My Strength Does Not Allow Me to Low-key

Chapter 1298: 2 reasons why employees leave

To be honest, the companies that Mr. Yu has visited over the years are not too complicated, so he can tell at a glance which companies the employees are actually working and those companies are acting.

The scene he saw in the ninth laboratory today really opened his eyes.

Moreover, He Xiaojun, the boss of the Ninth Laboratory, didn't seem to make any special arrangements just because he was coming to visit.

Even the thought of visiting the workshop of the Ninth Laboratory was brought up by Mr. Yu himself.

That's why He Xiaojun took him into a few laboratories and walked away, and in those laboratories, Yu always saw the working status of the ninth laboratory employees with his own eyes.

To be honest, Mr. Yu had visited Buffs in Germany before. As the world's strongest chemical company, Buffs has its own set of how to manage its employees.

And it was in Buffs that Yu finally met a group of engineers who were working hard.

To be honest, at that time, he even thought that none of the domestic enterprises could be compared with Buffs.

Especially in the working atmosphere of others, each employee is dedicated to his responsibilities, no one paddles too much, and engineers will not deliberately please their superiors.

Anyway, the working relationship and content are very simple. For everyone, you only need to follow the above requirements and complete your own work.

But in China, things that are obviously very simple can't be done so simple.

This is the workplace influenced by Confucian culture.

In the domestic workplace, if you are willing to be an employee for the rest of your life and do not want to climb up, then you are guilty and you are wrong.

Because how many years Confucian culture has conveyed a message to intellectuals, that literary has no first, and Wu has no second, you are fighting for whatever you do.

As the saying goes, it’s better to make chicken heads than phoenix tails, anyway, no matter what you do, you have to climb up.

There is no way to provide a safe and comfortable working environment for the employees at the bottom.

Because you don't fight, then other people will fight, and he will even step on your head.

And some people are not good at moral standards and their own abilities are not very good, but they are particularly good at studying interpersonal relationships.

Once such a person is in position, he must use his little power to the extreme, as if he is afraid that others will not know that he has the right.

For example, some time ago, when a small supervisor in a factory in Xuzhou City issued certificates to employees, he did the same thing when he directly dropped the employees' certificates on the ground.

The behavior of that little supervisor was really irritating, and he was already extremely distorted.

And you really don't think that there are too few such people. In fact, there are quite a few such people in any government agency or company in China.

The most typical example is the financial department of every company, there will be so many menopausal aunts.

These bastards, if they don't take a little power in their hands to the extreme, they will make things difficult for the employees below, as if they can't show their existence.

It is precisely because of the existence of such people that the employees below will be unhappy.

Earlier on, Papa Ma once had a famous sentence: Why do employees leave? There are nothing more than two reasons, one is insufficient money, and the other is unhappy!

The current situation can be said to be a common phenomenon in any company in China.

This is the main reason why seven million riders are now delivering food and they are unwilling to enter the factory.

For scientific research companies, this situation is even more serious.

Because most people engaged in scientific research are not very good at playing minds and eyes, many people like to focus on scientific research very much, and don't like the intrigue office politics.

Moreover, most of these scientific and technological talents also have a characteristic, that is, they are talented and proud.

If the incompetent people climb on their heads to gain power and make them angry, then they will really be tempted.

There is no place to stay here if you don’t stay!

This is why, some people will always say that every year Tsinghua and Peking University send so many students out, but those students stay in the United States and do not return to China to make contributions to the country.

Some people have even investigated that 70% of the people who play artificial intelligence in Silicon Valley and publish papers are Chinese, and even the overseas students sent by Tsinghua University back then.

The same is true in the medical field in the United States. In the field of basic research, almost 70% of the scientific research results are contributed by Chinese.

As a result, many people become sour, saying that they are unpatriotic and unwilling to return to serve the motherland.

But why don't you ask, why didn't people come back?

But as an individual, who wants to leave his hometown to become a second-class citizen in the United States.

Let's just talk about more than 90 people in a certain and research institute in China. Suddenly, the organization did not want to change jobs.

Researchers who have worked for ten years have a monthly salary of only 9,000 yuan, and the house price is tens of thousands per square meter.

Besides, there are old and young researchers in scientific research, and they have to support their families? What is this little money for?

