My Strength Does Not Allow Me to Low-key

Chapter 1334: From commissary to wholesale

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Although in the future, Hoffman will use the technique of amputated limb regeneration or the treatment of high paraplegia, there will definitely be many people who will question his origin.

But it's easy. Arrange a background for him at will.

Then he asked Bencheng Medical University to grant him a doctorate title, and said that his medical achievements were all made in China in the later period.

At that time, who can say more, I am afraid that there will not be so many people who are willing to come to China to investigate Dr. Hoffman's past, right?

Anyway, when the time comes, the resume will be well checked, and no one will be able to single out any faults in the background of Dr. Hoffman.

After all, compared with smearing Hoffman and splashing dirty water, how to learn other people's skills and treat illnesses and save talents is the key.

"Moreover, Dr. Hoffman's technology has now provided our hospital with a lot of new ideas."

"For example, in the field of medical beauty, you also know that although we have invented a lot of new materials in the past few years."

"But our ancestors said that beauty is in the bones but not in the skin. It is the bones of a person. The key to whether this person is a handsome man or a beautiful woman."

"And those of us who have known medical beauty know that the appearance of a person's facial bones is the key to determining whether a person is beautiful enough."

"Because all the flesh on your face is actually supported by bones."

"So even if our doctors are skilled, the new materials used are in cattle, and the patients who have undergone medical and aesthetic operations are unavoidable, they must return to the factory in a few months and undergo regular maintenance. "

"Because whether you have an injection in your face, a sharpened bone, or a pad under the apple muscle, the muscles that support your face are ultimately supported by the bones."

"So if you have a bad bone condition, no matter how many needles you put on your face, no matter how many things you pad, these things will be useless at a certain point. In the end, you still have to go to the factory for maintenance."

"Otherwise, the one who is waiting for you in the end will be the consequence of the skin falling from the face."

"But with the artificial bone invented by Dr. Hoffman, it's different."

"This kind of artificial bone is simply a perfect bone replacement. Not only can it be a perfect patch for human bones, it can also be plastic, and it has no rejection reaction with the human body. This is simply a beautiful replacement."

"With these artificial bones, our medical aesthetics technology can boldly go further."

Guan Zhenhai started to talk again and didn't think he was explaining to Xiao Feng that the artificial bones that Hoffman had brought could bring them the benefits of Sunshine Hospital.

Even Xiao Feng nodded frequently. He really hadn't thought that these guys could actually think of using this artificial bone for medical beauty.

"Hey, Mr. Xiao, I can tell you, don't you know how popular our medical aesthetics department is now."

"It is not only women who love beauty who like to come to us for surgery. In the past two years, the number of male clients our hospital has received has also skyrocketed."

Guan Zhenhai exploded another bit of news to Xiao Feng, and Xiao Feng was a little confused.

"Are you crazy enough to be this way?"

"Hi! Isn't it forced by the current society?"

"After the Internet era has developed, the eyeball economy has risen, coupled with the turmoil of small fresh meat in the past two years, it has become a social truth to make appearances both justice and social truth."

"Many parents of boys want to drive now. Their children were originally ordinary, and it can even be said that they have some defects."

"If you don't help you, your children will definitely be at a disadvantage when they come to society in the future, whether they are looking for a job or a partner."

"Instead of waiting until then to regret it, it is better to give the child a whole lot while still having some financial strength."

"So now, after the end of the college entrance examination for the third year of high school, it is the time when the medical and aesthetic department of our Sunshine Hospital is the hottest."

"In the beginning, there were still too many female students. But in the last two years, more boys have signed up for surgery."

"Especially in the last two years, it has reached a peak. It is said that the boys who come to our Bincheng General Hospital to undergo surgery this year will have to have 10,000 children..."

After listening to the data released by Guan Zhenhai, Xiao Feng took a breath.

"There are so many?"

"Hey, what is this? According to our estimates, this kind of data will only be higher in the future. After all, everyone has the love of beauty."

Guan Zhenhai couldn't help but feel triumphant at this time.

"The reason why the parents of the children used to oppose the children's medical and aesthetic surgery. On the one hand, many medical and aesthetic institutions were not formal at that time, and there would be negative news exploding within five months.

"And if the operation fails, it is very likely to bring a life-long devastating blow to the child."

"But after our Sunshine Hospital appeared, this situation has completely changed."

