In fact, when it comes to organ transplantation, it is not difficult for many countries.

Because even without He Fangzhou’s pioneering work, as early as the last century, these Western countries had already mastered the technology of allogeneic organ transplantation.

But those old technologies have several shortcomings.

One is to have an active organ donor, and the other is to pair the recipient with the donor's DNA. At least four points must be matched before the transplant can be started.

And even after the operation is successful, the recipient must be guaranteed to take the medicine for life, and he must not be able to attend on many occasions.

It has a very big impact on the quality of life, and it can be said to be half-handed.

But the new organ transplant operation led by He Fangzhou is very different from the traditional organ transplant operation.

The first is the source of the organs. They claim that they are only grown through stem cells.

How did they do this?

For this team of global scientific research institutions, it is a miraculous achievement.

Secondly, during the operation, He Fangzhou's team used many innovative techniques.

For example, intraoperative hemostasis, the hemostatic spray they use can stop the bleeding immediately in just a few seconds.

Even if you encounter arterial bleeding, it is the same.

In addition, they don’t seem to worry about the occurrence of blood clots or organ adhesions after the operation.

Because they use a hemostatic gel after the operation, they don't even need to suture the wound.

In addition, they will inject some drugs into the patient's blood to ensure that there will be no blood clots after the operation.

These seemingly inconspicuous little movements are the key to their successful operation.

This is also the main reason why Western medical institutions send people to study.

Sunshine Hospital is mostly open to applications for cooperation with foreign medical institutions.

Anyway, as long as you can get enough money, then you can send a doctor.

As for the domestic counterparts, as long as you are willing to pay appropriate fees, you can also come to learn.

Anyway, medical technology is not afraid of being learned by them, mainly because the medical consumables used in this operation are the key.

For example, hemostatic spray and hemostatic gel, as well as antithrombotic drugs for patients after surgery.

The most important thing is to use replacement organs. These are things that doctors cannot learn.

And after they learned this technique from Sunshine Hospital, they saw the benefits of this new organ transplant.

After returning home, they will definitely publicize it, and these people will take the initiative to become their propagandists.

And only even if other hospitals and other countries call out, the same type of surgery should be carried out.

It also costs a lot of money to import replacement organs and various surgical drugs from the Sunshine Hospital.

Therefore, Sunshine Hospital is definitely not rejecting applications for cooperation from domestic and foreign hospitals.

However, the applications from the Nordic countries were all rejected.

In addition, there are a few countries where He Fangzhou was nominated for Nobel nomination.

Their country’s medical institutions and medical schools’ applications for cooperation were all rejected.

Even if you are willing to spend more money, it won't work.

Sorry, your doctor, we do not train.

Anyway, aren’t you good at making mouth shots? Then I will trouble you to use your mouth to treat patients in your own country.

Now those countries are panicked.

If this incident is spread, then they will have much fun.

The angry people in their country can definitely tear off the heads of those medical institutions.

And even if they want to pour dirty water on He Fangzhou's technology again, saying that their technology is fake.

Surrounding Germany, France, and other European countries have all been allowed to send doctors to Sunshine Hospital for training.

Although it costs money, it is also worthwhile for these countries.

After all, no matter who can master this new organ transplant technology, whoever can return to China to treat more patients.

As a result, these countries are embarrassed. You have to say that Dr. He Fangzhou's medical skills are fraudulent.

So why did people from Germany and France send people to study?

Are both Germans and French stupid?

Why is it that our doctor does not accept it?

Isn't it because of the stinky mouth of some of you?

For those who want to make a difference in politics, this is a hornet's nest.

If this matter is caught and publicized by those who are interested, then their political future will basically be over.

After all, ordinary people will definitely not choose a guy who doesn't take their lives seriously to be a leader.

Therefore, after several secret cooperation from various parties, some medical institutions in these countries cheekily sent letters to He Fangzhou every day, inviting him to participate in some influential international conferences.

What is this meeting today, and what is that meeting tomorrow.

Anyway, the whole journey includes board and lodging, first-class, five-star hotels.

