Under the leadership of He Xiaojun, the group came directly to his top-floor office in the middle of the town.

Compared with Xiao Feng's president office, his presidential office can be said to be nothing less than concessions, but Xiao Feng does not think he is a waste.

Because now He Xiaojun's status in the domestic business community is absolutely worthy of him.

But He Xiaojun's attitude in front of him still remained very humble.

Xiao Feng was naturally very satisfied with He Xiaojun's attitude.

And He Xiaojun's thoughts, he naturally also knows.

Although Xinghuo Factory is engaged in the electronic technology industry, it is completely different from the biotechnology of the ninth laboratory.

But it's like there are fast food under the celebrity chef group, and the Sunshine Hospital is two different industries.

So he naturally knew that He Xiaojun’s little nine-nine ninety-nine must be thinking about the future when Xinghuo Technology really grows, it will be incorporated into the ninth laboratory.

But on this point, Xiao Feng did not tell him that he had never planned to incorporate Spark Technology into the Ninth Laboratory.

After all, the science and technology involved in Spark Technology is too sensitive.

In the future, it will certainly attract people's coveted, especially those international competitors, if it is known that Spark Technology has produced such carbon nanotube chips.

That group of guys are definitely going to do something against Spark Technology.

Moreover, after the news of carbon nanotube chips spreads out in the future, the state will definitely come to the door.

As for the cooperation requested by the upper level, Spark Technology will definitely not refuse.

And once this has a relationship with the above, it is more likely to become a thorn in the eyes and a thorn in the flesh of Western countries.

Therefore, if Spark Technology is incorporated into the Ninth Laboratory, it may cause unnecessary trouble to the Ninth Laboratory.

So with regard to the future of Spark Technology, Xiao Feng intends to wait and see the changes, take one step at a time and let's talk about it.

"By the way, Dr. He also asked to come over, do you have any cooperation projects?"

Xiao Feng smiled and asked casually.

He Fangzhou had to fly to Daxing Island with him before, and he was mysterious all the way.

Xiao Feng felt that this guy must be holding a big move.

And now that he has reached the place, he thinks it should be time to unravel the mystery.

Sure enough, He Fangzhou smiled after listening, and then glanced at He Xiaojun next to him.

He Xiaojun coughed twice and cleared his throat.

"Then this project, let him introduce it!"

He Fangzhou is very interesting. He knows that although he is very famous now, in Xiao Feng's heart, He Xiaojun is still more important.

So he naturally wouldn't fight with He Xiaojun.

When Xiao Feng saw the posture of these two men, he knew that these two men must have made a big move!

"Well, in fact, our ninth laboratory is currently working with Teacher He's scientific research team to develop a new drug."

"This new drug is called NMN, and its scientific name is β-nicotinamide mononucleotide."

"Well, I will ask Mr. He to explain the detailed function of this substance to Mr. Xiao. After all, he is an expert in this area and understands better than I do."

He Xiaojun naturally knows the reason why people carry people in a sedan chair.

He Fangzhou sensibly gave up the opportunity to report to Xiao Feng, so he naturally knew how to reciprocate.

When he was in the limelight, he naturally knew how to make He Fangzhou show his face.

He Fangzhou was sitting right now, and He Xiaojun's secretary brought all kinds of tea and drinks to everyone.

He first took a sip of the coffee in front of him, calmed his breath, and then began to introduce Xiao Feng.

"In fact, this NMN was the main research object when I was studying abroad in the United States."

"This substance is actually a very important Coenzyme I in the human body."

"This Coenzyme I has several major effects."

"The first is to catalyze the production of 95% of the energy needed for human life activities."

"The mitochondria in human cells are the cell’s power plant. Coenzyme I is an important coenzyme in the mitochondria for aerobic oxidation and metabolism of the tricarboxylic acid cycle to generate energy molecule ATP. It acts as a hydrogen ion receptor and transfers hydrogen ions to oxygen. The three types of nutrients obtained, sugar, fat and protein, are transformed into energy and other metabolic activities required by the human body through the tricarboxylic acid cycle."

"The second is to repair DNA. This coenzyme I is consumed as a raw material during metabolism to generate the gene repair enzyme PARP1. At the same time, PARP1, which is bound by the protein DBC1 and lost its activity, can be isolated to restore its activity, and PARP1 can be damaged. The gene is recoded according to the normal gene sequence to repair the gene."

"The third is anti-aging. Coenzyme I can maintain the chemical communication between the nucleus and mitochondria. If this communication is weakened, it will lead to the decline of mitochondria. The decline of mitochondria is an important cause of cell aging."

