My Strength Does Not Allow Me to Low-key

Chapter 1295: How to export love

   Although I have been in Xinghuo Factory for a few days, I have contact with Xinghuo Technology CEO Chandler and CTO Hu Yifeng.

   But Mr. Yu still didn't make his request rashly. He also came from a technology company, and he knew how important this technology is to these technology companies.

   Speaking of the image recognition technology of Spark Technology, it can be said to be too shocking.

   Especially in the last few days, he followed BYD's Pharaoh and has been mingling in Spark Technology. After seeing Mr. Hu, the CTO of Spark Technology, he personally demonstrated this technology.

   The recognition ability of this system is really stunned and convinced by Yu Zonggi.

   Speaking of image recognition technology, in fact, like speech recognition technology, many companies engaged in AI are now focusing on the direction.

   But image recognition is so easy to talk about. The camera can indeed capture all the previous images very easily.

   But you have to edit a set of programs to have the ability to automatically recognize objects in the screen. This is not that simple.

   For example, how do you make this program recognize, the cup in the screen, the keyboard, the computer screen?

   And what color, size, etc.

   These alone are enough to make programmers feel a headache.

   Warwick has invested so much in this area, and it can only be said that it is just getting started.

   may be regarded as the leader in China, but it is not worth mentioning in the world.

   Especially when compared with the industry's big Google artificial intelligence, it is even worse.

  You still have a headache on how to recognize the image.

  Ke's Alpha Dog has already defeated the world Go champion.

   And it is said that Google has a more powerful set of Alpha Zero, which has never been publicly shown.

   But the sharpness of that artificial intelligence is said to be far superior to Alpha Dog.

   These companies that are also engaged in artificial intelligence in China are all concerned.

   After seeing the graphic recognition system of Xinghuo Technology, Mr. Yu can no longer be described as fascinating now, but can definitely be described as fascinated.

   You need to know that the weakest part of their Warwick mobile phone was recognized in time.

  Because it is a domestic chip, it has not cooperated with NVIDIA.

   In the field of graphics recognition, NVIDIA, which has always been a graphics card, is the real boss in this circle.

   And NVIDIA and Qualcomm also have close cooperation, and even Qualcomm's chip design, NVIDIA also helped.

   In this way, Qualcomm's chips are stronger than Huawei's in terms of image recognition capabilities.

   This is also the main reason why the performance of Huawei's mobile phones was not as good as that of mobile phones using Qualcomm chips in the early days.

   Especially Warwick phones before MATE10. Consumers' evaluation of Warwick phones is generally a game card.

   If you play for a while, you will get a lot of heat, even hot to your hands, and cost a lot of electricity.

   This is not the case with mobile phones using Qualcomm chips. When playing games, it is not only fast and smooth, but it is also not hot and saves power.

   As for another Apple’s A-series chips, let alone.

   Many people talk about Apple, they will say that Apple's system is good, so whether it is playing games or using other functions, they will not get stuck anyway.

   In the first few years when smartphones were launched, there were only two types of mobile phones in the world.

   One is the Apple mobile phone, and the other is other mobile phones.

   This shows how powerful the performance of Apple's mobile phones can create such an outstanding image in the hearts of consumers.

   Ordinary consumers will only say that Apple's IOS system is better than Android's system.

   But they don’t know. In fact, the reason why Apple’s mobile phones are so smooth is that their A-series chips are also super awesome.

   Later, when A11 and A12, it can be said that other mobile phone chips in the entire industry were slapped.

   The performance can easily hit the top chips of Qualcomm and Warwick, and the performance exceeds 10% and 20% of their top chips, which is just a matter of sprinkling water.

  This situation didn't get better until Warwick released the Kirin 980 and 990 in recent years.

   But even so, the performance of the top Kirin chips can hardly be said to surpass Apple's A-series chips.

   In the chips used in mobile phones, a large part of the computing power is actually used for pattern recognition and imaging.

   And this aspect has always been the weakness of the Warwick Kirin chip. Knowing their Kirin 970, they began to plug a Cambrian image recognition chip.

   With the recent years, their image recognition AI has been developed more and more powerfully.

   The performance of Warwick's Kirin chip has gradually caught up.

   But even so, Mr. Yu still noticed the gap between the Kirin chip and the system of Xinghuo Technology in image recognition.

   You need to know that this system is for cars.

   And I have to adapt to very bad road conditions. Let alone rain on a cloudy day, just a problem of driving in a dark day can already cause a lot of headaches for many people.

