My Strength Does Not Allow Me to Low-key

Chapter 1333: Brains wide open

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"Dr. Hoffman's operation can be said to be an eye-opener for us, and it has brought great inspiration to many young doctors in the hospital."

"The most important thing is that the appearance of his replacement artificial bones can be said to have solved a lot of problems that have plagued us before!"

In front of Xiao Feng, Guan Zhenhai talked about the importance of Hoffman and his team.

Xiao Feng is happy, what do you think, you must know that Hoffman is the top medical expert under him.

Just the medical knowledge in his brain, any point that came out, can make modern medicine suddenly speed up for decades.

Moreover, this is only the replacement of artificial bones, and it has not reached the point of regeneration of severed limbs and treatment of high paraplegia.

When Hoffman takes out those technologies, it will definitely be famous all over the world.

But the question that Xiao Feng faces now is when will these technologies be brought out and who should be brought out.

It was Hoffman who came forward, or someone else did these things.

After all, Hoffman could not have jumped out of a crack in the rock, his previous life experience was completely blank.

If he takes out such a sky-defying technique, then people must put him under a microscope to watch.

By that time, someone will definitely take his life experience as an argument.

Especially those Western media who have always been unfriendly to the East, they will definitely grab these things and make a big fuss, splashing dirty water.

After all, there are Chinese-backed scientists who have made some epoch-making scientific achievements, which can easily break the glass hearts of those white supremacists.

Therefore, at Xiao Feng's request, Hoffman is only starting from the low-end business now, and he hasn't acted very badly as soon as he came up.

But despite being very low-key, the artificial bone replacement he took out this time caused a huge sensation in Sunshine Hospital.

Don't look at the fact that many media in the world boasted that a certain university used 3D printing technology to create a cloud of artificial bones.

But in fact, those so-called ‘skeletons’ are easy to build, but there are not many that can really be replaced on the human body.

Because of the reasons mentioned before, the bones of our human body are not a completely sealed solid.

There are countless tiny honeycomb-shaped holes inside, and there is bone marrow in these holes.

The bone marrow is the second largest hematopoietic organ outside the liver in the human body, and the bone marrow also participates in the circulation of the human immune system.

So this is the key to the fact that artificial bones have never been born.

But now with the emergence of Hoffman, this problem that has plagued mankind for many years has finally been solved.

In the past, orthopedic surgeons, when faced with various comminuted fractures, used the most method to splice the broken bones as much as possible.

As much as possible to ensure the integrity of the patient’s bones, because this will ensure the patient’s quality of life after surgery.

If it is impossible to treat, amputation will be chosen.

During the operation, a large and long wound was made on the patient because of the need to search for broken bones and splice and fix them.

In this process, the patient's body tissue will be exposed to oxygen for a long time.

This will cause serious infections after surgery and even during surgery.

However, the patient has to face long-term antibiotic treatment after the operation. The whole process can be said to cause great damage to the patient's autoimmune environment.

Moreover, the recovery time of patients after surgery will be very long, and the final recovery situation will vary from person to person, good or bad.

But now with the emergence of artificial bone replacements that Hoffman took out, it can be said that the future orthopedic surgery will also be directly upgraded to the 2.0 era.

In the future, electric saws, electric drills and the like will be eliminated.

However, if a comminuted fracture occurs in the patient's bone, the doctor does not need to splice or choose to amputation.

Just replace this bone directly...

In addition, the emergence of Hoffman's artificial bones has also provided brain surgery doctors with a new solution to the problem.

You should know that in the past, when brain surgery doctors performed craniotomy, they would choose to lift the patient's heavenly cover.

But the human skull can be said to be the strangest kind of bones.

Because other bones are broken or cut, when they are spliced ​​together and fixed for a period of time, they can grow back automatically.

But the skull does not. For example, if you cut a watermelon rind on the top of your head.

Then after the operation, no matter how you fix the skull, it will not grow back automatically.

Therefore, many patients who have undergone craniotomy will eventually put a titanium alloy metal bowl on the head to replace the skull.

Ensure that the brain will not be overturned during strenuous exercise.

Although the person was rescued after the operation, the quality of life is not to be mentioned.

The first thing to face is the rejection of metals and the human body.

Some people may have thick nerve lines, so the rejection reaction is not great.

But some people may be more sensitive. The long-term friction between metal and bones and flesh will cause discomfort to human tissues, and finally inflammation.

