My Strength Does Not Allow Me to Low-key

Chapter 1324: The rapidly growing celebrity chef group

The first thing I did when I returned to Bencheng was to see my son first.

Zhu Ziqi gave birth to his third son a few months ago.

And the birth of this child made many people feel relieved.

For example, those executives in the company, don't think that people will be different when they enter the modern era.

The concept of Chinese people's blood inheritance has always been very important.

If Xiao Feng is a small family and a small business, then everyone is naturally worried about this.

But now the two groups under his name are large-scale commercial groups with hundreds of billions of assets.

And they are all group companies that have mastered core technology.

This kind of group company has room for future growth, but it will arouse countless reveries.

Therefore, senior executives in the company naturally attach great importance to Xiao Feng, because the company grew out of nothing, and to this day, it can be said that all were completed under the leadership of Xiao Feng.

And now Xiao Feng is only 30 years old. Although it is the time when he is young and strong, he still has a descendant to be more secure.

After all, if something happens, the company must have an heir?

This is the opinion of many normal people, because the company has a legal heir, then in the future, if something happens to Xiao Feng someday.

The enterprise will not disperse because there is no heir.

For some careerists, the birth of Xiao Feng's child disappointed them.

Especially after Xiao Feng has transferred the ownership of the company under his name to an overseas trust fund.

This shows that they have made adequate arrangements for the future of the company.

In this way, it is not that they make some accidents, and then they can harvest the business as a matter of course.

Don't really think that this story, like the plot of a TV series, is very exaggerated.

For example, a certain established company in a certain area had an inheritance crisis.

The old entrepreneur's own son is not up to date, so he carefully cultivated his nephew.

When the nephew came back from studying abroad, he was transferred to an important position by his side. Originally, he abdicated after a few years of support.

After a while, his nephew was involved in an inexplicable car accident and died...

You say this ending is weird or not?

Since this happened to this tycoon, many wealthy people in China have begun to prepare for their own funerals and the issue of inheritance rights.

Some people have arranged a so-so in every big city in the country and gave birth to themselves.

Anyway, on the bright side, there will always be one in the palace and one child.

But if something accident happens, he will always have an heir.

Others went overseas to freeze their jade, and if an accident happens, they can guarantee the continuation of the incense.

There are even more powerful ones, immigrating overseas and then handing over all of their assets to the family trust.

In this way, even if something happens in the future, he can declare bankruptcy himself, and this part of the family assets will not be affected.

Moreover, the most convenient way to transfer to a trust is that you don’t have to pay inheritance tax, and you don’t have to worry. In the future, barbarians can knock on the door and take away the enterprise.

Xiao Feng also adopted this model.

However, it seems that he does not need to worry about the heirs, because in this world, he has three heirs.

At present, it seems that in the future he will have more heirs in China...

Enjoyed a night of family time with his son and Zhu Ziqi.

Early the next morning, he went to the celebrity chef group for a meeting.

After understanding the recent development of the celebrity chef group, it can be said that the celebrity chef group is now completely on the right track.

Now this company is more than just a fast food chain enterprise.

Because of high standards, advanced food processing technology, and a very wide range of overseas purchase channels, it can ensure a sufficiently low purchase cost.

They have now become a dominant player in the domestic food processing industry.

Now many emerging Chinese fast food companies have come to their door to ask them to help OEM or help design a central kitchen.

Because now the central kitchen of the celebrity chef group can be said to be the best in the country, and even among the best in the world.

Especially their refrigeration preservation process, without the use of preservatives.

It can guarantee the taste of the cooking bag, and it can also ensure that the cooking bag does not deteriorate. This is their unique technology.

Therefore, many emerging Chinese fast foods are also planning to learn the distribution mode of their homes in the central kitchen.

However, the transportation and preservation of food requires technical support from them.

The celebrity chef group naturally never refuses such an invitation for cooperation.

Anyway, as long as your core secrets are not involved, what does it matter if you help other companies design or even build a few central kitchens?

They even built several food processing plants as pilot projects in some key cities in the country.

It specializes in helping other catering companies in these cities to produce food preparation packages by OEM.

For example, hot pot material package, or fast food package and so on.

It can be said that in the past year or so, their business scope has expanded greatly.

