"Xiao, thank you so much for your idea, this time my book sales are very good."

"The royalty income alone can make millions!"

"The most important thing is that this time has brought me quite a bit of exposure."

The book launch event was no accident and was a big success.

Because the press conference really dominates the hotel, rented the largest banquet hall.

Moreover, Pompeo’s wife’s company also signed a contract with the leading hotel. In the next year, their company will hold any activities at the leading hotel.

Sure enough, this series of actions was completed, just one day before Pompeo held the new book launch conference.

The commander sent a tweet: "A very in-depth book, I think everyone should read McGee Pompeo's "We deceive, we lie, we steal!"

"Although the title of the book is terrifying, the content inside is very interesting. It is all our diplomatic officials' efforts for MAGA internationally."

"After reading this book, you will be very proud of being a U.S. citizen!"

The commander’s'speech' was indeed very touching, but the worldview of the American people was also touching.

It doesn't matter how horrifying the title of this book is, or whether American diplomats use a lot of irregular methods in the international arena.

Anyway, as long as the U.S. benefits, then they are doing the right thing.

Just like T, who promoted carrots and sticks back then. Like Roosevelt, although his words were rude, for Americans, as long as they can take advantage, they are not rude.

With the leader's statement, many members of the elephant faction have also stood up and expressed their views.

Many senators from the elephant faction jumped out and said that the content in this book expresses the simplest patriotism.

All Americans should read this book carefully.

So these days Pompeo and his book "We deceive, we lie, we steal!" "It has become the subject of frequent exposure in major television stations in the United States.

At first, he just held a new book launching conference, but after the new book launching conference, he was invited to Fox Channel to do a show.

The content of the program is the same as Bolton was invited to appear on TV. He gave a brief introduction to the content of his new book.

Then it was his verbal criticism of the two congressmen who investigated him, saying that they were fighting politically.

The persecution of a patriot like him immediately put himself in a position of being wrongly framed.

The result naturally won countless sympathy, and on the other side, the two congressmen who wanted to initiate an investigation against Pompeo received countless criticisms.

Many people say that these two guys are so good at treating themselves.

Sitting in the office every day, I don't think about how to develop the country well, and quietly ponder how to trick my teammates.

Such dog officials should be elected to the Senate next time.

This makes the two donkey senators from Byrd, Virginia. McCarthy and Richard from Mississippi. Daly is under great pressure.

The two had to also be on the TV show and explained the investigation they initiated this time.

They claimed to the public that they had also received reports from insiders of the CIA, so they launched an investigation.

When the investigation is launched, they are only fulfilling their obligations as a senator.

If they turn a blind eye to such reports, then they are dereliction of duty.

And they also believed very much in the character of McGee Pompeo, the first secretary, and firmly believed that he was a patriot.

Therefore, they even hope that Mr. Pompeo can cooperate with their investigation and successfully complete the investigation to prove Pompeo's innocence.

This time Pompeo stopped talking and nodded his head with the commander.

The members of the elephant faction will naturally jump out and fight thunder for him.

Sure enough, after the two elephant senators spoke on TV, two donkey senators jumped out.

Scream in front of the camera and tell the people not to believe the **** of the donkey senators.

They are giving the elephant eye drops for the upcoming election.

These **** do not care about the safety of the country for the sake of the campaign. They just want to frame patriots like Pompeo with nothing.

The majority of American people should follow Mr. Pompeo closely and stand by his side to avoid him being persecuted by these bastards.

In this way, the various media channels controlled by the two sides have been chattering every day recently.

The water was completely muddled now, and Pompey relaxed.

At this time, he also discovered the benefits of publishing the book this time.

In fact, he had great opinions about publishing such a book before.

He always felt that Xiao Feng was playing tricks on himself.

After all, the title of this book is really terrifying.

But now after seeing the effect, he has to sigh that in the Internet age, it is true that young people are more able to play.

Although Xiao Feng is not a giant in the Internet industry, he obviously has the mindset of an Internet giant.

He knows very well how to grab the attention of ordinary people and how to attract traffic in the Internet age.