"First of all, we are in the field of technology, which is definitely a national leader. Second is our new material, which is definitely the only one in the world."

"Not only is the effect good, but the most important thing is safety. It will not be like other materials. After a long time on the face, it will cause the face to be rotten and cause the risk of uremia."

"The most important thing is that now parents want to open up. If they want their children to enhance their competitiveness in the future society, they must be willing to invest."

"It's no use just investing in talents for your children. If your children are ugly or unremarkable. If they don't look at them, they won't even give you the opportunity to show their talents."

"But if your child is handsome, that's different. After all, in today's society, being handsome has advantages in many ways."

"Don't say anything else, just say that the priority to choose a spouse is much greater than ordinary people..."

Guan Zhen's explanation made Xiao Feng speechless.

But I have to sigh, now society is really like this.

No matter what you do, beautiful girls and handsome boys are more popular no matter what they do.

Especially handsome boys are now an extremely scarce resource in society.

"Hehe, let's not talk about these children for the time being, just say that there are many entertainment companies that have signed long-term strategic cooperation agreements with our Sunshine Hospital."

Guan Zhenhai changed the conversation again and brought up another business to Xiao Feng.

Because Xiao Feng was a hand-in-hand shopkeeper before, he really didn't know much about the management and operation of Sunshine Hospital.

At this time, Guan Zhenhai obviously deliberately invited contributions and treasures in front of him, but when he said that Sunshine Hospital had signed long-term strategic cooperation agreements with many entertainment companies, Xiao Feng was still stunned.

"We opened the hospital, how did we get together with those entertainment companies?"

"Hey! Isn't it that those entertainment companies have a demand?"

Guan Zhenhai spit out casually. Xiao Feng seemed to understand this, but he didn't seem to understand.

"In fact, the entertainment companies that have hated nowadays all adopt a large-scale net-casting model to recruit trainees and then spend money on training."

"Then let these trainees compete with each other, adopt the mode of raising Gu, and whoever wins in the end depends on their ability."

"But you also know that many of these trainees are crooked, or the basics of appearance are good, but they have shortcomings and need to be adjusted."

"Some trainees will take the initiative to ask for a knife to a certain part of their dissatisfaction."

"And the company will basically meet their requirements, because now we are the most authoritative in China, so we have found us as a long-term partner."

What Guan Zhenhai said, Xiao Feng completely understood.

In the final analysis, it is from the original commissary to a mass retailer.

When he thought of this, Xiao Feng couldn't help but feel uncomfortable. Thinking about the false face full of screens that he would see on the TV screen in the future, he felt uncomfortable for a while.

"Hey! Think about the artists trained by entertainment companies when I was young, let alone singing or acting."

"At the very least in terms of appearance, that is to make you have no choice, and Chunlan Qiuju is good at winning the field, everyone has their own characteristics, each has its own beauty ~ But now The men’s and women’s groups of these groups really make people unable to see. Almost all of the women have a face, and they are all distinguished by their height."

"It is rare to be a sissy bird. It is distinguished by dyeing all kinds of messy hair and makeup."

"I really don't know if we are left behind or the times have changed."

Xiao Feng couldn't help but uttered a few words, but Guan Zhenhai did not expect to give a perfect explanation.

"Hey, Mr. Xiao, it's really not that you are out of date, nor is your aesthetic concept behind."

"In fact, all of this is capital at work. It is capital that is forcing their aesthetic viewpoints to pour **** into the mouths of the audience."

"Think about it. In the past, how the performing arts companies found talents were all about opening art training classes, and then choosing one from a thousand miles, or even one from a thousand."

"The people who are selected are naturally handsome guys and beautiful girls, and then they are trained and finally packaged as talents."

"But when the entertainment industry has developed to the present, especially those who discovered that entertainment is so profitable, the capital that later entered the industry discovered that this industry was previously monopolized by some established entertainment companies."

"It's too difficult for them to make a **** path under the monopoly of those old guys."

"For example, if they want to make a name for themselves in this circle, they must dig out the corners from the old overlords in the circle."

"You have to dig a celebrity to hold up your own signboard."

"But think about it, how much money will it cost to dig a big star? The most important thing is that you have to lose money if you don't do it!"

"For example, a certain company in Xiangjiang did not spend less money in order to invite Liu Tianwang, but in the end they invested in a few movies made by Liu Tianwang, but in the end they almost lost all their pants..."

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