My Strength Does Not Allow Me to Low-key

Chapter 1325: Old Double Standards

"Well, don't worry, Mr. Xiao, we have been working hard to ensure our technological development and investment."

Guan Zhenhai smiled and explained to Xiao Feng at this time.

"Recently, Dr. He has participated in many international conferences. According to his current reputation, I think that in one or two years, a Nobel Prize in Medicine should not run away."

Guan Zhenhai said to Xiao Feng with a smile, and Xiao Feng turned his head and glanced at He Fangzhou.

"Oh? That's great!"

He Fangzhou's face was reddening at this time, but his expression was very proud, and his chest was tall.

In fact, he had heard more beautiful compliments than this, but he had never heard a sentence as simple as Xiao Feng that made him so happy.

After all, Xiao Feng can be said to be his reinvention benefactor, not to mention all the achievements he can achieve today are from Xiao Feng.

At the beginning, Xiao Feng didn't find him, he still didn't know that he was wasting his life in that corner.

And it was Xiao Feng who gave him a lot of money, recruited people, gave him the right to be independent, and prepared to build a laboratory.

In addition, the reason why he was able to make breakthroughs in scientific research and achieve success is also inseparable from the mysterious small molecule collagen that Xiao Feng provided him.

It can be said that without Xiao Feng, there would be no where he is today.

So even though he has become a master of the pioneering school in modern medicine, he still respects Xiao Feng.

And he couldn't help but turned his head and glanced at Guan Zhenhai, like he cast a grateful look.

Because the words that Guan Zhenhai said just now were obviously to help him take credit.

If he said these words himself, it would definitely be inappropriate, but if Zhenhai said it, it would be more appropriate.

To be honest, before this, he still looked down on Guan Zhenhai, thinking that as a doctor, his strength was very average.

But after spending such a period of time together, he also discovered the benefits of Guan Zhenhai.

That is, although he has a mediocre knowledge in medicine, he is absolutely personal in terms of hospital management and life.

He Fangzhou has also learned a lot from Guan Zhenhai recently.

"Hi! To say that those foreign devils are pure jealousy. Otherwise, with the strength of a doctor, he should actually win the Nobel Prize this year."

"But we all know what the virtues of these guys are. They know that we have achieved such results, but they always want to pick something wrong, so this is deliberately delayed for two years?"

"After waiting for two years, they really can't pick out the problem from Dr. He's medical plan, and they will consider the issue of awarding."

Guan Zhenhai spit out on the side.

In fact, this is also a common problem in the scientific community. Regarding the scientific research results of China, this group of foreigners always like to look at it with colored glasses.

Take Mr. Tu’s artemisinin, how long has it been successfully developed? How many lives have been saved?

But they just dragged on for decades before giving the award to Mr. Tu.

If you say that if there are no deliberate factors, it is definitely impossible.

As for He Fangzhou's Nobel Prize this time, I am afraid the same is true.

If He Fangzhou were to be a doctor in a Western country, he would use his current achievements.

Even if the new organ transplant technology is flawed, it will definitely not delay him from winning the Nobel Prize this year.

But who made He Fangzhou a Chinese?

And after all, the right to speak internationally is still in the hands of the Western world.

To know He Fangzhou, the new organ transplant operation brought this time can be said to upgrade all the surgical operations involving organs to the 2.0 era.

This is already an epoch-making technology, to be honest if you look at history.

This technological breakthrough is definitely not weaker than Mendeleev's discovery of the periodic table of chemical elements.

But just because He Fangzhou is a Chinese, that group of guys are entangled with jerky and crooked crooks.

However, as He Fangzhou is treating more and more patients now, and the new organ transplant operation he is leading has become more and more influential, the guys will sooner or later let go of their arrogance.

Xiao Feng is very confident about this, unless the grandsons are not worried that they will need such an operation one day in the future.

"Haha, I think so too, I can't understand the prudent eyes of those foreign devils, and Sour Grape's heart."

Xiao Feng also laughed and said, comforting He Fangzhou.

A few days ago, the list of Nobel Prizes in a few years was announced.

He Fangzhou, who had a high voice, unexpectedly lost the election this year.

This incident has caused a great uproar both domestically and internationally. It stands to reason that He Fangzhou is the pioneer in modern medicine. It can be said that he is the master of the pioneering school in the area.

But this year's Nobel Prize, there is no nomination for him, which really makes people wonder.

At that time, many domestic and international experts and scholars questioned this year's Nobel Prize nomination.

