Speaking of innovation, this is a very important thing in scientific research.

Because it is very likely that a seemingly humble idea and a small change may create something that changes the world.

However, our engineers and researchers in China are the weakest link in this regard.

Years of cramming education, and growing up in a large cultural circle that pays attention to the golden mean, let us indeed have certain deficiencies in innovation.

And whenever these people go abroad, in an environment that encourages innovation, these people are often able to burst out amazing combat effectiveness.

For example, in the field of scientific research in the United States, you can check artificial intelligence and the leading figures in biopharmaceutical scientific research, and you will see a strange phenomenon.

Almost all the top scientists are Chinese.

And why these people can't make achievements in China?

This is worth reflecting on!

And now the Ninth Laboratory is also facing such a problem, that is, the company's scientific researchers have serious deficiencies in innovation.

The key point is that there is no leader.

For example, the Ninth Laboratory can now be said to rely on cosmetics, health products, and a few drugs to make money every day.

But an ambitious company can't sleep on such a few products forever without seeking other developments.

Because these things may make you live a comfortable life for a few days, but when your competitors have been studying imitation, and even decades later, they finally come up with competing products that are similar to yours. What should I do?

Therefore, as the helm of the company, you must always know how to plan ahead.

Always know how to invest in scientific research.

In this regard, He Xiaojun grasps very well, for the company's scientific research project team, he is always willing to give money.

But now the problem of Lab Nine is: if you have money, you can't spend it!

To put it bluntly, He Xiaojun wants to invest money for the company's future development, but he doesn't know where to invest!

Because there are not so many scientific research projects in the company! ! !

The ninth laboratory is now implementing a project evaluation system!

For the company Ninth Laboratory, Xiao Feng implements the management of herding sheep.

In terms of operation and investment, he implements the decentralized management of a large scale, all of which is left to He Xiaojun.

But in terms of approval, he handed it over to a review committee.

And in this committee, naturally all the clones he had planted.

In fact, when the company has developed to this point, he does not intend to use all the human cloning technology.

Because the technology mastered by cloning experts is far beyond the current era, especially in the fields of biology and life sciences.

For example, the matriline of these cloning experts is the Faliken from the Great Cantilever constellation.

They have entered the interstellar age long ago, and have conquered and annexed many planets along the way, forming their own unique interstellar civilization.

And in the process of their own development, they have also genetically modified themselves many times.

For example, in their DNA, they cut out a lot of gene fragments that can cause diseases, and then they also implanted many other biological gene fragments.

This gives them a lot of weird abilities, such as someone who can jump three meters high, and someone who can regenerate with a broken limb.

There are even people who have grown wings, become flying people, and so on.

So if the cloning experts are asked to bring out the biotechnology of their time, in the eyes of modern people, it is definitely a miracle that cannot be explained by science.

In this way, it might cause wars between religions and even races.

So now the earth and the science and technology mastered by those cloning experts are faulty.

And if the scientists were to reverse the original technology, it would be a waste of resources.

In addition, Xiao Feng is also interested in cultivating the independent innovation ability of Chinese scientists, so he did not allow cloning experts to produce too many scientific and technological innovations in the Ninth Laboratory.

But more encouragement, the company's own employees go to brainstorming.

But while doing so has advantages, there are also disadvantages.

One of the most important disadvantages is that it is easy to go astray.

For example, a scientist puts forward an idea and then conducts experiments to verify his idea.

But this experiment requires a lot of resources, and various human and material resources are invested in it, which may eventually cost several hundred million.

But what I got in the end was the result of a fight.

And this is exactly what all technological innovation companies fear most.

For example, Google, in the early years, also vigorously advocated that its employees should be used for innovation and boldly innovate.

The company will give strong support and support. If the project is really operable, the company's fund will also inject capital and focus on support.

But ten years later, can you see how many successful projects Google has incubated internally?

The autopilot, which was once touted as a big mess in the past, was once taken out as a key project and boasted in a separate package.

What is the result now? But the falling water that was beaten by Tesla is basically on the verge of withdrawing from the market.

