My Strength Does Not Allow Me to Low-key

Chapter 1335: Get cheap and sell well

"Strength does not allow me to be low-key ( to find the latest chapter!

"And the most important thing is that these celebrities are already famous big names, and you can't beat them."

"You have to treat these celebrities as uncles, and you have to pay people a high salary, and you have to give a variety of resources."

"For entertainment companies, it's not a celebrity they invited back, but a master!"

"Even if these stars have made a few very popular and popular movies or TV series, you will find in the end that they have made the bulk of the money, and the entertainment company has made a lot of hard money in the end."

"Unless you are like Brother Pictures, and finally rushed to go public. Whose entertainment company can afford it?"

"If you take money to make wedding clothes for people, you have to look at the winks of these big stars in the end. I don't want to change who is the boss of the capital side."

I don't know if I have too much dealings with those entertainment companies. Guan Zhenhai is really right when he talks about things in the entertainment industry.

Xiao Feng was also more interested in what he said about these gossips, after all, it was related to the business of their Sunshine Hospital in the future.

Guan Zhenhai didn't dislike him when he saw Xiao Feng's gossip, so he simply continued to tell him.

"Later, those entertainment companies also began to try to cultivate some new people by themselves."

"In the beginning, it was also in accordance with the traditional model to engage in singer competitions and film and television training courses. Then we selected potential young people with good looks and talents from those people and focused on training them."

"But later, these entertainment companies also found that the cost of doing so was too high."

"For example, in a singer competition, there are indeed many talented singers who can be singled out, but the appearance of these singers is often low."

"Singers like this, no matter how well they sing, it is difficult for them to achieve too high a success."

"It's hard to sing well if you are beautiful."

"After all, it is not decades ago. Many families are now richer and there are more channels for children to rise."

"People don't want to, their children show up to participate in this kind of competition."

"Not to mention the training courses. Now the various performing arts training courses in China can be said to be all sorts of mists and unspoken rules."

"How many are well mixed? Most of them have become cannon fodder."

"So many entertainment companies are also in confusion. It is too difficult to select a good seed."

"The most important thing is to select good seedlings. These guys are not easy to control. Each of them is very personal. You can't beat and beat, and you can't scold or scold, and even if the last one is not well managed, you may be stabbed A big basket."

"The most typical example is the trio of special police new humans that Hong Kong Island focused on training in the 2000s."

"One was lost in a car accident and ended up in jail, one became a people's photographer, and the last became a bit of a climate."

"So, for those entertainment companies, even if you treat these young people as your own sons, it's useless."

"These talented and handsome young people are too personal and too difficult to discipline."

"But at this time, the South Korean entertainment company's model of cultivating newcomers appeared, and the profit model of the entertainment industry also changed."

"In the past, Hong Kong and Taiwan's model of cultivating celebrities was that singing competitions allowed newcomers to show their faces, and then veteran singers and movie stars would bring newcomers to their debut."

"The newcomer debuted, first he took the commercials, then he went to the king's concert to be a guest, then he sent a TV series, and then made a movie."

"Very slow heating, and the initial investment is still very large."

"But the people of the Southern Dynasties don't play that way. They found that compared to making TV, movies, releasing new songs, etc., letting newcomers attend various variety shows, newcomers become famous faster."

"And they will add various personalities to the newcomers, and let boys and girls copy CP in variety shows."

"Even if the newcomer hasn't made any representative new songs, nor has he made any good-looking movies or TV series."

"But as long as the newcomer has a certain amount of nationality in the variety show, then he is considered to be a successful debut."

"I have to say that the people of Southern Dynasties are really good at playing."

"And their actions like this can be regarded as an eye-opener to the domestic entertainment industry bosses. It turns out that the entertainment industry can still play like this?"

"You don't need to invest heavily in singer selection competitions, nor do you need to invest in making movies and TV shows. These are the risks of messing up."

"As long as you invest in various variety shows, this is what the little girls like most now."

"The other thing is that instead of investing in those big names, it's better to sign a lot of trainees by yourself."

"And there is no need to look for those with the best talents, the most beautiful and handsome, because those boys and girls have the habit of relying on talents."

"On the contrary, it is best to choose those young people with average talents in all aspects to sign the contract, because they have average talents and appearance, so signing a contract does not cost much."

