Therefore, the domestic industry now has a lot of comments on Warwick, and the impression of this company is also mixed.

Many IT migrant workers also love and hate this company. What they love is that this company does provide high salaries for everyone. In their companies, as long as you work hard, you can get high salaries.

And hate him because this company pays too much attention to wolf culture. After 35 years old, as long as you fail to rise to the management level, you will find a way to fire you.

Therefore, the pressure of working in this company will be very high. Many people even wait until they are thirty-five years old, and they will resign without waiting for the company to take action.

Because of too much pressure, I can't stand it.

But even so, Mr. Yu also knows that there are actually many old **** in the company.

You can't say that these people are incapable, just because the company's current corporate culture has caused them to become what they are today.

You say that a new employee, from the beginning of entering the company, sees the company's seniors, working overtime every day.

To be honest, how efficient are these employees who work overtime every day?

How many are sincerely working overtime for the company?

For a job that can be done in four hours, it has to be procrastinated for eight hours.

Then he took out another task, and worked overtime for four hours before leaving get off work.

A job that could be done in eight hours, but twelve hours abruptly.

In fact, this situation not only exists in their factories, but also exists in other IT companies.

And not only in China, but even in Japan and Southern Dynasties, it is also a bird.

As long as it is a well-known large enterprise, they all like the overtime culture very much, which has formed a morbid state.

In fact, at the root, this is related to the servility culture imposed on the people by Confucianism.

In fact, the earliest origin of this kind of overtime work should be when the company was founded and flourished.

At that time, because the company was growing rapidly, the business was very busy, and the manpower was insufficient, it might indeed require employees to work more overtime.

Over time this habit is formed.

The big boss of the company will also have the illusion that the development of the company is related to employees working overtime.

After the company has grown to a certain scale, the middle-level leaders below, in order to cater to the tastes of the big leaders above, flatter the top.

When they leave work every day, they will leave employees to work overtime and pretend to be.

Let one leader at the top and the employees at the bottom are good employees who respect their posts and love their jobs. In fact, this is to let the leader see how capable, loving and dedicated he is.

As time goes by, the overtime culture is formed over time.

Obviously a job that can be completed in eight hours must be done in twelve hours.

It doesn't matter if efficiency is inefficient, just let the leaders above know that I love my job so much and I just want to look good.

As for the other highly efficient working groups, seeing that there are other groups staying to work overtime, they are naturally embarrassed to leave.

So I have to stay and work overtime, and in the end it gradually evolved into a state where the entire company is working overtime.

In fact, these companies are busy working overtime every day, which seems to be very busy, but in the end, most of the time and energy are consumed on the bullshit. The real performance does not depend on how much they do.

In contrast, European and American companies do not have a culture of overtime.

The employees and the company have a clear employment relationship.

Employees come to work every day to earn wages, not to flatter their leaders.

Although office politics still exists in European and American companies, it only happens at a certain level.

It will not be like these companies in China, where even small employees will be involved and become a tool for middle-level and high-level flattery.

Moreover, European and American companies have never encouraged a culture of overtime. If you are willing to work overtime, they will only think that you are incompetent.

Obviously the work that can be completed in eight hours, but you cannot complete it in eight hours, this is your lack of ability.

People's situation is the opposite of ours. On the contrary, it is such a company that does not encourage overtime and sloppy work, but it has created the Android system and IOS system that everyone is using now.

On the other hand, these major domestic IT companies emphasize that employees work overtime every day, but what do you think they are busy doing?

It means selling goods in groups every day, or doing online loans for you.

As for real innovation, hehe, Warwick is still a bit of a real skill, and the other companies really haven't seen it at all.

As a manager, Mr. Yu is naturally aware of the ills within Warwick.

Therefore, how to manage employees is also a headache. Although Warwick has been emphasizing wolf culture, it has also used tough methods to abolish some employees who are fishing in troubled waters or lack creativity.

But the company's current efficiency is still that way.

Now for Warwick, time is not waiting for me!

The suppression by the United States makes Warwick feel extremely difficult now.