"In addition, Coenzyme I is consumed as the only substrate to produce histone deacetylase Sirtuins. Sirtuins are called longevity proteins, which can eliminate the increasing epigenetic noise during cell metabolism and maintain the normal expression of genes. Maintain the full-time functions of cells and slow down the process of cells evolving into senescent cells."

"The fourth is to maintain the regenerative capacity of capillaries. Muscle cells release growth factors during exercise, and capillary epidermal cells receive growth factors to accelerate their growth. This process depends on the longevity protein Sirtuin1 produced by coenzyme I. The older people, the coenzyme The less I, the worse the effect of exercise to stimulate muscle growth."

"Fifth, it can also accelerate alcohol metabolism. Alcohol metabolism is divided into two steps. First, it is converted into toxic acetaldehyde, and then further decomposed into harmless acetic acid. Each of these steps must rely on the catalysis of coenzyme I. So a lot of Coenzyme I can help the human body accelerate alcohol metabolism and maintain health."

In just a few words, He Fangzhou explained the role of Coenzyme I, which is NMN, clearly.

Even if Xiao Feng was just a novice in this respect, but this time he understood.

This so-called coenzyme I is an indispensable enzyme in the human body.

When humans enter middle age, the pituitary gland does not secrete a large amount of growth hormone as it did when it was young.

The quantity of this coenzyme will drop a lot, especially compared with young people, it is only a few tenths of that of young people.

From then on, an adult's metabolism rate began to slow down, and the person began to gradually age.

And hearing this, Xiao Feng basically understood it, no wonder He Fangzhou and He Xiaojun are so mysterious, and they said that this is a new super elixir!

And it's not the same as the rejuvenating capsules they launched before. This anti-aging medicine can not only delay aging, but also has the effect of rejuvenating.

Speaking of their rejuvenating capsules, in fact, they mainly supplement the human body with a large amount of collagen, so that the body's skin is not easy to relax.

And most importantly, it can ensure the health of blood vessels in the human body.

Anyone who knows medicine knows that blood vessel health can guarantee a person's true health and longevity.

Some scientists even said that a person's life span is determined by the life span of his blood vessels.

The large amount of small-molecule collagen contained in Huichun Capsules is precisely an important part of human blood vessels.

And many key connective tissues in the human body are also composed of these collagens.

So long-term use of Rejuvenating Capsules can indeed play a significant role in delaying aging.

But if it is to rejuvenate, or repair hidden dangers of the body, this rejuvenation capsule is beyond its power.

But now listening to He Fangzhou introduce this, what NMN, this magical coenzyme, it seems to have this kind of characteristic.

You know, what Xiao Feng is most concerned about now is what He Fangzhou said, this coenzyme actually has the effect of repairing DNA.

This Nima is really amazing!

In fact, our human DNA data chain is damaged, and this often happens.

For example, I received strong ultraviolet radiation, or went to the hospital to take a chest X-ray or CT film, or even accidentally came into contact with some chemical harmful substances with strong side effects.

It may cause damage to some gene chains in our body.

And at the beginning of this damage, you may not see much~www.ltnovel.com~, but it will be retired over time, because the cells in your body need to be constantly renewed in the metabolism.

And new cells are copied according to the bad DNA data chain, and as we age, our metabolism will slow down.

This kind of cells copied from the bad data chain will accumulate in our body because of the slowing down of metabolism and the delayed update.

Over time, the more they accumulate, these bad cells will turn into a disease, such as a tumor...

In He Fangzhou’s mouth, this magical Coenzyme I can actually repair DNA, which Nimak is too awesome.

This does not mean that long-term use of this coenzyme can prevent tumors?

Moreover, this coenzyme can also accelerate the production of substances for human metabolism. To put it bluntly, it speeds up the metabolism.

Doesn't this mean that middle-aged people can be rejuvenated and have young people's bodies?

This is no longer limited to the scope of delaying aging. Isn't this Nima just rejuvenating?

"Previously, this kind of Coenzyme I could only be obtained by humans through synthesis in the body. The method of supplementing from the outside is basically not very desirable."

"Because it is really difficult to obtain this substance from the outside world. For example, broccoli, which contains the highest substance in vegetables, contains less than one milligram per 100 grams. Fruits with the highest NMN content are avocados. But the NMN content of 200 kg of avocado is only 100 mg."

"And now an adult needs hundreds of milligrams of basic NMN for metabolism every day."

"So in the past, people wanted to get more NMN supplements from the outside world. This was a very difficult thing..."

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