When the plane landed at the airport on the island, He Xiaojun had already been waiting in the terminal.

Although he is now also a well-known business tycoon in China, he always knows that he is just the front door that Xiao Feng pushed to the front desk.

Therefore, he always maintained a sense of awe for Xiao Feng.

Especially as the business grew bigger and bigger, he became more and more in awe of the mysterious forces behind Xiao Feng.

Let’s talk about the carbon nanotube chips in the Spark Factory that was suddenly built before.

Just say those ordinary capacitors and resistors, those passive components, seem to be the most inconspicuous little things.

It is the same as the steel of the ballpoint pen refill that we clamored back then. It seems ordinary, but the technology content of that little thing is really not low.

Many people say that we could not get the ballpoint pen steel back then, it was because there was no economic benefit after it was produced, and we finally gave up.

As long as we are serious, we will be able to do it.

This kind of slapped head is nonsense, and the brain fragments of the satellite are released when Xiao Feng really wants to meet them.

What's so special, all of them know that they are patriotic and blindly arrogant. They don't know that the country's technology is ruined by your big mouths.

Don't look at the small steel ball on the front of the ballpoint pen. It seems simple, but the technology content in that steel ball is high.

In the past, only Europe's Switzerland and Japanese steel companies could do it.

This kind of small steel ball is very particular about the speed of moistening the ink every minute when it is installed in the nib.

No more, no less.

If there is too much, the ink will soak up, or even damage the paper, and the written font will not look good.

If it is less, it will be dry and even unable to write words, or the words written will be intermittent.

Therefore, this requires very high level of cleanliness on the surface of the steel ball.

And because it has to withstand huge pressure, the hardness requirements for steel **** are also very high.

There are also issues such as durability, corrosion resistance, and how to grind the steel ball to such a small size and maintain its characteristics.

So don't look at the small steel ball used for the nib at that moment, but to be honest, the technology involved is really not low.

In the past, Switzerland and Japan were the only countries that could produce the highest quality steel **** in the world.

As for other countries, it is not possible to produce as the **** said, but because it is not profitable, it does not produce.

But it is really impossible to produce steel **** that are as reliable as those in Switzerland and Japan.

So in the end, we could only purchase Japanese steel balls. As for the Swiss pen-tip steel balls, the price was too expensive, so they were eliminated by the market.

As for our steel plant later, we also produced the kind of steel **** for pens.

Haha, in fact, if you go to the root of the investigation, you will know that it is still a technology bought from a certain European country.

This principle is also used in those passive components.

In fact, there are several domestic companies that are doing well, such as Fiberhome.

However, they are mainly supplied to military industrial enterprises, and military industrial enterprises require more solid and reliable products.

Therefore, the requirements for the size of the components are not high.

Therefore, it can only produce 300-layer beacon, but it can barely survive by relying on orders from military enterprises.

But their products are not so popular for civilian enterprises.

After all, in the private sector, it is necessary to fight bayonet in the market.

The electronic products assembled with yours are bigger than others, consume more energy than others, and have worse performance than others. What about playing an egg?

Therefore, in the civilian-level market, it is basically Japan's TDK and Kyocera's.

Although there are many domestic manufacturers, they want to catch up in this field.

It's a pity that you owed too many debts before. You need to invest more than ten or twenty years, and you may not see results.

In this way, which company is willing to engage in such a loss-making business?

Therefore, our electronics industry can be said to have been under the control of others from the first level of raw materials.

So many large domestic factories are at a loss for this small component.

But Xiao Feng randomly created a beacon factory to solve this problem, not only solved the external threat.

It even produced a series of disruptive products, such as those artificial intelligence graphics recognition devices!

After all, this thing is amazing.

Recently, Mr. Wang, who has purchased this batch of equipment extensively, has frequently heard good news over there.

After installing this system, their new generation of electric cars can be said to have a rapid improvement in quality in the field of autonomous driving.

Their products have not been able to compete with Tesla in the market before.

One of the main reasons is that the sense of technology is too bad!

That's right, the sense of technology is too bad!

In the current electric vehicle field, there are only two brands in consumer perception.

One is Tesla and the other is other brands.

Regardless of your BYD electric car, the battery performance is good, and the range is long, but you just can't do Tesla.