   But when he was watching the demonstration by Hu Yifeng, CTO, he could see their set of sensors.

   In the dark, it can also detect and perceive the conditions of the external road very clearly.

   You can see all the vehicles driving in the distance.

   And during heavy storms, or heavy snow, you must know that under these extreme weather conditions, the lighting environment is very harsh.

   Don’t talk about the camera, it’s just the human eye, and sometimes it’s hard to see the situation ahead.

  The sensors of others can still recognize objects moving forward under such circumstances.

   And on the monitor, the image is very clear.

   This can no longer be said to be just the function of the camera and radar. It can be said that the most powerful thing in it is the set of image recognition algorithms.

   And this kind of algorithm, isn't it just what they dream of?

   This kind of technology cannot be easily sold by any company. On the contrary, you have to hold it in your hand as a sweet pastry.

   I even felt that if they had the bonus of this algorithm, they could get rid of Lycra and do it alone.

   But the question is, how should you speak so that people are willing to cooperate with your Warwick?

   To tell the truth, Warwick has had many unglamorous examples in this regard.

  For example, the technology of the copycat counterparts, such as when they first engaged in image recognition artificial intelligence, they cooperated with the Cambrian.

   But after only two years of cooperation, they ‘formed’ an artificial intelligence team on their own, and then began to attach their own external chips to the mobile phones, ending the cooperation with the Cambrian.

   Although there are not many reports on this aspect from the outside world, it must have been quite unhappy when the two broke up.

   And now, if you want to use the technology of other people's Spark Technology, this must not be so easy.

   Why did Mr. Wang ask him to summon Warwick’s artificial intelligence team, and Mr. Wang also called the BYD engineer team to Bencheng?

   It’s not because they invited people to Pengcheng, why don’t they go!

   Why people don't want to go to Pengcheng, it's not obvious, is it just to guard against them?

   Although they didn't say it clearly, they all understood.

   And Lao Wang is a person with a big picture, or he is very anxious now, so he made the above decision.

   And now Mr. Yu’s question is how to persuade Spark Technology to cooperate with them.

   Let Xinghuo Technology agree to take out that set of graphics recognition algorithms...

   It’s really not good to talk to the two helms of Spark Technology rashly.

   Otherwise, it will provoke others, and there may be no cooperation in the future.

   But just like this, Mr. Yu didn't give up too much.

   It's time for the release of their next-generation flagship machine.

  This generation of flagship aircraft is equipped with their current top chip, Kirin 1010.

   In terms of performance, it is for sure to crush Samsung's machine emperor.

   But if you want to catch up with Apple, this might be difficult.

   But with this graphic recognition system, Mr. Yu believes that this can definitely increase the performance of their Kirin 1010 chip by 30%.

   Because of the plug-in, he estimated that at least 1010 and 30% of the computing power of Chuqilin could be liberated.

   With so much free computing power, he is absolutely confident that he can compete with Apple on this flagship machine.

   Even if Warwick’s mobile phone becomes a swan, they will be able to leave a strong mark in the history of smartphones.

   For them to re-enter the smart phone market at the right opportunity in the future, laying a good foreshadowing.

   So Yu always thought about it, and finally decided to ask He Xiaojun.

   Through this meeting with He Xiaojun, Yu always feels that He is always a very worthy friend.

   And he is basically certain now that this Spark Technology must have a 100% connection with the overseas scientific research team behind He Xiaojun.

   Otherwise, they cannot directly come up with the production technology of two generations of electronic components that crosses the domestic level.

   Because of this, he decided to deal with He Xiaojun even more.

   For two consecutive days, he called the company's technical experts, and negotiators, hiding in the hotel suite for a meeting.

  While studying the power of the pattern recognition algorithm of Spark Technology, he is studying how to talk about cooperation with He Xiaojun.

   After all, Mr. He is not an ordinary person. If the business is not negotiated and he offends Mr. He, then the gain will not be worth the loss.

   Finally, on this day, they determined the negotiation plan, and then Mr. Yu personally called He Xiaojun to make an appointment.

   He Xiaojun promised also very happy, he was waiting for him at the headquarters of the Ninth Laboratory, Daxing Island...

   got an affirmative answer, and Mr. Yu took a car straight to Daxing Island without saying a word.

   Bincheng He has been to Bincheng two or three times before, but he doesn't know much about the city.

   Especially the headquarters of the Ninth Laboratory has always been very mysterious and rarely opened to the outside world.

   I can have a chance to see this time, and Mr. Yu is actually quite expecting it...

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