He Xiaojun smiled like a fox.

Xiao Feng couldn't help sighing that people's changes were really fast. Think about it a few years ago, this guy was a guy who drank and brag about injustice with himself.

But now a few years have passed, this guy is already an out-and-out business veteran churros, and he is still a slippery hand.

This guy is really cunning!

It is true that this method of scientific research and propaganda, although it seems to be very outdated, is indeed the most upright way of arrogance.

It seems that He Fangzhou was just asking He Fangzhou to publish two papers, but in fact, there is a real business experience in his bones.

You should know that Nature and The Lancet magazine have a very large influence in the academic world.

Every year, I don’t know how many researchers dream of publishing articles in these two journals.

If it is an ordinary scientific researcher, it is really possible that the hair will be bald before being selected by other editors to publish an article on it.

But for He Fangzhou, with his current status, wanting to publish articles in these two magazines is definitely a piece of cake.

And if the article signed with his name is posted, it must be reviewed by the editors of the two magazines.

The most important thing is the content of this article, but about the hottest n at the moment.

The popularity of this thing is high now. If it weren't for the recent pandemic, it is estimated that ordinary people in Europe and the United States would have gone to the streets to make trouble.

Why are such good things only enjoyed by the rich? Are we poor people?

And now He Fangzhou’s scientific research results are nd+.

This is great, and aside from other things, as long as he publishes the clinical data after taking the mice, it can already cause a sensation.

Scholars will surely rush to extol it by then!

Once you have this bunch of flatterers in academia, help flatter them.

At that time, this product will be launched as a health care product. Needless to say, the effect will definitely be popular before it is launched.

Merck's nd+ is priced at $4,000 per gram, which is not expensive, right?

And you really don't think it is too expensive. If you can't afford it, it doesn't mean that the rich can't afford it.

For Buffett, the tycoons at the gate level, and the local tyrants in the Middle East, what can one gram of 4000 dollars count?

Compared with staying young or even rejuvenating, spending tens of millions of dollars is nothing.

Even hundreds of millions of dollars, as long as they really have an effect, they all think it is worth it.

So even though the drug hasn't been on the market yet, Xiao Feng has been able to think of the sensation it would cause on the day the drug actually went on the market.

And with that group of local tyrants scrambling to save money, He Fangzhou and the others will be able to carry on clinical trials for drugs in China.

In fact, there is also an advantage to conducting clinical trials in China, that is, there will be a lot of disease sources.

Although in recent decades, the living standards of the people in our country have improved significantly.

But what followed was all kinds of strange diseases.

Let's not talk about the three highs of wealth and wealth, just say that all kinds of leukemias and tumors that have not been heard before are also followed.

It is not ruled out that these diseases have not been detected because of the lack of technical level in the past, so there are few data available for research.

However, it cannot be ruled out that in recent decades, due to the increase in various types of pollution, the increase in the causes of outbreaks of various diseases is also a major cause.

Especially in recent years, childhood leukemia can be seen frequently on various TVs.

Even many doctors have said that this has a lot to do with the use of fake and inferior decoration materials for the decoration of new houses, and the exposure of children to toys made of poisonous waste plastics.

So Xiao Feng also hopes that He Fangzhou and the others can make a breakthrough in this field as soon as possible.

It can create drugs to treat more people.

Especially for leukemia, the current diagnosis and treatment methods are really too painful, and the effect is very ordinary.

If a drug can be developed, and only this drug can be used to treat this disease, that is definitely a merit.

Therefore, Xiao Feng does not hesitate to invest in this aspect, anyway, the money is made from rich people.

Using their money to do something good is to help them do good and accumulate virtue.

We chatted with He Fangzhou for a while, about drug research and development, and then the three of them went to the restaurant downstairs to have a meal.

Today, I had a bite of dinner in the morning. Xiao Feng didn't even bother to eat because he wanted to come to Daxing Island at noon.

In order not to grab time with the employees, He Xiaojun asked the chef in the cafeteria to set up a small stove for them.

I ate at four o'clock in the afternoon, and after eating, He Fangzhou went to the laboratory.

And Xiao Feng and He Xiaojun came upstairs.

"How is it? Are there so many problems in management recently?"

