My Strength Does Not Allow Me to Low-key

Chapter 1347: Have to guard against

"Huh? Why do you want to conduct clinical trials in China?"

Xiao Feng was also taken aback when he heard this, because before they had developed many drugs, they had conducted clinical trials in Indian.

On the one hand, because clinical trials are conducted there, it is easy to find people, and the cost is very low.

Because of the low cost, more people can be found, experiments can be carried out at the same time, and more data can be collected.

In this way, the cycle of drug development can be greatly shortened.

Almost all major pharmaceutical companies in Europe and the United States have established clinical research and development centers in India.

And not only in Indian, some have opened clinical trial centers in Africa.

At present, the ninth laboratory has no plans to open a clinical research center in Africa because of the distance.

But the clinical research center in Indiana is a piece they value very much.

This time, He Fangzhou and the others came up with an NMD+ drug, and they have already seen obvious effects on the mice.

However, human trials must be done. Xiao Feng originally thought that they would go to Indian to do experiments as usual.

Unexpectedly, this time they actually planned to launch clinical trials in China.

However, if clinical trials are carried out in China, the cost will be high.

The shortest period is six years, and the cost of recruiting volunteers to experiment during this period will also be very high.

The most important thing is that if one is not careful, it is easy to get into lawsuits, and there is a very high legal risk.

The explanation given by He Fangzhou surprised Xiao Feng very much.

"In fact, Mr. Xiao, we have already made clear the health effects of this drug."

"If you just put this medicine on the market as a health product, it would be very simple, and there would be no need for various clinical trials."

"We only need to prove that this supplement is non-toxic and has no side effects."

"But the reason why we want to start clinical trials is because we feel that this Coenzyme I has a lot of potential to be tapped."

"For example, his first effect is to accelerate the production of metabolic compounds. We think it can be used as a medicine alone, which can have obvious effects on many metabolic diseases, such as thyroid diseases."

"In addition, what we value most is that he has the special effect of repairing DNA. We want to strengthen his effect in this area, so we need to do more clinical trials. Once this experiment is successful. Then many diseases that have plagued us before Will not attack and heal itself."

"Such as leukemia, tumors, and so on, these diseases are all related to gene mutations."

"We even have plans to see if taking this Coenzyme I early can effectively prevent the above diseases?"

After hearing what He Fangzhou said, Xiao Feng understood why they planned to carry out research in this area in China.

Although it will be time-consuming to launch such a clinical trial in China, and the cost will be very high.

But the most important thing is to ensure data security.

Although the cost of Indian clinical trials is low, it takes into account that things will happen every other way.

Therefore, it is better to put such an important experiment in the country.

Especially now their ninth laboratory can be said to be very famous.

And it has attracted considerable attention from the Indian side.

In fact, other overseas giants set up laboratories in Indian, Xiao Feng said that he was not too afraid.

Instead, he was afraid of those native Indians.

You know, Indian has another nickname, that is World Pharmacy!

What is said is that their generic drugs are very high.

Many very expensive and difficult drugs can be imitated soon after they are on the market.

This has caused headaches for many large pharmaceutical companies in the world.

Even for this matter, he has repeatedly fought lawsuits with them. ,

But the end result is that the world-class giants did not get any benefits in Indian.

Indian generic drug companies still provide cheap and inexpensive practical drugs to the people of all countries in the world.

As early as after the ninth laboratory became famous, the Indian generic drug companies once wanted to imitate their drugs.

In other words, not only Indian pharmaceutical companies, but pharmaceutical companies all over the world once wanted to imitate their drugs.

But the problem is that the key raw materials in several of their drugs are not derived from the world.

It's what Xiao Feng brought back from another world, such as small molecule collagen, K-alpha factor, or snake-man's venom, and so on.

These drugs are not products on this planet, so even if this group of pharmaceutical companies are more powerful, they have to face the problem that a clever woman can't cook without rice.

And those world-class giants still have some face.

Even if they wanted to imitate the ninth laboratory's drugs, they were all doing it in secret.

Few dare to blatantly imitate.

But Indian pharmaceutical companies are different. Because of the protection of their own laws, they can blatantly and unscrupulously imitate.

