In the current mobile phone industry, if you want to gain a foothold, you must have your own characteristics.

For example, Apple back then, the first batch of crazy people, at that time, except for a smart screen that can slide, it was more eye-catching.

Compared with traditional mobile phones, there is nothing special in other aspects.

But why is he, as a latecomer, able to gain a foothold in the mobile phone industry?

It is because he first integrated the function of MP3 into the mobile phone.

This became the biggest selling point of the first-generation Aimad, and it wasn't until the IOS system that Apple really opened the era of smartphones.

And quickly defeated, eliminated the traditional big players in the industry Nokia and Motorola.

Samsung relied on the foundry for Apple, and quickly figured out Apple's path. In addition, it was time for Google to open up the Android system at that time.

Samsung took this opportunity and relied on the advantages of its entire industry chain to soar all the way and became a brand manufacturer second only to Apple in the era of smart phones.

However, the road to the rise of the Huaguo brand was even more bumpy.

For example, the earliest smart brand in China, Mi, relied on the integration of resources, and then the strategy of low prices and hunger marketing to break a **** path from the chaos and achieve its status today.

At that time, some rice gave the impression of being a dragon-slaying warrior.

In those days, Samsung and Apple's mobile phones were very expensive. ,

Apple won't say much. Back then, it was known as the first generation of kidney machines. Many crazy young people even sold kidneys and had to change to a mobile phone.

At that time, Apple, [Baishulou Novel Network] was a symbol of identity and status.

And Samsung, not to mention, a batch of system junk, the hardware is even worse, Apple is not a star and a half, but this is how it buys the lowest-end price junk models abroad. ,

Get it in the country, but you have to sell it at a high price of three or four thousand.

It was precisely because of the appearance of a certain meter that the price of Samsung was knocked down.

Then there is OV's follow-up.

After that, it was the sudden emergence of Warwick in the field of mobile phones.

In fact, the road to the rise of Warwick mobile phones is not very smooth. At the very beginning, they insisted on using self-developed chips.

To be honest, their first-generation self-developed chips are really rubbish, with poor performance, high power consumption, and very hot.

There are a lot of problems anyway, but it is precisely because they insist on going their own way that finally achieved the current Warwick.

And they insisted on taking the route of self-research, which also gave OV a great inspiration.

As a result, these two brands later insisted on providing full screens and the other insisted on fast charging, although they also harvested many consumers' IQ tax.

But at the very least, people have invested in technology.

It's better than that, after having fallen, relying solely on assembly, and still complacent, it is much better to touch a certain rice of porcelain every day.

The real rise of Warwick was more than two years ago when they cooperated with Leica on the camera.

In the field of camera, it won the first place in the international mobile phone camera field, and led the second place by more than one star.

It is precisely because of such amazing camera technology that they have achieved their prestige.

Why did the film cameras die out in those days is because of the emergence of digital cameras.

And now why digital cameras are gradually dying out is precisely because of the emergence of mobile phones that integrate digital camera functions.

But although ordinary digital cameras are dying, professional SLR cameras are still very popular for photography enthusiasts.

What Warwick has to do now is to challenge the field of professional digital photography.

Now in the remote photography and wide-angle fields, they have reached the threshold. The next thing to do is to continue to upgrade their technical capabilities.

The camera technology in this generation of flagship phones that Warwick is about to launch is actually the top camera technology in cooperation with Leica.

In fact, to put it bluntly, it was just that the group of Lycra was invited to help with the training.

When it comes to hardware upgrades or something, it doesn’t matter, it’s still Sony’s camera and Sony’s coms sensor chip.

Speaking of camera performance, it must be much higher than the previous generation.

But in fact, they have made certain reservations in terms of technology, which is to prepare for the next generation of machines.

But the next generation machine, where is the breakthrough route, now Mr. Yu is also very confused.

Because of the next generation of flagship machines, they may not be able to update the main CPU, so they may have to upgrade other aspects.

So how to update other aspects of performance without updating the main chip, and whether the next-generation new flagship machine will not appear so LOW, has become the most troublesome problem for Yu.

But this time, on the Spark Technology side, I saw the perverted graphics recognition intelligent AI launched by Spark Technology, which really shocked Yu Zong.

Although that set of graphic recognition AI is used in the intelligent driving of cars.

But the graphics recognition capability of the system is also too powerful.

To know the intelligent driving system of the car, the requirements for the graphic recognition system are very high.

