My Strength Does Not Allow Me to Low-key

Chapter 1322: It's really harder than building an atomic bomb

What everyone didn't expect was that Sharp finally fell so fast.

In fact, the main reason why Sharp would beg others to purchase after four years is actually because of the arrogance of the Japanese.

In 2008, they were completely defeated by Samsung in the LCD TV market.

It stands to reason that if you are a businessman with normal thinking, you will definitely take Samsung's products over and study it.

Then carefully analyze where you lost and where to make improvements.

But Sharp didn't do that. Instead, they acted backwards.

Obviously they know that Samsung’s LED LCD screens are also very powerful, but they just don’t follow up on the research of LEDs. Instead, they believe that their plasma LCD TVs are the future of this industry.

Although consumers all over the world are confused by Samsung's products, they will wake up sooner or later and understand that Samsung's products are rubbish.

It is precisely because of such arrogant and arrogant hearts that Sharp and this group of leaders led this company, rushing all the way to the end on the road of falling.

For example, it is clear that the market has shrunk for two consecutive years, and it has been defeated by Samsung for two consecutive years.

However, they still think that their plasma technology is the best technology in the field of liquid crystal display.

So in 2010, Sharp's managers, who died, built a new factory in Osaka, and added ten production lines in one go.

Finally, in 2012, Sharp entered an era of total losses.

From this time on, Sharp really put down his figure and began to pull investment all over the world.

As a result, this group of grandsons obviously wanted to ask others, but they even had to stand up.

Chinese state-owned capital was once interested in Sharp, but Sharp actually quoted a sky-high price.

He also proposed that it is okay to sell to Chinese capital, but Chinese capital cannot participate in Sharp's management.

This can scare away the Chinese capital who was originally interested in Sharp. Let's go to your grandma.

What kind of stuff, what about Nima's hairless, do you really think of yourself as a green onion?

Furthermore, at this time, Samsung's LED technology is already in full swing in the liquid crystal field.

Investing money in you is worthy of you. Since you are so ignorant to promote, then don't play.

As a result, the Chinese capital immediately cancelled the investment plan, and Sharp was struggling with it this time.

It is precisely because of the arrogant attitude of the Japanese in the negotiating party that has also angered many investment funds.

Since the Chinese investors withdrew their investment plans, no one wanted to talk to them anymore.

So Sharp started a long road to loss, and in the following years, he suffered huge losses year after year, so that he even sold his headquarters in Tokyo.

In the end, Foxconn expressed its willingness to take over, but Sharp actually played a big name in several negotiations.

This annoyed the Foxconn boss, and finally stopped the negotiations with Sharp altogether.

However, Sharp panicked. The president personally flew to Shenzhen and found the big man begging for mercy.

In the end, the quotation of 100 billion yen was chopped off by others, and only then did they obtain financial support from the other party and barely kept the company from bankruptcy.

It took less than ten years for a company to go from the industry leader to the final sale.

And the reason why Sharp has fallen to such a state, apart from the incompetence of their leadership, the biggest cause of failure is their wrong choice in the next generation of technology reserves.

It is true that plasma LCD panels are indeed better than LEDs in terms of imaging and color brightness.

But what consumers want is not necessarily the best product, but often the most cost-effective product.

This is the key step they made the mistake.

The same example happened to their Nikon and Canon.

We must know that since 1984, Nikon and Canon have defeated their main American competitors, and Aijin Palmer has become the king in the field of lithography machines.

Especially Nikon at that time, once occupied 50% of the market share in this real field.

From lithography machine manufacturing to chip production, Nikon has a 100% entire industry chain.

At that time, Nikon could make tens of billions a year by selling lithography machines alone.

IBM, AMD, Intel were all his customers at that time.

But it is because when the 192nm process is advancing to the 157nm process, the Japanese stubbornly insist on choosing the location of dry lithography as the direction of next-generation technological breakthroughs.

And he has spent a lot of money on the lens and light source.

But Lin Benjian, who came to ask for cooperation, was dismissive of the wet immersion light, which finally led to a complete failure in this field.

And this is the lack of overall view, or a forward-looking misjudgment of the future direction of scientific development.

This shows the importance of being a leader in the field of scientific research.

If the leader is the right one, then a company may take fewer detours and truly complete the feat of overtaking in detours.

