To be honest, Fang Zilu was surprised when he received Yu Zong's call, especially when Yu Zong asked her to come to Bincheng as soon as possible.

She is the famous chip queen in H company. She has been in charge of the development of Kirin chips before.

It can be said that the Kirin chip of H company can be developed to this day, and she is definitely credited with it.

But recently, she has felt extremely tired, and that's right, it's because of the ban in the United States.

On the surface, H Company seems to have been quietly banning the United States, but in fact they are struggling.

Now the international ban on them has been further escalated. Not only are they unable to obtain the products and technologies from the M company to the H company.

Even their other electronic industry companies around the world, especially companies that use country M products and technologies, are not allowed to supply H company.

This made H company very uncomfortable, after all, it was previously available for some supplies through other channels.

But now they can't even go through the corners. Such a day is really too sad for them.

Don't look at Sansang's external claims that they independently own the entire industry chain technology of mobile phone manufacturing.

But actually? If it were not for the technical support of country M, how could they have developed to where they are today?

Even Japanese electronics companies, which claim to be world-leading in many technologies, dare not speak out at this time. After all, many of their technologies and equipment also come from country M in the final analysis.

Therefore, the current H company can only face two paths, one is to admit defeat and withdraw from the mobile phone field, and at the same time completely admit defeat in the 5G field.

Otherwise, you can only choose another way, which is to fight with those international giants hard steel to the end, and then break the game on your own.

In fact, there must be a large number of people in Company H who are more inclined to the road ahead.

But the reality is that that road cannot be taken at all.

So they can only bite the bullet and go the second way.

But the road they are going to take is destined to be full of thorns, and according to the current situation, it can be said that everything on this road depends on them.

In the past, they only did chip design, but now they even have to do the chip production themselves.

This is really too difficult. After all, producing chips is not a simple task. Spending money for more than ten or twenty years will not necessarily produce results.

As the chip queen, one of the company's several elders, Mr. Fang has been under great pressure recently.

In fact, long before Tejidian announced that it would cut off the supply of chips from Company H, the company had held meetings for several consecutive times to discuss countermeasures.

At that time, the company’s senior elders said the most during their meetings, that they regretted that they shouldn’t have planned hardware production.

It's too late to start all over now.

And now even if they want to catch up from the beginning, they are facing many problems.

The first is external technical restrictions. For example, in countries that have lithography machines, people will not sell you the best lithography machines.

Even if you have money, don’t sell...

Secondly, if you want to produce by yourself, you have to face the problem of industry overlap.

Do you think there are already several such companies in China? You are coming in, this is a waste.

After all, it is engaged in chip production, but in an industry with a high concentration of capital and wisdom, there are only so many domestic resources in this area.

Other companies are already doing it. If Company H is joining in, it will inevitably affect the problem of resource allocation.

For example, if you want to dig people from other companies, it will definitely attract dissatisfaction from other companies and so on.

So during that period, H Company was also worried, but it failed to make any actual actions.

During that time, Mr. Fang, it can be said that he was in meetings every day, and he met with his superiors, and then he met with his subordinates to discuss countermeasures.

Anyway, the whole year last year, she was not very comfortable.

And this year, it turned out that the boot they had been worried about fell to the ground.

The sanctions from foreign countries continued to increase, and Teji couldn't hold it anymore. He could only nod his head to indicate that he would no longer supply H Company.

As a result, H Company fell into the end of exhaustion of ammunition and food.

Fortunately, they have also prepared a certain amount of inventory for the order they placed before.

But in the day when the inventory will be used up sooner or later, according to Mr. Yu's previous meeting, their mobile phone sales department will try their best to keep up with it.

But they can at most give the R&D department, fighting for two years of events.

After two years, if the chip department and R&D department really can no longer come up with suitable chips.

Then their H company's mobile phone is really going to withdraw from the market.

This made Fang always feel that the pressure on her body has increased a bit. During this period, she worked an average of 16 hours a day.

Sometimes she even simply sleeps in the company. As a strong woman, she has always insisted on charging at the front line.

And they finally made a series of measures, such as directly digging people from those domestic chip factories.

Because they can't put their fate in the hands of others, even if these people are friendly forces.

