My Strength Does Not Allow Me to Low-key

Chapter 1342: The spirit of internationalism?

If this is exposed by the domestic media, such sky-high medical expenses will surely cause countless disputes and scolding everywhere.

But if you let those people know that this fee is only for foreign star athletes, then it's definitely another matter.

After all, to earn foreign money to subsidize patients in China, for many people in China, this is really something to brag about and be proud of.

And for a Grand Slam player like the Golden Boy, this money is not a big deal at all.

What's more, the club behind him and the insurance company have to help him share most of the cost of the operation.

In the end, the player himself may not spend a penny, and may even make a small profit in the end.

As for the club, they are naturally reluctant to spend this money, after all, they were the golden boy who had spent 50 million pounds to buy.

If the golden boy can return to the state of courage, then their previous investment will not be considered a waste of water.

If the Golden Boy sinks in this way, compared with the 50 million transfer fee invested in the previous period and the huge salary paid to the Golden Boy every year, the three million euros for surgery is a wool?

As long as the golden boy can restore the previous state of bravery, even if it only restores to the previous nine success strengths, then they are considered to have earned it.

You know the golden boy at his peak, but one of the strongest centers in the Premier League.

The reason why the Blue team sold him was to let him replace him. At present, the team's already aging African Andy Lau.

Originally, the two African Andy Lau and the Golden Boy, who played well in the Premier League, were two top centers.

Now, Andy Lau in Africa has shown obvious oldness and decline.

And even at the peak of Andy Lau in Africa, he was not the kind of player with extremely high scoring efficiency.

The purpose of their introduction of the Golden Boy is to make up for the shortcomings in scoring efficiency.

So as long as the golden boy can recover 90% of the original skill, their investment will be worth it.

And only three million euros for surgery?

As long as the Golden Boys can have an excellent rating performance in the Champions League, they will be able to earn back this surgical fee.

With such successful cases as the Golden Boy, I believe that in the future, those big-name teams in Europe will definitely come to the door continuously.

So He Fangzhou had already sharpened his sword against these guys a long time ago.

"Hehe, in fact, this golden boy, as long as he recovers well, he can walk on the ground in about a week."

"After almost three weeks, you will be able to return to the court and start training."

"If he can overcome his mental obstacles and restore his peak state, it won't be a difficult task."

"In about two months, he will be able to return to the game."

"Actually, after taking his order, I expect to have another order soon."

He Fangzhou said to Xiao Feng with a smile, Xiao Feng also knew that he seemed to be reporting to himself, but it was actually a kind of invitation in disguise.

However, Xiao Feng is not disgusted with this approach, because as long as He Fangzhou can continuously accept such star patients, it will be very helpful to enhance the reputation of this sports medicine center.

It may not be long before they will be able to surpass the Milan laboratory of the year.

And once the sign is erected, the source of disease will definitely come from all over the world in a steady stream in the future.

"Oh? Who is the next order?"

Although he knew He Fangzhou was deliberately asking for credit, Xiao Feng still had to praise him.

"Hey, it's the son of tomorrow from the Galaxy Battleship..."

"Huh? Is it him?"

When He Fangzhou said this, Xiao Feng knew who he was talking about.

When Alphabet Luo was still in the Galacticos, Galeries Lafayette brought two so-called geniuses from other teams in La Liga.

One is Isco, and the other is Asen Laughing.

Back then, the two of them were in the Galaxy Battleship, and they were partnering with Alphabet Luo at the same time, and they did have many high-light performances.

However, the two of Xiao Feng's independence have never liked them very much.

For example, Isco, in his opinion, is a sticky ball junk, the king of shots.

Although the skills at his feet are delicate, he likes the show too much and often slows down the team's offensive rhythm.

To be honest, if this guy hadn't had a Spanish hukou, with his style of play, he would never have a foothold on the Galaxy Warship.

As for the other one, Asen, known as the prince of the Galaxy Battleship, smiled.

This guy is younger than Isco, but the characteristics are basically the same as Isco, with good foot skills and better dribbling.

And he has a very good long-range shot, and he can often make a world-shattering wave.

In the first two years, when Alphabet Luo was still in the Galaxy Battleship, this guy was often able to rely on the big brother to open the neutral, and then staged a single ride through the level, or played the scene of the world wave.

Because of this, he quickly became famous after joining the Galaxy Warship.

However, Xiao Feng didn't particularly like him either, because this guy is not smart either.

