Mr. Yu, who was on the opposite side, opened his mouth in surprise at this moment, and didn't know what to say.

To tell the truth the human-computer interaction function, in fact, many brands are now engaged in it, and the best one is Apple's SIRI.

It's just that even if Apple is very powerful, their SIRI has not yet achieved such an intelligent level.

At this time, Mr. Hu of Spark Technology actually didn't use his hands, he just used voice to control the game and start the initial settings.

For example, adjusting the resolution, as well as the size of the front sight, color, etc., used to be done manually by gamers according to their own preferences.

But now, President Hu actually bought the phone to communicate with the smart assistant of the mobile phone through voice, and then the smart assistant will help to complete these initial settings.

To the back, when the game is about to start.

This can only be an assistant, and even said that if you want to play the game more interestingly, it is recommended that users close several other APPs, which can free up more main chip computing power.

"Is it so intelligent? Is it really the real AI!"

Seeing Mr. Hu performing a series of show operations on the opposite side, Mr. Yu at this time had no idea what to say.

To be honest, many companies are now studying AI, but there are not many that have really made breakthroughs.

The world’s best players in the AI ​​field are actually Google and Apple.

As for China, their H company definitely counts as one.

But if you talk about commercial application level, the so-called AI that everyone uses on mobile phones is actually not even the most basic level of artificial intelligence.

If the mature and self-thinking AI is the Gatling gun, then now they use these AIs on mobile phones, Dingtian can only be regarded as a front boring musket, and even the flintlock gun is not that. Kind.

And now the AI ​​of other people's Spark Technology has actually developed to the level of the Mini rifle.

It is at least three generations ahead of other AI vendors on the market.

Then, Mr. Hu showed him a series of other operations.

For example, you can use your voice to control your phone to take screenshots and record videos.

Especially when taking pictures, you can use voice to control the camera's focus, brightness, wide-angle, and even use voice to control the camera to capture the main characters in the photo.

This function is silly for Mr. Yu.

This feature is simple to say, but it has always been a feature that countless manufacturers have been dreaming of.

For example, when you go to a tourist attraction, you come to the most beautiful place of the attraction, and you want to take a picture.

It is a pity that there are also many tourists in this attraction, even if you want to choose a suitable photo location, you have to queue up.

And when you are taking pictures, there will always be some ignorant guys in your lens.

The normal way to deal with it is to take a picture first, and then after you come back, you can find a PS master and drop the guys who you don't like messing into the photos.

But this AI is awesome. When shooting, as long as you give instructions, they can use the camera tracking method to sharpen you and the scenery you want.

Then blur the messy guys you don't want, or even P drop them directly.

In this way, the photos you take are directly clean.

And just seeing such a function, Mr. Yu on the opposite side could no longer sit still.

Can you get this Nima? With this camera function alone, even if their latest generation mobile phones use a 990 chip, they will definitely be robbed in the market.

Because this camera and artificial intelligence are really amazing.

Even if his main chip is not as powerful as the main chip of other manufacturers, as long as the super plug-in is connected, it can still increase their speed to as fast as the other's top chip.

Because the external chip of Spark Technology is too powerful.

Thinking of this, Mr. Yu lowered his head again and looked at the chip in his hand.

Only then did he understand why he always felt a little different from seeing this chip before.

It turns out that this chip is completely different from the so-called artificial intelligence chip that he used to only help solve pattern recognition and liberate the main chip's computing power.

This is definitely a real artificial intelligence chip. It is definitely designed by others Spark Technology combined with their AI program.

It can be said that this chip is used as the main chip of a mobile phone alone, and it is completely fine.

Thinking of this, Mr. Yu felt that he was about to split suddenly.

Nima's, this Spark Technology is too awesome, right?

Did you come up with such an awesome AI chip silently?

Nima, what is the origin of this company?

Think about their H company, in order to develop Kirin, but it has been studying with great concentration for more than ten years, with an investment of more than 10 billion U.S. dollars each year, and it has grown to where it is today.

Even so, they only have design capabilities, not production capabilities.

Moreover, their design can only be attached to ARM's rights-receiving architecture, and they currently do not have the ability to develop the architecture.

And even the Hongmeng system they developed is actually just...

