My Strength Does Not Allow Me to Low-key

Chapter 1293: Break through the moat

It only took two days for Mr. Wang to make a decision to sign a contract with Spark Technology to reach a strategic cooperation relationship.

Because although he has only been here for two days, the surprises that Spark Technology has brought to him in these two days are really too many.

Here, he not only saw the millimeter-wave radar integrated camera sensor of Spark Technology, but also saw the artificial intelligence programming solution given by the engineers behind them.

You must know that the biggest difference between this camera recognition sensor and the lidar sensor is that, first of all, it does not have the detection distance of the lidar sensor, and the accuracy is not as high as that of the lidar.

It is also very susceptible to changes in the lighting environment.

So in terms of identifying road obstacles, this kind of camera needs very powerful artificial intelligence assistance.

To put it bluntly, it is the graphic recognition system!

On this issue, Tesla first asked Nvidia, the world's best graphics card company, to help them design a set of dedicated PX series chips.

By the time of the third generation, they felt that Nvidia's chips were not enough, so they designed a set of FSD chips to solve the problem of matching the artificial intelligence recognition system written by their own engineers with the hardware.

Finally, relying on this combination of hardware and software, not only has it created a first-class intelligent driving system, but also created the latest generation of on-board ECUs.

Now Tesla has almost formed a sweeping trend in the domestic electric vehicle field.

Many people who don't understand cars, or those who don't understand electric vehicles, may feel sour after reading them, saying, what does Tesla have?

It is simple and leaky, and in terms of performance, it does not run much farther than other brands of electric cars. It is purely a tax of IQ.

In fact, they don't understand that Tesla's selling point has not always been a car.

What they buy is user experience and service!

In the final analysis, what they buy are all kinds of interactive electronic equipment and supporting systems that so-called pure car riders look down on.

Their selling point is a sense of technology and a sense of the future.

It is the kind of feeling that people create, so that when you get in the car, you will feel that this is what the future car should look like.

What I bought is the sense of advanced technology!

Rather than the traditional driving pleasure, the quality of the vehicle.

Many people sneered at this idea, but they forgot how Apple killed Nokia back then.

Just like when the Apple mobile phone was first launched, Nokia's vice president was still holding the Nokia mobile phone while smashing the walnuts while mocking the Apple mobile phone.

As a result, in less than three years, Nokia was pulled off the altar by Apple, and after five years, it withdrew from the mobile phone industry.

And what Tesla is doing now is exactly what Apple did back then.

It's just that the time they will take this time may be longer.

And now in China, the only one that can keep up with Tesla is BYD in the field of electric vehicle manufacturing.

They are like Samsung in the mobile phone industry. Although the brand influence is not as great as Apple, they also have the advantage of the entire industry chain.

At least in terms of hardware, they are not far behind Tesla, and even in terms of power batteries, they are still ahead of Tesla by virtue of blade battery technology.

The only thing that can't keep up with Tesla is in terms of software. To put it bluntly, it is in terms of creating a sense of science fiction and providing customers with a user experience.

They are still much worse than the old beauty who is good at marketing.

Fortunately, they have already realized this before, so they have started cooperation with Huawei.

And now Spark Technology, which has been born out of the sky, has made up for their technical shortcomings.

You must know that Tesla’s Autopilot autopilot system, but people have thrown into it billions of dollars, and it took more than ten years to develop the product.

But now that BYD wants to catch up, it is not enough to have Warwick's help. After all, there are many hardware aspects that are still missing.

Especially the weakest sensor in our country, and because the road conditions in our country are very complicated, especially in many cities, there are still a large number of non-motorized vehicles.

In addition, many non-motorized vehicles and road pedestrians do not like to obey traffic rules.

Riding an electric car to run through a red light, or walking through a red light, is even more common.

This requires the sensors used in our cars to be more sensitive...

Originally, our sensor technology was not good enough, but now we have to put forward such high requirements, which is difficult for BYD engineers.

If you want to create an electric car that can compete with Tesla, you must work hard to create a sense of technology and improve the driving experience.

To create a sense of science and technology, it is necessary to install more sensors on the vehicle, but now domestic suppliers simply cannot provide so many high-quality sensors.

Speaking of sensors, especially the cutting-edge sensors, they are basically held in the hands of Americans and Japanese.