Afterwards, the Nobel Prize side was also very passive, and finally the Dean of the Royal Academy of Sciences had to come forward to explain.

It is said that Dr. Ho's method will be examined for several years to ensure that there are no sequelae.

In addition, they will once again verify the source of the organ transplantation done by He Fangzhou.

In order to confirm that this organ does not come from a human body or other animals, it is determined that this organ was cultivated through stem cells.

It's okay if Lao Deng didn't explain it, this explanation has a darker and darker taste.

Isn't this clearly suspecting He Fangzhou's academic fraud?

Earlier, He Fangzhou had performed gene editing operations on human fertilized eggs because of the world's unrest.

It can be said that it has created a precedent in history, but this group of honest Western scientists say that harmony is against human ethics.

Do this without taking life seriously.

But they completely forgot what they were like when the British took the lead in creating the cloned sheep Dolly.

According to them, cloned sheep should not appear in the world either. This is also an act that violates human ethics.

Even genetically modified foods should not be grown in large areas, such as genetically modified soybeans and genetically modified corn.

Because these are artificially synthesized, they are not produced naturally.

But when faced with such a problem, these Western moral gentlemen became blind.

This is the same as they ridicule some people for eating dog meat every day, which is immoral.

But they are sitting at the table every day, eating the fatty liver of the big goose, and then they say it is a delicacy in the world.

If compared in this way, dog meat is much healthier than foie gras.

Everyone knows how cruel those delicious foie gras are in production.

So it can be seen that the group of biang has been a group of old double labels since ancient times.

To be honest, when Xiao Feng knew that He Fangzhou was not nominated this year, he was really disappointed.

On the other hand, He Fangzhou didn't respond much.

Because after the previous events, he has long been accustomed to such things.

He Fangzhou didn't react, but Xiao Feng had to react.

Since He Fangzhou's organ transplant team settled in Sunshine Hospital, it was integrated into an organ transplant specialist.

The hospital received applications from all over the world.

These applications mainly come from medical schools and major medical institutions around the world.

They all applied for cooperation with Sunshine Hospital.

To put it nicely is to start cooperation, and to put it bluntly, in fact, I want to learn technology.

Originally, Guan Zhenhai and the others did not refuse such an application.

After all, if one person is sent over, the training cost is not low. From entry to completion, at least it will contribute more than millions of dollars in income to Sunshine Hospital.

And the hospital has an extra three-year free apprentice to call, so why not do it?

The most important thing is that training such students can expand the influence of Sunshine Hospital and Huaguo Medical on a global scale.

So they are very willing to cooperate with major medical schools and medical institutions around the world.

But since what happened this time He Fangzhou was not nominated.

Xiao Feng directly ordered Guan Zhenhai to block medical colleges and medical institutions in those countries that are silly and crooked.

There are also several unfriendly medical institutions in the world that have all been blocked.

For these old double-standard dogs, Xiao Feng's purpose is very clear.

If you dare to bark your teeth at me, don't blame me for hitting you in the face.

Anyway, the effects of He Fangzhou's team's new organ transplant operation are well known all over the world.

Isn’t medical technology good for several of your countries? Don’t you question Dr. Ho’s professional attitude?

Well, you will wait until when you have no doubts about Dr. He, and then talk about it.

As for the medical institutions in the other countries that are followed by the uproar, hehe, cooperation is okay.

But the price increase is inevitable, and the cost of training for others for three years is one million dollars.

Then you are three million dollars. Don't be too expensive. You can also not come if you are too expensive.

That's how it was rectified, but the old double-standard dogs who had been jumping up and down in the back were given the ghost cry and wolf howling.

But this time, none of them dared to force them openly.

Because they all know that if they dare to open their mouths and grinning, then they must be more severe sanctions waiting for them.

In fact, if they really have the they can choose hard steel with Sunshine Hospital.

Your skills are awesome, so I don’t really learn...

It's a pity that although these grandsons are arguing and fierce, none of them are actually fools.

Everyone can see that the new organ transplantation brought by He Fangzhou can definitely upgrade future surgical operations to the 2.0 era.

If you don't come here early to learn from others at this time, you will be left behind or even eliminated by other countries sooner or later in the future.

When the time comes, patients in your country will all go to other countries for medical treatment.

What do you mean by these medical institutions?

So despite the disobedience, no one is stupid secretly.

Even those countries that were directly banned changed their attitudes immediately. Become a licking dog.

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