Sometimes, because they don't understand the principle, they even dare to send people to another pharmaceutical company to set up a clinical research laboratory in Indian to steal other people's research and development data.

You really don't think that you are joking at this time, this is what happened in the real deal.

And those pharmaceutical companies can only do nothing about this situation.

Who told them to set up the clinical laboratory on other people's turf?

Even though the data will be stolen every three to five, but they still insist on this piece of land.

Why? The reason is simple, because the cost here is too low.

For example, if you bring a living person to experiment, if it is in their European and American home countries.

Not only have to be responsible for the various expenses of other people, but the salary has to be set high, and normal people will agree.

And even if it is a patient with a disease, even though it is a recruited volunteer, you have to give various hidden benefits before others will agree.

In Indian, hehe, five dollars can pull a big living person, and a healthy person will come to participate in your experiment.

As for those who are already ill, they simply don't need money.

So you said those pharmaceutical companies, will they leave because of that little data?

Of course, they will eventually sign an agreement with Indians. Even if Indians produce generic drugs, they will not be allowed to sell these drugs in the local market.

It is also not allowed to grab the international market, and only allowed to sell in the Indian local area, and before the patent protection expires, it is not allowed to sell overseas.

Of course, some people can also take the way of purchasing human flesh to buy medicine in Indian.

But these are petty gains, and they won't hurt the roots of those big pharmaceutical companies at all.

The ninth laboratory set up in the Indian clinical laboratory had been burgled several times before.

It seems that the little thief went inside to steal things, but in fact they were all rushing to their experimental clinical data.

Fortunately, Xiao Feng and the others had made preparations for such a thing a long time ago.

Every day the data is uploaded to the company's server in real time, and part of it is destroyed. Even if the part is left, it is deliberately left with wrong data to mislead the copyist.

So up to now, the Indians have not been able to get the slightest bargain from them.

But this is definitely not a long-term solution, after all, those guys are notoriously fond of playing tricks.

It can be seen from the fact that they have rushed out one after another in the last period of time.

Undercurrents are also surging in their country, and political struggles are very fierce.

Although he doesn't have the strength of the world boss, he has learned the problems of the boss, and still likes to do something to divert the attention of the people in China.

So it's not very peaceful recently.

Moreover, Xiao Feng also felt compelled to guard against this group of Indians who often betrayed their promises.

He Fangzhou and the others didn't plan to put the most important experiment over there, it was quite normal.

Otherwise, if someday results are about to come out, they will give you a stick, that would be bad.

Xiao Feng also understood that He Fangzhou and the others intend to use this NMD+ as the base material to develop new drugs for various conditions.

For example, by emphasizing the first feature and accelerating metabolism, we can develop drugs for chronic metabolic diseases based on this.

Or emphasize the characteristics of DNA repair Based on this, we can develop drugs that can target leukemia, tumors and other diseases caused by gene mutations.

Their idea is very good, but such an important experiment really can't be put in Indians.

It is really appropriate to put it in the country.

However, this kind of clinical trials has a long domestic cycle and large investment. It is estimated that several billions will be invested in a few years.

With such a large investment, they naturally have to say hello to themselves first.

"Well, just do it in accordance with your intentions. Now the number of children with leukemia in China is soaring. I also hope that you can develop drugs against leukemia as soon as possible."

Xiao Feng nodded in agreement, He Xiaojun and He Fangzhou nodded vigorously.

"Thank you Mr. Xiao for your support."

"Well, by the way, if this drug is marketed as a health product, how do you plan to promote it?"

Although the ninth laboratory is now famous all over the world, and it still holds Voegelin as a global sales channel.

But if you want to launch such a new product, you can't succeed simply.

After all, there are already NMN jade in front, and although this NMD+ is more effective, the price is definitely not cheap.

So Xiao Feng really wants to know how He Xiaojun and the others plan to make this NMD+ name.

"Hey, it's not easy. Our plan is to ask Mr. He to post articles in magazines like Nature or The Lancet!"

"In the name of Mr. He, submitting articles in these two magazines is a matter of being accepted every minute."

"As long as these two articles are sent out, they can arouse heated discussion in the academic world. Hey, once the product is launched, you will not be afraid that no one will buy it..."

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