Thinking of this, Yu always felt that his back was soaked.

At this time, he was looking up at the opposite President Hu, and the eyes of the CEO Chandler had changed.

What kind of company is this?

Why did it come out so quietly?

Based on his understanding of the electronics industry, if there is no super scientific research team behind this company, he would dare to take his head off and make a stool for you.

But who is the scientific research team behind them?

Looking at He Xiaojun, who was sitting in the upper hand position with his eyes closed and sleepy, Mr. Yu felt more and more that this company was unfathomable.

It seems that I really underestimated the heroes of the world. When I first came to Bencheng, it was just to buy Mr. He's face.

But now it seems that they are probably calculating themselves, or calculating H company is not a day or two, right?

At this time, Mr. Yu felt as if he had been empowered by others, and his thoughts suddenly became clear.

With the technological strength demonstrated by Spark Technology today, as long as they announce their entry into the electronics industry, they will definitely be a **** horse.

And just by virtue of the level of their artificial intelligence today, in two years, they will be able to compete with Google and Apple.

But why did they find H company and cooperate with H company?

In fact, it depends on their chip. Is it still necessary for H company to be a plug-in?

This is so special, a single chip can be a brand-new super mobile phone chip.

If they use this chip themselves, they can surpass Apple in every minute...

At this time, Mr. Yu had gradually calmed down from the initial excitement. He raised his head and looked at the eyes of Chandler and Mr. Hu, and gradually recovered his clarity.

"Haha, Mr. Hu watched your demonstration. I want to say that your chip, if it is effective, may be better than the 9000 chip we want to use and the future 1010 chip!"

"Then why don't you develop a mobile phone yourself?"

At this moment, President Hu, who was opposite, smiled slightly. Fortunately, this is not very stupid, and he finally sees it.

He glanced at Chandler next to him, then turned his head and said to the CEO.

"Because we want to keep a low profile..."

After hearing this sentence, President Yu immediately understood, and President Hu must have not lied.

Because not only they have to keep a low-key Spark Technology, even the scientific research team behind them may want to keep a low-key.

After all, the world’s boss is still the United States, and they don’t want to be targeted by the United States prematurely and exposed to the guns of the Americans.

But at the same time, they have a quirk, that is, they like to challenge the authority of those industry leaders.

So they don't want to face the number one face to face, but they need to have a few warriors who are not afraid of the number one.

In this way, H Company became the best gun in their eyes.

In fact, the original H company didn't think about going to fight the number one, but the current problem is various situations, which have forced them to their current position.

Although they are now roasted on the fire by Milliken, in the eyes of many people, they are also a banner.

A company that dares to resist the world's number one power head-on has already explained many problems.

If they resist and win, then the future status of their H company in the circle can be imagined.

Therefore, Mr. Yu does not reject the idea of ​​Spark Technology wanting to use them as guns.

Now that he had figured it out, he looked down at the chip in his hand again. The more he looked at it, the more he felt that this chip was different from any chip he had seen before.

Although the volumes are similar, the specifications and manufacturing processes seem to be different.

What kind of chip is this architecture?

Is it possible that only such a chip can run their AI system?

Yu always felt that it was a problem in his head at this time, but he didn't know how to speak.

On the other hand, President Hu also understood Yu's confusion, and then smiled and said to him.

Mr. Yu, if you really want to cooperate, you might as well call a group of engineers from your company to study this chip, and then make a decision.

"Oh why?"

Mr. Yu couldn't help feeling even more confused, and Mr. Hu, who was opposite, said to him with a smile.

"Because we can't allow this chip to leave Bencheng, especially now."

"If Mr. Yu doesn't agree to cooperate with us this time, then we will also look for other partners for cooperation."

The other party's words seem to be very casual, but they reveal a sharp edge, which has to make Yu always feel more vigilant.

"Okay, I'll call someone over now."

Although he didn't quite understand what the other party meant, Mr. Yu could already feel that this chip is definitely not just as simple as an AI chip.

Before, I just regarded this chip as a plug-in, but now it seems that this may be a super plug-in!

After speaking, Mr. Yu took out his mobile phone directly, and this time he directly contacted the HiSilicon department, and he was looking for their company’s chip design expert...

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