My Strength Does Not Allow Me to Low-key

Chapter 1296: How did you do it?

  The convoy went all the way through an old city, and then entered the high-tech park.

   When you get here, you can clearly feel the difference from the old town.

   There are many tall buildings here, the buildings look new, and the roads are wider and cleaner.

   This is the case in the high-tech zones of many cities in China. The hardware construction has already completely surpassed the old city.

   And the only thing that can compete with the new city in the old city is the supporting educational resources.

   After all, hospitals and business units can be relocated, but it is not so easy for schools to relocate.

   Bincheng High-tech Zone, there are still many good enterprises, for example, there are more than a dozen well-known domestic state-owned enterprises.

   There are also world-class giants such as Microsoft and Hewlett-Packard, as well as seven or eight various technology incubators, large and small.

  Moreover, you can see more young people on the road here. Anyway, it looks more energetic here.

   Mr. Yu and his team did not stay too much in the high-tech park, but went all the way south.

   The headquarters of the Ninth Laboratory is now located on an island in the southwest of the High-tech Park.

   After finally passing through the most prosperous part of the high-tech park, the road turns into lush mountains on both sides.

   The convoy has been driving for about 30 minutes, and the road has become congested.

   A number of construction trucks constantly shuttle past them.

The driver of the    motorcade drove a small car, followed the big cars steadily, and went on for about ten minutes before finally turning into a col.

   If it weren’t for the magnetic destinations, Mr. Yu and his party would really doubt the motives of these drivers.

   After arriving in this mountain col, Mr. Yu and his party were taken aback.

   It turns out that in this mountain col, construction is underway, and the construction team is building many houses along the mountain.

   And in the middle of this col, is the highway that extends from the outside, and the highway extends all the way to the sea.

   There, Mr. Yu saw a sea-crossing bridge under construction.

   "This is the sea-crossing bridge that the Ninth Laboratory is responsible for. It is six kilometers long and directly connected to Daxing Island."

   The local driver introduced the situation of the bridge to the guests in the back row in the front.

   "This bridge was repaired by the Ninth Laboratory?"

   "Yes! The city agreed to give Daxing Island to them, and the only request was that they build a sea-crossing bridge!"


   Mr. Yu really wanted to scold swear words after hearing it. What is so rich and rich? That's it!

  A company built a sea-crossing bridge independently!

   How big is this project?

   "How much does this bridge cost?"

   talked to the assistant next to Mr. Yu and couldn't help but ask.

   "It is said that it costs 30 billion!"


   Hearing this, even Mr. Yu, who had seen countless big scenes, couldn't help but exclaim.

   Be aware that this bridge was constructed solely by a company, and there is no charge.

  30 billion!

   Isn't this pure public welfare investment?

   But thinking about the rumors about the Ninth Laboratory in their circle recently, he was relieved.

   It is said that the products of the Ninth Laboratory have been bought crazy during this time, and they have been robbed crazy all over Europe and the United States.

   Now European and American countries have sent commissioners to live in their company headquarters. Once products come out, they will be sent directly to take them away.

   People pay 100% of the deposit directly, otherwise you will not be able to order the goods at all.

   It is said that in the other two countries in Northeast Asia, the order from the Ninth Laboratory is worth more than 10 billion U.S. dollars.

   Then there is no need to think about it in Europe and America. When he had dinner with a big brother, that big brother had estimated the recent profitability of the Ninth Lab.

   Whatever it is, it costs more than 100 billion U.S. dollars...

   So many people present at the time, hearing this number, they were all stupid...

   The companies in everyone’s hands are also well-known domestic brands, and even some of them are well-known internationally.

   But these companies, even if they sell iron and buy themselves, there are not many worth 100 billion... U.S. dollars!

   But people made 100 billion in just one quarter... still U.S. dollars.

   You said such achievements, does the country know about it?

   And Bincheng, why is He Shengli desperately giving tax cuts to the Ninth Laboratory?

   Because they know that they are engaged in research and development, they have to spend a lot of money.

   But these benefits, you can't just take it so bluntly.

   How can I make a contribution?

   So it was a 30 billion project, and it seemed nothing compared to the money they made.

   After all, such a project can definitely feed a lot of people and create a lot of job opportunities and taxes for the locals.

  As the boss, Mr. Yu naturally knows the twists and turns inside.

   "...This is the first three-story suspension bridge in China. The upper two layers of sports cars are in different directions, and the lower one is light rail. The city has decided to build a light rail directly to Daxing Island."

   "When the repair is completed, where can it become a new scenic spot in Bincheng..."

