My Strength Does Not Allow Me to Low-key

Chapter 1321: As long as the **** is swung well, there is no corner to dig down.

For equipment such as lithography machines, talents are really important.

Even if Xiao Feng now has a large number of pit experts in his hands, he still dare not say that he can build a lithography machine by relying on these cloning experts.

Just because this thing is too complicated, and the cloning experts he has so far belong to the semiconductor field really not many.

This is also related to the gene bank of this batch of human cloning experts.

The human cloning experts he currently has are basically bioengineering.

There are also some sporadic physics and chemistry, and most of the others are armed talents, such as space fighters, or security experts, or spies.

There are still many economic management talents, but the only thing is the lack of semiconductor experts.

Xiao Feng guessed that there must be other spacecraft crashing debris on the alien continent, and maybe the gene bank of other clones could be found somewhere.

Otherwise, just relying on Xi to look at these cloning experts, this scientific road will definitely be lame.

Because in terms of semiconductors, they lack too much.

Although these cloning experts in his hands have already conquered carbon nanotube chip technology, they have also made major breakthroughs in artificial intelligence.

But after all, the number is too small, and these experts, each specializes in a different direction.

The problem now is that in the field of manufacturing wafers and lithography, they still have great deficiencies.

And this is just right for Japan to dig a corner for an emergency.

You know, Nikon and Canon, although they have been pulled off the altar by Asmer, they are not too far behind.

Although it does not have the top-level lithography machine from Asmer in hand, it still maintains a technological gap that is only one generation away from Asmer.

In fact, the chips they can produce are enough for many fields.

It's just that the Americans can now guard against the Japanese, so they don't give orders to the Japanese.

For example, IBM, Intel or Apple, when they need a chip, the first choice is that particular pole.


Because this is a pure chip processing company, when it comes to other products, they simply can't make it.

Moreover, in the field of electronics, they do not have their own brand, so they can only make some hard money for chip processing.

Next is Sansang...

The reason why the Americans gave Samsung chip orders less is actually the same as the Japanese.

The electronics industry of the Southern Dynasties is very strong. They now have a complete industrial chain just like Japan.

From wafers to chips, to memory and screens, they can produce everything on their own.

So if you feed them too much, it is hard to guarantee that these guys will not bite the Americans like the Japanese after they grow up.

So in fact, the Americans have always been defensive to the Southern Dynasties.

This can be seen from the number of lithography machines delivered by Asmard every year.

Asim's annual production capacity is only a few, but it always gives priority to TSMC.

Although Samsung is also their major shareholder, although Samsung also has enough money in its hands, it is a pity that when it comes to the order of delivery, I'm sorry, it will always be TSMC's first.

On the one hand, it was because Asim used wet lithography when it started, which eliminated the dry lithography of Nikon and Canon.

At that time, the invented wet lithography method was Lin Benjian, a talented person from Baodao.

On the other hand, the reason is that ASM is a Dutch company on the surface, but in fact it is an American company in his bones.

So the boss behind them decides who can get more goods every year.

For Americans, TSMC is naturally not a threat, and it is the best choice to take the lead in getting the goods.

This is also the main reason why although Samsung claims to have a full industry chain and very strong mobile phone chips, it is always behind TSMC in terms of production technology and production capacity of top chips.

Because of the top lithography machines, they are always half a year later than TSMC, or even a year before they can get the goods.

So in terms of production and R&D technology, they are naturally behind TSMC by six months to one year.

As for Japan’s Nikon and Canon, hehe, then I’m sorry.

You have to wait until Asim has fully supplied TSMC and Samsung before you can get the goods from Asim.

And when they got the goods, TSMC and Samsung had already got the next-generation top-notch lithography machine.

This is the main reason why Nikon and Canon are slowly falling.

And now they basically can't get orders from American companies, and only IBM and Intel will give them some orders when Samsung and TSMC's production capacity are full.

I think that the major manufacturers of mobile terminals, such as Apple and Qualcomm, will basically not find Nikon and Canon as an foundry.

So now they can only survive on orders from domestic manufacturers. Their main business partners are Sony, Panasonic, and sometimes Toyota Honda.