In this way, the patient may need to take antibiotics for a long time.

In addition, if there is a piece of metal on the top of the head, the patient may wear a wig for life in the future.

And every time you enter and exit the airport, which requires strict inspection, you will also face various embarrassing problems.

And now that the artificial bone provided by Hoffman has appeared, many orthopedic surgeons who have watched the operation are also very open.

With this kind of artificial bone, can the titanium alloy used to close the head be eliminated during extracerebral surgery in the future?

So many orthopedic surgeons who saw Hoffman surgery that day discussed their ideas with their colleagues in brain surgery.

As a result, it attracted the attention of brain surgeons in many hospitals.

But many doctors, after watching the video of this operation, actually paid more attention to the artificial bone replacement.

Some people also think of Dr. Hoffman, the fluoroscopy positioning technique used in the operation.

It turns out that Dr. Hoffman, relying on 3D fluoroscopy imaging equipment, had already completed the manufacture of patient replacement bones.

And this 3D perspective technology is so strong, why didn't you think that this kind of equipment could have other magical uses before?

For example, intracranial surgery, because the structure of the brain is very special, and its importance to the human body is not to mention.

The neurosurgery side often encounters some weird diseases.

Such as brain tumors, or intracranial hemorrhage.

Sometimes, this tumor grows in a very strange position, for example, it grows in the position under the frontal temporal lobe.

To put it bluntly, it is the place behind the eyes. There are really many patients with tumors in this place.

But the tumor that grows in this place is what doctors fear and hate most.

Because the tumor in this place is too difficult to cut.

Unlike surgery in other places, you can open up the wound of the patient's part and expand the surgical field of vision, so that the affected area is fully exposed to the doctor's sight, so that people can see the affected area.

Then, according to the condition of the tumor, a recent surgical resection was performed.

But it doesn’t work if it grows in this place. You can’t make a big incision, because if you make a big incision, the skull can’t grow back.

With the current medical technology, it is already the limit when the forehead is opened. When the forehead is opened, the brain will fall out.

And especially hidden in the middle of the left and right brains, it is often the most difficult to start.

The brain does not want intestines, or organs such as liver and kidney.

If the surgical vision is not enough, the courageous doctors can even support the liver or kidney, carry out the operation, or even suture it.

Just don't break the blood vessels and nerves.

But you can't pull the brain out of the cranial cavity for surgery, and then put it back in?

If someone dared to do that, I'm afraid the patient would have burped long ago.

Therefore, many brain repair operations are a big problem for today's neurosurgeons.

But it is not impossible, such as insisting on the operation under the irradiation of X-ray machine or CT machine.

But there is a downside to doing this, that is, the doctor will be exposed to fluoroscopy rays.

Although doctors all wear protective clothing, UU reading certainly cannot guarantee that they will be 100% free from radiation.

Therefore, this kind of operation is very harmful to doctors, and wearing protective clothing to perform operations will greatly affect the accuracy of doctors' operations.

Therefore, as a last resort, no doctor is willing to choose to perform such an operation.

After all, if one doesn't do well, he may smash his own brand.

But now after seeing how Dr. Hoffman uses 3D fluoroscopy imaging equipment, many neurosurgery doctors have also moved their minds.

Speaking of the advanced level of this 3D fluoroscopic imaging equipment, it is much more powerful than X-rays and CT machines.

The most important thing is that this kind of fluoroscopy imaging equipment, according to his principle, has no danger of fluoroscopy rays.

So with the assistance of this equipment, can those operations with poor surgical vision be better completed?

This has become a hot topic again.

Many doctors, after having ideas, immediately set up discussion and experimental groups.

So recently, although Dr. Hoffman did not do any outstanding surgery, he still made him famous in the Chinese medical circle.

Because of the emergence of him and his technology, many Chinese doctors have brought new ideas.

So now, Dr. Hoffman has become a sweet potato, and has been invited by many domestic hospitals to perform thigh surgery and give lecture training at the same time.

After hearing what Guan Zhenhai said, Xiao Feng really did not expect that this Hoffman would become famous in China in such a way.

But that's okay, I still hesitated in the future whether those technologies will let Hoffman come forward.

Now it seems that there is no problem, this old man is stable.

With the foundation of becoming famous in China, it is not a big problem to become famous internationally in the future.

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