The first problem that BYD faces is to find a suitable supply channel.

And those American manufacturers and Japanese manufacturers did not say not to supply them, but the conditions of supply are very demanding and the prices are very high.

For example, a sensor similar to the one used in a Tesla car may cost a few hundred yuan to sell to Tesla, but a few thousand yuan to sell it to them.

This greatly increases the cost of BYD, and this is the main reason for the development of BYD electric vehicles.

Some time ago, Mr. Wang set up another department after gritted his teeth, intending to conquer sensors.

But I didn't expect to actually start making sensors, only to know how far we are from others.

For example, some of the raw materials to be used for sensors, the simplest relays, inductive switches, and ceramic inductors, ceramic beads, filters, oscillators, vibration sensors, and so on are the most basic electronic components.

Our domestically produced products are not good enough...

It's not that we don't have these electronic components, but we all have them, but they are all third-rate goods.

So if you want to use these third-rate goods to assemble a first-class sensor, it is undoubtedly a foolish dream.

The sensors used in the car are not ordinary gadgets, they must be very precise and durable.

Otherwise, if it is used in a car, the sensitivity will not work, and you will not be able to sense it if it should be.

Or it broke after two or three days.

Such a product will not only not help you improve your customers' driving experience, but will also make your customers angry.

Not only will it not enhance your brand power, but it will also smash your brand.

So during that time, it caused Mr. Wang to have a headache.

It's all right now, this spark that popped out of the house unexpectedly has a comprehensive solution technology in his hand.

Especially this sensor that has always made them feel headaches. It feels like a person walking in the desert, who is about to die of thirst, suddenly finds an oasis in front of them.


To be honest, BYD has been manufacturing electric vehicles in China for many years.

But before that, BYD had not been too motivated to make private electric vehicles.

Although some good products have been launched, the company does not focus on this.

Firstly, there is no pressure to compete in the country. Although the companies that made electric vehicles in China in the past few years have grabbed a lot of them, there are no real threats to BYD's position in this field.

Secondly, the domestic electric vehicle consumer market has not been very mature and its market share is limited. This is also the main reason why BYD has no momentum in this field.

Moreover, the main focus of BYD before was to build electric buses.

After all, the profit of electric buses is much higher than that of private cars.

After the subsidy, a private car is only more than 200,000 units.

Electric buses, at every turn, cost four to five million, and they can often be exported abroad to earn foreign exchange.

Moreover, electric buses are not like private cars. It is not difficult to create any driving experience, a sense of technology, and manufacturing.

So at that time BYD preferred to build buses.

But now after Tesla entered the domestic market, BYD found out that it was not that the domestic electric car market was in low demand.

It's that their previous thinking was just wrong.

Otherwise, if you look at Tesla, you can buy tens of thousands of units a month, and the orders can be queued up to a few months later.

Although they also had various negative news after the listing, they still couldn't resist the enthusiasm of ordinary people for their consumption.

Are those consumers all fools?

Are they really not patriotic?

No, but because domestic electric car manufacturers did not meet their demands like Tesla did and gave them what they wanted.

It was because of its own shortcomings that BYD began to seek to make changes.

But when they really wanted to get real, they realized that things weren't as simple as that.

They really couldn't learn many of the advantages of Tesla, which seemed simple. The burning of money for more than ten years was really not in vain.

At least in many fields, it has formed its own technological moat.

And until now, the emergence of Spark Technology has allowed them to directly break through the moat.

Especially their camera sensor which inherited millimeter wave radar.

This not only reduces the cost but also greatly improves the technical content.

The most important thing is that people don't just make the sensors on the front sensory layer for you.

Even the early stage of decision-making has been done for you.

Generally, intelligent assisted driving is divided into three levels, the perception level, the decision-making level, and the execution level.

The sensor is the key to the perception layer, and the decision-making layer is the AI.

In this regard, BYD has always been the most lacking, so they approached Warwick to cooperate, hoping that Warwick would help them solve their software problems.

And now, Spark Technology has actually done all the artificial intelligence for pattern recognition that the decision-makers need. This is to help the decision-makers solve a big problem.

After all, they are not Teslas, and they are rich enough to make a set of FSD chips to identify items.

Now they only need to work with Warwick to let Warwick’s system programmers, based on Spark Technology’s graphic recognition, execute a set of logical commands for decision-making...

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