My Strength Does Not Allow Me to Low-key

Chapter 1299: I don't know the true face of Mount Lu

"Mr. He, this..."

In fact, many major domestic Internet companies have also learned from Google and Apple.

It is to give employees full freedom. Like Apple, Google has many entertainment facilities in the company for employees to relax and play.

If someone is tired from work, they can go to the rest area to relax.

Of course, the publicity is very good, it is also because they have enough patents in their hands, and they have formulated many industry standards.

You can make money even lying down, so people have the confidence to let the employees play presumptuously.

The major domestic Internet companies have also learned these techniques, such as installing gyms and recreational areas in their companies.

But they were all cancelled soon afterwards, because they found that they really couldn't afford it.

The quality of the company's employees is really not as high as other Americans.

If you dare to do this, those employees will really dare to paddle.

In addition, the management of some companies feels this is very uncomfortable, and the employees are too loose, so that the managers cannot feel the dividends that rights can bring to them.

Therefore, few Chinese high-tech companies dare to be as headstrong as American companies.

But now if they look at the ninth laboratory, they dare, but what is it that gives them the confidence?

When he saw this, Yu couldn't help it anymore, so he started asking questions.

He Xiaojun is a shrewd person. Although Yu Zong only said half of this, he still understood what Yu Zong meant.

"Haha, Yu must have wanted to ask, how do we manage our employees?"

"Yes, seeing how well the ninth laboratory is now developing, it has become a world-class well-known enterprise. It must have its own unique management in terms of management. So I really want to ask Mr. He for advice. Ask for advice!"

It is indeed an old fried dough stick in a shopping mall, and he praised He Xiaojun with a few words.

And He Xiaojun just rolled his eyes, and then said with a smile: "Let's go, come to my office to talk."

In fact, the changes in the ninth laboratory now originate from the OA system Xiao Ai that Xiao Feng asked to install in the company some time ago!

After using this system, He Xiaojun felt that this system is really too powerful.

And this system can no longer be a simple OA system, this system is definitely an excellent auxiliary artificial intelligence system.

For example, every employee who comes to work in the company must log in to this system early in the morning.

The system of the Ninth Laboratory is very user-friendly, and he does not require every employee to go to work at nine in the morning.

His requirements for working hours for employees are flexible. You can come earlier, such as at 8:30, or you can come later to miss the morning peak, such as ten o'clock.

Anyway, your working hours are counted from the time you log in to the OA system.

Anyway, as long as you work at least eight hours in a day.

Of course, this is for employees who have strong personal abilities and like to do it alone.

For those scientific research teams that need all kinds of cooperation, that is absolutely not allowed.

Or when the company needs it or is very busy, this is not allowed.

But no matter what, this kind of flexible working system can be regarded as a kind of welfare for employees.

In addition, this system seems to be very easy, but in fact it has very strict requirements on the working hours of employees.

First of all, you have to log in to the OA system to specify a work plan every week.

What are you going to do this week, to complete a certain scientific research project to a certain stage, or how many experiments to complete.

Then the system will allocate time for you according to your work plan.

Then I will follow up with your work content feedback, anyway, with this set of supervision system, you can't be lazy.

Of course, the system is not Zhou Peiping, it is still very user-friendly. Every forty-five minutes of work, people will go out to rest for ten minutes.

In addition, in the morning and afternoon, there will be fifteen minutes of morning tea, or afternoon tea time.

Anyway, it is to maximize everyone's working time and efficiency.

Even if you want to paddle and fish, you can't paddle under the supervision of this system.

And the system will give you a score of work efficiency according to your work content feedback, so as to complete the final elimination system.

If you cannot complete the task within the specified time.

Or if your work efficiency is low and does not meet the requirements of this job, I'm sorry, the company will fire you.

After all, although the ninth laboratory is well paid, it is not doing charity or raising idlers.

And another advantage of the company is that it never requires employees to work overtime.

Of course, unless you are voluntary or have special needs temporarily.

Normally, overtime is absolutely not allowed. To complete all the work within eight hours is the greatest dedication to the company.

