The news has not been announced yet, so He Xiaojun really doesn't know. He didn't expect that SX and HLS would also cut off the supply of H Company.

From this point of view, H Company may be really in danger.

If it was before, even without high-end chips, H Company might still be able to rely on some low-end chips to make some low-end mobile phones.

But now if even the memory and flash memory are cut off, then H company in the mobile phone circle, may really be doomed.

At this time, Mr. Yu seemed to have found an emotional outlet, and he did not treat He Xiaojun as an outsider.

"Mr. He, we are really too difficult, or it is really too difficult for our Chinese enterprises."

"In the past, high-end heads in all walks of life were monopolized by companies in Europe, America, Japan, and South Korea. They even made money lying down on patents."

"Our company can only rely on supplied materials to make some hard money, and to produce a piece of equipment, it has to pay 20 to 30% of the patent fee. In the end, the remaining amount is less than 5%."

"Our H company just didn't want to see this kind of scene continue again, so we firmly followed our own technical route, but it seemed a little bit like this, but it was surrounded by them."

"Now our company H can really be said to be embarrassed on all sides, facing strong suppression by the U.S. government abroad, and also facing groups of sprayers and competitors from all walks of life in China..."

As Mr. Yu was talking, he was a little bit about to shed tears.

Although He Xiaojun also knew that this guy had acting elements, but he also knew that he was really upset in his heart.

The current situation of Company H is indeed quite difficult.

At present, in terms of hardware, they are facing extreme pressure led by Americans. Not only are they afraid to continue to provide chips for them, but even S company does not dare to provide them with chips.

At home, they have to face strong competition from various opponents.

Xiao Feng couldn't understand that if their opponents insisted on taking the technical route, I am afraid that the H company would not be the only one in China now.

However, the reality is that most domestic companies are only willing to lie in their comfort zone to make money, and are not willing to bite the bones.

Use the chips and memory of foreign companies and put your own brand on them. There are not too many companies like this in China.

In this way, the greatness of Company H will be highlighted. To be honest, if there are so many companies in China that can be hit.

The Americans don't dare to be as arrogant as they are now, after all, to master their own unique skills is to have confidence.

Look at the Americans playing with Alstom, a company that is so strong will be disintegrated if it doesn't just say it disintegrates.

But speaking of their real opponents, they should actually be the Germans. Siemens of Germany, Bosch, and BASF should be their real targets.

But why don't the Americans dare to beat the Germans? Because these German companies really have their own unique technology.

Even if the Americans want to engage them, it is not easy to start, because once these companies are moved, it is very likely to bring a serious backlash effect.

For example, their own company in the United States may stop production due to lack of certain parts.

The same principle also applies to Japan. Although Americans often attack Japanese companies, they never dare to attack.

Because they are also afraid that the fish will die and the net will break...

Recently, H company has been suppressed everywhere by the United States, and it has not been smooth sailing in terms of online public opinion.

There are always people who look at them unpleasantly, pick and make irresponsible remarks about this company with a magnifying glass.

Anyway, it has also brought a lot of pressure to H Company. After all, the mouth is on others. What they say is helpless.

Xiao Feng couldn't understand the brain circuits of these people. How could a pure-blooded Chinese company like H Company not recruit those people?

Normally, isn't the more such companies the better?

The more such companies, the louder our voice will be, and the more international guys will look at you and dare not despise you.

But why are some people not seeing such a good company?

If China has more companies like H company, then we will not be so passive as sanctioned by the US this time.

And Mr. Yu's crying, obviously also aroused the sympathy of He Xiaojun.

"Mr. He, you are also engaged in technological innovation, and you also know how difficult it is for Chinese companies to innovate in the field of science and technology?"

"In foreign countries, we always have to face the cynicism, and it is much more difficult for companies in other countries to open up the market."

"The layers of difficulties and obstacles that we are facing, this need not be said. Think about the fact that when we opened up markets in Africa, we had to face not only local criticism, but also European and American slander."

"Even in South America, our engineers have encountered vicious incidents such as kidnapping, but we all survived."

"And in China, you don't have to say it, you have to guard against all kinds of open guns and secret arrows, hey, I'm really tired!"

As President Yu said, he touched bitter tears.

However, what he said was not a lie. Indeed, when H Company expanded into overseas markets, it really suffered a lot.

