My Strength Does Not Allow Me to Low-key

Chapter 1341: Treasure Hospital

The Golden Boy's agent and the team doctor of the Blue Racing Team are all well-informed people.

Now after seeing He Fangzhou's operation, he naturally had his own judgment on his medical skills and the hospital.

And this newly established sports medicine center, in their view, is simply an undiscovered treasure.

Leaving aside other techniques for the time being, just say that this technique for repairing the meniscus is already a miracle in their eyes.

And people can even fix the difficult things like meniscus, so what about other sports injuries?

For example, the most frightening ligament tear, anterior cruciate ligament rupture, groin strain, muscle strain and so on.

Then can they all be able to catch them in the same way?

Just watching He Fangzhou in the operating room lift heavy weight to rescue the Golden Boy, this made the Golden Boy's agent and the team doctor of the Blue Team have to think about it.

You must know that the meniscus is the two pieces of cartilage that grows at the joint of the human knee. The main function of the meniscus is to cushion the impact and prevent bone damage caused by excessive friction.

It can be said that it is the most important buffer mechanism for athletes.

As practitioners, they have never seen a player who doesn't know how many talents, and finally had to retire because of meniscus injuries.

Because once the meniscus is severely damaged, it must be removed.

Without the meniscus as a buffer, the athlete's athletic ability will be greatly reduced.

Long-term high-intensity running, impact, and impact, without the protection of the meniscus, will cause long-term inflammation and even deformation of the athlete's knee joint.

A major cause of arthritis is severe wear and tear of the meniscus.

With current medical methods, although doctors can replace joints for patients, there is no way to repair such cartilage tissue.

And now in this sports medicine research center in Bencheng, they actually saw He Fangzhou with their own eyes and replaced the golden boy with two artificial meniscuses.

If they hadn't seen it with their own eyes, they couldn't believe it, it happened.

With this miracle alone, I don’t know how many athletes who have retired due to injuries can be saved every year.

When the Golden Boy returns to the team from his injury and the news of his state of return spreads, this hospital will not be smashed by athletes from all over the world?

And you have to know that there are countless athletes suffering from meniscus injuries on a global scale.

More famous players such as Spain's tennis king Nadal on clay court and the late NBA superstar Kobe Bryant have all suffered from meniscus injuries.

And how did they overcome this injury?

They all use PRP therapy. The Chinese literal translation of this therapy is platelet-rich plasma therapy.

The medical name is "autologous growth factor joint injection"!

The principle is to draw blood from oneself, and then collect the platelets in the blood in the shortest time.

Because platelets are produced by bone marrow hematopoietic cells, they exist in the human blood.

Therefore, platelets are rich in a large number of growth factors, and have a more important role in the body's self-healing and repair process.

That is, it can promote the regeneration of many tissues in the human body.

In addition, platelets are very rich in white blood cells, so it can also remove local necrotic tissue and enhance local anti-inflammatory ability.

In addition, platelets also contain fiber-rich vitamin protein and fibronectin, which can form a fibrous network scaffold to undertake tissue repair cells and prevent cell loss.

In addition, PRP also has an adhesion effect, it can adhere to the injured local tissue, so that the above-mentioned treatment mechanism can achieve a sustained effect.

The doctors remove the plasma from the athletes, and then extract high-concentration platelets, and then inject platelets rich in growth factors back to the injured site of the patient.

In this way, the use of platelets to promote the regeneration of human tissues can stimulate the regeneration of tissue cells and matrix in the affected area.

So as to achieve the purpose of accelerating tissue repair and regeneration.

At that time, Spain's clay-earth king Nadal, as well as NBA giant Kobe, all adopted this therapy to combat the terrible meniscus injury.

Judging from the performance of their later sports career, the effect of this therapy is quite good.

Because this method of self-extracting plasma to extract nutrients will not bring rejection to the patient itself, the effect is quick, and there are no other side effects.

Therefore, this therapy was once very popular with the majority of athletes.

But why did this therapy not spread widely.

That's because of two main reasons.

One is because the price of this therapy is very expensive. Generally, three tubes of plasma are drawn from athletes at a time.

And each tube must be extracted within fifteen minutes, and then injected back into the athlete's knee joint.