   The driver talked a bit about the bridge, and he was full of pride and pride when he talked about the Ninth Laboratory.

  Yu always think about his own company. Although he enjoys a lot of preferential policies, compared with the ninth laboratory, it is really...

   After a while, the convoy came to the pier, and a ro-ro wheel was parked on the pier.

   The car drove directly into the ship, and then half an hour later, the barge stopped at the pier on Daxing Island.

   While driving out of the belly of the roll-on-roll wheel, Mr. Yu looked silly.

  Although he had been to the pier in Pengcheng before, it was a pier in a city after all, and it was also a great port in the south.

   So the pier is very large and there are many boats parked, so he can understand it naturally.

   But the dock on Daxing Island is not quite right. After all, there is only one company on this island.

   But the pier here is already full of almost ten 10,000-ton ships, and on the other side of the sea, there are dozens of ships cruising, seemingly waiting to enter the port.

   You can guess with your toes that these ships must be freighters waiting to be delivered by the Ninth Laboratory.

   Nima, there is only one company that can attract so many freighters to ship, the products of this company are too popular.

   The car slowly drove out of the pier, and then walked along a mountain road.

   The scenery of the half-mountain and half-sea, even the knowledgeable Yu Zong, feels refreshed and happy.

   Soon the convoy got into a tunnel and waited until it got out of the tunnel.

   Yu Zong suddenly felt a sense of Peach Blossom Spring.

   Behind this tunnel, a small town suddenly appeared.

   Moreover, the urban construction here is very distinctive, with yellow-coated exterior walls and red tiled roofs. Although the floors of each house are not high, it gives people a feeling of exoticism.

   The car drove slowly into the town, and then stopped in front of a building in the middle of the town.

   At this time, He Xiaojun had already greeted him.

   smiled and shook hands with each other, and then went into the building.

   Inside, He Xiaojun first gave Mr. Yu a brief introduction to the situation on Daxing Island.

   Looking at the huge sand table on the first floor, the entire island is the site of the Ninth Laboratory, and Mr. Yu's eyes are all red from this scene.

  How did they live in Pengcheng back then?

   I couldn’t afford to get a piece of land. In the end, in order to solve the livelihood problem of the employees, I had to be forced to move to the next city.

   And the next door also showed full sincerity and gave them a lot of Songshan Lake.

   But now, it seems that their Songshan Lake Park, compared with the whole island of others, is still not enough to see!

   He Xiaojun introduced the company's general situation, and then took a look at the final assembly and walked through the company's several laboratories.

   Before He Xiaojun could say more, Mr. Yu discovered another interesting phenomenon.

   That is the staff of the ninth laboratory. Few people actually fish. Almost the people they visit are working very seriously.

   This made him curious, how did the ninth laboratory do it?

   What are their management methods?

   Speaking of Warwick, it is well-known in China, especially since they have been promoting the wolf-like culture of the enterprise, but it is completely contrary to those IT companies in the United States.

   In those IT companies in the U.S., when the manager staff comes, it is called loose. The employees can rest anytime and anywhere. No one cares how much work you do in a how the quality of the completion is.

   Anyway, everyone can freely paddling and fish...

   And the CEOs of Warwick, after understanding the corporate culture of those companies in Silicon Valley, finally came to a conclusion.

   This kind of company can only be used by the Silicon Valley companies. If domestic IT companies learn from them, they will definitely die miserably.

   The reason why Silicon Valley companies can do that is entirely because they can easily get domestic investment.

  Moreover, most of their companies have patents in hand. They can rely on patents and the advantages of the US dollar to freely enter the markets of other countries and harvest leeks.

   So what people eat is the dividend of national strength, so they can make employees change their tricks.

   But we definitely don't have the same capital as others, so if we learn from the American company, the final result will definitely be very miserable.

   Therefore, Warwick puts more emphasis on wolf culture, but even so, their company has recently suffered from layoffs.

   Especially employees who are over 35 years old, Warwick believes that such employees are not creative enough, so they want to lay off.

   But the fact is that there are three reasons.

   On the one hand, the creativity of these employees is insufficient, and on the other hand, it is also because the salary costs of these employees are too high.

   And the third aspect is because employees of this age have basically become old fritters in the workplace, and they like to fish in troubled waters after work...

   This is the main reason why Warwick plans to lay off these employees!

   And this also brought them a series of infamy, because after they took the lead, a series of online companies began to follow up immediately...

   Please remember the domain name of the book’s first publication:. Apex novel mobile version reading URL:

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