And He Xiaojun is also very concerned, although the ninth laboratory walks around smoothly.

But in fact, in the process of development, I also encountered many open guns and dark arrows.

For example, coveting from capital, as well as competitor's insidious tricks, thanks to Xiao Feng's presence, they can alleviate danger every time.

The more this happened, the more he felt the help Xiao Feng brought to them behind his back.

Because every time he encountered extreme danger before, it was Xiao Feng who made a move in the end.

In overseas markets, regardless of their success and fame, they have established their own position, but at the beginning of the market expansion, they have suffered a lot of others' eyes and neglect.

The same is the blue strands of the road all the way, the sword mountain and the sea of ​​fire, especially some time ago, Xiao Feng has been in the United States for so long, isn't it just over there to solve those difficulties!

Everyone knows that it is difficult to be a high-tech company, but who knows that it is even more difficult to be a high-tech company in China!

If you don't gnaw hard bones and only scale, you can mix well, but that's definitely not the work of an ambitious company.

And it is even more difficult for high-tech companies that want to make themselves innovative.

"Well, it's really not easy!"

Seeing He Xiaojun picking up the stubble, a sly look flashed in the eyes of Mr. Yu who was opposite, and then he smiled slightly.

"So, precisely because of this, we must unite sincerely and cooperate closely!"

The look on He Xiaojun's face at this time was very strange, this guy finally showed the fox's tail, right?

"Well, it really should be united sincerely, but Mr. Yu, what is the way you talk about cooperation?"

Seeing the smile on He Xiaojun's face, Mr. Yu cursed the little fox in his heart.

In fact, he himself is not too old, but He Xiaojun is younger, and now he is even more famous in the Chinese business community.

So he is still qualified to pretend to be a senior in front of He Xiaojun.

"Well, Mr. He, I'm always waiting for my face to take advantage of you, calling myself a brother..."

Haha, started to build a relationship, and the set was close. He Xiaojun naturally knew this set, but he didn't break it either.

"The insider, it’s like this. When I visited Xinghuo Technology, I found that they have a very good set of graphics recognition AI, but I am not very familiar with their CEO, so Mr. He, can you help me? Match it up?"

When He Xiaojun heard this, his face finally showed a smile.

"I'm afraid you won't mention it, but fortunately, you finally spoke up!"

"Oh? This? That's okay. Their CEO and I are also good friends. I can help you ask and see if they are willing to cooperate with you in this area."

When Mr. Yu watched He Xiaojun's performance, he couldn't help but slander in his heart, and even pretended to be something. Who didn't know that you were behind the same big boss.

But on the surface, he smiled and said to He Xiaojun.

"Thank you so much... In addition, I just watched the OA system of the Ninth Lab. To be honest, it was really shocking."

"We at Warwick also have our own OA system, but to be honest, it's far worse than yours when it comes to efficiency. And speaking of intelligence, I think the level of your OA system is definitely the only one in the world! "

"I won't talk about it in China. Even the OA systems of companies in Silicon Valley and the United States are not as intelligent as yours!"

"Brother Xiaohe, can I take the liberty to ask, which one of your OA systems helped develop?"

At this time, Mr. He has become Xiao He's brother, and He Xiaojun is not angry at all, he is still smiling.

On the other hand, Mr. Yu, his heart was jumping up and down.

Regarding the mobile phone of Company H, whether it can continue to survive in the mobile phone circle in the future, it seems that it all depends on whether He Xiaojun supports him Speaking of their mobile phones, they are actually the last two Only when he made a certain breakthrough in technology was he able to compete with Sansang Apple.

The mobile phone said that the main point is the performance of the flagship phone. Only if your flagship phone is not weaker than your opponent, can you establish a better brand image in the industry.

The reason why Company H has been able to open the market in Europe and occupy most of the country's market in the past few years has relied on breakthroughs in technical hard power.

And their so-called hard power breakthrough is actually more reflected in their camera level.

Speaking of mobile phone camera, H company can definitely be said to be No. 1 in the industry.

So much so that now when people think of H company mobile phones, the first thing they think of is his camera ability.

And this is my own characteristic!

Just like when people think of Apple’s IOS system, when they think of Samsung, they think of its OLED screen. Now that every mobile phone wants to gain a foothold in the market, you must have your own unique skills.

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