"In fact, the original flagship phone of this generation, the Kirin 1010 we were going to use is to be benchmarked, Apple's A13 and Qualcomm's Snapdragon 865."

"But in order to be able to extend Warwick's life for another year, we have to install the 9000 chip this time. Although the performance is definitely better than the previous generation 990, it is definitely slightly better than the top chips of Qualcomm and Apple. Not much."

"But fortunately, we have the current top-level camera technology and the best external AI chip, which can help in image recognition. We still remain on the DOXMARK mobile phone camera rankings and can still firmly occupy the top position of the list. ."

"This gives us a selling point and can also bridge the gap between us and this generation of top chips."

"This generation of machines will buy us a year, and by next year we can still come up with 1010 chips to give Warwick another year."

"But what worries us is that by next year, Apple and Qualcomm will definitely come up with the latest generation of top chips. By then, our 1010 will definitely lag behind others. But by that time, what else will we take? Go to compete with others?"

"In this generation, we still have Lycra certification as a selling point, but what about next year?"

"Who knows, at that time, Lycra and Sony will be able to withstand the pressure and continue to supply us and provide technical support?"

"Now that Sansang and Hynix have announced that they will cut off the supply and storage for us, who knows if they can withstand it next year?"

"Fortunately, we have placed a huge number of orders with TSMC and Samsung before. Now there are still some stocks. These stocks are enough for us to support for three years."

"After three years, if our side has not made a breakthrough in hardware technology, or the United States has not lifted its sanctions on Warwick, then we may really launch the mobile phone market."

Mr. Yu talked to He Xiaojun about their current situation this time.

Because he has already determined that this He Xiaojun and that Spark Technology must be inseparable from each other.

Behind these two companies is definitely the unknown scientific research team.

At present, it seems that this scientific research team, like the legend, is a team of the world's top Chinese researchers.

So they are very friendly towards country H and companies in country H.

Now they are facing the predicament that Warwick is facing. If they rely on themselves, they will definitely not be able to go out in ten or eight years.

So the reason why he was so honest with He Xiaojun was to see if he could get the technical support of that team through He Xiaojun's communication.

Although now Warwick has begun to grab people from other companies and has begun to enter the hardware market such as chips.

But if the hardware wants to catch up, how easy is it to talk about?

Even if they are willing to spend money, they shouldn't be able to catch up with each other in the chip field for 20 to 30 years.

And the other party will not stay in place and wait for you to catch up. When you are developing, they will definitely be developing too.

So Mr. Yu was also pondering, to see if he could get some other help from He Xiaojun.

At this moment, He Xiaojun nodded after listening to Mr. Yu's words.

"Well, Mr. Yu, I have come to understand your thoughts now. I will personally communicate with Spark Technology CEO Chandler."

"Presumably they should also be willing to cooperate with you..."

He Xiaojun said it lightly, but there seemed to be thunder in Yu Zong's ears.

Sure enough, Mr. He and that Spark Technology are in the same group. Although he may seem casual, it is actually equivalent to finalizing this cooperation.

It seems that he can be the master of Spark Technology.

And with the technical support of Spark Technology, he is always absolutely confident that Warwick's next-generation flagship machine will still be able to stay behind next year.

Although their chips next year may be weaker than other manufacturers.

But they can win a round in photography!

You must know that their Warwick marketing is not vegetarian, especially Mr. Yu, himself a marketing master.

At that time, I will make a gimmick of buying a mobile phone and sending a SLR, which will definitely attract countless eyeballs.

Although Mr. Yu has not yet seen the results of the technical support of Spark Technology, he firmly believes that as long as Spark Technology is willing to make a move, then their Warwick mobile phone's camera will definitely be able to surpass Sony's SLR.

Sony has spent a lot of money on their SLR cameras in recent years.

Their SLR cameras are almost standard in the circle of photography enthusiasts.

The starting price of a unit is more than 10,000 yuan, if you are equipped with a few more lenses, you can easily go out with one hundred and eighty thousand yuan.

Although Warwick hasn't chanted slogans before, it has been quietly laying out in the field of photography. In fact, as long as you are not a fool, you can see it.

Their goal is definitely to surpass Sony's SLR in the camera field in the future.

