My Strength Does Not Allow Me to Low-key

Chapter 1338: Magician on the operating table

In the past year alone, their charity fund, their charity fund, has rescued no less than 500 patients from poor families.

This still made Xiao Feng very pleased.

With the gradual transformation of hospitals to general hospitals, more and more departments are opened.

Moreover, there are more and more lucrative projects, such as ophthalmology, dentistry, and newly opened hair transplant departments.

These are all things that Rijindoujin does, so Xiao Feng wondered whether to expand the scope of charity.

After all, money is already a bunch of numbers to him now.

When the money reaches a certain level, making money is no longer the goal.

As an entrepreneur, you have to take on more social responsibility at this time.

In the end, how to give back to the society is the most valuable manifestation of a person.

In addition to creating more jobs, there is another way, which is to do charity.

After all, there are many families in China who are suffering from various diseases.

And now Xiao Feng is thinking about whether he can expand the scope of some charities, which means that more money may be spent, but he really doesn't care.

Because in the past, their Sunshine Fund was mainly aimed at families with burns and scalds.

For other types of diseases, they are not included in the scope of charity.

But now Xiao Feng wants to help more people, especially after having children, he is more like doing more good deeds.

So he told Guan Zhenhai.

"Next, I wonder if we can do more on children's charity."

"Mr. Xiao, what do you mean?"

Guan Zhenhai understood what Xiao Feng meant, but still wanted to check with him.

"Just to include more diseases in the scope of our charity, our hospital can treat it here."

"If our hospital does not have the conditions for treatment, then we can also contribute funds to help such children and go to a hospital that can be treated."

"Although Mr. Xiao, you are not a doctor, you really have a benevolent heart!"

Guan Zhenhai was a little moved by Xiao Feng's words.

To be honest, he has been in medicine for many years, and he has seen too many children like this.

In the end, many of them died because of lack of money for medical treatment.

Before he came to Sunshine Hospital, he was still working for those people in a certain field hospital.

Compared with Xiao Feng, those people didn't even deserve to give Xiao Feng shoes.

Think about what they have done for the most conscientious, the price of hospital beds, the random prescription of drugs, and so much money.

As a result, most of them were used for marketing, and most of the remaining profits were actually taken back to their hometowns to build countless Taoist temples.

It's ridiculous that you said that the densest place of temples in the country is actually this area.

They all know that what they are doing is damaging to the world, but instead of repaying the society, they burn incense and worship Buddha.

The inferiority of those people is simply speechless.

And look at Xiao Feng's kind deeds now.

In fact, since the company has grown bigger, they have organized donations to some departments in the city almost every year.

For example, children’s welfare homes, nursing homes, and companies also recruit many disabled people to create job opportunities for them.

In Guan Zhenhai's view, this is the responsibility of a company, which shows that the boss of this company has feelings.

But now Renjia has taken the initiative to expand the scope of charity coverage. Such a move really makes Guan Zhenhai have to admire.

The two discussed a lot of details, mainly about charity.

Then Xiao Feng left Sunshine Hospital, but after leaving Sunshine Hospital, he did not go home either.

Instead, the driver drove up the mountain and went straight to He Fangzhou's Sports Medicine Center.

He Fangzhou was chatting with them before, but later he said that he had an important operation and left.

And now he also wants to see what He Fangzhou's Sports Medicine Center is doing now.

The car winded up along the mountain road and drove for more than 20 minutes before reaching the middle of the mountain.

This was originally an old museum in the city. The site was originally chosen very well.

However, when the museum was established, it was still a suburb, but in recent years, the city has continued to expand.

This has long become a famous classic area in the city, and countless people come here to climb the mountain every weekend.

As early as the first two years, the museum has already selected a new site for expansion.

After Xiao Feng agreed to the city's request, He Fangzhou took over.

In fact, long before He Fangzhou took over, he had already hired a designer to plan and design here.

After it was officially taken over, it was quickly transformed.

Because many facilities are readily available, just renovate them.

Now here, the re-planning and renovation has already been completed, and it has been a week since its opening.

However, even though it has only been opened for a week, it looks like a crowd of customers.

When Xiao Feng arrived, it actually took a long time to find a parking spot.