The most painful thing for the entire company is that when it first entered the industry, it did not follow the hardware route. If it first entered the industry, it would walk on two legs, and it would definitely not be as passive as it is now.

Now the company has begun to lay out the hardware aspect, and is also developing its own system in the software aspect, preparing to cooperate with the American hard steel.

But the problem is that despite the large number of employees in the company, efficiency is still a big problem.

How to improve the efficiency of employees has always been a headache for management.

During the visit to the Ninth Lab today, the performance of the Ninth Lab staff surprised Mr. Yu.

These employees are serious when they work, and they don't look like fish.

And their attitude at work is very serious, not just to show them for themselves.

This made Mr. Yu very surprised how the Ninth Laboratory did it.

You know how many companies he has visited over the years.

Especially all kinds of high-tech companies, whether they are high-IT or biochemical and environmental materials companies, it is high-tech companies that Mr. Yu visits a lot every year.

And it's mainly from Europe and the United States, even if you spend money, you have to visit it.

Why do you want to do this is to learn how others manage the company and stimulate the enthusiasm of employees.

And this kind of thing is not uncommon in Warwick. As early as 1999, President Ren at the time wanted the company to develop better.

It took two billion to get people from IBM in the United States to help design the company's process.

Because at that time, Mr. Ren had already realized that the company had grown to that point, and the barbaric growth that had been done before was no longer enough.

Moreover, according to the original management system of Huaguo, the company can no longer be managed.

So I found Gerstner, the president of IBM, who was known as the strongest manager at the time, and they directly offered a price of 2 billion yuan. Finally, President Ren also gritted his teeth.

Then formally IBM helped Warwick to design the modern company's management structure and work process step by step.

It can be said that the current framework of Warwick's development was set by IBM of the United States at that time.

Afterwards, almost every year, Warwick will hire foreign consulting companies to help contact well-known large foreign companies to learn the essence of other people's experience in managing companies.

So far, it has spent almost 36 billion on learning how to manage.

But even so, now inside the company, there will still be people floating around, and the middle-level people will squeeze each other.

It is impossible to be people-oriented at all, and employees are full of grievances against the company.

For example, in the last two years, Warwick broke out many scandals in the most difficult moment.

For example, when a certain HR of the company left his job, he wrote an open letter, which has been well received by the following engineers.

Finally, this matter was also on the hot search.

In fact, the main meaning of the open letter is that the company’s HR supervisor’s evaluation department is overwhelming, and the situation is that people do not do their jobs.

For example, the leader in charge of the assessment works two days a week, and the other time is in a certain city in the central part of the country, and will not go to Pengcheng's headquarters at all.

Moreover, the monthly expenses to and from the company are reimbursed for various reasons.

In addition, she is very strict with herself, but she is very strict with the engineers below.

Often in order to complete the performance of the appraisal, he would stab the engineers below for no reason.

Although the company has a clear final elimination system, it does not stipulate that some engineers must be eliminated when they expire, especially when the engineers complete their work with quality and quantity.

But the supervisor did it for completion. It was obvious that the engineer's work was fine, but she had to cause some trouble to deduct points for some engineers just for the end-of-life elimination system.

Increasing the pressure of the engineers' work is to put it bluntly to find nothing to do, otherwise it will not be able to reflect her value.

The other is about the food in the He doesn't care about the mess in the cafeteria, anyway, she eats small stoves by herself every day.

And if one of the employees complained that the food in the cafeteria was unqualified, she would wear small shoes to the complainant as a result.

After the sudden news came out, it caused an uproar in the whole network.

Especially the engineers of Warwick, who are even more angry, have left messages on the Internet to express their support for this HR.

In the end, even Mr. Ren was alarmed. Anyway, at the time when Warwick was in the most critical moment, when it needed to build a positive image in exchange for the support of the whole people, it was stabbed like this, and it was an irretrievable cut, but it was very damaging to the company's image.

At that time, all the senior executives of the company were **** off, although in the end Mr. Ren came forward to put down the matter in person.

But the damage this incident brought to Warwick was inevitable.

In short, after that, all the top executives of the company were having a headache, how to manage the company.

For managers, the higher they go, the more they will find that managing a company is an out-and-out big problem!

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