Because Warwick is very clear about his position as a latecomer in the field of smartphones.

They don't have the reputation of Apple, and they don't have that system.

As for the other Big Mac Samsung, they don't have the confidence of others in the entire industry chain.

It is true that Samsung’s mobile phones seem to have nothing outstanding in the circle at present, but they are the most balanced of all mobile phones.

Whether it is software or hardware!

Perhaps Samsung’s mobile phones have not had a very good reputation in the country before. For example, if they are used for less than one year, the system will slow down, freeze, and become hot.

But in fact, Samsung mobile phones sold abroad do not have such problems, and the reputation has always been very good.

And if Warwick wants to be comparable to these two industry leaders, it must have its own characteristics.

In the past, they relied on their own chips and superb mobile phone camera functions, which made them famous in the smartphone industry.

And now with the technical support of Spark Technology, Mr. Yu believes that next year, they will still be able to maintain the lead in camera technology.

It may even really defeat Sony's SLR...

Moreover, this is not enough in general. Since he has just seen the OA system used in the ninth laboratory demonstrated by He Xiaojun, he has been fascinated.

The degree of intelligence of this OA system is really so high, especially the voice recognition system of this system, which is definitely one of the best!

To be honest, many mobile phone manufacturers are working on the function of human-computer dialogue, but unfortunately, the accuracy has not been very high.

Simply search for songs, and place names, navigate, or turn on and off the air conditioner. Voice recognition AI of other companies may be able to do it.

But Mr. Yu just saw it with his own eyes. He Xiaojun used their OA system to help make a PPT.

This is so special.

In this way, the OA system of the ninth laboratory has been completely distinguished from those simple low-level speech recognition.

Mr. Yu has just seen this OA system with his own eyes. Under He Xiaojun’s voice command, he produced various bar graphs, pie graphs, even curve graphs, and comparison graphs.

To know these graphics, even if it is produced by a general EXCEL master, it will take half an hour.

But He Xiaojun just spoke his thoughts into the microphone, and this intelligent AI grabbed the data from the table.

Then, according to He Xiaojun's meaning, made several perfect pie charts and histograms, and even made several more for He Xiaojun to choose.

Moreover, he will automatically search on the Internet according to He Xiaojun's requirements, and grab the information, and then automatically enter it to generate PPT.

This OA system can be said to have opened up Yu's vision.

He can guarantee that if this system is installed on a Warwick mobile phone and can be projected onto a Warwick computer.

Then Warwick's mobile phones can sell well every minute.

What if the chip lags behind the top-tier mobile phone generation?

Does your mobile phone have such an awesome intelligent voice recognition system?

And if some other functions of the mobile phone can be integrated into this set of speech recognition system, combined with that set of graphic recognition system.

Then their Warwick mobile phone definitely has the opportunity to become a secret opportunity to open a new era of intelligent mobile phones!

Even if they only buy 1010 chips, they are absolutely sure to squeeze Apple from the altar.

Think about why Apple was able to quickly defeat and eliminate Nokia and Motorola back then?

Doesn’t it depend on the IOS system they launched?

The IOS generation at that time represented the so-called intelligent system before.

Mr. Yu firmly believes that the new generation of Warwick mobile phone that integrates the speech recognition system of the Ninth Laboratory and the graphic recognition system of Spark Technology is definitely the top-level smartphone.

Anyway, they are now developing their own mobile phone system, Hongmeng.

So he is now wondering, if there are two systems to help, then what kind of system their Hongmeng will be?

With this system, Warwick, even if it is slightly different from those brands ~www.ltnovel.com~ in terms of hardware, is still enough for them to pay for two years.

After this time, how could they get them four years time?

After four years, what will happen to the international situation?

How far will the domestic hardware industry develop?

Can a breakthrough be made in the field of chips? Who can tell by then?

Maybe a certain breakthrough can be made?

But to be honest, in the field of chips, Mr. Yu doesn't think that we can achieve TSMC's 5NM level in just a few years.

At this point, we have left too much homework...

And now the domestic people, there are some who always feel too blindly optimistic. To be honest, Yu always feels very uncomfortable.

For example, there are always a group of young enthusiastic young people shouting, as long as we enter the XX field, sooner or later, we will achieve results and occupy the world's leading position. Is that true?

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