My Strength Does Not Allow Me to Low-key

Chapter 1346: Elixir of life

He Fangzhou was still introducing him, and Xiao Feng had already begun to wander away.

Nima, if the coenzyme mentioned by He Fangzhou is really so amazing, if this project is completed, it will definitely cause a huge sensation.

And their Ninth Laboratory's position in the arena will be more stable.

If the effect of this miraculous coenzyme can really be confirmed, then this coenzyme can be the same as the health products made of their small molecule collagen.

It is also a magical medicine that can be used as a health care product or as a medicine!

"This time, our scientific research team, and the ninth laboratory's cooperation project, is to develop a NMN supplement that can be taken orally."

"Previously, how to refine and extract, and how to let the body quickly digest and absorb, really gave us a big problem."

"To tell you, Mr. Xiao, when I was studying for a PhD in the U.S., our supervisor, Professor David Sinclair, has been working on extracting important things and how to make the body quickly digest and absorb this work."

"The scientific research team he leads has been working on this project for almost 20 years."

"During this period, their project has always received investment from rich people from all walks of life."

"For example, Peter, the co-founder of PayPal, the richest man in Superman at Xiangjiang, and Warren Buffett, have all invested heavily in this project."

"The biggest beneficiary behind their team is German Merck, who insists on investing heavily in them every year."

"About a year ago, Sinclair's research finally yielded results. He finally solved the problem of the body's absorption of this coenzyme and launched this NMN on the market."

"At that time, Merck had become the largest shareholder of this team, so they naturally obtained the right to operate this health care product, and their price for this NMN was $2,000 per gram."

"As for an adult, it varies from person to person, and the daily dose required is between 0.5-3 grams."

"In other words, a person would spend between US$1,000 and US$6,000 just to take this supplement every day."

After listening to He Fangzhou's introduction, Xiao Feng's scalp exploded.

Before, he thought that this thing had not been successfully developed and put on the market.

It turned out to have been developed and marketed last year!

Moreover, the price is so expensive, it's so special, it's not a price that ordinary people can afford!

Think about it, 6,000 US dollars a day, one month just to eat this thing, it will cost millions of renminbi.

No wonder he hasn't heard of this thing. Feelings are only a miraculous medicine that a few rich and powerful people can enjoy!

"Hey, don't think it is expensive. In fact, this thing has caused a violent sensation in the United States and even in the world since it went on the market last year."

"Because scientists predict that if people continue to take this health product for a long time, their life expectancy may reach about one hundred and fifty years old..."

"So, when people in Europe and the United States learned of this news, Quan Teh went crazy."

"Because the price of this drug is not affordable for ordinary people. To say that in the past, although the starting line was different, at least the finish line was still the same."

"Everyone who lives in their seventies or eighties is almost reimbursed."

"But it's a good thing now. The poor can't even survive a special life. The most important thing is that they can spend money to sell, but you can't afford it at all..."

"So when the drug was first launched, it caused huge ethical and moral controversy in the United States."

"However, many people speak up and yell in protest, but when they really have a chance to buy this drug, they will go crazy and **** it..."

"So don't look at the surprisingly expensive price of this medicine, but as soon as it went on the market, it was sold out by the wealthy."

"Now the stock god, the richest man in Xiangjiang, and Mr. Damen of Microsoft, are all loyal users of this magic drug..."

This time, it was He Xiaojun who introduced this medicine and talked about it, and after listening to He Xiaojun's introduction.

Xiao Feng sitting on the other side felt that his scalp was about to explode.

Nima, taking this medicine for a long time can actually live to be one hundred and fifty years old.

Although this statement has not been confirmed, it is slightly exaggerated.

But if other scientists dare to predict it so boldly, then at least it should explain that this medicine is absolutely true and effective.

Maybe the effect on everyone is different, but as long as you insist on taking it for a long time, it will definitely have an effect.

No wonder it will cause a sensation and a huge controversy in the United States.

People are not friendly to the senses of the rich, so let’s do it, they are not only richer than you.

It's so special that you live twice as long as you. Can you say that ordinary people can have a balance in their hearts?

It's no wonder that this medicine will be robbed as soon as it comes out, but unfortunately I didn't know it before, if I knew it, I would have robbed it.