Xiao Feng sat down, took a sip of tea and asked He Xiaojun to arrive.

In fact, the main purpose of his visit this time was to discuss with He Xiaojun about the current corporate management issues.

The current ninth laboratory is getting bigger and bigger. The number of employees in the company has risen from a few hundred at the beginning to tens of thousands of people now.

Among the tens of thousands of people, there are thousands of people with a doctoral degree, and these doctors are all doctors from top prestigious universities at home and abroad.

There are nearly 3,000 people with a master's degree, and the remaining more than 5,000 people also have a bachelor's degree, and most of them are top students who graduated from prestigious universities.

It is not an easy task for such a high-knowledge group to manage them well.

On the one hand, talented people are easy to be proud of their talents, and on the other hand, when these people have achieved certain achievements, they are easy to lose themselves.

So even if Xiao Feng equipped the ninth laboratory with Xiao Ai's oa system, he would try his best to avoid these people from fishing when they go to work.

But he also didn't dare to push these people too tightly. After all, these employees are not like ordinary manual workers.

If you leave, you can find another one to come in. These people are all scientific research talents with their own skills. If you leave one at random, it will not be so easy to find another one of the same level in the future.

But how to master, make these employees motivated, and at the same time not push them too tightly, this balance is a headache for managers.

Fortunately, Xiao Feng's new AI oa system has helped He Xiaojun solve a big problem.

But now he has encountered another bottleneck, that is, how to stimulate the creativity of these employees.

You must know that their ninth laboratory is a technology company, and innovation is the most important vitality of their company.

But now they are much weaker than their international rivals in the field of innovation.

And this point is mainly related to our education system.

Xiao Feng does not deny that the current domestic education system is actually the most equitable education system in the world.

This system allows even children from ordinary families to have access to elite education.

But this education system also has his own problem, that is, it will stifle children's innovation ability.

And those children who promote happy education abroad, although many of them cannot become high-level talents when they grow up.

But those selected from these children are indeed better than us in terms of creativity, that is, divergent thinking.

This can be seen from the design aspects of any field.

For example, fashion design, industrial design, software design, etc., there are no Chinese people who are the pioneers in any field.

Even if there are, they are overseas Chinese...

When it comes to creativity, Xiao Feng admires the Americans most.

Because now the world's strongest in the field of innovation is the American.

Even if the industries of Germany and Japan are also very powerful, their overly rigorous nationality also makes them not as good as the Americans in the field of innovation.

You just talk about the fruit phone. Before the fruit quit the madness, who would have thought that the phone could be designed like this?

It can even be said that it is the emergence of madness that defines the difference between smart phones and ordinary 2g mobile phones.

A large screen that can be swiped and touched directly overturned Nokia, the mobile phone overlord of the year.

There is also Tesla, which is more and more like a company that loved crazy mobile phones in the automotive industry~www.ltnovel.com~ You said that before Tesla, there was a company that could think of cars. The shape can be designed like this?

Even if there are so few companies that have designed similar concept cars, no one dares to mass-produce such concept cars.

In addition, before they appeared, which car manufacturer dared to move the ad to the car and directly make it into the integrated control system of the car?

Apart from other things, Tesla just made its debut that year, even if the various technologies are not yet mature, it can only run more than 200 kilometers on a single charge.

But his sci-fi appearance and the big ad inside have attracted countless eyes.

Many people even think that this is what the future car should look like.

And now, after they have finally done a good job of cost control, they have gradually embarked on the path of Apple dominating the mobile phone industry.

When returning to the ninth laboratory, scientific research also needs to be designed.

To put it bluntly, you need to have a big brain. If you want to get such an experimental result, then you have to design a set of feasible experimental programs without reference to the premises and standards.

And this experimental plan is the time to test the brains of scientific researchers the most.

In the past, we did well in basic scientific research, because basic scientific research does not require brainstorming, just follow the route set by the predecessor to conduct step-by-step experiments and accumulate data.

But once we need to get a new substance, we need to innovate the experimental model, then we pull our hips.

And this time Xiao Feng came here because He Xiaojun and him had reported this issue before.

What kind of method should they use to liberate the innovative ability of these scientific researchers in their hands?

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