Because the car is driving at high speed in the first place, the speed may change at any time.

And the most basic function of your system is to find the target in front of the road in the process of continuous changes in car speed.

And the information is fed back to the graphic recognition system for recognition, and then the information is fed back to the CPU for final decision.

And in the process of moving forward, you may have to track the identified targets, but not one or two. The most important thing is that the opposite targets are also moving at different speeds.

And you have to adapt to a variety of different road conditions, such as dark, strong wind, heavy rain and other complex road conditions.

During the visit, Mr. Yu really paid special attention to the camera of that system, and found that it was an ordinary one-thousand-yuan camera.

But the final recognition effect is still so good, which can only show that the AI ​​system of other people's graphics recognition is good.

So this made him feel very excited, the next generation of flagship machine, finally found a breakthrough and a hype gimmick.

At this time, He Xiaojun smiled and said to the general manager: "Yu, I can probably understand your thoughts. Your Warwick mobile phone is originally in the field of photography and imaging. It seems that you want to solidify in this field. Advantages!"

"Yes, since I told you this to Mr. He, I won't keep it from you. Our flagship phone of this generation has actually been finalized, and it may be officially launched in a few days."

"But the question now is, what should we do next? According to the current trend of the mobile phone market, basically major manufacturers will replace a generation of flagship phones every year."

"Now we are sanctioned by the United States. In the next year, or even a few years, we may not have top-notch chips available, so how do we maintain the characteristics of our flagship machine?"

"To tell you the truth, I have turned my head from worry about this matter in the past few months."

"Because of the sanctions, we may not be able to purchase top-level chips in the next few years. Although we have now begun to deploy the hardware industry, you also know that this shortcoming cannot be caught up in a short period of time."

"What we can do now is to wait for two or three years to see if there will be other changes in the international political landscape. At that time, TSMC or Sansang will agree to OEM for us again."

"Warwick Mobile, the most important task now is to survive the past two years."

"We can't fall behind in the circle, but if we want to ensure the brand image, how easy is it to talk about?"

"When it comes to this, I won't hide it from you. In fact, the main chip we want to use on this generation of mobile phones has been replaced by Kirin 9000..."

He Xiaojun was also taken aback by the news that Mr. Yu burst out suddenly.

"What? Didn't you say that the chip of your flagship phone is Kirin 1010?"

"Hey, isn't this because of the issue of discontinuation? In order to stick to it, this generation has to produce a product that does not exceed the performance..."

When Mr. Yu said this, He Xiaojun understood immediately.

To put it bluntly, this Kirin 9000 is very likely to be the castrated version of the original legendary Kirin 1010.

The reason for this is to leave room for the launch of Warwick's next-generation flagship machine.

Who will let them find qualified chip processors in the next two years?

Therefore, we can only use Kirin 9000 to install it on this generation of flagship machines first, and when we will upgrade next year, we will use Kirin 1010.

This is naturally the result of being forced and helpless. If it can, who wants to do it.

However, although this generation can't use the top chip, but in other aspects, they still show the greatest sincerity.

For example, a new generation of Leica-certified cameras...

However, for this generation of Lycra certification, Yu always feels that it may be a swan song.

Because in the coming year, who knows whether Lao America’s sanctions will intensify?

At that time, if Leica can't stand it, what should they do with Warwick's most distinctive camera technology?

It wasn't until he saw the graphic intelligent recognition system of Xinghuo Technology that he felt that he had found a breakthrough.

If Spark Technology is willing to provide technical support, give Warwick 30% of their graphic recognition technology.

So Mr. Yu dared to guarantee that they would definitely dare to challenge the most professional Sony in the field of photography.

Now Sony's SLR camera is definitely the No. 1 choice among the enthusiast circles.

And Warwick's previous technological breakthrough direction is to use mobile phones to challenge SLRs.

It's just that this process will be interrupted because of the sanctions imposed by the United States.

And now that the appearance of Spark Technology makes Yu always feel that the momentum that has been interrupted can suddenly be continued.

Not to mention other special effects, such as the anti-shake, image sharpening, wide-angle and other special effects of Spark Technology’s graphic recognition AI.

Yu always feels that with the ability to recognize AI with that set of graphics, with only three levels of skill, he can achieve the top special effects required by those mobile phone cameras.

And with the bonus of these special effects, wouldn't the selling point of their next-generation flagship machine of Warwick come out?

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