"Moreover, it is these young people who have always been inconspicuous, who have almost obsessive obsession with becoming famous."

"In order to be famous, they are willing to do anything."

"This kind of talent is the best to control, the most obedient, and naturally the person that capital likes the most."

"As for not looking good, it doesn't matter. Now the medical beauty specialist is so powerful, and the make-up is so powerful. As long as you don't look as ugly as No-Salt, you can remedy it."

"In addition, even if the remedy won't come, you can still play character set!"

"Just talk about the hot girl group some time ago, the hottest sister in the group."

Guan Zhenhai was really eloquent when he talked about this, and when he talked about this girl, Xiao Feng remembered it immediately.

Some time ago, a song sung by this girl group turned into a brainwashing divine tune.

And this girl became a koi somehow.

"Well, you said she, I actually saw her on TV shows."

"Hey, just say her. If you have watched her show, you will know that this is exactly a vase. Junior high school literacy, one question and three questions, I don’t know what kind of one, and I can only sell cute on TV.

"Before she became famous, she was said to be a young lady, and she even made her way out of the aisle early, but in the end the negative news was suppressed."

It seems that Guan Zhenhai's resentment towards this little star is not small, so when the others come, he is not very welcome.

"Just why she is hot? It's also because her face is pure and natural. To say that her level of appearance before, in front of the actresses of the last century, she is only worthy of a maid who has no lines."

"But in the circles where fake faces are flying all over the sky, her face is absolutely top-notch."

"It's just relying on such a face, so she was taken by the boss, so later... you know..."

Guan Zhenhai gave Xiao Feng a look that a man knew, and Xiao Feng did understand.

Then Guan Zhenhai went on to say plausibly.

"So, Mr. Xiao, think about it. If you, as a capitalist, used to be in the entertainment industry, you wanted to dig those big stars over."

"Those female celebrities, regardless of their level, must be in front of you. Some are superb, and they will hang you."

"If you don't spend tens of millions, you don't even want to succeed."

"But you're looking at it now. With a few million dollars, you can win a star, and you can still let you ask for it. You can play whatever you want. Which one do you think you choose?"

"This is the main reason why fake faces are rampant in the entertainment industry now, and natural faces are declining."

"Speaking of the roots, it is capital that is at work!"

Xiao Feng nodded frequently after listening, then smiled and looked at Guan Zhenhai.

"It seems that you have been dealing with people from those entertainment companies in recent times. How do you know such inside stories?"

Guan Zhenhai shook his head with a wry smile.

"Hey, don't mention Mr. Xiao, the high-end resort we originally built, now the house is almost running out."

"Since they signed long-term strategic cooperation agreements with those entertainment companies, they will send a group of people over every other day."

"Complete the operations in one batch, and then provide them with convalescent rooms, and then send them back after they have grown well without any worries."

"And the entertainment company, in order to be able to keep confidential, it even asked us, hoping that we can provide them with a dedicated venue."

"So, it's not recent, I'm going to explore suitable and secretive places in the city, and am I going to do some special special shows!"

Guan Zhenhai pretended to be full of sadness and said to Xiao Feng, who laughed.

"Fuck you, it's a good deal if you get a bargain. Isn't it good for someone to book a place? Money doesn't make you less profitable?"

"Hey, that is, I made a lot of money, but I always feel a little guilty."

"Especially when watching TV, those men's and women's groups that look almost the same, and those in Douyin who are almost an assembly line of female Internet celebrities, I always feel a sense of guilt."

"I feel, if this continues, will I distort the aesthetics of the people across the country?"

"I'll go, you go away!"

Xiao Feng couldn't help but cursed with a smile.

"But there is one thing you really have to grasp, and that is to have a degree of these people."

"We can't apply the best technology to them. After all, no matter how beautiful the artificial beauty is, it will always give people a feeling of artificial fraud. After all, it is not as natural as it is born."

"Therefore, in the future, we will try not to use this orthopedic plastic surgery technique for these quite net celebrities and men and women who are too utilitarian."

"After all, there are too many artificial beauties of this kind, and it is also an unfairness to those born handsome and beautiful."

"We try to promote the greatest value of natural beauty!"

Although Xiao Feng doesn't reject the man-made handsome men and beauties on TV, he still doesn't particularly like them in his heart.

Moreover, he absolutely doesn't admire the idea that you can mix good meals with artificial faces.

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