This is because scientists have actually tested adults a long time ago. In fact, they can really maintain a high degree of concentration and do things earnestly every day. Within six hours, they have been able to complete 100%, or even 200% of the work content.

In fact, many employees are in the work unit every day, and in fact they spend most of their time paddling.

Therefore, the main task of this system is to emphasize that the company's employees can make full use of it as much as possible within the company's eight hours a day.

Maximize their efficiency.

And this system has many other functions.

For example, you can use voice to help you retrieve the content you need.

There are also functions such as automatic data entry, which eliminates the need for researchers to manually enter data after completing experiments and collecting large amounts of data.

Because of many data, there are many digits after the decimal point, so it is often the case that the wrong number is typed.

But this system has a powerful scanning recognition function. As long as you use a specific scanner, the success rate is almost 100%.

Even if you just read the numbers, he can take the speech recognition test and enter the numbers, which greatly improves the work efficiency of scientific researchers.

In addition, his own office tools are also very powerful.

It is much more powerful than the Office software and wps currently on the market.

Whether it is writing a paper or making a PPT, there are only assistants to help.

The efficiency of writing a paper or making a PPT can be greatly improved than before.

In He Xiaojun's office, after listening to He Xiaojun's explanation and demonstrating the power of this OA system, Mr. Yu was shocked at the time.

To know that their Warwick is a software background, he naturally knows how important a good OA system is to the company.

Especially in the era of online office that emphasizes so much now.

Most large companies like them pay attention to flat management. To put it bluntly, it is to minimize the existence of middle managers.

On the one hand, it is to reduce the difficulty of communication between the upper and lower levels, so that the upper level can most directly understand the progress of the work below, and it is also the most convenient for the lower level to respond to the above what kind of help is needed.

The other is to reduce the use of power by the villain, and the other is to save the company's human resource costs.

Therefore, a good OA system has a very important role for them, a large company with hundreds of thousands of people.

Their Warwick is now using an OA system developed by themselves. To be honest, this system is not very easy to use.

The reason is very simple. It is because there are many factions within the company.

For example, there are people who engage in Kirin, like he just buys mobile phones, and there are others who are engaged in 5G projects, as well as sales and after-sales.

Anyway, there are many dozens of supervisors, large and small.

Although the company has tried to reduce middle managers, as the company grows, such people are still indispensable.

Since there are different factions, they have their own ideas and opinions on the OA system.

After all, the work content of each position is different, and everyone has different requirements for the use of OA systems.

Therefore, it is inevitable that everyone is difficult to adjust, so the employees of the company always have a lot of rhetoric about their own OA system.

And now after seeing the OA system of the ninth laboratory of others, Mr. Yu was moved on the spot.

Because this OA system is really awesome.

It's like how Xiaojun, holding the microphone, said that he wanted to write a summary of the third quarter work.

Then the system automatically searched for him, including what he had done before, as well as the summary of other companies searched online.

Then he took the quarterly data reported internally by the company and told the computer to make a table, as well as a pie chart, or a bar chart, a comparison chart, and so on.

As soon as the request was finished, the OA system automatically generated those tables and various graphics for him.

Then in terms of text, pick some from other places, and then pick some from your previous summary, and then fill in the new data tables and various graphics for this quarter.

In this way, in less than one and a half hours, a PPT summary of the third quarter was completed.

Although this is only a simplified version, the efficiency is also shocking to the total.

You must know that their company often does work summary Especially for a big boss like him, he has a meeting for his managers almost every month to let them make a summary.

Then he will go to Mr. Ren's work meeting with those big guys who are equal to him, and he will also make a work summary at the meeting.

Although these summaries are usually completed by his secretary.

But he also knew that it would take a long time for his secretary to complete such a summary.

Sometimes it even takes a week, and finally it has to be handed over to him for review.

But when you are looking at someone’s side, you have the first draft in less than half an hour, and then even if you spend some time on it, it won’t take a week, right?

At this moment, Mr. Yu suddenly felt a feeling that he did not know the true face of Mount Lu...

It seems that the ninth laboratory was underestimated before, but now it seems that this is more than a biopharmaceutical company!

This is really an invisible IT giant!

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