My Strength Does Not Allow Me to Low-key

Chapter 1311: The fifth industrial revolution?

"Mr. Yu, Mr. Fang, this is a real carbon nanotube chip..."

"It's true, but we still don't know the specific operation principle."

"Mr. Yu, Mr. Fang, regarding their intelligent AI system, we still have no way to crack it. I need time, and the team..."

Mr. Fang has brought a huge team of engineers, almost thirty people. It can be said that they are the top hardware and software talents of Warwick. All of them were brought by her under the general request.

From the moment they got off the plane, they were picked up directly by the people of Spark Technology, and then moved directly into the Spark Factory.

With special approval from the CEO of Xinghuo Technology, they were allowed to use Xinghuo's laboratory for three days.

And it was only the next day, and they got shocking news from the engineers.

Mr. Yu had always felt that the strange chip was not the ordinary silicon-based chip on the market at the same time.

This is actually a carbon nanotube chip!

"you sure?"

Hearing the report from his number one hardware engineer, Fang, who has the title of chip queen, couldn't sit still anymore.

Just stood up from the chair, as a hardware engineer, who better understands the importance of carbon nanotube chips?

In fact, since the birth of silicon-based chips, the technological upgrading of such chips has been dominated by Moore's Law.

From the original transistor, it evolved into a silicon-based chip, and then from the micrometer level to the nanometer level, and has now evolved to the level of a few nanometers.

But when humans have achieved this level of silicon-based chips, they have basically reached the physical limits of silicon-based chips.

Many people even say that the limit of silicon-based chips is 1nm.

According to the current process of lithography machine research and development, silicon-based chips will reach this physical limit in the next five or ten years.

So what direction should the human computer take in the next step?

Quantum computer?

Indeed, the legend about quantum computers has been around for decades, and it is undeniable that such computers do sound very powerful.

But the problem now is that there are still many key issues that have not been resolved, such as what materials are used to make quantum computer chips?

There are also the applications of quantum computers, how to set them, and so on.

So quantum computers are still far away from us.

At present, in the field of quantum computers, the most far-reaching research is Google, but it is only in its infancy.

Unless mankind can make a major breakthrough in materials science in the next 100 years, it is unlikely that a quantum computer will be built.

There is also the photon computer, which has been legendary for a long time along with the quantum computer, and the same is true.

Unless mankind has made a major breakthrough in materials science in the next 100 years, it would be useless to make a photonic computer.

However, this carbon nanotube computer is more practical.

Moreover, the idea of ​​using carbon-based chips to make chips has already been proposed, but it has not been implemented because it is very difficult to manufacture.

But it is undeniable that in recent decades, countries around the world have been quietly studying carbon nanotube chip manufacturing technology.

Again, without exception, the Americans are still at the forefront.

Even as early as 19 years, a scientific research team at MIT used 14,000 carbon nanotubes to create a 16-bit microprocessor.

In my country, although there are also scientific research teams working on carbon nanotube chips, the technology has never been made public.

No one can say what the specific effect is.

Recently, because of the sanctions imposed by the United States, their team was discussing how to circumvent the sanctions imposed by the Americans.

Some engineers under her have suggested that it is better to start researching the manufacture of carbon nanotube chips.

At that time, there was a heated discussion, but in the end this idea was killed by Fang Zong.

Because now there are not many people in the company who know how to make carbon nanotube chips.

There are not many international experts, and the number of experts in this field is basically in the United States.

It is obviously unrealistic to invite these people to work for Warwick.

And even if there are not many people who are really familiar with and understand carbon nanotubes in China, how should they carry out research in this area?

Even if they are willing to invest and dare to try to innovate in this field, the problem company can't afford to wait!

Maybe they will be able to make a breakthrough in this field after more than ten or two decades, but by that time, the company may be very sluggish.

And now, they have discovered carbon nano transistor chips in the Spark Technology that popped up in a company like Bincheng.

How can you say that this party can still sit still?

Although his engineers have repeatedly confirmed with her.

But Fang always couldn't help it, and followed the engineer to the microscope.

Until it was confirmed in the microscope that the Nake chip was not a trench etched by a traditional silicon-based chip by a photolithography machine, but a structure built with carbon nano transistors.

