"Since those entertainment companies want to cooperate, we don't have to be polite with them..."

Xiao Feng casually exhorted again, and Guan Zhenhai smiled, but this time his smile was quite meaningful.

Obviously, even if Xiao Feng didn't explain, he wouldn't be polite to those entertainment companies.

Because there was a head-changing idol in the front, the head-changing idol went to Japan to do a head-changing technique. It is said that the design cost alone cost more than two million.

Not to mention the cost of the operation later.

However, they are also typical of high investment and high return.

After the beauty, the one who turned from a small star to a first-line star, all kinds of advertising endorsements were softened.

And such a successful case is also a version for major entertainment companies.

So when they went to Sunshine Hospital and asked for long-term cooperation, Guan Zhenhai actually understood what these people meant.

It’s just that we have sent a lot of people, do you think it can be cheaper?

After all, Sunshine Hospital's medical aesthetics specialty is world-renowned, but the price is also very beautiful.

The prices of their medical procedures are generally two to three times that of their domestic counterparts.

For example, if you pull double eyelids, another family may charge a few thousand yuan, but their family dare to ask for 20,000 yuan.

Not to mention the bridge of the nose or something, anyway, the price is notoriously expensive.

Even compared to the top hospitals in Southern Dynasties and Japan, it can be said that the price is not low at all.

But the more so, the higher the acceptance of those who love beauty.

You can't say that those people are all patients with Stockholm syndrome.

It can only be said that Chinese consumers all understand a truth: that is, you get what you pay for!

People's Sunshine Hospital is well-known, the world's top medical aesthetics and plastic surgery institution.

Even in the ratings of foreign medical and aesthetic institutions, they have ranked first in the world for two consecutive years.

What's wrong with the higher fees for institutions of this level?

What's more, they still use the only new medical and aesthetic materials in the world, and these new materials are unique to them.

Now medical and aesthetic hospitals in other countries have to import raw materials from them to perform operations.

In addition, there are many surgical procedures that foreign hospitals dare not do, or even those that do not do well, are easy to do here.

So it's for the craftsmanship of others, which is also worth the price.

Even many consumers have considered that since the price of Sunshine Hospital is so expensive, they might as well consider going abroad for surgery.

However, after adding the air ticket money, the local boarding and lodging issues were taken into consideration.

And if the operation is messed up, it will be difficult to defend rights locally, and so on after the risk factors are added.

In the end, he chose to have surgery in Sunshine Hospital.

As a result, the paper in Luoyang of Sunshine Hospital is expensive.

Although everyone knows that their home is expensive for medical and aesthetic surgery, they still choose to do it in their home.

After all, people's reputation is here, and the technical level is also proven by word of mouth.

Furthermore, it is more convenient to return to the factory for warranty after the operation.

After all, the cost of coming to Bencheng is much lower than flying abroad.

It is the superposition of these various factors that have created the status of Sunshine Hospital in the medical aesthetics profession today.

Not to mention those domestic entertainment companies.

Originally, there were a lot of plastic surgery in their circle, but the strength of Sunshine Hospital was passed on by word of mouth.

So although it is expensive, they are still willing to choose those interns under their hands to come to Sunshine Hospital for medical beauty.

And Guan Zhenhai is naturally not guilty of being polite with them, he will charge whatever he charges.

They even gave a rating to the person they sent over before the operation. To put it bluntly, it would give a comprehensive score to the person's appearance.

The lower the score, the worse the foundation. If you want to get a high score, that's okay, as long as you are willing to pay for it.

As long as your money is in place, it won't be a problem to give you a fairy.

And the prices they shouted made those entertainment companies feel painful.

Even many entertainment companies that are not interesting enough have to let the artists take part in the end.

After all, one hundred thousand dollars were thrown in by an operation, and no one knows whether this trainee can make a debut in the future, so they will be very cautious when investing in the early stage.

But even so, those trainees are still willing to spend this money.

It's not about asking for a home, it's getting a loan through various loan software. ,

To be honest, seeing these guys, such operations, Guan Zhenhai couldn't pity them at all.

These guys, to be honest, in his opinion, are already a group of guys with extremely distorted hearts.

Needless to say, the entertainment company is like a black-hearted old bustard who buys a group of virgin boys and girls crazy for training at a low price, and then thinks that one or two of them will become famous one day, and that will become their cash cow.

The most important thing is that these men and women are also a group of guys with extremely distorted values.

If you know that it is a fire pit, you have to jump into it. In fact, it is the mind confused by profit and desire.