No, usually the main production capacity is given to their own camera department.

Compared with the era when they dominated the entire chip manufacturing industry in the 1980s and 1990s, they are now truly complete.

However, the so-called skinny camel is bigger than the horse. Don't look at Nikon and Canon. Compared with Samsung, chip manufacturers like TSMC are no longer good.

But compared to those chip companies in my country, they still maintain at least two generations of technological advantages.

But now Nikon and Canon are also facing a problem.

That is, after being overtaken by Asmar, the R&D department that they originally attached great importance to, is now getting worse and worse.

In the 1980s and 1990s, when they were still the overlords in the field of lithography, both companies had very strong scientific research teams.

However, after being overtaken by Asmar and the market was captured by Asmar as 90%, their R&D department gradually declined.

Now they have fallen to the point of buying a lithography machine from Asmar, which shows how their R&D department has fallen into place.

And this year's pandemic crisis has severely damaged Japan's economy.

Although the Japanese government has issued a large amount of subsidies to boost the Japanese economy and avoid the collapse of Japanese small and medium-sized enterprises.

But in such a short period of several months, more than 300 small and medium-sized enterprises have gone bankrupt.

The life of small and medium-sized enterprises is difficult, and the life of large enterprises is equally difficult.

Especially companies with a single product line such as Nikon and Canon.

It is precisely because of this that Fukugen Shintaro is in charge of these two companies, and he has taken a lot of people from their companies.

And these Japanese technical experts, when they heard that a Chinese state-owned enterprise was willing to pay them the same salary as Japan, and included food, housing, and insurance, they agreed without hesitation for almost a moment.

To know these years, at their age, wanting to find a good job in Japan, it is simply a dream.

But coming to China is different. In the recent period, anyone who is not a fool can know about the trade disputes between China and the United States.

And they know even more about China's current shortage of talents in chip manufacturing.

If Chinese companies in the past wanted to dig up technical talents like them, they would not be able to dig out a salary that was twice or even three times higher than the original salary.

But now it’s different, and now it’s good to have food in this environment.

What's more, China's economic development is not bad now...

So after just two months of work, with the help of Fuyuan Shintaro, Xiao Feng has dug a technical team of almost two hundred people from Japan and came to Spark Technology.

It is with the help of these people that they now have the ability to produce 28nm lithography machines.

Although it is several generations behind TSMC and Samsung's lithography machine, this is enough.

Xiao Feng hopes that these Japanese technicians can help them cultivate a group of their own talents as quickly as possible.

Then, under the leadership of cloning experts, the speed of technology research and development is continuously accelerated.

After all, those cloning experts may be lacking in certain fields of knowledge, but in the leading direction of scientific research, they are definitely better than everyone now.

In the field of modern scientific research, scientific research is forward-looking, that is, the so-called overall situation view, which is quite important.

Some people may not understand what scientific research is forward-looking, but in fact it is a direction guide for the next generation of scientific research technology.

For example, Sharp back then, in the early two thousand years, they were the overlord in the field of LCD screens.

When Sharp launched the world's first LCD TV in 2000, it shocked the world and became the absolute hegemon in this field.

Old rivals in the past, Philip, Thompson and other TV manufacturers, have been beheaded.

At that time, who would have thought that Sharp would fall to the altar so quickly?

Around 2006 decided to select plasma LCD TV as its next-generation flagship product on the next generation of LCD technology.

Samsung, which has been struggling to catch up with Sharp before, chose to press Bao on the LED LCD panel.

Because they judged that although the imaging effect of LEDs is not as good as that of plasma LCD TVs, the cost is lower.

Consumers all over the world have the characteristic of being price-sensitive, and whoever gets the cheapest price will win the world.

As a result, in 2008, Samsung’s LED LCD TV and Sharp’s plasma LCD TV were launched at the same time.

As a result, although Sharp's plasma LCD TV has a good imaging effect, the price is high, which is naturally a drop in the price of Samsung LED TVs.

In just two years, Sharp had once occupied 65 percent of the world's LCD TV market leader and was knocked down by 5.3 percent of the world's market share.

Since then, Sharp has gone downhill...

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