for many years and are extremely greedy.

And they are very tough.

For example, it was Jonathan and other representatives of the new Wall Street forces who first thought about his industry.

But after defeating them, the gang was unwilling, and finally attracted the real wolf on Wall Street.

These guys are much more difficult to deal with.

Although he had beaten the guys several times, but the guys have not given up until now.

If this was before, for example, in China, he encountered malicious commercial competitors.

After being hit by him several times, I'm afraid he would have chosen to turn in or retreat long ago.

After all, this kind of struggle is meaningless and it's just a waste of money and energy.

But these guys in the U.S. are different. They have stronger fighting abilities, longer health bars, and more wolfishness.

This makes them more greedy and more resistant.

The death of the commander of the Fifth Fleet not only did not discourage them, but made their blood boil.

Now it seems that these veteran celebrities are full of fighting spirit, so it seems that there will still be a fierce battle waiting for him in the future!

At this time, Xiao Feng didn't know what it means to go against the current and retreat if you don't advance. People cannot help themselves in the arena!

In the business circle of the United States, you can't even ignore those people.

Because they are thinking about you all day, if you provocation or threaten them, you will always turn a blind eye and ignore them.

Not only will they not think that this is your magnanimity, but will instead regard it as a manifestation of your weakness and powerlessness.

So you must cut off their thoughts from the beginning, and give them a strong counterattack from the beginning to let them know that you are not easy to mess with.

Even if they see you in the future, they have to walk around!

The other party's constant attack on Pompeo actually intends to destroy his umbrella in the United States first.

The presence and absence of Pompey are crucial to Xiao Feng's industrial operations in the United States and even in South America.

Just like before, the big guys tried to get the navy to go to Karapag to make trouble.

If it weren't for Pompeo to stop him and inform him, the guys might have succeeded.

And without Pompeo, those guys can do whatever they want with his Voegelin.

This is absolutely unacceptable to Xiao Feng. Voegelin is already a very important link in his industry chain.

With Voegelin's channel, the products of his ninth laboratory can enter the United States without hindrance.

Because of Voegelin's intermediate lubricant, the test drugs submitted by the Ninth Laboratory to the FDA are very easy to pass.

The drugs approved by the FDA can be said to be unimpeded in many countries.

For example, in the European market, even in Europe's strongest Germany and France.

Drugs approved by the FDA can be sold directly in these two countries without review.

In Britain, Australia, Canada and other countries of the Five Eyes Alliance, not to mention it.

Although these countries are not very large in population, they are among the countries with the strongest spending power in the world.

In addition, with Voegelin in hand, he can also catch up with the lines of the major pharmaceutical companies in the United States.

Many drugs that were originally in the country and were exclusively represented by certain people can now pass Voegelin.

Authorized to open the Haiwang drugstore for the domestic Wan Gongzi, so the price is much lower than before.

This has also benefited many patients in China.

For such a good thing, Xiao Feng has always given his strength.

So now Voegelin is really important to him, and he absolutely does not allow this enterprise to lose.

Because of this, he and Pompeo are now in a relationship of both glory and glory.

So now that the other party puts doctrine on Pompeo, he absolutely cannot tolerate it.

It seems that this is destined to be a protracted battle!

The cigarette in Xiao Feng's hand floated from Miao Miao's cigarette, and he was also lost in thought.

Two days later, Pompeo suddenly announced that he would hold a press conference in the banquet hall of the Dominion Hotel in New York.

The main purpose is to promote his new We cheat, we lie, we steal! 》

As soon as the title of the book was announced, it caused a sensation!

I rub, when can I write such a sturdy topic when I publish a book?

And this book, just by looking at the name, can already attract countless eyeballs.

Everyone is thinking about the book "White House Trivia" that Bolton published before, and then only a month later, this Pompeo is about to publish a book with a more terrifying title.

Isn't it possible that this book will have more news bursting out?

And just by looking at the name of the book, you can know the content of this book, it will definitely be very popular.

That's why the name of this book was only released, and it immediately attracted countless eyeballs.

Countless people began to leave messages on the Internet to discuss this book.

Some people say that Pompeo was completely sensationalizing, and he was hyping at this time.

It is to rely on hype to help the leader attract firepower. After all, Bolton's book broke too many things in the white room before.

Others said that Pompeo might have felt it.

After all, in that position, he must also know Xin Mi that many ordinary people don't know.

Moreover, this guy was once the director of the CIA. Maybe he will introduce the secrets of many agents in this book.

Anyway, the title of Pompeo's book was only published, and it immediately became the headline news that attracted the American people.

After all, the title of this book is really amazing!

Even Pompeo never thought that there would be such a consequence.

At this time, he was sitting in his Washington office, watching the headlines of major newspapers, sly.

It’s a good thing for him to be on the headlines, no matter what the reason is.

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