In fact, for these children, they more or less have some singing or dancing skills.

Even at the level of their singing or dancing, it is not a problem for them to make a living relying on these skills.

For example, you can be a teacher or go to a training institution to teach. No matter how bad you are, you can do other jobs.

But in their eyes, there is only one option to be famous as a star.

Because it's too fast to be a celebrity, and because of the scenery of Phoenix, wherever you go, the crowd supports you.

To put it bluntly, they are all too vain and greedy.

So they have to support the price for their distorted Three Views. To be honest, Guan Zhenhai really doesn't want to see these man-made guys appearing on the TV screen every day.

Because this will really destroy the children's three views, especially aesthetics.

It's a pity that he is just a small dean with a low voice, and he is also powerless to do anything about the crazy capital behind these guys.

So the only thing he can do is to take out a sharp knife and be very kind to these guys.

Isn't it easy for you to get money anyway? It should be more generous to spend money.

Especially for us, because we are the ones who give you beauty.

And it is these external beauties that are the stepping stone for you to become famous in the entertainment circle.

So Guan Zhenhai is not at all polite when he takes a knife against these entertainment companies.

It is precisely because of this that those entertainment companies will find him to sign long-term cooperation agreements.

Because the operation is performed individually, the price is too expensive.

Even if they have always been proud of their wealth and wealth, they have been paid for the operation cost of not starting one or two million.

But even if he signed a long-term cooperation agreement and was willing to help these entertainment companies engage in wholesale, Guan Zhenhai's knife was not ambiguous.

Because to be honest, he looked down on these entertainment companies in his heart.

Mad, learns from the Korean Wave every day, but he can't even learn the least of his true skills.

On the contrary, the dross of squeezing trainees, deceiving the audience, and manipulating public opinion is quite different.

The current TV shows are messed up, really Nima's rubbish.

So despite the apparent discounts on the prices of these entertainment companies for medical beauty, in fact, Guan Zhenhai must have made all the money back when returning to the factory for maintenance in the later period.

After listening to Guan Zhenhai's explanation, Xiao Feng also nodded.

Although Guan Zhenhai's doing this was a bit untrue, Xiao Feng didn't feel that there was anything wrong with what he did.

In the past two years, the unhealthy trends in the domestic entertainment industry have indeed gone too far.

Think about those researchers who were forced to quit, and they only paid 9,000 yuan a month for ten years.

Looking at these stars, starring in a TV series casually, reading 12345678 every day to the camera...

Once the film is over, you can earn tens of millions or even hundreds of millions.

It's no wonder that there are famous screenwriters who scold those middle-aged aunts who buy movies from TV stations for all pedophiles.

It is the selfishness of that group of people that has caused this abnormal phenomenon in the domestic entertainment industry today.

Although he and Guan Zhenhai were unable to reverse this deformity.

But they can make these deformities a little more blood.

As for the blood collected from these deformities, Xiao Feng intends to use a portion of it as a charity fund.

To be honest, the ability and speed of making money at Sunshine Hospital is really a bit too scary.

Especially after he read the financial report of Sunshine Hospital, he couldn't help but feel lucky. Fortunately, this company was not listed.

There is no need to disclose the financial report to the outside world. If the financial report of a listed company is to be disclosed to the outside world, then the uneven security will attract verbal criticism from the outside world.

Because they are really profitable!

I'm afraid that even Apples in the industry are not making money as fast as they are.

To be honest, even if he is used to seeing people who are used to big waves like this, he feels a little flustered when he sees the money.

So he decided to use the money for charity.

30% of all net profits are used to set up a charity fund.

Special support for poor families who have no money to see a doctor.

We must know that every year in our country, there are millions of burns and scalds caused by accidents, and tens of thousands of them are seriously injured and life-threatening.

And because the rescue of burns and scalds is a difficult work, the cost is also very high.

The average family ~www.ltnovel.com~ faced with such a situation, it can be said that they simply cannot afford it.

Therefore, Xiao Feng plans to set up a fund to help and treat such families.

However, he couldn't believe in any charitable funds such as Dichai outside.

Especially the operating cost of the fund, which is more than 15%, basically all PASS.

I would never choose to cooperate with them.

Because they have their own hospital, there is no shortage of channels to reach those poor patients.

Therefore, Sunshine Hospital has such a Sunshine Fund.

Because there are more than 20 branch hospitals across the country, if you have a patient number that needs treatment, you can apply to the branch hospitals in all parts of the country.

If the review is passed, then you can come to Bencheng for treatment, and they will cover all the expenses during the period.

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