And they are currently preparing to build more food processing plants, and they will enter the field of food deep processing in the future.

In this regard, it is actually very promising.

Uniform and standardized semi-processed foods are currently quite lacking in China.

Considering the developed food industry in the United States, we are really far behind others.

Let alone the United States, that is, compared with Japan and South Korea, we are not even a bit worse in this field.

In particular, falling asleep is becoming more and more urbanized, and more and more young people are changing their living habits under the fast-paced life in the city.

The market prospects of processed foods are promising.

As for the fourth opening of domestic franchise, Xiao Fengdao did not agree.

Because the current domestic catering market is already on the verge of saturation.

And they also have to leave a way for other colleagues. Now there are more than 6,000 branches across the country, which is enough for the celebrity chef group.

In the next two years, their main market expansion direction will be overseas.

After having a morning meeting at the headquarters of Celebrity Chef Group, I learned about the development of the company and made a plan for the future development of the company.

Xiao Feng had a simple lunch at the President's Office at noon, and then went straight to the Sunshine Hospital next to him in the afternoon.

The current Sunshine Hospital, in the celebrity chef group's status, is already comparable to that of celebrity chefs.

Although the Sunshine Hospital has only opened more than 20 hospitals across the country, when it comes to profitability, they must be several times, or even dozens of times, higher than that of fast food.

The Sunshine Hospital now occupies the entire left side of the Twin Towers.

As the headquarters of the Yangguan Chain Hospital, there is an endless stream of people entering and leaving the hospital every day.

Needless to say, the specialty of burns and scalds, this is the signature specialty of this hospital.

Nowadays, there are patients with severe burns coming from all over the country and even all over the world for treatment every day.

Patients who are helpless in other hospitals can definitely come back to life here.

After the person is rescued, if family conditions permit, he can also complete a medical and cosmetic surgery here.

If the patient’s condition is good enough, it can even give you the whole thing more beautiful than before...

As for their medical aesthetics, that's not to mention.

It occupies ten floors of the entire building, and this is just their operating room.

They contracted 80% of the thousands of beds in the entire hospital.

This is the most profitable specialty of Sunshine Hospital. The rate of making money every day is really similar to opening a money printing machine.

Because of the reputation, even many minor operations, people are also designated to come to their hospital for treatment.

For example, pulling double eyelids can be done in many hospitals, but many people choose to go to the sun to do it.

Naturally, their choice is to bring a lot of profits to Sunshine Hospital.

It may cost thousands of dollars to pull a double eyelid in another home, but it costs tens of thousands to make a double eyelid in the sun, but those who love beauty are still eager.

This has caused the Sunshine Hospital to be overcrowded every day.

After opening ophthalmology and dentistry last year, the business of Sunshine Hospital has become even more popular.

But the most important thing is the addition of the organ transplant specialist led by He Fangzhou.

Now this building, from the forty-fifth floor upwards, is all specialized in organ transplantation.

At present, they mainly do heart transplantation, and there are too many patients.

Nationwide, and even globally, as long as able patients have a certain degree of illness, they will choose to come here for heart transplantation.

Although the Heart Transplant Department has a twenty-storey building in hand, they still have insufficient beds when they have opened an operating room.

Basically every patient will be asked to leave the hospital and go home to rest after one week of transplantation and after the observation period.

But even so, their specialist beds are still hard to find.

Even the rankings have been ranked two years later.

During Xiao Feng's sudden visit this time, He Fangzhou and Guan Zhenhai accompanied him to inspect the development of the entire hospital, and then proposed the idea of ​​whether the hospital could be expanded.

Because now the hospital beds are not enough.

And as a private hospital, living in such a high building is really not suitable.

Xiao Feng told them with a smile that now he has taken the plot of Sports New City.

Where does he plan to build a new medical city.

If Guan Zhenhai and the others are willing, he can divide a piece of land there and give them the second part of the Sunshine Hospital headquarters.

In fact, Guan Zhenhai and the others knew about the land acquisition by the group, and they have been quietly waiting for Xiao Feng to divide the meat.

And this time Xiao Feng spoke in person, and the hearts that the two had been hanging on were put back in their stomachs.

"By the way, don't just focus on the development of the group, but focus on technological innovation."

"For our hospital, technological innovation is the key to future development..."

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