Is it really because the Chinese admire foreign and flattering foreigners? Actually, it's not!

But because Tesi came, too many technological elements were added to their electric cars.

For example, the automatic driving system they added to their electric cars is a very big gimmick and selling point.

Just like when Apple launched the first generation of Love Crazy, not only did it add a large glass screen, it can be operated by sliding the screen.

In addition, the IPOD function is also integrated into the mobile phone, so that the mobile phone can not only make calls, but also become a musical toy for listening to songs.

Because of this gimmick and selling point, Apple immediately became the representative of smart phones.

So that when people think of smart phones, they first think of Apple.

And now Tesla is the same. Because of those self-driving gimmicks, when people think of electric vehicles, they first think of Tesla.

As for BYD's various electric vehicles, although speaking of performance, they are not inferior to Tesla at all.

But that is only in terms of being a car.

In terms of being a toy, a sci-fi toy with forward-looking characteristics, Tesla has left them thousands of miles away.

When people think of Tesla, they think of his playability.

When people see his exterior and interior, they will feel that this is a big toy full of futuristic colors and a sense of science fiction.

As for BYD, people think of an electric car.

So Tesla can sell tens of thousands of units a month, but your BYD can only sell a thousand units.

Fortunately, Mr. Wang and the others have also noticed this problem, so they have been increasing their investment in technology and are catching up with Tesla.

But the advantages of others have been established in more than ten years after all.

And not only do they have an advantage in software, they also have a very big advantage in hardware.

Especially in terms of visual system recognition, I have to say that the American AI program is really amazing.

And if we want to catch up with them, it's not even a bit worse.

Even many engineers inside BYD are pessimistic that according to the current trend, the gap between them and Tesla will not be narrowed.

Instead, it will become bigger and bigger.

Who could have imagined that in this situation, the technology provided by a spark factory that popped up suddenly would be overturned?

Recently, with the cooperation of Xinghuo factory engineers, BYD electric vehicles have also been equipped with the latest generation of autonomous driving technology.

Moreover, this set of technologies is currently being tested, and Mr. Wang has also called He Xiaojun many times recently to express his thanks.

According to him, this system will soon appear on the upgraded version of their main electric car of this generation.

And with this set of system bonuses, they finally have the capital to really head-to-head with Tesla.

With their own efforts, the technical level of a certain field of the country has been abruptly raised by a generation.

This is what Xinghuo Factory has made recently!

And behind this spark factory is his big boss He Xiaojun, Xiao Feng!

Before that, because he had seen more and more big scenes, to be honest, He Xiaojun was really a little drifting.

But recently, after he passed a series of reflections, he suddenly woke up.

He can have everything today, but Xiao Feng can rely on it all!

The Ninth Laboratory was able to achieve today's success ~www.ltnovel.com~ He actually did not contribute much.

And looking at Xinghuo Factory, he wanted to be the man behind the domestic electronics giants, which made him feel throbbing even more.

Once he waited for a certain day to come, what kind of status would He Xiaojun be.

According to Xiao Feng's strategy, Xinghuo Factory must be hidden behind the scenes.

Their ambition is to be a real big-name behind the scenes of Denso, Bosch and BASF.

But no matter how well they hide, they will be exposed sooner or later.

Warwick is now working on a new generation of mobile phones, and it is expected that they will be launched on the market early next year.

At that time, the first mobile phone using carbon nanotube chips will be launched on the market, and it will use a basic system completely different from that of the United States.

Once such a mobile phone is released, it is absolutely equivalent to dropping a big bomb in a pond to fry fish.

At that time, let alone the United States, the whole world will have to be caught off guard by this sudden attack.

At that time, even if Xinghuo Factory wants to hide behind the scenes, I am afraid it will not work.

I'm afraid the relevant department will be the first to come here.

After all, this kind of technology is really too critical. For the core departments above, if they can rely on this technology to get rid of the technology of the United States, it will really play a big role.

At that time, the entire international political ecology may even change because of this company.

According to Xiao Feng's habit, he certainly did not want to show his face.

So who will become the facade signboard of Xinghuo Factory?

Just the Chandler who looks like a puppet? Haha, it must not work.

And he, Xiaojun, doesn't mind the burden on his shoulders...

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