The whole process should be carried out in an absolutely sterile environment, and the requirements for the implementation environment, hardware equipment, and doctors performing the operation are very high.

So the cost is very expensive. It is natural that there is no problem with Nadal and Kobe as well-known superstars who bear such a cost.

But for many ordinary players, the cost is a big problem if they want to receive such surgical treatment.

In addition, this therapy cannot solve the problem of meniscus injuries once and for all.

Because during the operation, a needle piercing method is used to inject growth factors into the knee joint cavity.

Even if the needle undergoes a high-temperature sterilization treatment, it may still cause inflammation because of the destruction of the tissue wall structure.

Inflammation means that the success rate of surgery is reduced...

Therefore, the success rate of this kind of PRP therapy is the key to this kind of therapy that has not been widely promoted.

And now, in the Sports Medicine Center in Bencheng, the doctors here have actually mastered a set of artificial cartilage tissue technology.

This is definitely a great boon for athletes around the world.

With the verification of such an operation, the European card gamers must begin to believe in He Fangzhou's skills.

You know before, although He Fangzhou has already gained fame in North America.

He has operated on many wealthy businessmen and athletes, but his influence is only limited to North America.

For Europeans, they always take an arrogant attitude towards the information from the US.

Many Europeans generally have a relatively conservative attitude towards things from China.

Especially medicine, and medical technology, who made us lagging behind in this regard for many years.

So even though He Fangzhou's new organ transplantation technology has been developing in a fast-changing way.

But at present, his main scope of rescue is only limited to China, Northeast Asia, and North America.

As for the European region, there has not been a single patient who has come to seek treatment.

This is the first case like the Golden Boy, and only the meniscus was re-implanted.

As for heart transplantation, there is really no customer in Europe that has ever come to the door to make a request.

It can be seen that the old Europe is still relatively conservative with regard to medical breakthroughs from China, and it is still in the wait-and-see stage.

However, after the successful case of the Golden Boy operation, I believe that the attitude of the old Europeans towards the medical discipline represented by He Fangzhou will definitely change a lot.

After a while, I dare not say anything else, this is the sports medicine center, this area will definitely be overcrowded.

In fact, many cases have been accepted here.

It's just that the current patients are mainly from various sports teams in the country.

Among them, football and basketball players are the majority. There are also a large number of middle and long-distance running athletes who have also signed up and are waiting for admission.

In the middle of the mountain behind this sports medicine research center, several inpatient buildings are currently being urgently constructed.

Although the old museum in the past has been renovated, it has been put into use.

But at present, this building is only enough for doctors' offices, operating rooms, and a small part of the ward.

If more athletes will come here for treatment in the future, the rooms in this building will definitely not be enough.

Soon He Fangzhou had finished the after walking out of the operating room.

Jintong's family, agent, and team doctor from the Blue Racing Team immediately surrounded him.

After He Fangzhou calmly explained the patient's situation to them, he left the crowd.

Seeing Xiao Feng in the observation room upstairs, He Fangzhou came over and said hello to Xiao Feng.

"Haha, your sports medicine center seems to be hot!"

Xiao Feng smiled and joked He Fangzhou and said, and He Fangzhou shook his head because of the old god.

"Actually I think so too..."

Sometimes this guy really doesn't know what modesty is.

But this is his personality, and people are also qualified to make such a humble attitude.

Xiao Feng liked his attitude very much, and he always felt that it was more real than those fake politeness.

Maybe this is also the reason why He Fangzhou was unpopular in the domestic academic circles before.

"This time the operation on this Spanish golden boy should be able to become the name of our sports medicine center."

"In the future, I believe it will also take advantage of the trend to open up the European football market, which is a big market."

"As long as a few of these big-name players come every year, it will be enough for you to earn..."

Xiao Feng said to He Fangzhou with a smile, and He Fangzhou nodded with a smile.

"That's right, these European stars are all very rich, so surgery on them is my favorite."

Speaking of the cost of this operation, it is really not low at all.

From the early detection, to the mid-stage operation, to the later postoperative recovery.

The bill from the Sports Medicine Center to the Golden Boy was more than three million euros.

If this is left in the country, this will definitely fall into the category of sky-high medical care.

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