You are looking at the annual salary offered by European research institutes. Such experienced researchers start with an annual salary of several hundred thousand, and there are not a few millions.

Do you let the researchers chant slogans to contribute to you every day?

Let people drink northwest wind to contribute to you?

It's just that the money is not in place.

Let's talk about the intrigue at work, that's even more old-fashioned.

People say that domestic scientific research is not doing scientific research, but it is so sophisticated. In fact, this is true for any industry in China.

For example, Dr. Yan, who was once full of heart to serve the motherland, returned to Tsinghua, but in the last few years he was forced to return to the United States. In the last few years, he produced results and became an academician of the American Academy of Engineering.

Isn't this a great irony?

There is also Dr. Xu, one of the few mathematics masters in China, who was finally forced to return to the United States a few years after returning to China.

How many such people are there?

This is what Papa Ma said in his mouth.

So why is it that people can produce results in the United States, but they can't do it in China?

This is the most troublesome problem for many domestic enterprise managers.

In fact, when it comes to the roots of Confucian culture, managers will more or less look at their subordinates with some Confucian concepts.

To put it bluntly, it means talking about superiority and inferiority in terms of seniority, not strength.

On the contrary, Western companies are more straightforward. They are more concerned about benefits. Whoever can bring benefits to the company will go.

No matter how good you are, but if you can't, you have to get out.

Such things that the villain gains power will have a very low chance of happening in their company's cultural system.

As for Mr. Yu, it is also how to recruit more talents and at the same time how to let more people work hard in the company and not fish in troubled waters.

Improve work efficiency and bring maximum benefits to the company.

But they have also made changes in many processes before, but who would have thought that something like that happened last year.

It can be said that the incident was self-exposure of family ugliness, but at that time all the senior executives of Warwick were outraged.

Even President Ren convened a conference and repeatedly emphasized the need to prevent such incidents from happening.

Originally, the company emphasized the wolf-like culture and had to lay off 35-year-old employees, which was unpleasant at the social level.

That is to say, because the company is able to save the Chinese people in terms of scientific and technological achievements, it has not aroused everyone's verbal criticism.

But if something like this broke out, the company's social image would be completely ruined.

As for the HR executive who caused trouble, of course he was fired.

But even if he is fired, such a person cannot be eliminated at all.

Because the management of the entire company is like this now, as long as it is a Chinese, there is no one who dislikes flattery and flattery.

And now that the company is so big, hundreds of thousands of people are eating at the company, and it is inevitable that there are many factions within the company.

Some leaders like those who can flatter, and the company is not his general manager, so even if he knows that there is such a ill, he clearly doesn't like it in his heart, but he has nothing to say.

The cultural atmosphere that has been formed within Warwick is not something he can change on his own.

But today I saw the work of the ninth laboratory, I really surprised Yu Zong.

The employees of the Ninth Laboratory are all highly educated talents, and he has heard of recruiting people.

Now basically it starts with a master's degree, and a PhD is better.

You know that these are all talented and arrogant guys, but when you see them at work, they are actually meticulous, and there is no guy who fishes in troubled waters at all.

And looking at their work attitude, you can see that their work enthusiasm is very high.

Look at the enthusiasm of others, and then think about the engineers in your company. They usually start paddling without paying attention.

The efficiency is simply incomparable with others!

How did this ninth laboratory do it?

And if you look at those employees, it's not like they work under high everyone is very relaxed.

The working atmosphere and environment also look very relaxed and pleasant.

Even if Mr. Yu looked at this environment, he wanted to sit in their office for a while.

After a while, it was about ten o'clock, and the company rang out with music.

Then a scene that surprised Mr. Yu even more happened. Some of the scientific researchers put down their work and walked out of the laboratory.

Those who are alive continue to stay busy, and those who come out go straight to the company’s pantry, where they drank tea and chatted...

Isn't this atmosphere and posture what European and American companies did in the early years?

Those who don't want to drink tea and chat, just go to the rest area next to it, where there are video games for the employees to relax.

There are all kinds of fitness equipment not far away, and employees can even get a few irons and exercise.

There are also those who play table tennis and badminton. Anyway, this scene has blinded Yu Zong.

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