No, I can't wait any longer, I really have to do it with real swords and guns.

Moreover, as mentioned above, it will give her maximum support, knowing that the department she is in charge of, maybe there will be no results in ten or even twenty years.

But the boss at the top of the company still said that she will definitely give her the greatest support, hoping that she can lead the team to maximize the company's wolf culture, and strive to solve the chip problem in the fastest time.

Recently, Mr. Fang is in retreat. She has organized meetings for her staff for a month.

The key that everyone has been discussing is the direction of future chip development.

At present, the mainstream chip process on the market is 7nm, and TSMC’s most advanced chip process has reached 5nm, and Samsung has also announced that it will enter 3nm and 2nm.

The best chip companies in China have broken through 14nm in their manufacturing process, but the yield rate is only 25%.

However, it is still two generations away from the world's top current 5nm, 10nm and 7nm technologies.

And currently, in terms of lithography machines, we have been stuck in the neck by the asml of the Netherlands.

The problem now is that even if we have money, people won't sell it to us.

The actual situation is that even if the Dutch want to sell, they dare not, because the real major shareholder behind ASML is actually the world's largest power.

The number one in the world does not nod, and the Dutch people absolutely dare not sell us the lithography machine.

So the problem now is that if we want to make the best chips, we need better lithography machines.

But this one has always been our shortcoming. At present, the accuracy of the domestically manufactured lithography machine can only get 28nm, which is far from the world's top current level.

So the problem they are facing now is how to solve the problem of the lithography machine.

If H company starts to manufacture lithography machines now, it may take decades, but the problem is that when you develop lithography machines, others will continue to update and iterate.

So you can only follow all the way behind the ass, which will make you never catch up with others.

In addition, according to Moore's Law, the limit of silicon chips may be 1nm.

Even if they follow up in the next few decades and reach the limit of 1nm, maybe they have already moved in and started to develop other types of chips.

So as to what direction their chip department will choose in the future, there has been a lot of debate recently.

There is also the chip design department. Now they are more troublesome because the Americans have banned all the tools they use.

It turns out that if they want to design chips, they have to use the world's first design tool, EDA, but now they have banned your design tools.

This has greatly delayed the progress of chip design. Fang has always ordered a group of people to wait for the time being to abandon the next generation of chip design work.

Turning around and starting to develop tools, although this is not a small difficulty, at least it is not as big as the hardware gap.

Recently, in the collision of various brainstorms, some people finally put forward a few good ideas.

That is, since they may not be able to use the top chip for some time in the future, they might as well tap the potential of the original chip.

For example, redesign the previous 970, 980, and 990 chips.

Then add external plug-ins to these chips and add artificial intelligence programs to enhance the computing power of these chips.

In this way, the volume may not be comparable to those single main chips, but the performance may be improved.

At the very least, it will not be pulled down too far. The only flaw may be the lack of heat dissipation and energy consumption.

But these problems can be solved by increasing the battery capacity and improving the heat dissipation hardware design.

And this direction has become the mainstream direction of their research recently.

Mr. Fang has been coordinating the division of labor within the department recently, so when he received a call from Mr. Yu, he was really surprised.

And Mr. Yu's call to her was very simple: "With a plan to break the game, come here!"

At first I heard Mr. Yu say this, Mr. Fang naturally wouldn't believe it, and she even felt that her old partner was confused.

But when she heard the uncontrollable excitement of Yu Zong's voice, she suddenly believed.

Mr. Fang still knows about Yu Zong's, don't look at this guy who often makes shots at press conferences, and is often even laughed at by domestic consumers.

But the problem is that this guy’s most famous deed is that although he has fired cannons at the press conference many times, in the end all the cannons he has fired have become reality one by one.

This is where consumers are most willing to give him a thumbs up, and even many people within the company are convinced of this boss.

Now he called himself and said there was a way to break the game, so that Fang always had to believe it.

So she asked her assistant to book a flight to Bencheng in the first place...

Regardless of whether Mr. Yu's method of breaking the game was true or false, she decided to go over and see with her own eyes.

And she firmly believes that with the eyes of her old partner, she can't misunderstand and fool herself.

Even she can't wait for the way she always said to break the game, after all, she is really too difficult now...

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