My Strength Does Not Allow Me to Low-key

Chapter 1292: Tesla Advanced Edition

When Lao Wang landed in Bincheng, he naturally received a grand welcome from He Xiaojun.

He even saw Mr. Yu who came to pick up the plane together, which made him feel very strange.

Lao Yu is a very important boss in Warwick. He usually doesn't talk about everything, but his itinerary is accurate to 15 minutes.

This guy spends most of his time in the sky, and sometimes he has to fly to several cities a day.

But he didn't expect that this guy actually stayed in Bencheng for three days this time.

On the earliest day, this guy called himself and said that there was a Spark company in Bincheng, so he wanted to take a look.

It was also because of the trust in the partners and the infinite association of the Spark company and the team behind the Ninth Laboratory that Lao Wang sent Xiao Wang to take a look in person.

Unexpectedly, this look really surprised them. Not only was the problem of renewal appliances and induction switches that had been plagued by them solved, but Xiao Wang even found an epoch-making sensor here.

So on the day when Xiao Wang reported to him, Lao Wang took a plane from Pengcheng to Bencheng in the afternoon.

He didn't feel anything for He Xiaojun's warm welcome, but it made him even more strange to see that Mr. Yu had been here for three days and had not left.

Because it was late and it was not convenient to go to the Spark Company, they went to the hotel first.

The place where Lao Wang stayed today was also the Pennival Peninsula Hotel, and he and Mr. Yu went in the same car.

"What? Is this company really special?"

In the car, Lao Wang couldn't help but ask Mr. Yu.

After all, they are close partners, and the company is in the same city, so they have dealt with it many times.

And He Xiaojun and him in the ninth laboratory are just nodding acquaintances. As for the CEO of Spark Company, a foreigner who can speak fluent Chinese, Lao Wang is not convinced.

After all, the contact time is still too short, although Xiao Wang has repeatedly emphasized to him that this company is amazing when it comes.

But Lao Wang still felt that it was more reliable to ask about it himself.

The answer given by Mr. Yu is also quite straightforward: "It's very special. If I'm not mistaken, this will once again be a giant that is about to rise."

"Really so powerful?"

Mr. Wang raised his eyebrows, and Mr. Yu smiled: "After you go to see their products tomorrow, you will know."

"Then why haven't you left? As far as I know, there seems to be nothing else interesting to you in this Spark Factory?"

Lao Wang tentatively asked, but he only got one answer from Mr. Yu, which was two words: hehe.

Early the next morning, Lao Wang got up early, accompanied by Xiao Wang and the company's technical staff, after having breakfast in the hotel, went straight to the Xinghuo factory in the bonded area.

As soon as they arrived at the factory, they were immediately taken over by the feeding robots walking in the factory.

It was a yellow crawler robot with two small crawlers under its feet, and its upper body was like a big square box with two robotic arms on it.

On top of his head was a head resembling a pair of binoculars, and two robotic arms were pulling a large cargo box backwards.

The cargo boxes are filled with all kinds of industrial waste.

The robot pulled the waste car out of the workshop and went straight to the waste recycling center in the distance.

Then there are several similar robots on the other side, pulling the same boxes into the factory area, sending them to the feeding port of the production line inside, and then dumping them in.

During the whole process, there were no workers on the ground.

Although this picture is very simple, it has great visual impact, and it has made Lao Wang foolish.

The content of this screen is very simple, we can often see it in the animation, but in the real world, it seems that there is only Spark as the only factory in the world that can truly be automated like this.

"What you said is..."

After all, Lao Wang is an expert, he pointed to the head that looked like a telescope above the robot in front and said.

"That's right, Mr. Wang, the guy who looks like a telescope is the millimeter wave radar integrated camera sensor I said!"

When there are a lot of people, Mr. Wang is still very regular, and he will call his dad Mr. Wang.

As an expert, Mr. Wang looked at the robots, dragging the cargo boxes, walking back and forth on the road, and he could turn, fast forward, and brake freely.

The most important thing is that they will also avoid all kinds of obstacles, and make the route of travel early based on the distance of the obstacles in front.

If it encounters a robot coming from the opposite side, it will stop to give way or go around...

Mr. Wang and his party stood there for more than half an hour, watching the robots moving back and forth.

The content seems very boring, but it has already set off stormy waves in Lao Wang's heart.

Because he is an electric car, he understands where Tesla is better than them.