All expenses are not reimbursed. As long as Dr. He is willing to make a report on the table, the minimum appearance fee is 50,000 Euros.

He also secretly hinted to He Fangzhou through various channels that this year's nomination was missed.

But they promise that you will definitely have a chance next year, Dr. Ho...

As for the invitation of this group of guys, He Fangzhou naturally refused to come.

During this period of time, he has participated in no fewer than 20 such meetings in various European countries.

The appearance fee alone has already earned millions of euros.

And the reason why he was willing to go to these meetings was not that he valued the appearance fees of those guys.

After all, his own annual salary is not low, and he can still get dividends from Sunshine Hospital.

It is not an exaggeration to say that he can now earn a small goal a year.

And the reason why he still attends such a meeting is mainly to expand his influence in Europe.

You know that Europe and North America are different.

Regardless of the fact that the relationship between the United States and Country H is quite stalemate, you can't deny that the United States is definitely one of the most open countries in the world.

Their citizens are very capable of accepting new things from outside.

Therefore, He Fangzhou's new organ transplant operation has now been widely recognized in the United States.

And he has done heart transplants for more than fifty patients in the United States.

And most of these people are the upper echelons of American celebrities.

After all, the cost of heart transplantation is not cheap now, and most people really can't afford it.

But relatively speaking, the European side is very conservative, and their acceptance of new things is very slow.

Especially He Fangzhou's technology for pioneering new rivers.

This technique is not only to create a new era of surgical operations, but more importantly, he also sent many old surgical operations into the crematorium.

For example, if the patient had some heart problems in the past, the previous doctors would definitely try to fix it for you.

But now it's easy to deal with this kind of disease, just cut it out and get a new one and it's over.

And we must know that many operations on various organs in the world started in Europe.

And up to now, in Europe, many organ departments are absolutely authoritative in the field of surgery.

He Fangzhou's previous new method is equivalent to overturning the tables of those old experts.

How do you say this makes Europeans feel comfortable?

Therefore, He Fangzhou was invited to participate in various conferences this time, not just to give the European countries a step down.

The main thing is to have more exchanges with doctors in Europe, but also to communicate and increase the relationship.

Avoid encountering resistance like this when their technology is promoted in Europe in the future.

After all, these guys, if you ask them to do something for you, it might be very difficult.

But if you ask them to help you do some damage, it is very easy.

Therefore, during this period, He Fangzhou has been traveling around European countries.

"Don't worry, after we beat them this time, I believe that in the coming year, they will definitely not dare to make small moves like this."

Xiao Feng said to He Fangzhou with a smile, but He Fangzhou nodded with a smile.

"Actually, it's really nothing. I don't think too much about the Nobel Prize."

"But after I went to Europe for conferences in the past few times, I have made quite a few friends."

"In the process of communicating with them, I had an idea."

When He Fangzhou said that, Xiao Feng was interested.

"Oh? What do you think?"

"Didn't we originally just want to build a new organ transplant research center? But after communicating with those Europeans this time, I plan to set up a world new organ transplant research center, and the location will be in Bincheng."

"And this organization, I intend to register with the WHO!"

"At those meetings these days, I have met many doctor friends from America, Asia, and Africa, and they all agreed with this proposal."

"Oh, this is a good idea, I can have this one!"

After Xiao Feng listened to He Fangzhou's thoughts, he couldn't help but laugh out loud.

I have to say that He Fangzhou's idea is really bold. If this thing can be done, then he is really equivalent to starting a school in modern medicine.

I have long known that He Fangzhou is not the one who suffers and does not fight I didn't expect that he would find another way without saying a word.

Don't you Europe suspect that my technology is fraudulent?

OK, then I will apply for an international certification, and I will go to the World Health Organization to register.

If this is done, it will be terrible.

This is equivalent to He Fangzhou simply ignoring your troubles, and he has become his own faction.

It is a bit low to say that he is a great master, but it is not too much to say that he is a master of martial arts.

It seems that their vision of setting up a new organ transplant center in Country H is still a bit low.

This is not a world-class family directly, and once it becomes a world-famous one, it will be terrible.

And looking at this posture, He Fangzhou's chances of success are still very high...

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