He often likes to shoot without brain waves, and like Isco, he is very sticky and has very high requirements for the ball.

If it weren't for the Spanish Hukou bonus, this guy would be at that level.

As for the growth limit, Xiao Feng's feeling is just two words, ha ha!

But not long ago, this guy suffered serious injuries in a game.

It is said that it seems that the anterior cruciate ligament is broken. This kind of injury is enough to destroy a talented player.

After that, he faded out of the list of galaxy battleships.

And after that, it seemed that I went to a lot of hospitals to seek medical treatment, but the treatment effect was not very good in the end.

At the same time, Galeries Lafayette, the helm of the galaxy battleship, brought several little monsters from all over the world.

Among them are the Brazilian double stars whose style of play is more similar to him, which makes Assen feel very pressured.

In the case of delays in recovering from injuries, the domestic status is at stake.

He thought of He Fangzhou, after all, He Fangzhou had performed ligament replacement surgery on the flying man in the hundred meters hurdle.

And let the trapeze, who has retired for a year, return to the arena, and once he goes back, he won the world championship.

So he also contacted the Sports Medicine Center through his agent.

But because of He Fangzhou and the ability of this sports medicine center, he has always been in doubt.

Therefore, the two sides only had preliminary contact, and Asen Xiao had not made up his mind to come to Bencheng for medical treatment.

But I believe that after Golden Boy's recovery this time, he will definitely bring full confidence to Asen Xiao.

I believe it won’t be long before this once-famous prince of the Galaxy Battleship will also lie on a hospital bed in the Sports Medicine Center.

Once the two men returned to the game in a healthy manner, there would be a few more outstanding performances.

So even if the name of the Bencheng Sports Medicine Center is completely established, the golden sign is completely polished.

By that time, once athletes around the world have suffered serious injuries, the first choice would be the Sports Medicine Research Center in Ben Thanh.

Of course not everyone can be treated here, provided that you have money!

"...Anyway, our medical fees for foreigners here are definitely not low. At the very least, we must ensure that the fees charged by our domestic athletes are three to five times more."

"For the wounded like the Golden Boy and the Prince of the Galaxy Battleship, the cost of treatment is absolutely extra."

"You have to start with millions of euros..."

When He Fangzhou said this, his face was not red at all, even very natural.

However, Xiao Feng absolutely approves of his attitude with both hands.

That's right, don't tell me any international feelings.

Lao Tzu is not noble enough to give all mankind free medical treatment.

Especially for those foreign patients, it is natural to be even less polite.

Otherwise, do you think that if our domestic athletes go to their hospital to see a doctor, will they give you free?

Will people give you a discount because you are a foreigner or Chinese?

Haha, it's not bad to kill you as a fat sheep.

I believe that in the past few years, our people encountered additional medical treatment overseas, and everyone has also heard of it.

For example, an international student received rescue treatment in the United States because of a heart problem.

The last bill received almost didn't scare him to death. The total price of the bills has exceeded one million US dollars.

Converted according to the exchange rate at the time, his bill was probably more than 10 million yuan.

There are also people who travel to the United States because of a dislocated shoulder, the child went to the hospital for treatment and rescue, but it cost millions.

Everyone must have heard of such cases.

So everyone's attitude towards hospitals in European and American countries and us can be imagined.

There will definitely not be any special discounts because of our skin color and identity, and there may even be a price increase.

So when they want to come to our hospital to seek medical consultation, we naturally can't be guilty of being polite with them.

It is the most correct way to use the other way to give back to the other body.

What's more, there are still so many financially difficult athletes in China who need treatment?

We must know that in our country, there are many athletes who have to retire due to various injuries every year.

And among these people, many are young people with extraordinary talents. As long as they can ensure their health, they will definitely have a lot to do on the field in the future.

But because there is no money, the best treatment is not available.

So I had to retire with injuries and regrets.

Now with this sports medicine center, Xiao Feng naturally cannot let these athletes regret saying goodbye to their sports career.

So these athletes need to be treated, but the treatment will cost money. Where does the money come from?

Naturally, it comes from which foreign big-name players.

Xiao Feng did not intend to turn all the costs of their treatment into profits.

The business has reached his level, and he is no longer short of money.

Therefore, he intends to set up a fund dedicated to treating illnesses and injuries for athletes with poor conditions.

In the future, whenever such an athlete comes to his door, they will treat him for free.

So that things like hurting Zhongyong will never happen in the domestic sports circle...

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