And the gate of this sports medicine research center is even more crowded, with people coming in and out constantly.

And the people who enter and leave here seem to be different from ordinary hospitals.

Most of them are tall and sturdy handsome men and women, and there are even a few foreigners from time to time.

You can tell at a glance that most of these people are athletes of all kinds.

It seems that He Fangzhou's sports medicine center has just been established, and it has become famous in the sports world!

When Xiao Feng arrived at the gate of the hospital, He Fangzhou's assistant had already been waiting at the gate.

The beauties with glasses seem to have a different kind of intellectual beauty.

Xiao Feng couldn't help but spy, He Fangzhou was really good at picking people.

The beautiful woman's voice is very sweet.

"Doctor He is currently undergoing an operation and cannot come out to meet him. He asked me to apologize to you on his behalf."

Xiao Feng smiled and shook his hand: "Hey! What can I apologize for."

"By the way, who came for the operation today? He was very anxious when he left before and didn't make it clear."

"Oh, so you don't know yet! The reason why the teacher attaches so much importance is also because this person who came today is our sports medicine center. Since its opening, it has welcomed the biggest name.

He Fangzhou's female assistant immediately explained it to Xiao Feng.

"He is the Blue Car Club, the Spanish golden boy!"

"Huh? Is that the legendary winner of life?"

When the female assistant said, Xiao Feng was also taken aback.

He Fangzhou had gone in a hurry before, and he knew that this time the patient was definitely not small.

But I didn't expect it to be such a big name.

But it should be time to think about it.

Earlier, He Fangzhou first became famous when he performed a heart exchange operation on Thomas Brady, the golden boy of the US NBL.

It can be said that he became famous in World War I, not only in the medical field, but also in the sports circle.

Almost all the big names in the sports world know that Dr. He Fangzhou has the ability to trade in the old.

You must know which of them are engaged in sports, which parts are not worn out quite badly?

Especially for those who have been seriously injured, they will face the risk of replacing parts at any time.

If you don't replace parts, you may face the result of retirement every minute.

After that, He Fangzhou performed operations on the trapeze again, which shocked the entire sports circle.

A former World Flyer who retired due to injury unexpectedly moved from a new station to the runway more than a year after his retirement.

And not to mention winning the first place in one fell swoop, but also broke the world record.

Since then, He Fangzhou's reputation has been completely spread in the sports world.

And after that, he also performed operations on two tennis kings.

The two kings recovered well after the operation, and they met in the finals again in the next Grand Slam tournament.

You have to know that although they were the long-term world No. 1 and No. 2 in the previous years.

But now their world rankings have already fallen out of the top ten. After all, they are all thirty-four and five, and they are all wounded veterans.

But at this age, after undergoing surgery, the two of them have actually returned to the peak, which makes people sigh He Fangzhou's magic even more.

Since then, He Fangzhou has gained the nickname of a magician on the operating table!

It's just that since He Fangzhou picked up the scalpel from the beginning, until now, no one of the biggest names in football has ever come to him.

You should know that when it comes to sports injuries, the football circle is the real hardest hit area.

After all, football is the world's largest sport and the sport with the widest audience.

So this event is also one of the most injured and most serious events.

Although when we watch the game on TV, we rarely see the picture of the player being seriously injured.

But in fact, in the low-level leagues, and on the field, injuries such as broken legs or torn ligaments can be said to be too many.

Since the opening of their sports medicine center, many low-level leagues, or wild ball players on the field, or young players, came to their homes for treatment.

But their influence is still too small. If you want to open the medical market in the football circle, you really have to rely on a big name to help open the scene.

And now he is here!

Here comes the Spanish golden boy nicknamed the winner of life.

After Xiao Feng listened, he was also very happy. No wonder He Fangzhou took it so seriously this time.

I believe he also saw the influence behind this operation.

If this operation can be a complete success, then their sports medicine center will have a firm foothold in the football circle.

"Did the Spanish golden boy come by himself?"

"Huh? No, in addition to his family, there are his agent, and the representative of the club. Actually, I made an appointment long ago.

"But they still have some doubts about the teacher's surgery, and they have discussed the plan many times before and after."

"In the end, it was his club. I couldn't stand it and forced him to come over."

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