"However, since this drug is already on the market, what are you doing together to develop it?"

After a while, Xiao Feng finally realized the point.

At this time, it was changed to He Fangzhou to do science popularization for Xiao Feng. He smiled slightly, sorted out his thoughts, and then explained to Xiao Feng.

"Mr. Xiao, although Professor Sinclair of Harvard, the research and development of this NMN is successful."

"However, NMN on the market still has many shortcomings. One of the most important shortcomings is the problem of absorption and utilization."

"It's like collagen that we are all familiar with before."

"We all know that pig trotter, pig skin is rich in collagen, but after we eat these foods, we don't immediately absorb the collagen in it."

"It will digest and decompose these foods, and then in our body, under the action of amino acids and minute auxiliary enzymes, VC, will we synthesize our body's collagen."

"And this problem was not really solved until the small molecule collagen in our ninth laboratory appeared."

"This kind of NMN is the same. Now Professor Sinclair is actually only focusing on extracting this item."

"The NMN he developed now can only be said to be a highly concentrated pill, but after it was eaten."

"We also have to face the process of dissolving stomach acid and then re-synthesizing it through metabolism in the human body."

"In this process, the absorption rate and resynthesis efficiency will be different because of the difference of each person's physical fitness."

"For example, the same person eats 3 grams of Coenzyme I a day, but someone has a higher absorption and resynthesis rate. He can synthesize 1.5 grams of Coenzyme I in his body a day. Another person may also synthesize 0.5 grams due to old age and physical decline Grams of Coenzyme I, and if the dose is increased, only so much can be synthesized."

"In this way, it is impossible to accurately reflect the effectiveness of the drug."

"The purpose of our scientific research team this time is to develop a new drug that can effectively improve the absorption and transformation efficiency of the NMN cup."

Listening to He Fangzhou's words, Xiao Feng basically understood it.

They did the 2.0 version, but if this is done, it will be as promising.

After all, the NMN now sells for $2,000 per gram. If they really fiddled with an upgraded version, would it be worth it?

At this moment, he was looking at He Xiaojun, and he couldn't hide his slightly proud expression.

Xiao Feng's heart moved: "Could it be that your research has yielded results?"

"Mr. Xiao, you are really blatant, you can't hide anything from you!"

He Xiaojun, who has become an old fritters in Shanghai, came with horses at his fingertips.

Xiao Feng didn't have time to care about these at this time. He smiled and looked at He Fangzhou, waiting for him to explain to himself.

"Hey, it's true that we have made some breakthroughs in this drug recently."

"We have developed a new drug based on Sinclair's NMN drug, and that is NMD+."

"This kind of NMD+ is very different from NMN in the molecular chain. In fact, because of the different extraction methods we use, the extraction efficiency is higher. The original single molecular bonds are tightly bound together because of compression."

"A rich molecular chain is formed, so that the coenzyme content of our NMD+ is denser ~ ~ the absorption rate is better."

"And we also added K-alpha factor to the medicine, so that we can prevent the coenzyme from being dissolved by gastric acid and can be directly absorbed by the body, which greatly improves the absorption and utilization of our products..."

"If the absorption rate of NMN sold by Merck on the market is only 30 to 40%, then the absorption rate of our NMD+ can be as high as 80 to 90%... …"

Damn, after hearing what He Fangzhou said, Xiao Feng was completely stunned.

This Nima is too awesome!

"Have you started clinical trials?"

"Well, not yet, but we have done experiments on mice."

"We selected some white mice whose lives are only about two months left due to disease or aging to carry out the experiment."

"And after feeding these mice with our NMD+, we can observe that the mice's hair becomes thicker after taking it for a week. Sleep, activity level and diet all show a more youthful level."

"More importantly, its lifespan has been extended by 30%-the mouse, which originally had only two months of life, lived 4-6 months longer."

He Fangzhou gave out their clinical trial data, but Xiao Feng was shocked when he heard it.

Nima, the guinea mouse that had two months left to live, actually lived 4-6 months longer. If this spreads out, what's the matter?

"So the purpose of your coming to me today is..."

"We hope Mr. Xiao will approve our clinical trial plan. This time we plan to carry out a dual-path clinical trial, one of which will be conducted in India. The other one, we plan to launch a clinical trial in China..."

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