On the contrary, they have acquired many projects from outside, and they have done very well.

This strange phenomenon has been plagued by Google. Why is it so?

Sharp is the one who suffers from the same illness.

At that time, the Japanese only stubbornly believed that the best thing was their plasma liquid crystal technology.

As for what LCD, LEDs are rubbish!

So they paid their money to research and bet on plasma liquid crystal technology.

As a result, reality taught them a lesson. Their plasma LCD TVs are indeed very good.

But in the end they also became their gravedigger.

Because of the huge investment in plasma liquid crystal, it can't be exchanged for a reasonable return in the market.

In the end, the company had to sell because of continuous losses.

This shows how much damage a wrong scientific research direction will bring to the company.

Big Macs like Google, because of their wealth, rely on the American market, and countless gold owners behind them.

So people can afford it.

And like Sharp, who was once the best in the market, he took a wrong step and ended up in a dismal end.

Therefore, although Xiao Feng encourages internal employees to innovate, he also strictly reviews and approves the ideas of employees.

From the establishment of the project, the meeting to the review, although the time is only two weeks.

The cloning experts in the review committee may not know much about some of the technologies of this era, but they are still very clear about the future direction of scientific development.

So as long as you read the project report, listen to those researchers' thoughts on the future of the project.

They can judge whether this project has potential for future development.

Then it is deciding whether the company will invest in this project, what is the intensity of the investment, how much return it can get, and so on.

Under this kind of approval process system, the problem facing the Ninth Laboratory is the serious lack of innovation ability of the company's employees.

Now in the company, there are big players like He Fangzhou, Yang Xin, Jiang Gaofeng, two No. 2 scientists, and several other masters recruited later.

Other ordinary employees can't come up with any bright ideas.

It's not that these people have no ideas. In fact, they have also put forward many ideas.

It's a pity that their ideas were shot down wherever they were submitted to the approval committee.

The success rate of project approval is still less than 5%.

This makes many researchers feel very discouraged, and even some ridicules that shouldn't be heard in the company.

The so-called innovation system proposed by the company is actually a carrot hanging in front of the donkey. You will always watch it, but you will not be able to eat it.

And now He Xiaojun is also very anxious.

Now the Ninth Laboratory can be said to be a real advancement.

The daily income is in billions, and it is still US dollars.

And the domestic is even more impressive, now they seem to have become a hegemon in the field of biopharmaceuticals in the country.

Since knowing the magical effect of Huichun capsules, many hospitals have also regarded this health care product as a prescription medicine and prescribed it to critically ill patients.

Many domestic consumers are also crazy about their products, and even take their health care products as a panacea.

Because of the enthusiasm of consumers, the Ninth Laboratory's daily gross profit from domestic sales alone can now exceed 100 million yuan.

Once you run into a major festival such as Double Eleven, National Day or Spring Festival, it is not uncommon for sales to double that day.

Now the Ninth Lab's annual domestic net profit can exceed more than 100 billion soft sister coins.

It should be noted that this is a net profit, so even Warwick, which is a mobile phone, is incomparable with them in this respect!

And if the money is not spent, it will simply be the tax paid to the country, but it will be lost.

Although the local government has given great tax incentives.

But even so ~www.ltnovel.com~ the tax paid is an astronomical figure.

So now He Xiaojun is thinking about how to spend this money as much as possible.

So as early as more than a year ago, he began to advocate tapping the potential of the company, establishing more projects internally and doing scientific research.

It's a pity that the company's review committee is too strict.

Too many projects were shot down before they were approved.

So He Xiaojun came to Xiao Feng this time, in fact, he mainly wanted to make complaints with Xiao Feng.

Naturally, Xiao Feng would not abandon his martial arts because of He Xiaojun's complaints.

The judging committee is an important piece he placed in the ninth laboratory. It is absolutely impossible for him to remove this department because of He Xiaojun's few complaints.

Precisely because of the existence of this department, even if the Ninth Laboratory has not formally been seen in the company for a day since the establishment of the ninth laboratory, he can still firmly control the company in his hands.

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