For example, Tesla’s current Autopilot automatic driving system is now a master of software and hardware in the field of intelligent driving.

Let alone the artificial intelligence in software.

Let's talk about the hardware used inside, the most important thing is the sensor of the perception system of intelligent driving.

Previously, in the field of perception systems, there were two sets of solutions.

One set is represented by Tesla, a vision-led solution.

The other set is a lidar-led solution represented by Google.

The two plans have their own pros and cons.

Tesla's plan is to take the camera as the leading factor, cooperate with millimeter radar, ultrasonic radar, and low-cost lidar to form a hardware perception system.

Google’s plan is dominated by lidar, with millimeter radar, ultrasonic sensors, and cameras.

The advantage of Google's solution lies in the detection accuracy and distance of the lidar, and the ability to actively scan the surroundings of the vehicle, which belongs to active vision.

Even at night, it can accurately cross obstacles to ensure the safety of vehicles.

But the disadvantage is that the cost is very expensive. A lidar costs 20,000 yuan, while the cost of a camera is only 2,000. In addition, the volume of the lidar is very large, which will affect the shape of the vehicle, and it will also face serious heat problems.

And Tesla's plan, using the camera as the leading factor, and then using artificial intelligence to recognize the image, this presumably Google's plan is much simpler.

The most important thing is that the cost is very cheap. This is also the main reason why Tesla's smart driving solution can finally kill Google, which has been involved in the field of smart driving earlier than them.

However, this solution also has its own obvious weaknesses, that is, the camera's ranging ability is limited, and the other is that it is greatly affected by the ambient light.

For example, bad weather, windy days, cloudy days, rainstorm days, hail days, etc. will seriously affect the imaging capabilities of the camera.

This affects the ECU's judgment of the vehicle's external environment.

Therefore, Tesla has spent a lot of money on the photosensitive chip of the camera and the algorithm of imaging recognition. It even has a long-term cooperation with the world's largest graphics card company.

Let the company design a set of graphics cards for them...

And this is also where other car companies, after engaging in smart driving, were opened up by Tesla.

Because no other company can find such an amazing sensor and imaging hardware.

And now they see the millimeter wave radar integrated camera sensor in Xinghuo Technology, which is simply an advanced version of Tesla's hardware!

After watching the robot's work, the group was quickly invited into the meeting room by Spark's CTO, Mr. Hu.

Then He Xiaojun stood up, and led Xinghuo and President Wang first, and the top leaders of the two sides formally got acquainted with each other.

Then Mr. Wang went straight to the topic and asked Spark to introduce their millimeter-wave radar integrated camera sensor.

Mr. Hu, CTO of Spark Technology, gave an explanation to Lao Wang himself.

It turns out that the imaging principle of this set of sensors is to integrate a set of millimeter wave radar equipment in the camera.

In doing so, it not only greatly improves the problem of camera ranging, but also greatly improves the accuracy of camera imaging.

Because millimeter-wave radar has the characteristics of long distance measurement and strong penetrating power, although it is still slightly inferior to lidar, it can greatly assist in improving the accuracy of camera imaging.

In the background, they also have a set of algorithms that can restore the object characteristics based on the obstacles detected by the millimeter-wave radar and based on the item screen shot by the camera in the background.

For example, at a distance of one hundred and fifty meters away, it is difficult for the camera to see exactly what the object is traveling far away, only a moving black spot can be seen.

The receiving system of millimeter-wave radar can judge which black spot is an active vehicle or a person based on the feedback data of the millimeter-wave radar.

They can even measure the quality of which This requires the accuracy of millimeter wave radar to be very high, and the background algorithm is very good and accurate.

But they did it in a real way.

If he hadn't seen it with his own eyes, Lao Wang would feel that he was killed by the robots in their factory and would not believe it.

After all, he has lived in Pengcheng, which is known as the most technologically advanced country in H country, for a long time, but in that city known as the most innovative city, he has never heard of any company that has produced such a set of hardware.

What's more, is this still a company in Ben Thanh?

However, this can be regarded as confirming the guess that Yu Zonghe had said before. Mr. Yu said that this company is likely to be inextricably linked with the scientific research team behind the Ninth Laboratory.

It seems that it should be right now, otherwise, with the level of the domestic scientific research team, it is certain that such a breaking equipment will not be available.

After repeatedly confirming the capabilities of this system, Lao Wang decided on the spot to cooperate with BYD and Spark Technology...

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