She has completely confirmed that this is really the legendary carbon nanotube chip.

After confirming the chip, Mr. Fang couldn't help his tears blur.

Our country finally has a technology that we can master!

And the discovery of this chip, it can be said that this is definitely a manifestation of real corner overtaking.

With such a chip, they can do too much.

Even if it is restricted by foreign countries, we are not afraid, because we have already jumped out of your system.

Speaking of the benefits of this carbon nanotube chip, that is too much.

As far as the electron transmission speed is concerned, because it is transmitted in carbon nanotubes, it is hundreds of times faster than silicon-based chips.

The most important thing is that in the process of electron transmission, because it is inside the carbon nanotube, it also avoids the problems of entanglement and interference between electrons.

Therefore, the operating speed and efficiency of carbon nanotube chips are much higher than that of silicon-based chips.

Therefore, in terms of efficiency and speed, carbon nanotube chips have this natural advantage over silicon-based chips.

Basically, the operating speed and efficiency of carbon nanotube chips with the same specification process are ten times that of silicon-based chips.

And the production processes of the two are also very different. Of course, in the process of manufacturing carbon-based wafers, and the process of photolithography or etching, many of the processes are the same.

The process of producing silicon-based chips is equivalent to the subtractive processing commonly used in metal processing plants.

It is equivalent to sending an iron ingot to the machine tool, and then let the machine tool use various tools to continuously cut, turn, mill, and polish the iron ingot.

The production process of the chip is to send the silicon wafer into the lithography machine, use a laser to carve grooves on the wafer, and then apply various chemical solutions to the grooves after applying photoresist. Carry out corrosion.

Then the operation engraving layer by layer...

Therefore, the process speed is very slow, and it is often error-prone. The yield rate has always been a major problem that plagues major chip manufacturers.

For carbon nanotube chips, the production process is quite different.

If the production process of silicon-based chips is a process of subtractive processing, the equipment used is equivalent to a five-axis machine tool.

Then the production process of carbon nanotube chips is an additive processing process, and the equipment used is equivalent to a 3D printer.

The production principle of carbon nanotubes is to use carbon nanotubes as raw materials, and then build these carbon nanotubes one by one like building blocks to build a city that can be used by electronics.

And because of the natural advantages of carbon nanotubes, electrons run faster in cities constructed of carbon nanotubes, interfere with each other weaker, and are less likely to generate heat. Therefore, the advantages of carbon nanotube chips can be said Is born with it.

A carbon nanotube is just one nanometer in size, and the main raw material is graphite crystals.

And the thickness of a hair strand is about five to six thousand nanometers everywhere. It can be seen that the fineness of the carbon nanotubes is absolutely comparable to the size of bacteria.

Moreover, the production of carbon nanotubes is very difficult.

When you produce the same batch, the length and thickness of the carbon nanotubes are all different.

The different shapes result in different properties. Some are nanotubes with pure metal properties, while others are nanotubes with semiconductor properties.

And if you want to prepare semiconductor chips, what you need is semiconductor nanotubes.

So how to select semiconductor nanotubes from the production furnace is a problem that plagues developers all over the world.

So with regard to carbon nanochips, although there is currently the most promising material for next-generation computer chips that can replace silicon-based chips.

But so far, we are still far away from real carbon nanotube chips.

Fang always remembers that two years ago, she had participated in a world-class computer chip development conference.

At that conference, some experts said that we are probably 20 to 50 years away from the birth of real carbon-based of the new technology involved, There are too many new materials, new equipment, and even new drivers.

Once the carbon-based chip is really born, it will definitely be epoch-making.

This means that we have to say nothing to the traditional world pattern.

A new era is coming!

We must know that so far, mankind has experienced four large-scale industrial revolutions.

The first time was the appearance of the steam engine, the second time was when mankind entered the era of electricity, and the third time was when the Americans entered the era of electronic automation in the last century. To put it bluntly, computers began to become popular and applied to various fields.

The fourth time is the era of information explosion brought about by the Internet tide.

And if carbon-based chips are born, it definitely means that a new era of industrial revolution is coming!

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