And after such a show, his popularity not only soared in the United States.

Even within the faction, his status has improved a lot than before.

You must know that although he used to be the first secretary, his status in the country was second only to the commander.

But in the elephant faction, many people just regard him as a rising star.

After all, he is only fifty years old, and his qualifications and contributions in Pai are not very deep.

But this time is different. His exposure this time not only attracted the attention of the whole country, but also helped the general leader to get rid of the public relations crisis chased by Bolton's new book.

This kind of trick made many people in Pai think that this ‘young man’ is very aggressive and very capable.

He even heard the news that the elders in the faction were already discussing whether to put him on the list of the next election.

And this attempt also allowed him to experience the benefits of being an internet celebrity.

Only then did he understand why the chief dare to confront so many influential news media in China.

Regardless of whether you are a newspaper or a TV station, if you dare to say bad things about the chief, the chief dare to say that you are Fake-news!

It's just that, such a number one, it can be said that so far, it is unique in the history of the United States, and that's it.

More importantly, no matter how the media discredited him, the people just believed him.

Especially in the Midwest, the states with the most red-necked stations.

Many people didn't understand before, why this number one can be such a maverick.

And now, after trying the benefits of being an internet celebrity, Pompeo really understands.

Feelings, this is such a big advantage to be an internet celebrity! This feels so cool!

Wherever they go, they have their own traffic and have a huge number of fans.

Every word and deed will bring huge influence to fans, and fans’ thoughts will affect fans’ families...

In this way, at the time of the election, it will naturally take a huge advantage and have a natural advantage over the opponent.

After understanding this, Pompeo also had some new ideas for his future development.

It seems that I really have to learn from the general leader, after all, he is also an inspirational person who wants to be the number one.

As for the guide like Xiao Feng, Pompeo would naturally thank him.

That's why he called Xiao Feng today.

"Xiao, I have contacted Guoan and the FDA to approve Voegelin's application to install a self-sufficient medical examination center."

"Just wait! In just one week, you will receive the notice of approval."

"Don't worry, if anyone who doesn't open his eyes dared to jump out to stop him, just look for me."

"I'll get him back!"

Pompeo said to Xiao Feng with his chest lined up on the phone, and Xiao Feng naturally knew that this guy was reciprocating.

It seems that my investment is finally beginning to see a return, which is a good thing!

"Haha, thank you so much!"

"By the way, our Voegelin has encountered protests in pharmacies in many cities because of the installation of this 3D fluoroscopy imaging device."

"Those guys, blocking the door of our pharmacy every day, have had a serious impact on our operations."

"I hope you can manage such things!"

Now that Pompeo has patted his chest~www.ltnovel.com~ Xiao Feng is naturally not polite.

When Pompeo heard this, his voice immediately became serious.

"What? There is such a thing? These bastards, doing so is simply preventing the majority of the American people from gaining the right to know their own health."

"Xiao, don't worry, you put together a list of the troublemakers, and the pharmacies that have been obstructed in construction, specifically in those cities."

"You have compiled a list and sent it to me. I will naturally find the local police station to find out the situation."

"Don't worry, I will definitely get things done for you."

Pompeo's response made Xiao Feng very satisfied.

This is the attitude that partners should have, living in peace and mutual benefit.

With Pompeo's guarantee, Xiao Feng was relieved.

After hanging up the phone, he turned on the TV. At this time, the sports channel was just broadcasting a football game.

And this game happened to be the game of the New England Patriots.

In the second half, Thomas Brady, who had previously undergone a heart change operation, appeared on the edge of the court.

The sudden appearance of the former American golden boy immediately caused a burst of cheers in the stadium.

It has been three months since he bid farewell to the game. As early as three months ago, when he announced that he would undergo a heart exchange operation, many people thought that his career was over.

And when he stood next to the field again, it had to be said to be a miracle.

You must know that this is an athlete who has changed his heart. In the history of world sports, there has never been an athlete who has suffered such a serious injury and can return to the field.

At this time, more viewers want to see what kind of performance this guy can perform!

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