But if the scientific research leader chooses the wrong research direction, the possible consequence is that not only is there no possibility of overtaking in a curve, but the company will be brought into the ditch all the way.

The Nikon of the last century and the Sharp of this century are the most typical examples.

And now in Xiao Feng's hands, the most indispensable is such a scientific research leader.

Although these cloning experts may not know how to make a lithography machine, they do know where the next generation of technology is going.

This is far stronger than those companies groping in the confusion, and it will avoid many risks.

It was precisely because of the fall of Nikon and Canon that Xiao Feng was given the opportunity to dig into the wall.

You must know that in the past, it was quite difficult to dig those technical experts from companies like Nikon and Canon.

Because first of all, Japanese companies have the habit of lifetime employment.

The second is that these technical experts, more or less, do not value Chinese companies and are unwilling to help Chinese companies.

Even if you are willing to join a Chinese enterprise, I am afraid you have to give them a salary several times higher.

Even so, there is no guarantee that someone can be dug.

But now the situation is different, and Nikon and Canon would have had a hard time.

In addition to the pandemic, the Japanese economy has been hit hard, and now Japanese companies, except for benchmark companies such as Toyota Honda.

There are also companies that maintain the national economy and people's livelihood, such as food and medicine.

Other companies have begun to find ways to lay off employees.

Take Nikon, for example, they have already started changing the law and layoffs.

The first choice for the knife is those old employees who have been in the company for more than 20 years.

Because Japanese people are very particular about seniority, in a company, the older the employees, the higher the salary.

And such an employee also means that the company has to pay him a super high pension.

Therefore, when companies fire these employees, they will find ways to force them to resign, instead of voluntarily dismissing them.

Because if you are dismissed, you will have to pay the pension and a generous compensation.

But if you voluntarily resign, it's different.

Therefore, companies often think about how to force this employee to resign.

In Japanese corporate culture, the way to force an old employee to quit is very simple.

That is to promote his junior to be the superior of this old employee.

And when the young people who were originally oppressed by the old employees, once they become superiors, they will naturally retaliate.

And smart old employees, generally see this situation, will take the initiative to choose to resign.

It is precisely because of this series of actions by Nikon and Canon that Shintaro Fukugen has the opportunity to act.

The corner-digging team hired by this guy easily dug a team of more than 200 people from Nikon and Canon.

And at the first time, the team was stationed in Bencheng.

And these people are the talents that Spark Technology currently needs most.

Most of them are in their forties and have about 20 years of R&D experience in lithography machines.

Although not counted as the top talents in this industry, compared to their domestic counterparts, their technical level and awareness are not as simple as one or two generations.

After all, Nikon and Canon have built lithography machines, but they have decades of history.

Although it has withered in the last two decades, their technical reserves are still there.

And why Xiao Feng attaches great importance to these people is mainly because of the complexity of manufacturing a lithography machine.

There is often such an argument on the Internet, as long as we are serious, then we will not be far away in the field of lithography machine.

There is nothing rare in this world that can hold us.

Is it harder to build a lithography machine than to build an atomic bomb?

It can be said that there are quite a lot of blindly optimistic people on the Internet.

In their view, the country concentrates the top talents, and then spends tens of thousands of funds every year. In a few years, we will be able to make a breakthrough in the field of lithography.

But is that really the case?

At present, the top 5nm extreme ultraviolet lithography machine can be produced at most 11 units a year, and the cost of a single unit exceeds 120 million US dollars.

Such a lithography machine has more than 100,000 parts and weighs more than 180 tons.

When transporting only parts can be packed in 40 standard containers.

After the transportation is in place, more than forty engineers are needed for installation and debugging alone, and it will take one year for installation and debugging to reach the best condition.

This shows how difficult it is to manufacture a lithography machine and enable it to achieve the high precision of the marking.

People in the scientific community have already said it.

It is far more difficult to make a lithography machine now than to make an atomic bomb.

But now in our country, what is most lacking is engineers with practical experience in manufacturing lithography machines.

Although in the past two years, we have also increased our efforts to dig corners from special poles, but digging those engineers from there is still far from satisfying the appetite of domestic companies.

Compared with other domestic counterparts, who spend a lot of money to dig out employees from there, the sale of Spark Technology can be said to be quite cost-effective.

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